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Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Des 2021
. Analisis Strategi Pengelolaan Wakaf sebagai Bisnis Sosial Islam-Study Kasus Yayasan Wakaf Produktif Pengelola Aset Islami Indonesia
This research aims to analyze (i) how the productive waqf management strategy carried out by the Yayasan Wakaf Produktif Pengelola Aset Islami Indonesia and (ii) Priority of the benefits, opportunities, costs and risks (BOCR) of the Yayasan's development strategy in managing its productive waqf projects. The respondents in this research consisted of experts, academics and waqf practitioners. The type of this research is qualitative and the data analysis method used in this research is the two-story of Analytic Network Process (ANP) with super-decision software. In this research, the aspects of benefits, opportunities, costs and risks (BOCR) are divided into 2 aspects, first internal aspects; aspects which have point of view from the perspective inside the institution and the second external aspects, aspects seen from the point of view outside the Yayasan. Before the existing strategy of the Yayasan is analysed using the ANP- BOCR method, the researcher maps out the strategy into the business model canvas (BMC). The results of the research, the strategies that have been carried out by Yayasan are (1) Intensive good use of Nazir who is competent and knows knowledge about waqf, and (2) the feasibility study before choosing a business for waqf funds and (3). Productive Collection of waqf funds using a personal approach to potential waqifs. This study shows that the three strategies above which are carried out by the Yayasan - are things that most respondents preferred, showed a rater agreement (W) at the the level of agreement between respondents at the medium level, namely = 0.39 - which is in accordance with the study result of long-term strategy. The Yayasan has proven to generate maximized and sustainable profits which have been distributed to mawquf alayh in accordance with the initial objectives of its project.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2021
Impact of Corruption on Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in Malaysia.
This paper discusses the impact of corruption on foreign direct investment (FDI) in Malaysia. Corruption is an abuse of power to obtain personal benefits while foreign direct investment (FDI) refers to a growing investment relationship between nation, people and economic activities. In this regard, this study examines the relationship between corruption and FDI in Malaysia. Since this study need the latest information, this study uses quantitative secondary data. The data were obtained from 1995 to 2016. This study covers time series data, then the statistical test such as Unit Root Test, Vector Autoregression Estimates (VAR) Test, ARDL Method Test, Breusch-Godfrey Test, White Test Heteroskedasticity and the Ramsey Reset Test are used. The results of the study show that when foreign direct investment in a country increases, the level of corruption in the country will increases as well. The corruption can be reduced by certain actions and strict laws.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2021
Integrasi Wakaf pada Asuransi Syariah
Integration between commercial finance and social finance in an integrated Islamic finance is a necessity. This paper aims to analyze the application of waqf (Islamic social finance) on Islamic insurance (Islamic commercial finance). The analysis was carried out on DSN Fatwa No: l06 of 2016, DSN Fatwa Guidelines No. 04 of 2021, SEOJK No. 05 of 2019, Islamic microinsurance literature and other references as supporting literature. The study shows that the application of waqf in Islamic insurance is found in three elements, namely the Islamic insurance business model, the payment of Islamic micro insurance contributions, and the features of Islamic insurance products and Islamic insurance products. Waqf can be applied to both PAYDI and nonPAYDI products
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2021
The Impact of COVID-19 to Millennials' Consumption Behaviour and Halal Preference: Does Religiosity Matter?
