Different from a conventional cooperative, a Shari’ah-based cooperative observes Shari’ah principles. As these cooperatives offers Islamic financial products and involves in Shari’ah compliant investment, they are bound to observe Shari’ah governance structure, transparency, disclosure of information and strict compliance with Shari’ah principles. Compliance with the Shari’ah principles will strengthen public confidence in the credibility of the system of the Islamic Muamalat particularly in the cooperative movement. Due to the infancy of Shari’ahbased cooperative industry that needs for proper governance measures, this paper aims to discuss corporate governance in Shari’ah-based cooperatives in the attempt to propose a model for resolving stakeholders’ conflicts of interest
Developing a Model for Corporate Governance and Conflict of Interest Deterrence in Shari’ahbased Cooperatives
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Tanggal Publikasi: 11 Jul 2017
Microfinance, Cooperatives, Shari’ah, Corporate Governance
Shafii, Zurina and Obaidullah, Mohammed and Samad, Rose Ruziana, Developing a Model for Corporate Governance and Conflict of Interest Deterrence in Shari’ahbased Cooperatives (Jul 11, 2017). IRTI Policy Paper No. 2017-03, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3303692 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3303692