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Tanggal Publikasi: 20 Feb 2024

Faktor-Faktor     yang     Berpengaruh      terhadap            Minat Berwirausaha pada Mahasiswa Hafidzpreuneur

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh tingkat sosial ekonomi, pendidikan kewirausahaan, dan lingkungan terhadap minat berwirausaha Mahasiswa Hafidzpreneur IAI Tazkia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian Regresi Linear Berganda (RLB). Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling denganpengambilan sample sebanyak129 orang pada Mahasiswa aktif Hafidzpreneur IAI Tazkia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melalui pengisian data kuisoner yang berupa skala model Likert dengan menyebarkan kuisoner berupa google form. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tingkat sosial ekonomi berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadapminat berwirausaha Mahasiswa Hafidzpreneur IAI Tazkia. Tingkat sosial ekonomi dari latar belakang apapun memungkinkan untukmemiliki minat berwirausaha. Pendidikan kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif terhadap minat berwirausaha. Pendidikan kewirausahaan yang tinggi akan mendorong minat berwirausaha lebih besar pada Mahasiswa Hafidzpreneur IAI Tazkia. Lingkungan berpengaruh positif terhadap minat berwirausaha. Lingkungan yang tinggi akan mendorong minat berwirausaha lebih besar pada Mahasiswa Hafidzpreneur IAI Tazkia. Dengan nilai Rsquare atau Rkuadrat didapatkan hasil 0,4692, artinya sebanyak 46,9% dapat dijelaskan secarabersama-sama oleh ketiga variabel independen sedangkan sisanya sebesar53,1% dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor lain diluar penelitian ini.


Tanggal Publikasi: 20 Feb 2024

Investment Behaviour in Retail Green Sukuk: Case of Indonesia

This paper attempts to analyse the investment behaviour in the retail green sukuk (RGS) issued by the Indonesian government. The research framework is based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), while the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS) was employed as a research method. Online questionnaires were distributed to potential retail investors. A total of 113 respondents met the requirements and were used as the sample in this research. The findings show that decision to invest in RGS is influenced by intention and perceived behavioural control (PBC). Meanwhile, attitude and subjective norms have significant influence on the intention to invest in the RGS. Attitude is found as the strongest predictor of intention and is influenced by knowledge about RGS, environmental awareness and religiosity. Based on these findings, it is recommended that the government should intensify campaigns about sukuk and green issues. The promotion of RGS should be targeted to the religious individual/community with sufficient literacy of sukuk and awareness of the green issues.


Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Feb 2024


Laporan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan literasi tentang pedoman laporan keuangan pesantren; memberikan pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi SANTRI, dan mendampingi pesantren dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan sesuai standar PSAK yang berlaku. Kegiatan pendampingan dilakukan selama enam bulan dengan melibatkan pesantren di Bogor dan Tangerang, dan memilih lima pesantren yang memiliki komitmen yang tinggi untuk program penyusunan laporan keuangan. Kegiatan diselenggarakan dalam bentuk webinar/workshop tentang Pedoman Akuntansi Pesantren, pelatihan aplikasi SANTRI untuk admin pesantren, dan kegiatan pendampingan implementasi aplikasi SANTRI pada pesantren terpilih. Dari kegiatan webinar/workshop Pedoman Akuntansi Pesantren terlihat peningkatan pemahaman peserta tentang akuntansi pesantren yang ditunjukkan meningkatnya rataan nilai post-test. Setelah pelaksanaan pelatihan software SANTRI juga terlihat antusiasme peserta untuk mengikuti kegiatan pendampingan penyusunan laporan keuangan. Namun dari 266 peserta yang mendaftar untuk kegiatan pendampingan, hanya lima pesantren terpilih terdapat dua Pesantren yang berhasil mengikuti
kegiatan hingga penyusunan saldo awal laporan keuangan dengan aplikasi SANTRI. Beberapa kendala yang dihadapi dalam proses PKM ini adalah kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) pesantren yang kurang memadai untuk penggunaan aplikasi SANTRI, kurangnya koordinasi antara pengurus pesantren dan pihak yayasan, kendala pelaksanaan pendampingan yang dilaksanakan secara online serta kendala teknis terkait sulitnya mengidentifikasi aset-aset pesantren.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Jan 2024

Islamic Service, Branding, And Advertising Influence 212 Mart Co-Op Consumer Loyalty

Purpose: This thesis explores the impact of Islamic Service Quality, Islamic Branding, and Islamic Advertising on consumer loyalty within the 212 Mart Co-ops. Employing a quantitative approach, this study aimed to understand the dynamics of consumer loyalty in this context.

