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  • Implementation Literacy of Education through Entrepreneurship: CIPP Model on Bogor Community Learning Center


Implementation Literacy of Education through Entrepreneurship: CIPP Model on Bogor Community Learning Center


  • ISBN: 10.2991/assehr.k.200130.201
  • eISBN: -
  • ISSN: 2352-5398

Tanggal Publikasi: 7 Feb 2020


The research objective was to obtain information about the effectiveness of the implementation of the Keaksaraan Usaha Mandiri (KUM) in the Community Learning Centre (PKBM) and the Learning Group (Pokjar) in Bogor Regency. Using the CIPP evaluation model which consists of evaluating contexts, inputs, processes and products. The study was conducted for 12 months at six institutions in five sub-districts. The results of the context component study showed that the program was held in illiterate areas in rural and densely populated areas. Organizers and tutors have an understanding of program objectives, while students know he is learning to read and write and skills. In terms of input, most tutors are teachers in formal education with the majority of participants being adult women with jobs as housewives and laborers. The process shows that learning is dominated by the practice of skills rather than habituation in reading, counting and writing which is the main goal. The level of attendance is influenced by the daily activities of students. While the aspects of learning outcomes showed that 10.5 percent of students passed with the title of Very Good. 80.87 percent were declared graduated with Good title, and 11.4 percent were declared graduated with the enough category.


education literacy, CIPP, adult women, rural area



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