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  • Country Characteristics and Csr Disclosure in Islamic Banks


Country Characteristics and Csr Disclosure in Islamic Banks


  • ISBN: 978-7-5629-5341-6
  • eISBN: -
  • ISSN: -

Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Jul 2023


Corporate disclosure has been one of major areas discussed in accounting research. It is a tool to discharge a company’s accountability and transparency. Basically, corporate information and disclosure is used to diminish the conflict of interests among stakeholders. The most accessible source providing corporate information and disclosure is published annual report. Having particular nature and objective, Islamic banking is one sector that has been growing fast in the global financial industry. Islamic bank is a making profit institution which must be in li ne with Shariah compliance (Islamic requirements) and has social orientation as the prime consideration. Examining 18 Islamic banks in 10 countries, this paper attempts to explore the social disclosure extent provided by Islamic banks. The data is analysed using content analysis and correlation. This study supported the previous theory that Disclosure correlates with country values regarding transparency. Unexpectedly, Disclosure has a negative correlation with Human Development Index. Although the correlation value is relatively low, it can be concluded that Disclosure has a positive correlation with the percentage of the moslem in the country. This study has provided some interesting insights into cultural influences on accounting practices. Last but not least, this study found the themes disclosed comprehensively in the annual reports. Those themes are zakah, employee right, and other community involvement.


stakeholder theory, stakeholders, shareholder, disclosure, extent



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