Fakhrudin, SE. M.M
Manajemen Bisnis Syariah
Peneliti LPPM Tazkia
Pengabdian Masyarakat
Tanggal Publikasi: 3 Agt 2024
The Impact of Management Knowledge Capability on Organizational Performance with Innovation as a Mediator
This research aims to explore the influence of knowledge management capabilities on organizational performance, especially in the context of Batik MSMEs in Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia. This research uses a purposive sampling technique. Data was taken using a questionnaire with a total of 60 respondents. This research involves independent variables, namely knowledge management capability, the dependent variable, namely organizational performance, and the mediating variable innovation. The data analysis technique used is smartPLS analysis. The results of this research show that knowledge management capability has a positive effect on organizational performance, knowledge management capability has a positive effect on innovation, and innovation has a positive effect on organizational performance. Innovation can mediate the influence of knowledge management capabilities on organizational …
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Sep 2024
The Influence of Knowledge Quality, Self-Efficacy, and Reciprocity on Online Entrepreneurial Knowledge-Sharing Activities of Muslim Entrepreneurs on media sosial facebook
The study examines the influence of knowledge quality, self-efficacy, and reciprocity among Muslim entrepreneurs on Facebook. It employed a quantitative approach with an observation method. The findings reveal that knowledge quality positively affects online entrepreneurial knowledge-sharing activities. High-quality knowledge promotes effective collaboration and sharing within the entrepreneur community. However, self-efficacy and reciprocity were not found to influence these activities significantly. Therefore, in this context, self-confidence in one's abilities and expectations for reciprocity may be less important than previously thought. This study suggested that knowledge sharing should focus more on improving the quality of knowledge shared than fostering self-efficacy or reciprocity as higher quality knowledge could contribute to the growth and success of Muslim entrepreneurs by encouraging more effective knowledge-sharing strategies.
Tanggal Publikasi: 29 Des 2023
Investigation Of E-Business Motivation Among Batik SMES In Indonesia
Purpose: This research explores how to establish a conceptual framework for an empirical model of e-business motivation in small organizations, while most ebusiness studies focus on large companies. To explain SMEs' tactics and features, notably family businesses' increased e-business motivation. Theoretical Framework: Technological developments have an impact on changing business management patterns, many business opportunities can be captured by companies including small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to be able to expand the market and increase sales. Design/Methodology/Approach: ANOVA analysis was used for quantitative analysis. This research took a sample of 122 Batik SMEs from the Batik center villages of Klaten, Jarum, Beluk, Banyuripan, and Kebon Regencies. The sampling method was purposive, namely by using batik SMEs that have used social media or websites to carry out promotions and sales. Findings: SMEs in the innovator category were more driven than reactors. Innovative companies succeeded in internet marketing, communication, and profit. However, the two groups employed e-business for study similarly. This shows that innovators and reactor companies have not fully adopted the e-business market or industry surveys. Implications of Research: This research shows that the success of e-business practices, especially electronic promotion and selling, will increase with strategic orientation that strives for innovation, as market coverage expands, and business duration increases. Originality/Value: E-business strategies and competencies in small businesses are infrequently investigated, whereas major enterprises are extensively studied. demonstrates that SMEs have distinct firm structures and HR development programs than major companies, hence their e-business practices will differ.
Tanggal Publikasi: 20 Agt 2022
- Analysis of Factors That Affect Customer Interest in Using Mobile Banking Services of Bank Syariah Indonesia (Fakhruddin and Muhammad Isa Mustafa)
This aims of this study is to the effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived credibility simultaneously affect customer interest in using m-banking services at Bank Syariah Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach. The technique used in sampling is nonprobability sampling with simple random sampling with the Slovin formula, the number of samples in this study were 96 respondents of Indonesian Islamic Bank customers at IAI Tazkia Bogor. The results found from this study are (1) there is an effect of perceived usefulness on the interest of BSI customers in Bogor City in using m-banking Bank Syariah Indonesia, (2) there is no effect of perceived ease of use on the interest of BSI customers in Bogor City in using m-banking Bank Syariah Indonesia, (3) there is an effect of perceived credibility on the interest of BSI customers in Bogor City in using m-banking Bank Syariah Indonesia, and (4) there is an effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived credibility on interest of BSI customers in Bogor City in using m-banking Bank Syariah Indonesia.