COVID-19 and the threat of economic crisis may change consumption behaviour and halal preference. Millennials in the surrounding cities of the capital in Indonesia currently contributes up to 28 percent from the total population. This study aims to analyse the influence of COVID-19 pandemic to the consumer behaviour and halal preference of the Millennials group in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. Theory of Planned Behaviour is modified and implemented in preparing the frameworks of the dependent-independent variables. Using partial least square method, 316 Muslim Millennial respondents from Jakarta and the surrounding cities as areas which reported first cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia. The result shows that crisis magnitude, fear of missing out, and social media have significant influence on consumer behaviour. Religiosity is, however also found to moderate the effect of crisis magnitude to consumer behaviour. On the other side, halal preference is found to be influenced only by religiosity.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2021
'Riset Ekonomi Islam Indonesia" dalam bunga rampai 30 tahun ekonomi syariah indonesia
Riset Ekonomi Islam Indonesia 30 tahun terakhir memiliki tema beragam. Tulisan ini mengkategorikannya menjadi tiga sub tema: ekonomi pembangunan Islam, keuangan syariah, dan bisnis syariah. Google Scholar digunakan sebagai referensi untuk melakukan pencarian penelitian dengan tema tersebut, secara terpisah di dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia. Secara umum, tema pembangunan Islam didominasi oleh tema zakat dan wakaf. Bidang riset Keuangan Syariah masih mayoritas membahas mengenai industri perbankan syariah. Industri halal terutama pariwisata halal merupakan tema yang paling banyak dibahas dan disitasi pada sub tema bisnis syariah.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2021
This study is aimed at determining the effect implementation of viral marketing on consumer’s trust through Instagram and their impact on consumer’s trust and purchasing decision by consumers in buying halal food. This study uses quantitative approach and survey method. Population of this study was 1.653 students of IAI Tazkia Bogor with 175 students who have an account and have made purchasing through Instagram as samples. To analyze the data, path analysis is used with the help of SPSS 16.00 for windows program. The result of this study suggests that viral marketing has positive and significant impact on both internal and external consumer’s trust. Interestingly, viral marketing, internal and external consumer’s trust simultaneously also have a significat impact on purchasing decision.
Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Nov 2021
The Islamic economic system also contributes to the global economy, including in Indonesia. However, the extent to which the implementation of sharia maqasid in it still needs further research. This article tries to explore the extent of the implementation of maqasid sharia in monetary policy, especially in Indonesia. The methodology used is a literature study approach to 100 national and international journal articles, as well as books and other literature related to the implementation of the sharia maqasid. The main finding of this research is that Islamic maqasid is not only needed to formulate economic policies, both monetary, fiscal and financial policies, but also to create Islamic banking products and other real sectors.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Nov 2021
Sharia Audit and Shariah Compliance of Islamic Financial Institutions: A Bibliometric Analysis
This study aimed to map out previous studies on sharia auditing and its role in improving sharia compliance in Islamic financial institutions (IFIs). It also outlined the challenges faced by IFIs and solutions in implementing shariah audit. A total of 308 publications were obtained from the Google scholar database, Emerald Insight, Research Gate, Crossref, Microsoft Academic and Pubmed which were accessed using the Publish or Perish (PoP) software in the 2008-2021 period. This study finds that sharia audits have been implemented in several countries, dominated by Malaysia. Most shariah audit practices are part from internal audit function of IFIs. Sharia audit is identified as a mechanism to assure shariah compliance. The main challenges in implementing sharia audit include: a lack of framework and standard of shariah audit that led to dispute among IFIs practitioners, a lack of qualified shariah auditors who have an adequate shariah knowledge and well trained, shariah audit identifed creating an efficiency issue. The role of the shariah governance committee and the shariah supervisory board may be optimized to ensure the effectiveness of shariah audit. This study provides a comprehensive discussion of shariah audit, its role in improving shariah compliance, challenges, and solutions offered learned from various countries.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Nov 2021
The effect of Indigofera zollingeriana supplementation to performance of rabbit
Rabbit has potency to produce meat since it has high growth rate, litter size, and short calving interval. Rabbit can utilize low nutritional feed and wide various of forages as its feed. Recently, Indigofera Zollingeriana (IZ) has been widely used as a green protein source in livestock. The used of IZ in rabbit feed seemed to be able to reduce production cost. The study had objective to observe the effect of IZ supplementation in feed to rabbit performance. A number of 72 heads of 12 weeks old of New Zealand white rabbits were used in the study. Rabbits were distributed in three groups of IZ supplementation levels (R1: 0 %; R2: 20 %, and R3: 30%). The supplementation was applicated for five weeks. Data were analysed using one- way ANOVA. The results showed that IZ supplementation effected body weight gain (BWG), feed conversion ratio, and dry matter and energy digestibility (P<0.05). The R2 was the optimal IZ supplementation in the study. The average BWGs of rabbits were 833.38 ± 232 g, 688.50 ± 88 g, and 485.63 ± 130 g for R1, R2, and R3, respectively. In conclusion, the IZ supplementation up to 20 % could be applicated in rabbit feed to reduce cost
Tanggal Publikasi: 28 Okt 2021
Developing Halal Tourism Guidance in Indonesia Based on Maqāṣid al-SharῙ’a Approach
The increase of the tourism sector in the world, including Indonesia having various lands and cultures, will captivate tourists’ attention. On the other side, with the majority Muslim population, Indonesia should keep its culture and tradition within the Islamic framework. This paper aims to develop Halal tourism in Indonesia by employing the Maqāṣid al-Sharῑa approach in four sectors: hotel, restaurant, tour, travel, and SPA. These sectors are the point of development of Halal tourism in Indonesia based on the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy regulation. This study explored the theories related to the five universals of Maqāṣid Al-Sharῑa, including the preservation of din (religion), life, intellect, descendants, and wealth. The analysis results indicate that if the four sectors are used in the five universals of Maqāṣid Al-Sharῑa, the implementation of Shariah tourism is about the Shariah label and the substance of the Shariah objectives. This study guides the developing halal tourism in Indonesia based on Islamic teachings, that is al-Ḍarūriyyat al-Khams on Maqāṣid Al-Sharῑa.