Methodology/approach: Quantitative data were gathered through questionnaires, and Multiple Linear Regression was utilized for analysis. This study adopted a quantitative methodology supported by the SPSS program for data management and analysis.

Results/findings: This study reveals the significant influences of Islamic Service Quality and Islamic Branding on consumer loyalty in the 212 Mart Co-ops. However, Islamic Advertising does not exhibit a notable impact on consumer loyalty. Interestingly, Islamic service quality and branding collectively exert a significant influence on consumer loyalty.

Limitations: Acknowledging its boundaries, the study was confined to quantitative data, potentially influenced by biases in questionnaire responses. Additionally, the exclusion of other variables that impact consumer loyalty is recognized as a limitation.

Contribution: This research makes a noteworthy contribution by emphasizing the considerable impact of Islamic Service Quality and Islamic Branding on consumer loyalty within the 212 March Co-op. This study provides valuable insights for marketers and policymakers, suggesting avenues to enhance these aspects for an overall improvement in consumer loyalty.aspects for an overall improvement in consumer loyalty.



Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Jan 2024

Determinants of Brand Advocacy in Academia: Analyzing the Role of Service Quality and Lecturer Competence

his study delves into the interplay between the quality of educational services and lecturer competence at IAI TAZKIA and their effects on brand advocacy. Analyzing data from 305 graduates and students across seven cohorts (2015-2021) and academic disciplines, it employs structural equation modeling (SEM) to explore these dynamics. The findings reveal that while lecturer competence does not significantly impact brand advocacy, the quality of educational services does. Specifically, postgraduate programs are perceived to offer the highest service quality, whereas Islamic Accounting and Islamic Business Management are viewed less favorably. Islamic Broadcasting Communication, a new field, needs more specialized faculty. Regarding lecturer competence, postgraduate students report the highest levels, with Islamic Economics instructors deemed more competent than those in Sharia Accounting, despite the latter's "A" accreditation. Brand advocacy is lowest among Sharia Business Management graduates, whereas postgraduate programs see the highest engagement in brand advocacy efforts. The research aims to position the campus as a benchmark for improving lecturer competence and service quality, enhancing institutional brand advocacy and competitive standing.


Tanggal Publikasi: 18 Jan 2024

Pengaruh Kemudahan, Manfaat, Keamanan Terhadap Keputusan Penggunaan QRIS BSI Mobile

Digital technological developments have advanced in almost every area of life, including travel, purchasing, donations, tourism, and other digital-based economic activities. As part of the expansion of the payment system, Bank Indonesia introduced the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS). To facilitate the transaction process, QRIS combines several QR codes from different payment system service providers. This research aims to see how the exogenous variables of convenience, benefits and security influence the endogenous variables of the decision to use Qris Bsi Mobile. This type of research is descriptive quantitative with a SEM-PLS approach. the application used by Smart Pls version 3.0. The sample data used was 100 respondents. The results show that the convenience variable has a positive but not significant effect on the decision to use Qris Bsi Mobile with a P-value of 0.329. Furthermore, the benefit and security variables have a positive and significant influence on the decision to use Qris Bsi Mobile with a P-value for the benefit variable of 0.001 and the security variable of 0.004. It is hoped that future researchers will use other variables that have a significant influence to improve the results of further research.


