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Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2020

Pengaruh Dukungan Manajemen Puncak Terhadap Kualitas Sistem Informasi Akuntansi

The purpose of this study is to test the support of top management that can enhance the quality of Accounting Information Systems (SIA) in Islamic insurance companies in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative methods with a positive paradigm. The data used are primary data with the help of questionnaires as research instruments. Data obtained from returning questionnaires filled out by respondents who are leaders, division heads, department heads or heads of accounting departments. The research population is a sharia insurance company consisting of 59 companies registered as members of the Indonesian Sharia Insurance Association (AASI) as of April 2019. From the population obtained 34 respondents who filled out the questionnaire. Data analysis was performed with descriptive static and PLS-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) using SmartPLS software. The results showed that top management's support had a significant effect on the quality of accounting information systems and support of top management has not been maximized


Tanggal Publikasi: 18 Des 2019

The Inflation And Poverty In Indonesia: Consequence Of Usury?

This research was conducted to analyze the influence and correlation of interest rates as one form of the implementation of usury practices on inflation and poverty in Indonesia. This study uses secondary data from the publication of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and Bank Indonesia for the period 2005-2018. This study uses Simple Linear Regression Analysis Techniques and Pearson Correlation Techniques. The results showed that interest rates as one form of the implementation of usury practices had an effect and had a positive and significant correlation to inflation in Indonesia. The practice of ribawi actually will bring a negative impact on the economy of the people in Indonesia in the form of an increase in the level of inflation in society. Measures of monetary policy intervention in maintaining price stability and inflation in society have not shown a positive impact. Also, the results of the study showed that interest rate policy also had a positive influence and correlation on the increase in the poverty depth index. That is, when interest rates are set to rise, the poverty depth index in the community also tends to go up or get worse. The findings of this study reinforce the legitimacy of the word of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in the Qur'an and the Hadith related to the prohibition of usury practices that can lead to injustice, wrongdoing, and economic destruction of the people.


Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Des 2019

Tawhid and Shariah Economics: Positioning Tauhid as Philosophical Foundation of Shariah Economics

Purposes: In the social sciences, economics is one of the most influential and prestigious disciplines. Mainstream economics typically view economic agent as amoral, entirely self-interested, unrealistic and has damaging effects. In the last few decades, while remaining a powerful discipline, economics has narrowed in scope. Consequently, to reinvigorate economics, especially in times of crisis or major institutional change, mainstream economics has almost lost a key reserve of alternative thinking. This study intends to investigate the contemporary mainstream economic system, does Islamic Economics taking advantage of the shortfall of the system outlined above based on Tawhidical approach?

Design/Methodology/Approach: This paper using the descriptive qualitative method

Findings: Modern economics is normative bias; does not explain actual economies but describes a "utopia" in which Pareto optimality applies. The excessive unrealistic assumption is the impact of the inconsistency of modern economic theory. The important aspects of human behavior ignored by this assumption as the theory of economic man. In addition, the general equilibrium theory of neoclassical is not compatible with an economy that develops over time. It relies too much on complex mathematical models without sufficient attention to whether this really illustrates the real economy and ignores the complexity of nature and human creativity. At the contrary, Islam cause to be present the Tawhidic based economics approaches can be focused towards seeing wholes of economics, rather than parts; seeing economics activities as worship, rather than competition; cultivating the solidarity (charity), rather than individualism and creating the justice, rather than injustice. Thus this paper designed to provide the concept of Islamic economic system with Tawhid as the basis, to fit the philosophy of economic science and reality of human life. The paper shows the position of Tawhid in the system and theory of economy.  It becomes a must to do to create prosperity and benefit for all mankind, with the aim to realign and comparing to the mainstream economic system and their theory.

Originality/Value: This paper proposes the position of Tawhidic based economics approach in setting the economic system. The position of this foundation offers basic guidelines for the justice and fairly system, which is benefited to all human beings regardless of religions, races, and castes, and furthermore to the sustainable economic development and welfare for the ummah.