Meningkatnya sektor pariwisata di dunia, sebagaimana di Indonesia yang kaya akan tradisi dan budaya, akan memberikan hiburan dan pemandangan yang menarik bagi para wisatawan. Di sisi lain, Indonesia yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam harus tetap menjaga budaya dan tradisinya dalam kerangka Islam. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pariwisata Halal di Indonesia dengan pendekatan Maqāṣid Al- Sharῑa pada empat sektor, seperti hotel, restoran, tour and travel, dan spa, sektor-sektor tersebut merupakan titik pengembangan pariwisata Halal di Indonesia berdasarkan Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini penjagaan Maqāṣid Al-Sharῑa, yaitu pelestarian din, pelestarian nyawa, pelestarian akal, pelestarian keturunan dan pelestarian kekayaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jika keempat sektor tersebut digunakan dalam lima penjagaan pada Maqasid al-Sharia, maka implementasi wisata syariah tidak hanya sekedar label syariah, tetapi juga substansi dari Maqāṣid Al-Sharῑa. Kontribusi penelitian ini memberikan pedoman untuk mengembangkan pariwisata halal di Indonesia berdasarkan ajaran Islam, yaitu berdasarkan al-Ḍarūriyyat al-Khams pada Maqāṣid Al-Sharīa.
Tanggal Publikasi: 6 Okt 2021
The Impact of Financing Contracts on the Profitability of Islamic Banks
This paper investigates the impact of financing contracts on Net Profit Margin (NPM) of the Islamic banks. Focussing on two financing contracts of Bai’ Bithaman Ajil (BBA) and Al-Ijarah Thumma Al-Bai’ (AITAB), the paper employs static panel data of Malaysian banks over 2008 to 2018. Controlling for bank and market-specific factors, the results indicated that AITAB exerted significant impact on the NPM. The paper further found that risk aversion, operating cost, liquidity and asset quality improves the NPM. In addition, the results show that the market structure influence the level of NPM. The Islamic banks may control these variables in setting for their preferred NPM level. Finally, the banks may need to carefully examine the types of financing contracts offered as they have different characteristics and may affect NPM
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Okt 2021
STUDY OF ISLAMIC MONETARY POLICY LITERATURE: (Effectiveness of Real Sector Performance Strengthening)
The purpose of this article is to analyze how effective the Islamic monetary policy system is in maintaining or improving the performance of the real sector. And how Islamic monetary economic policy is able to maintain stability between the real sector and the monetary sector compared to the implementation of conventional monetary economic policy. The research design uses library research design (library study design). namely a research by studying, researching and reviewing relevant library materials. The data collection method used in this study is documentation, namely the method of data collection by reviewing various books (literature) that are relevant to the subject matter to be studied. With data analysis techniques using content analysis techniques, (Content Analysis) is research that is in-depth discussion of the contents of a written or printed information in the mass media. Which in the analysis it was found that Islamic monetary policy is effective in improving the performance of the real sector.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Okt 2021
Addressing the agricultural financing gap in Malaysia via Manihah Agricultural Financing Model: will Islamic banks go the extra mile?
This paper introduces the concept of manihah and develops a conceptual framework to address Malaysia's abandoned lands and food security issues.
This is a conceptual paper based on insights from the existing literature and secondary data on food security, abandoned lands and manihah. Based on the prevailing gaps, the study proposes a conceptual framework of the Manihah Agricultural Financing Model to address Malaysia's abandoned land and food security issues.
The proposed model can address abandoned lands and food security issues due to the new incorporation of manihah within Malaysia's agricultural and Islamic financial industries' milieu.
