This paper analyses income smoothing behavior and procyclical effect of loan loss provisions in Islamic bank. The model includes the use of loan loss provisions for discretionary and non-discretionary purposes in Islamic banks and relates it to the ways of Islamic banks disburse loans. The empirical results show that Islamic banks use loan loss provisions for non-discretionary purposes, while well-capitalized banks and banks focusing on lending activities may use loan loss provisions for income smoothing to a lesser extent. Moreover, it is documented that higher non-discretionary component of loan loss provisions results in a decline in loan growth and hence, non-discretionary provisions are procyclical. In contrast, the discretionary component of loan loss provisions does not exhibit any significant impact on loan growth. Finally, the findings show that the negative link between non-discretionary provisions and loan growth does not hold for well-capitalized banks, and banks focusing on lending activities. This paper, therefore, highlights that higher capitalization and higher loan asset portfolios tend to neutralize the procyclical impact of non-discretionary provisions through their income smoothing behaviour. In this regard, the provisioning system is particularly recommended for less-capitalized banks and banks which do not focus on lending activities since they do not conduct income smoothing strategies.
Loan Loss Provisions, Income Smoothing and Loan Growth: Evidence from Islamic Banks
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Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Jun 2016
Loan Loss Provisions, Loan Growth, Income Smoothing, Islamic Banking
Pramono, Sigid Eko and Rosieta, Hilda and Soedarmono, Wahyoe and Soedarmono, Wahyoe, Loan Loss Provisions, Income Smoothing and Loan Growth: Evidence from Islamic Banks (June 19, 2016). Available at SSRN: or