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Analisis Opini Auditor Sebagai Sinyal Kepailitan Suatu Perusahaan: Tinjauan Terhadap Perlunya Kode Etik Syariah Akuntan Publik

Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022


Auditor is a professional who has credibility in auditing financial report and company’s activities. This research’s purpose is to figure out; does the company’s bankruptcy can be predicted from the auditor’s opinion. The data used in this research are taken from 33 companies which have announced to bankruptcy by state justice of Central Jakarta, and the recent three years auditor’s opinions before the companies’ bankruptcy. After the data have been analyzed with T-test and Friedman test, it goes to the result that there is no significant different between the whole auditor’s opinions in last three years before the companies’ bankruptcy.


auditor, auditor’s opinion, Islamic auditor’s ethical codes