Rabbit has potency to produce meat since it has high growth rate, litter size, and short calving interval. Rabbit can utilize low nutritional feed and wide various of forages as its feed. Recently, Indigofera Zollingeriana (IZ) has been widely used as a green protein source in livestock. The used of IZ in rabbit feed seemed to be able to reduce production cost. The study had objective to observe the effect of IZ supplementation in feed to rabbit performance. A number of 72 heads of 12 weeks old of New Zealand white rabbits were used in the study. Rabbits were distributed in three groups of IZ supplementation levels (R1: 0 %; R2: 20 %, and R3: 30%). The supplementation was applicated for five weeks. Data were analysed using one- way ANOVA. The results showed that IZ supplementation effected body weight gain (BWG), feed conversion ratio, and dry matter and energy digestibility (P<0.05). The R2 was the optimal IZ supplementation in the study. The average BWGs of rabbits were 833.38 ± 232 g, 688.50 ± 88 g, and 485.63 ± 130 g for R1, R2, and R3, respectively. In conclusion, the IZ supplementation up to 20 % could be applicated in rabbit feed to reduce cost
The effect of Indigofera zollingeriana supplementation to performance of rabbit
Rabbit, Potency, Meat, Growth rate, Litter size, Calving interval, Nutritional feed, Forages, Indigofera Zollingeriana (IZ), Green protein source, Livestock, Production cost, Supplementation
Haryati, Teti & Soewandi, Bayu & Pratiwi, Nurul & Komarudin, K. (2021). The effect of Indigofera zollingeriana supplementation to performance of rabbit. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 888. 012073. 10.1088/1755-1315/888/1/012073.