Research limitations/implications
This is a conceptual paper mainly intended to spark a discussion on the potentiality of manihah.
Practical implications
The paper contends that Islamic banks have a crucial role in furthering the socio-economic development agenda under the value-based intermediation (VBI). The paper will also be an excellent introduction to Islamic bank practitioners in understanding manihah's relevance to their daily operation.
This paper introduces manihah as the potential solution to food security issues by utilizing abandoned lands.
Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Sep 2021
Global Covid-19: What Islamic Economic and Finance Can Do? Indonesia Experience
Pandemic of COVID-19 has shocked and spread all over the world, including Indonesia. This research was conducted with the aim to lay out the role of Islamic economic and finance policies, as well as to propose a number of solutions which could be offered to solve various problems in time of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. By using descriptive qualitative approach, this research attempts to analyse various concepts that found in the research process trough content analysis techniques and library research. The results show that within the framework of Islamic economic and finance, some strategies that we can employ to dispose the social impact of COVID-19 such as: (1) distribution of direct cash assistance from zakat and infaq, collected by zakat and other social institutions; (2) strengthening infaq programs for various needs; (3) strengthening waqf programs, including cash waqf for social waqf projects, productive waqf, combination of social-productive waqf, or cash waqf linked sukuk; (4) superior venture capital assistance for the business sectors or Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs); (5) the qardh al-hasan scheme; (6) strengthening MSMEs businesses; (7) improvement of Islamic economic and finance literacy; and (8) the development of Islamic financial technology. If the above programs using Islamic economic and finance instruments could really be encouraged, the economic surplus would be re-established and the acceleration of economic recovery could be realized, while at the same time reducing poverty and supporting the achievement of equitable distribution of income and wealth.
Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Sep 2021
Students basically have good knowledge and skills if they are able to organize themselves. Most of the second semester MPI students of IAI Ngawi are already working and living in Islamic boarding schools which have a lot of religious activities in them. So that students’ academic self-regulation is not good because they have not been able to manage their time optimally. This shows the lack of student self-regulated learning. To overcome this, group guidance or group guidance using the Time Management approach is one form of effort used to assist students in improving their academic self-regulation. From the results of this study, it is known that group guidance with a time management approach is able to improve self-regulated learning for second semester MPI students. The implementation of group counseling with a time management approach begins with prioritizing important tasks, developing plans, continuously monitoring deviations, and finally reducing pressure on the schedule. Meanwhile, academic self-regulation begins with recognizing and discovering one’s potential, ending with building a group to grow together. group counseling with a time management approach, students succeeded in improving their academic selfregulation as evidenced by data from interviews and documentation of increasing student discipline in collecting assignments.
Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Sep 2021
Bibliometric Review on Gold Currency and The Islamic Perspective
The use of gold is the beginning of the development of the monetary system in the world. The development of gold currency which has long been practiced, has undergone several evolutions from time to time. As a consequence, this evolution has implications for the development of research using gold currency. Therefore, this study aims to provide quantitative information on the development of gold currency literature. There are 917 papers in journals, books, book chapters, conference papers, and review papers indexed and indexed by the Scopus database from 1899-2021. We employed VOSViewer and Excel software to synthesize and analyze the data. This research is limited to the Scopus database related to gold currency. In addition, we find macroeconomic trend that often arise, which are related to the use of gold as a hedge and safe haven. Therefore, the author provides an overview of several studies that discuss the advantages of gold currency as the findings in this paper. In the context of gold currency, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the bibliometric approach has not been applied previously in literature before. This study also provides an Islamic perspective on gold currency.