Tanggal Publikasi: 4 Des 2019

The Role of Al-Khairat Scheme as Part of a Micro Takaful Program for Funeral Funding Purposes; Malaysia Case

The fund collected may be through monthly or yearly contributions. The fund is kept in an account and only will be used in the event of died of the members of the community; to cover expenses such as grave digging, transportation back to their village, etc. This scheme is known as the al-khairat scheme. The implementation of the scheme is to serve as an ongoing effort to ensure that the group member is psychologically safe and their welfare is taken care of. At the same time, the focus of cooperative such as the yayasan masjid is to provide assistance to ensure that the family could continue their lives based on the continuing resources from their business activities


Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Des 2019

Pemilihan Alternatif Investasi Dana Haji dalam Mendorong Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Pendekatan Analytic Network Process (ANP)

This study aims to analyze the criteria for investing in Hajj funds and alternative investments that provide benefits to Muslims so that they have an impact on economic growth. By using the Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach, alternative investments offered are Infrastructure, Property, Financial Sector, and Real Sector. Data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of pairwise comparisons between groups and their assessment indicators. A total of 7 (seven) expert speakers (experts) who became respondents successfully collected and processed using the ANP method. The results showed that investment in infrastructure and the real sector provides benefits to Muslims economically, so as to improve the welfare of Muslims which in turn can encourage economic growth


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2019


The study aims to determine the implementation of the Zakat Village Index as a village development framework based on Maslahah consist of economic, education, health, social humanity and dakwah dimensions. The method combines quantitative and qualitative methods using the Zakat Village Index approach. Furthermore, establishing the priority issues and solutions of village development use the Fishbone diagram approach and 5W1H interview with experts. The study reveals that the Zakat Village Index value of 0.49 to be fairly good and considered to get development assistance with the first development priorities are the health dimension, the economic dimension, and the education dimension. While the second priorities are social humanity dimension and da'wah dimension. The development program through empowerment da'iis the recommendation for solution of this study


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2019


Kajian ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk memetakan strategi nasional peningkatan literasi ekonomi dan keuangan Syariah di tataran individu dan keluarga. Kajian ini melengkapi hasil kajian dan alat bantu sosialisasi yang telah dilakukan oleh Bank Indonesia, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, Kementerian Agama RI terutama dalam bidang ekonomi dan keuangan Syariah. Adapun metode yang dipakai adalah studi pustaka dengan referensi nasional dan internasional, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), survei (online dan pertemuan) menggunakan purposive sampling, dan wawancara. Metode dan konten survei sudah divalidasi oleh pakar sebelum dijalankan. Ada tujuh bagian dalam laporan kajian ini yaitu bagian kedua mengenai “Peran Penting Literasi Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah” yang menekankan kebutuhan keluarga dan individu. Bagian ketiga, “Menuju Penduduk Muslim yang memahami Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah” yang menjelaskan tentang konsep manajemen harta Islami, tahapan literasi ekonomi dan keuangan Syariah, serta Maqashid Syariah dalam pengelolaan keuangan keluarga dan individu. Konsep manajemen harta Islami menekankan kepada lima aspek yaitu penciptaan harta, akumulasi harta, perlindungan harta, purifikasi harta, dan distribusi harta. Adapun konsep pengelolaan harta sebagai pengayaan konsep literasi ekonomi dan keuangan syariah yang dijadikan rujukan dalam membangun model meliputi lima hal yaitu konsep pendapatan, keinginan dan kebutuhan, surplus dan defisit, impian dan ketidakpastian. Bagian keempat, “Analisa Data Literasi Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah” yang menjabarkan tentang metode kajian dan provinsi yang dipilih yaitu DKI Jakarta, Bangka Belitung dan Kalimantan Selatan. Seminar literasi ekonomi dan keuangan Syariah juga telah diadakan di Pangkalpinang dan Banjarmasin pada saat survei dilakukan yang telah memperkuat hasil kajian ini. Adapun Bagian kelima menjelaskan tentang “Strategi Nasional Peningkatan Literasi Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah” berdasarkan jenjang usia yaitu 0-6 tahun, 7-12 tahun, 13-15 tahun, 16-18 tahun, 19-23 tahun, 24-35 tahun, 36-55 tahun, dan di atas usia 56 tahun. Selain berdasarkan demografi dab jenjang usia, kajian ini juga mengelompokkan peserta berdasarkan kelompok ekonomi, yaitu kelompok pendapatan rendah dan tinggi. Hal ini menjadikan hasil kajian semakin komprehensif dan menemukan hasil yang cukup berbeda dibandingkan dengan kajian – kajian yang telah ada yang hanya fokus ke produk dan jasa keuangan Syariah. Ternyata, tingkat literasi harus lebih mendalam bukan hanya sekedar mengenal produk dan jasa keuangan Syariah tetapi ada hal yang fundamental yang perlu digali yaitu mengapa mereka perlu menggunakannya dan apa manfaatnya untuk kehidupan mereka. Bagian terakhir dari kajian ini adalah mengenai “Rencana Implementasi Strategi” yang dapat dijadikan acuan untuk pengambilan keputusan bagi KNKS dalam pembuatan program, alat bantu serta platform untuk meningkatkan literasi ekonomi dan keuangan Syariah berdasarkan berbagai jenjang usia. xi Rekomendasi tersebut sudah disusun berdasarkan pesan Masterplan Ekonomi Syariah Indonesia (MEKSI) 2019-2024, tujuan pencapaian peningkatan aqidah, Syariah dan akhlaq peserta serta peningkatan sikap, pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam meningkatkan wawasan pengelolaan harta Islami. Rencana Implementasi Strategi telah divalidasi oleh pakar pendidikan yang menjadikan hasilnya dapat diandalkan. Sebagai penutup, implementasi program yang telah disusun untuk 2020-2024 perlu didukung oleh semua pemangku kepentingan antara lain Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, Kementerian Agama RI, sekolah dan kampus, serta para penggerak pendidikan keluarga di tanah air. Program tersebut sebaiknya disebar untuk masyarakat Indonesia di luar negeri terutama yang kurang mendapatkan informasi dan edukasi mengenai ekonomi dan keuangan Syariah yang tepat


