Halal industry is one of the most growing industries in the world. Halal industry refers to the industry which is in line with Islamic principles and requirements. The emergence of this industry aims to fulfill the need of Islamic compliance products and services. Surprisingly, the industry has been growing in both muslim and non-muslim countries. Assesing the performance of the industry would be notable to ensure that it obtains its objectives. The proper performance measurement should highlight both business perspective and religious aspects. This is a conceptual paper aiming to propose an initial performance measurement concept based on Islamic objectives (Maqashid Al-Shariah). Referring to some previous studies, this paper proposed twelve ratios as performance proxies for halal industry
Performance Measurement in Halal Industry: An Initial Proposed Concept Based on Maqasid Shariah
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Tanggal Publikasi: 28 Nov 2016
Performance; Maqasid; Halal industry; Measurement; Firm