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Jan 2024

The imbalance between the number of Indonesian Muslims and the interest in saving in Islamic banks makes for a very interesting problem to study. This study aims to look at the factors that influence interest in saving in sharia banks, especially the Bank XYZ Branch. This research uses descriptive and quantitative methods. The tools used are distributing questionnaires to 43 Bank XYZ Branchcustomers with the likerts approach; besides that, this research uses two models, namely the ANN (artificial neural network) and partial least squares (PLS-SEM) models. The sample obtained from this study was 43customers with various professions. The result of this research is that the religious knowledge factor is the factor that most influences interest in saving, witha value of 42.02%, followed by a promotional factor of 38.36%. While the product factor is not very influential with a value of only 19.61%, it is no different from the results of PLS-SEM, namely that religious knowledge and promotion are the most influential things significantly, while bank products do not affect saving in Islamic banks. The results of this study can help Islamic banking parties, especially the Bank XYZ Branch, map prospective customers who want to be prospected.Keywords:Interest in Saving, Religious Knowledge, Promotion, Products, Islamic BanksAbstrak.Ketimpangan antara jumlah penduduk muslim Indoensia dengan minat menabung di bank syariah menjadikan masalah yang sangat menarik untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat menabung di bank syairah khususnya Cabang Bank XYZ.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatifdepskriptif. Alat bantu yang digunakan yaitu menyebarkankuesioner kepada43 nasabah Cabang Bank XYZdengan pendekatan likerts, selain itu penelitian ini menggunakan2 model yaitumodel ANN (Artificial Neural Network)dan Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM).Sampel yang didapat dari penelitian ini sebanyak 43nasabah denagn berbagai profesi. Hasil dari peneltianini adalah faktor pengetahuan agama menjadi faktor yang paling mempengaruhi minat menabung dengan nilai 42,02%, diikuti dengan faktor promosi yaitu 38,36%. Sedangkan faktor produk sangat tidak berpengaruh dengan nilai hanya 19,61%. Tidak berbeda dengan hasil PLS-SEM yaitu pengetahunan agama dan promosi menjadi hal yang paling berpengaruh secara signifiakn, sedangkan produk bank tidak mempengaruhi dalam menabung di bank syariah. Hasil penelitian ini dapat membantu pihak perbankan syariah, khususnya Cabang Bank XYZuntuk dapat memetakan calon nasabah yang ingin diprospek.




Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Jan 2024

The Impact of Knowledge About Business Model Canvas (BMC) on Entrepreneurial Interest of Young Generation in Jabodetabek

This research aims to investigate the influence of Business Model Canvas (BMC) knowledge on entrepreneurial knowledge among young generations in the Jabodetabek region. There is a growing need to understand the role of BMC in stimulating entrepreneurial interest among the youth. This study seeks to provide insight to the younger generation on the importance of entrepreneurship and to encourage the development of an entrepreneurial interest through the application of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) learning method. The research employs purposive sampling techniques for data collection and utilizes a quantitative approach with simple regression analysis.The data reveals a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.65 or 65%, with a coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.423. Data processing using SPSS 29 indicates an F value of 60.878 with a significance level of 0.001 < 0.05. Partial significance test (t-test) shows that the Entrepreneurial Knowledge BMC variable attains a t value of 7.802, exceeding the critical t-table value of 1.992, with a significance value of 0.0005, smaller than 0.05. These findings indicate a positive and significant relationship between BMC knowledge and entrepreneurial aspirations among young individuals in Jabodetabek. Entrepreneurial knowledge through BMC has a positive and significant impact on entrepreneurial interest. Therefore, enhancing entrepreneurial knowledge acquired through BMC has the potential to increase entrepreneurial interest among the younger generation.


Tanggal Publikasi: 12 Jan 2024

Can GCG Moderates the Inluence of Internal Control and Integrity towards Fraud Prevention?

This research examines the influence of internal control and integrity of internal auditor towards fraud prevention. Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in this research is a variable that strengthen or weaken factors that affect fraud prevention. Multiple linier regression analysis that using SEM and SMARTPLS as the tools. The result of this research explains that internal control has a positive effect and significant to fraud prevention. GCG in moderating internal control and integrity of internal auditor has no significant effect to fraud prevention.


Tanggal Publikasi: 3 Jan 2024


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2024

Cryptocurrency in Islamic View: Sentiment Analysis Method Approach

Islamic economics focuses on realizing Islamic ideals, rahmatan lil 'alamin, which aims to provide goodness, prosperity and well-being. Halal (Positive) and haram (negative) aspects in the realm of cryptocurrency. Based on an extensive review of 23 relevant journals, this research aims to analyze the literature and explore the implications of cryptocurrency in relation to Islamic principles. This research focuses on key variables such as compliance with Sharia, riba (usury), gharar (uncertainty), and transparency. By reviewing existing literature and considering the perspective of Islamic scholars and law, this paper aims to determine whether cryptocurrency is permitted or prohibited from an Islamic perspective. These findings will contribute to the ongoing discourse around the compatibility of cryptocurrencies with Islamic finance and ethics. This study emphasizes the importance of addressing halal and haram issues and implications in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Ultimately, this research aims to provide insights and recommendations for scholars and practitioners in the field of Islamic finance and cryptocurrency.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Des 2023

Why Does Waqf Literacy Matters?