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Nov 2019

Menanamkan Pola Hidup Sehat pada Anak Usia Dini (Studi Kasus di PAUD Darussalam Tenjolaya Bogor)

This research aims to find out how to instill a healthy lifestyle in early childhood in PAUD Darussalam, health is the main base in all human steps because a healthy sense is found in a strong or healthy soul, a healthy lifestyle needs to be instilled from the earliest possible time, to make children. early age used to live healthy. In this case Paud Darussalam has implemented a healthy lifestyle for students in implementing healthy lifestyle activities, among others, making a connecting book as a track record and reports to students from health, eating and brushing teeth, in instilling a healthy lifestyle also in Paud get used to brushing teeth, maintaining health, healthy food, not snacking carelessly, not littering, always washing hands and parenting for students' guardians to open their horizons in instilling healthy patterns in students


Tanggal Publikasi: 18 Nov 2019

Artificial Intelligence Usage in Zakat Optimization

The development of big data and Artificial Intelligence is a challenge and also opportunity in managing zakat. Dramatically changes of technology could impact on social life and employment throughout the world, including zakat institutions. This study discusses changes in the management of zakat in 4.0 industrial revolution era, and how big data and Artificial Intelligence take over part of amil duties. The method used in this research is qualitative with a constructivistic paradigm. The research subject of this study is Rumah Zakat as the national zakat institution, with the object of research on the change in management of zakat from zakat 1.0 era to the era of zakat 4.0 and any AI technology that can take over part of amil duties. There is a change in the management of zakat from the zakat 1.0 era to the zakat 4.0 era which is certainly influenced by the development of industrial revolution. The presence of AI technology has taken over part of the amil duties at Rumah Zakat, which is in charge of serving both muzakki and mustahiq. With the presence of various artificial intelligence and big data devices, made the tasks of amil are simpler, more time-saving, and more efficient.


