Rusdiana Priatna Wijaya, SHI, M.A.
Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Peneliti LPPM Tazkia
Pengabdian Masyarakat
Tanggal Publikasi: 4 Des 2023
Cash waqf is a form of contemporary waqf that has great potential in the modern world. In Indonesia, despite its potential of 180 trillion per year, cash waqf collection, management, and distribution are not optimal. Nonetheless, the infrastructure sector in Indonesia faces obstacles, particularly in terms of funding. The innovation of the CWLFRA (Cash Waqf Linked DINFRA) model is, therefore, a solution to these two issues, as the proposed model is the result of an integration between efforts to optimize cash waqf and infrastructure financing via the Infrastructure Investment Fund (DINFRA). In this CWL-FRA innovation, waqf funds will be allocated to the mauquf 'alaih from the profits of infrastructure investment funds, which will become a source of long-term usable assets. As a result, the purpose of this academic paper is to develop a model capable of bolstering the ecosystem of Islamic social financial institutions and maximizing the potential achievement of cash waqf in Indonesia as a means of implementing sustainable finance and an effective instrument in reviving national economy through infrastructure development. In addition, this study seeks to determine the viability of the potential for developing the productivity of cash waqf in an effort to increase the effectiveness of achieving cash waqf to support economic sustainability with infrastructure potential. Nine respondents representing academicians and expert practitioners from both the waqf and infrastructure sectors filled out questionnaires to collect data. According to the results of the Delphi test, all respondents believed that there was a relationship between the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) indicators, indicating that this model is implementable. Moreover, based on the level of agreement of respondents, this model has the potential to contribute positively to national economic recovery, become a sustainable source of social funds, optimize the potential of waqf in Indonesia, strengthen the ecosystem of waqf social finance institutions, and improve the quality of management and maintenance of Indonesia's infrastructure. These findings demonstrate that integrating financial waqf with existing public infrastructure could positively affect the sustainability of national economic development. The novel aspect of this paper is the proposed cash waqf management system, which can serve as a useful reference for policymakers and waqf institutions seeking to develop a more effective waqf concept in terms of collection, administration, and distribution. Consequently, this study aims to demonstrate the potential for cash waqf, which can be integrated with DINFRA's product through the innovation of the CWL-FRA model, to become an investment instrument and offer a diversity of options to the waqf community.
Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Jul 2023
Analisis Efektifitas Distribusi Dana Zakat pada Baitul Mal Tazkia dengan Zakat Core Principles (ZCP)
The purpose of this research was to examine the effectiveness of the distribution of zakat funds at Baitul Maal Tazkia. The method used is Mixed Method (qualitative and quantitative), which primary data is generated from the observations, direct documentation, interviews with the Chairman or Staff of Baitul Māl Tazkia, and secondary data is from literature studies related to the topic. The quantitative method that uses the 10th Zakat Core Principle measurement ratio is DCR (Disbursement Collection Ratio). Based on ZCP, the effectiveness of Baitul Maal Tazkia's distribution of zakat funds for 4 years of operation is 55% or is included in the Fairly Effective category (quite effective) where the Disbursement Collection Ratio (DCR) reaches 50-69 percent, with the amount collected during the 2017 to 2017 period. 2020 amounting to Rp 4,536,153,278. The distribution amount for 2017 to 2020 is IDR 2,472,687,990
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2023
Cash waqf is a form of contemporary waqf that has great potential in the modern world. In Indonesia, despite its potential of 180 trillion per year, cash waqf collection, management, and distribution are not optimal. Nonetheless, the infrastructure sector in Indonesia confronts obstacles, particularly in terms of funding. The innovation of the CWLFRA (Cash Waqf Linked DINFRA) model is, therefore, a solution to these two issues, as the proposed model is the result of an integration between efforts to optimize cash waqf and infrastructure financing via the Infrastructure Investment Fund (DINFRA). In this CWL-FRA innovation, waqf funds will be allocated to the mauquf 'alaih from the profits of infrastructure investment funds, which will become a source of long-term usable assets. As a result, the purpose of this academic paper is to develop a model capable of bolstering the ecosystem of Islamic social financial institutions and maximizing the potential achievement of cash waqf in Indonesia as a means of implementing sustainable finance and an effective instrument in reviving national economy through infrastructure development. In addition, this study seeks to determine the viability of the potential for developing the productivity of cash waqf in an effort to increase the effectiveness of achieving cash waqf to support economic sustainability with infrastructure potential. Nine respondents representing academicians and expert practitioners from both the waqf and infrastructure sectors filled out questionnaires to collect data. According to the results of the Delphi test, all respondents believed that there was a relationship between the SWOT indicators, indicating that this model is implementable. Moreover, based on the level of agreement of respondents, this model has the potential to contribute positively to national economic recovery, become a sustainable source of social funds, optimize the potential of waqf in Indonesia, strengthen the ecosystem of waqf social finance institutions, and improve the quality of management and maintenance of Indonesia's infrastructure. These findings demonstrate that integrating financial waqf with existing public infrastructure could positively affect the sustainability of national economic development. The novel aspect of this paper is the proposed cash waqf management system, which can serve as a useful reference for policymakers and waqf institutions seeking to develop a more effective waqf concept in terms of collection, administration, and distribution. Consequently, this study aims to demonstrate the potential for cash waqf, which can be integrated with DINFRA's product through the innovation of the CWL-FRA model, to become an investment instrument and offer a diversity of options to the waqf community.
Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Jan 2023
Sharia Credit Card in The View of Maqasid al-Sharia
Islam is the perfect religious concept, all of life’s activities are measured in the purpose of sharia enforcement. Maqashid sharia is a benchmark in determining activity in the determination, whether it is by these objectives or not. Credit card is a form of facility created to facilitate consumers in making transactions. This product is multiplying and changing the paradigm of consumers in making transactions in the digital era. Credit card has many benefits and functions, one of its functions is substituted for cash. Method of this study using literacy, data collection and collection of objects. The finding is that the contemporary scholars agree that in practice sharia credit cards are permissible as long as there are no aspects of gharar, usury, but also contain the maslahah of the users. DSN MUI responded favourably to the credit card with the issuance of the fatwa DSN No. 54/DSN/- MUI/X/2006 concerning KKS (Sharia Credit Card).
Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Jan 2023
The Implementation of Maqashid Shari’ah as the Tool of Data Analysis in Islamic Economic Law Research
Data analysis in research of the study becomes urgent; it is the key for a successful research. Using wrong of data analysis will result on the error conclusion. Therefore, choosing the right analysis to examine a problem in research is an important thing to be considered. Maqashid Shari’ah is the purpose and objective of Shari’ah that was initiated by the earlier Muslim scholars that put fondation of maqashid al-khamsah which is formulated in the protection of; religion, soul, mind, heredity and property. How to make maqashid Shari’ah as a tool in analyzing Islamic economic research especially sharia economic law? The method used in this research is grounded theory which the study of maqashid Shari’ah developed into an analysis in qualitative research. The data used are thoughts sourced from experts who discuss about this theme. It is further developed into a measuring tool in the analysis of the study. The result of data in this research is that maqashid Shari’ah is very suitable to be the analysis tool in sharia economic law research. It can be formulated in its general nature that is maqashid Shari’ah taken generally from some maqashid experts. And also turn out a single thought about maqashid Shari’ah used as an analysis tool.