Sulhani, S.E.I., M.Ak.

Sulhani, S.E.I., M.Ak.

Akuntansi Syariah

Peneliti LPPM Tazkia




Pengabdian Masyarakat


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Pengaruh Manipulasi Laporan Keuangan dan Karakteristik Chief Financial Officer terhadap Ketepatwaktuan Pelaporan Keuangan dengan Kualitas Audit Sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi

This study was conducted with the aim of obtaining empirical evidence of the relationship between financial statement manipulation and CFO’s characteristics to the timeliness of financial reporting by using audit quality as a moderator. The data used in this study is 206 observations derived from the financial statements of companies listed in the Indonesia stock exchange for the period of 2012-2015. This research uses moderation regression method with panel data. The manipulation of financial statements in this study was measured using the Benneish (M-Score) model


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penerapan Whistleblowing System Di Indonesia

Whistleblowing system is part of the internal control that has not been widely discussed in accounting research in Indonesia. This study aims to provide empirical evidence about the factors that effect the effective application of the whistleblwoing system in Indonesia. samples of this research are listed companises in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2013. The analysis method used in this research is data multiple regression. The result of this study indicate that anonymous reporting has a significant influence on the application of the whistleblowing system