Tanggal Publikasi: 11 Nov 2019


Penelitian ini berangkat dari permasalah lapangan dimana terdapat kasus bulliying sebagai salah satu cara bagi para remaja untuk mendapatkan pengakuan dari kelompok sosialnya. Keputusan dalam memilih cara-cara yang merugikan untuk menunjukkan eksistensi diriya, pada dasarnya merupakan salah satu sikap yang tidak bertanggung jawab dan dicirikan sebagai salah satu perilaku determinasi diri yang rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Bimbingan Dan Konseling Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) untuk Meningkatkan Determinasi Diri Siswi Mts Nurul Ummah Kota Gedhe Yogyakarta. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah Bimbingan dan  Konseling CBT dapat meningkatkan determinasi diri siswi MTs. Nurul Ummah, Yogyakarta. Subjek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 5 (lima) orang siswi dengan determinasi diri rendah yang tinggal dalam asrama sekolah. Desain eksperimen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Quasi Eksperimen Time Series Desaign. Alat pengumpulan data yaitu skala Determinasi Diri hasil dari modifikasi skala milik Seivi dengan menambahkan beberapa item yang mengacu pada teori Deci dan Ryan serta disesuaikan dengan subjek yang diteliti. Analisis data menggunakan wilcoxon signed rank test dengan program SPSS 16.00  for windows, diperoleh Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) atau p=0,042, dimana p= 0,01 < p< 0,05. Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara rata-rata 4 kali pre pretest dan rata-rata 4 kali posttes Determinasi Diri siswi MTs. Nurul Ummah Yogyakarta. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan statistik ini berarti Bimbingan dan Konseling CBT efektiv untuk meningkatkan Determinasi Diri siswi MTs. Nurul Ummah Yogyakarta. Maka, hipotesis yang diajukan peneliti dalam penelitian ini diterima atau terbukti. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa Semakin efektif proses Bimbingan dan Konseling CBT, maka akan semakin meningkatkan Determinasi Diri pada siswi MTs Nurul Ummah Yogyakarta.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Nov 2019

A Model of Maslahah Performance for Higher Education Institution: Case of Institut Agama Islam Tazkia

There are several programs under the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in many areas which decreased its performance level until it ended at the closing of the operational permit and even the revocation of the college permits concerned. Organizational performance is a series of performance starting from level of the organization, working units to individuals. The research on performance organization uses university based on maslahah with case study at Institut Agama Islam Tazkia. Purpose this study aims to develop a performance model based on maslahah using the framework of BAN-PT Accreditation, Maslahah Performance (MaP), and Quality Management System (QMS) ISO 9001. Methods of collection of sample are purposive sampling. Primary data collection techniques by collecting documentation directly and by distributing questionnaires to the ranks of the lecturers and the management of STEI Tazkia. Data analysis techniques by calculating the results of the questionnaire with Likert scale. The results showed that the development model of performance began with the preparation of the vision and mission, strategic objectives. It is suggested to all universities that offer the program of Islamic economics, finance, banking, and accounting; it should have a good vision, mission and objective.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Okt 2019

Control Combating Corruption: A Governance Model from Indonesians' Perspective

The purpose of this study is to propose an appropriate governance model to deal with corruption. This study reveals the indicators, from where and how corruption will be resisted. By using data governance and corruption control as well as the corruption perception index from WGI and TII in 2008-2018, this study proposed a quantitative approach to strengthen the results of the inference tests of the effect of good governance on the potential for corruption, confirming and expanding on work carried out with critical informants by Transparency International Indonesia (TII). The study found that, from the perspective of agency theory, the influence of governance on corruption has been proved, both in the context of the world and Indonesia. Good governance will make the trustee (agent) not arbitrarily follow their wishes through corruption to enrich themselves or other parties, but instead follow the mandate given by the principal (community). This study also shows, in the world context, that by adherence to ethical rules being followed by effective government, in stable political conditions, and public voices being heard, corruption can be eradicated. In the context of Indonesia, to suppress criminal acts of corruption, stable political conditions and guarantees for public votes must be done first, then effective government and compliance with regulations can follow.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Okt 2019

 Local Tourism Development and Socio-Economic Change in Belitung

This study aims to describe the implications of socio-economic change caused by tourism development and to explore the relationship between society and tourism from a sociological perspective. By using a qualitative approach with a case study research design, this study analyses data that was obtained through observation, documentation, and interviews. The participants involved were the local community living in Keciput village, the Keciput village staff members, the Tanjung Kelayang Beach tourism manager, and the Belitung Regency tourism office staff members. The study found that the tourism development of Keciput village had caused changes in the social and economic life of the local communities. In terms of social life, the emergence of tourism development had caused interactions to decrease. Previously, when the interactions among the people were still very intense, the economy of the community was also on the rise. However, ever since the tourism development took place, it has changed the people’s type of livelihood: where previously they had worked as fishermen, they are now working as transport services fishermen. The economic value of tourist activities is also classified into a higher category because the yield from the marine sources is very dependent on the season.



Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Okt 2019


The purpose of this study is to propose an appropriate governance model to deal with corruption. This study reveals the indicators, from where and how corruption will be resisted. By using data governance and corruption control as well as the corruption perception index from WGI and TII in 2008-2018, this study proposed a quantitative approach to strengthen the results of the inference tests of the effect of good governance on the potential for corruption, confirming and expanding on work carried out with critical informants by Transparency International Indonesia (TII). The study found that, from the perspective of agency theory, the influence of governance on corruption has been proved, both in the context of the world and Indonesia. Good governance will make the trustee (agent) not arbitrarily follow their wishes through corruption to enrich themselves or other parties, but instead follow the mandate given by the principal (community). This study also shows, in the world context, that by adherence to ethical rules being followed by effective government, in stable political conditions, and public voices being heard, corruption can be eradicated. In the context of Indonesia, to suppress criminal acts of corruption, stable political conditions and guarantees for public votes must be done first, then effective government and compliance with regulations can follow.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Sep 2019


Jihad is one of the Islamic principles that has evolved over the years. It is negativily being connotated jihad as source of terrorism not only by Western but also some of Muslim people. One of the problems emerged is because of the lack of proper understanding on really meaning and importance of jihad. Therefore, the paper aims to analyse the urgency of jihad in this contemporary time. Methodology used for the study is qualitative by using content analysis to analyse what is the urgency of jihad that have been raised in many literatures. The finding of the study is that urgency of jihad activity is mainly to free Muslim people from exploitation and deterioration. It is needs for worldwide Muslim solidarity that Jihad is not a movement limited to the region, the state but a universal / cosmopolitan movement towards Muslims. In this digital age, jihad is no longer restricted, so the need for a comprehensive and correct explanation of jihad in the current context.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Agt 2019


We report new evidence on Small and Medium Enterprises’ (SMEs’) internal resources, i.e investment capital, business stability, customer size, type of ownership, legal status, industrial structure and location on investment decisions in the Ghanaian oil and gas sector between 2016 and 2017. Overall, we find that SMEs of larger business size, with large investment capital, large fixed assets, more business stability, structured business ownership, large customer size, registered status, operations in urban locations and reinvested annual profits -- are more likely to invest in Ghanaian oil and gas sector. Per contra, the results reveal that industrial structure has no influence on SMEs’ investment decisions. Additionally, our findings are most robust to SMEs that choose to invest in the oil and gas value chain which is consistent with the resource-based theory. This empirical study has been conducted through a survey. Data has been collected using a stratified sampling technique and structured questionnaires with 245 SMEs across diverse industries. The survey data has been analyzed using binominal logit regression and Chisquare test. The results are expected to be of substantial importance for investment decisions in the domestic business environment. We strongly recommend the replication of this study in other emerging oil and gas economies


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Agt 2019


Purpose – Thus the purpose of this research is to examine how Islamic accountants behaviours: personal excellence, inter-personal capital, competence and leadership impact on their performance. 

Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected from a series of online surveys of Islamic accountant that have been joined the Pro-LM training. The hypothesized relationshsips were tested using regression analyses. 

Findings – Result highlight that leadership have significant impact on their performance while others variable (personal excellence, inter-personal capital, competence) have no significant impact. 