Many studies have highlighted a low literacy level of waqf among Muslims all over the world. In Indonesia, an effort to measure the level of waqf literacy using an index was initiated by the Indonesian Waqf Board in 2020. The result has proven that there is a low level of waqf literacy in Indonesia. This study aims to explore the reasons behind the low level of waqf literacy and understand the importance of waqf literacy. Based on a literature survey, the following aspects need to be clearly explained and elaborated to effectively improve waqf literacy among the public. First, the unique characteristics of waqf compared to other Islamic alms; second, waqf literacy is positively related to waqf collection; third, the utilization of waqf can be further enhanced when the literacy is higher; and fourth, disputes and conflicts about waqf ownership are frequently due to lack of waqf literacy. In summary, this study is expected to increase the interest and attention of all stakeholders toward enhancing waqf literacy. Waqf authorities and waqf institutions are encouraged to intensify education and socialization about waqf, while researchers are expected to study more on waqf literacy. To further develop the waqf sector, it is necessary to have a road map to increase waqf literacy.

Originality/Value: The study aims to explore the reasons behind the importance of waqf literacy in Indonesia. Identifying these reasons in the Indonesian context could pave the way for tailored interventions and policies to improve waqf literacy, which may have implications for similar contexts elsewhere.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Des 2023

Youth Strategies in Economic Empowerment

The research "Youth Strategy in Economic Empowerment" thoroughly examines the strategic significance of young people in promoting economic growth, particularly within the halal industrial sector. This study emphasizes the significant contribution that young people, who constitute a crucial segment of the world population, may make to the advancement of socioeconomic development. This research uncovers the most recent developments in the halal business by means of seminars including prominent speakers like Prof. Dr. Marco Tieman. It focuses on crucial elements such as supply chains and ecosystems. The paper's conclusion underscores the significance of innovation and the contributions of young individuals, serving as inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs in the global development of the halal industry.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Des 2023

Pengabdian Masyarakat Kegiatan Bersih-Bersih dan Penyuluhan Usaha Kampung di Cadasngampar oleh Mahasiswa IIUM Bersama IAI Tazkia

The community service of IIUM students in collaboration with IAI Tazkia encompasses two activities focusing on village cleanup and education in Kampung Cadasngampar. The first activity involves cleaning the village with the intention of preserving and tidying up the environment within a village or settlement. This activity goes beyond physical cleanliness, aiming to create environmental awareness and concern for the cleanliness of the surroundings. Additionally, students are also engaged in educational activities with school dropouts. The purpose of this initiative is to provide informal learning opportunities for children who have discontinued formal schooling or lack access to formal education. Through this interaction, they strive to provide education and basic skills to children, enabling them to develop their potential even without following the formal education path. This community service reflects the commitment of IIUM students and IAI Tazkia to make a positive impact on the local community, addressing both environmental cleanliness and informal education for those in need.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Des 2023

This study intends to determine how Tazkia Islamic Institute Hafidzpreneur students actually apply the rules of Islamic consumerism when they shop online. The descriptive qualitative approach method is employed in this research. The Tazkia Islamic Institute's Hafidzpreneur Matriculation Campus students who like shopping online were interviewed for this study's primary data. The findings demonstrated that the majority of students across different batches had implemented the principles of Islamic consumption, with the class of 2020 having the highest percentage of students doing so when shopping online. Whenever it comes to shopping, students adopt sharia principles, abstain from usury, focus on maslahah (the goodness of this world and the hereafter), and direct their expenses toward Allah's way through infak, alms, and waqf. Furthermore, the students underscored the need to maintain hygiene when shopping online, steering clear of garbage (israf) and gharar when transacting online. Ethical behavior and philanthropic concepts have also been applied by students to their online purchases. This is consistent with the practical application of Islamic economics.


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Des 2023

Analysis of Islamic Work Ethic on Job Satisfaction with Intrinsic Motivation Mediation Variables in Millennial Generation Employees

This research aims to determine the impact of Islamic work ethic on job satisfactionwith intrinsic motivation mediation variables in millennial generation employees. This type of research uses a quantitative description with explanatory research using a sample of 101 respondents. The data analysis method used in this research is descriptive analysis method, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 3 software. The results show that Islamic work ethic has a significant and positive effect on job satisfaction both directlyand indirectly. using the mediating variables of intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Des 2023

Concentration Level and Market Power of Islamic Bank Industry: Analysis of Pre and Post Bank Syariah Indonesia Merger