Tanggal Publikasi: 9 Sep 2021
Law Of Online Buying And Selling Transactions On The Application BUKALAPAK Perspective Al-Baqarah: 275
Online buying and selling is widely done by the public in some e-commerce applications, because of its ease in transacting. In classical studies, especially the 4 largest schools in the world say that buying and selling must meet the pillars of buying and selling, but what happens in online buying and selling many unfulfilled pillars, for example sellers and buyers do not meet in person at one time and place, objects of goods that cannot be seen and selected directly, and unspoken accounts, So many people are questioning this issue. This type of research is qualitative, with the collection of library research data through literature related and relevant to the title of this study. The results of this study showed that in formulating the law of buying and selling in Q.S Al-Baqarah: 275 mufassir such as Ibn Kathir, Al-Qurtubi, Al-Wasith, AlJashshash have a classical view that the fulfillment of the pillars of buying and selling is done traditionally (not online buying and selling) and they agree that buying and selling must be fulfilled in harmony. As for the opinion of buying and selling online in bukalapak is not unfulfilled, but does not appear physically. In its fatwa MUI allows online buying and selling, which is seen as the substance of the sale and purchase, as long as the two parties who transact are happy with each other, not unjust, and the goods sold do not contain gharar and are not prohibited goods in Islam.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Sep 2021
MENDETEKSI EFEK PROSIKLIKAL (Studi Global Pada Perbankan Islam)M
Pada saat seluruh bank di dunia terimbas krisis keuangan, banyak penelitian yang membuktikan bahwa bank Islam relatif tidak terkena dampak krisis. Kondisi demikian juga berlaku ketika pandemi Covid-19 melanda dunia saat ini, di mana perbankan syariah di Indonesia justru menunjukkan kinerja yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan bank konvensional. Salah satu yang diduga menjadi penyebabnya adalah adanya pengelolaan provisi kerugian pembiayaan di bank Islam yang dinamis dan lebih hati-hati.
Buku ini membahas hasil penelitian lintas negara mengenai efek prosiklikal dan perilaku perataan laba sebagai akibat dari pengelolaan provisi kerugian pembiayaan pada bank Islam. Bank dikatakan prosiklikal apabila provisi kerugian pembiayaan yang dibentuk bank cenderung bergerak mengikuti siklus perekonomian. Di mana modal dan provisi cenderung relatif rendah pada saat ekonomi stabil dan cenderung tinggi pada saat kondisi ekonomi yang buruk. Pembahasan dalam buku ini dilakukan berdasarkan pengujian empiris dengan melakukan pemisahan provisi kerugian pembiayaan untuk tujuan diskresioner dan non-diskresio
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Sep 2021
Identifikasi Karakteristik Briket Arang Kelapa yang Diminati Pasar Arab Saudi dan Prosedur Ekspornya
This study aims at Identifying the coconut shell charcoal briquette product specifications needed by the Saudi Arabian retail market are in accordance with the characteristics of the briquette products offered in Indonesia, identifying the potential demand for coconut shell charcoal briquettes in the retail market in Saudi Arabia. Also, analyzing the export procedure of Indonesian - Saudi Arabia coconut shell charcoal briquettes. The research method applied in this research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. According to Darmadi (2013), the research method is a scientific way to obtain data for specific uses. The scientific way means that research activities are based on scientific characteristics, namely rational, empirical, and systematic. The author observes the characteristics of briquettes in Saudi Arabia by identifying and interviewing retail and wholesale briquette sellers. The author found several core criteria that standardize briquette products favored by consumers in Saudi Arabia. The author conducts research on the character of briquette products in the Saudi Arabian market and provides advice to Indonesian briquette entrepreneurs to adjust their briquette product standards in order to enter the Saudi Arabian market, and suggests further research should focus on broader research areas in the Middle East.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Sep 2021
MENDETEKSI EFEK PROSIKLIKAL (Studi Global Pada Perbankan Islam)M
Pada saat seluruh bank di dunia terimbas krisis keuangan, banyak penelitian yang membuktikan bahwa bank Islam relatif tidak terkena dampak krisis. Kondisi demikian juga berlaku ketika pandemi Covid-19 melanda dunia saat ini, di mana perbankan syariah di Indonesia justru menunjukkan kinerja yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan bank konvensional. Salah satu yang diduga menjadi penyebabnya adalah adanya pengelolaan provisi kerugian pembiayaan di bank Islam yang dinamis dan lebih hati-hati.
Buku ini membahas hasil penelitian lintas negara mengenai efek prosiklikal dan perilaku perataan laba sebagai akibat dari pengelolaan provisi kerugian pembiayaan pada bank Islam. Bank dikatakan prosiklikal apabila provisi kerugian pembiayaan yang dibentuk bank cenderung bergerak mengikuti siklus perekonomian. Di mana modal dan provisi cenderung relatif rendah pada saat ekonomi stabil dan cenderung tinggi pada saat kondisi ekonomi yang buruk. Pembahasan dalam buku ini dilakukan berdasarkan pengujian empiris dengan melakukan pemisahan provisi kerugian pembiayaan untuk tujuan diskresioner dan non-diskresio