Research limitations/implications – The questionnaire needed to be re-evaluate by the author of Pro-LM model.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Agt 2019

MENDIDIK ANAK DALAM MENCINTAI AL-QURAN: Studi Kasus di TPA Darussalam Al-Hamidiyah Bogor

This study aims to find out how to educate children to love Al-Quran which is carried out in Darussalam Al-Hamidiyah Al-Quran Education Park in Bogor. Education is a conscious effort carried out by someone who already possess knowledge as a means to make better quality as human beings. Al-Quran as a guideline for human life, as a law of living things in it there are many things that must be done by humans as a guide to life for the world and the hereafter. In this case, Darussalam Al-Hamidiyah Al-Quran Education Park as a place for Al-Quran education dedicated to students who are in Tapos Tenjolaya Bogor. This institution has unique characteristics since it is giving students education to love al-Quran. This was seen as an effort to teach student to love al-Quran for the surrounding community. This study applied qualitative descriptive method. This study found that there were several steps in educating student to love al-Quran namely 1. Introducing Al-Quran in their early childhood 2. Forming habit for children to live with al-Quran, 3. Creating and multiplying activities in the Al-Quran Educational Park Darussalam Al-Hamidiyah 4. Creating a climate and atmosphere that was good in the TPA Darussalam Al-Hamidiyah environment. This study also discussed driving factors and obstacles to educating children to love al-Quran.


Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jul 2019

Contrasting the drivers of customer loyalty; financing and depositor customer, single and dual customer, in Indonesian Islamic bank


This study aims to investigate the drivers of loyalty in Indonesian Islamic banks, especially group of depositor vs financing customer and single vs dual customer., The objectives of this study were the seven major commercial Indonesian Islamic banks using the purposive sampling technique. In total, 105 questionnaires were processed, consisting of questions regarding depositors, financing, single and dual customer. Structural equation modeling using partial least squares were the analysis methods used to test the hypothesis, while in-depth interviews were conducted with Islamic bank managers to validate the findings., Image has a significant relationship with customer satisfaction, as well as trust. Similarly, customer satisfaction has a significant relationship with trust. Trust has a significant relationship with loyalty. For a financing customer, the image is very influential on customer trust. For a depositor customer, customer satisfaction is very influential on customer trust. For single customer, customer satisfaction has a stronger influence on the image, compared to dual customer., Islamic banks need to maintain good image and service quality to create strong, reliable and long-term relationships with customers, more specifically, in terms of improvement and product innovation. A bank focuses on the micro or macro segment, as well as financing. Financing products should be referred to customers’ needs. Bank reputation can be done by strengthening branding and corporate culture in marketing strategy. Shariah compliance has the highest loading factor to trust customers. Indonesian Islamic banks need to maintain customer trust by sticking to Islamic principles and continuing to ensure that its products and services are in accordance with Islamic principles. In Indonesian Islamic banks, it is very important to keep the legal aspects in all of products and services. Deposit products and services of Islamic banks should be in line with the rules of the financial services authority and Bank of Indonesia culture. Bank efforts to strengthen reputation can be done by strengthening branding and corporate culture in marketing strategy, while increasing the attractiveness of the products by way of research and development (R&D) must endeavor to make products and services attractive in terms of both product characteristics and price. Furthermore, it is necessary to support a good marketing strategy to market their products., Research can be used more widely in determining public policy, by strengthening the marketing strategy and public education. Islamic banks can work together with local religious departments to maximize marketing strategies to educate and convince people to be active economically under Islamic sharia guidance. Islamic banks need to maintain customer trust by sticking to the principles of sharia and continuing to ensure that products and services conform to sharia principles. Islamic bank management can strengthen customer trust by having a good risk management system, so that customers feel secure with Islamic bank transactions. In addition, sharia banks as companies must demonstrate social responsibility by distributing ZIS managed from customers and implementing CSR as a form of awareness of the surrounding community., The study revealed the factors that lead to loyalty on the financing, depositor and the single and dual customers. The study found that improvement and innovation, strategic and sustainability are new indicators used to build images of Islamic banks.


Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Jul 2019

Decomposing Problems in Cash Waqf Fund-Raising in Indonesia

Cash waqf act has been issued since 2002. However, the cash waqf fund-raising is still far from optimal. The purpose of this study is to decompose the problems in the cash waqf fund-raising so that solutions and recommendations could be made. Of all these problems, the most dominant one will be analysed so as to give recommendation as to what matter should be solved first among all. The method used in this study is ANP (analytic network process). With this method, it is possible to perform measurements and synthesis process of a number of factors that are considered to be problems in cash waqf fund-raising.