Keywords: Customer Interest, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease Of Use, Perceived Credibility.
Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022
Convergence of Maqashid Syariah, Hifzul Bi’ah and Islamic Stock Index
This study aims to explore the urgency of converging the principles of environment protection and Sustainable Responsible Investment from the perspective of Maqashid Syariah into the selection process of Islamic Stock Index. In-depth analysis on current literature practices on Maqashid Syariah, hifdzul bi’ah and Islamic stock index. The convergence of Maqashid Syariah, in particular Hifzul Bi’ah and stock index screening process will allow a creation of a new Islamic index or rejuvenating current Islamic stock index in Indonesia. We suggest that Dewan Syariah Nasional to start implementing Maqashid Syariah and Hifzul Bi’ah principle in the process of stock screening for Islamic Stock Indexes. This study is among the first of its kind to offer integration of Maqashid Syariah in particular Hifzul Bi’ah to the Islamic stock index.
Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Okt 2022
The purpose of the study is to This will examine the strong influence of communication effectiveness, functional quality and technical quality on commitment to connectedness with trust as a mediating variable, the quantitative method used in this study is path analysis is used to determine the effect of communication effectiveness, technical quality, functional quality and trust on connectedness commitment. There are 4 stages of regression; The connectedness commitment, The confidence, The functional quality And The technical quality variable. The conclusions obtained from this research are The regression coefficient which shows the relationship between communication effectiveness and connectedness commitment, The effectiveness of communication does not affect trust directly, but through the perception of technical quality and functional quality, Technical quality is also known to influence commitment to connectedness through trust, quality and trust This shows that the perception of functional quality affects customer connectedness commitment more than technical quality and Service quality is a variable that affects trust, while effective communication will create a higher perception of service quality in the eyes of customers.
Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Jan 2023
Convergence of Maqashid Syariah, Hifzul Bi’ah and Islamic Stock Index
This study aims to explore the urgency of converging the principles of environment protection and Sustainable Responsible Investment from the perspective of Maqashid Syariah into the selection process of Islamic Stock Index. In-depth analysis on current literature practices on Maqashid Syariah, hifdzul bi’ah and Islamic stock index. The convergence of Maqashid Syariah, in particular Hifzul Bi’ah and stock index screening process will allow a creation of a new Islamic index or rejuvenating current Islamic stock index in Indonesia. We suggest that Dewan Syariah Nasional to start implementing Maqashid Syariah and Hifzul Bi’ah principle in the process of stock screening for Islamic Stock Indexes. This study is among the first of its kind to offer integration of Maqashid Syariah in particular Hifzul Bi’ah to the Islamic stock insdex.
Tanggal Publikasi: 28 Des 2022
The purpose of this study is to examine whether the manufacturing sector, especially the large and medium scale sectors, is a basic sector or not in the Bogor Regency area in terms of the aspect of expanding employment opportunities. The quantitative methods used in this study are (1) Location Quotient (LQ) analysis, (2) labor surplus analysis, (3) multiplier coefficient, (4) specialization quotient, (5) localization quotient. The result shows that the manufacturing sector is the basic sector based on income indicators. However, this sector is not a basic sector based on labor indicators. This shows that the manufacturing sector plays less of a role in expanding employment than other sectors. However, several manufacturing industry sub-sectors are basic sub-sectors. These sub-sectors are the food, beverage and tobacco sub-sector, the textile, apparel and leather sub-sector, the wood, bamboo, rattan, grass and similar sub-sectors including household furniture, paper, paper goods, printing and publishing sub-sectors of chemicals and goods from chemical, petroleum, coal, rubber and non-metallic minerals sub-sectors.