This paper attempted to examine the concentration and the degree of market power in the Indonesian Islamic Bank Industry during the pre and post-Bank Syariah Indonesia mega-merger. However, using the Strategic Tripod concept, this paper explored the response of the competitor pursuant to the merger. This paper used two main secondary data sources, which were 2 quarterly financial reports before the merger and 1 quarterly financial report after the merger of 34 Islamic bank data, and applied the Herfindhal-Hircsmann Index and Concentration Ratio of the top 5 Islamic banks. This paper discovered that the concentration ratio was at a moderate level. Moreover, based on the CR5 calculation result, Islamic banks have an oligopoly market structure. As for the response to the mega-merger, this paper divides 34 islamic banks into 3 clusters which are full-fledged Islamic banks (Bank Umum Syariah), Private Owned Islamic Subsidiary (Unit Usaha Syariah), Province Owned Islamic Subsidiary (Unit Usaha Syariah Bank BPD). Based on the strategic tripod, the strategy of the Islamic full-fledged bank orchestrates resources to win the competition. The privately owned Islamic Subsidiaries are taking advantage of their resource sharing with their parents. Meanwhile, the Province Islamic subsidiary's strategy relies on the regulations determined by the bank shareholders, who, in this case, are the government province.


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Des 2023

How Do Halal Component and Marketing Drive Muslim Consumers?

This research addresses a specific issue within halal marketing, emphasizing its novelty. Despite widespread recognition in marketing literature of the roles played by various halal components and strategies in influencing consumer purchase intentions, there is a distinct research gap in the lack of studies focusing on specific categories. This study aims to fill that gap by examining the relationship between halal awareness, certification, and other marketing elements in shaping the halal purchase intentions of Mixue consumers in Indonesia. Structural equation model analysis of data from 156 Mixue consumers revealed positive correlations between halal awareness, certification, and brand with purchase intentions, while food quality and promotion showed negative and non-significant relationships. Theoretically, the research strives to advance a conceptual model of halal purchase intentions by integrating halal components with marketing elements, contributing to marketing literature with a specific focus on Mixue and its consumers in Indonesia. The practical implications involve a deeper understanding of factors influencing halal product purchase intentions, aiding marketing decision-making and business strategies in this rapidly growing market.


Tanggal Publikasi: 29 Des 2023

Investigation Of E-Business Motivation Among Batik SMES In Indonesia 

Purpose: This research explores how to establish a conceptual framework for an empirical model of e-business motivation in small organizations, while most ebusiness studies focus on large companies. To explain SMEs' tactics and features, notably family businesses' increased e-business motivation. Theoretical Framework: Technological developments have an impact on changing business management patterns, many business opportunities can be captured by companies including small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to be able to expand the market and increase sales. Design/Methodology/Approach: ANOVA analysis was used for quantitative analysis. This research took a sample of 122 Batik SMEs from the Batik center villages of Klaten, Jarum, Beluk, Banyuripan, and Kebon Regencies. The sampling method was purposive, namely by using batik SMEs that have used social media or websites to carry out promotions and sales. Findings: SMEs in the innovator category were more driven than reactors. Innovative companies succeeded in internet marketing, communication, and profit. However, the two groups employed e-business for study similarly. This shows that innovators and reactor companies have not fully adopted the e-business market or industry surveys. Implications of Research: This research shows that the success of e-business practices, especially electronic promotion and selling, will increase with strategic orientation that strives for innovation, as market coverage expands, and business duration increases. Originality/Value: E-business strategies and competencies in small businesses are infrequently investigated, whereas major enterprises are extensively studied. demonstrates that SMEs have distinct firm structures and HR development programs than major companies, hence their e-business practices will differ.


Tanggal Publikasi: 28 Des 2023

Efficiency Comparison between Conventional and Islamic Rural Banks in Sumatra during the COVID-19 Pandemic

This study aims to examine and compare the efficiency of conventional rural banks and Islamic rural banks in their roles as intermediary institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sumatra, Indonesia. Furthermore, the efficiency determinants were further analysed to find some variables that affect rural banks’ efficiency. Non-Parametric approach, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), and Tobit Regression are employed in this study. The results show that Islamic rural banks have better efficiency performance compared to conventional rural banks, but that there is a fluctuating efficiency trend experienced by both types of rural banks during the observation period. In addition, the potential improvement result indicates that financing and operating revenue variables are the main causes of rural bank inefficiency. Furthermore, the Tobit Regression result finds that capital and bank size significantly improve the efficiency level, but that risk significantly reduces bank efficiency.