Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objectives to be achieved by researchers in writing this paper are: 1) Assess the role of Jallaludin Muhammad Akbar in carrying out the economic policies of the government of the Mughal Empire in India in 1556-1605 AD. The historical method has four steps in conducting historical research, namely (1) Heuristics, (2) Historiography, (3) critic, (4) Interpretation Agriculture and Trade Sector The Mughal economic system was based on agriculture and trade. Communication between farmers regulated by the government in a good way. Taxation Council (1) high taxes given to high officials of the Mughal Empire, (2) Taxeslow for farmers. Tax collection is usually in the form of land tax and property tax (Ownership of goods). The conclusion is that King Jalalludin Akbar, his economic policies are closely related to being based on the political and social policies that during sted the Mughal dynasty. Poor people do not object to economic policies, but object to other policies, high tolerance with normal taxes makes economic policies run smoothly even though removing the jizyah policy but jalaludin agung can still reach its peak of glory with agriculture and its export trade to various regions.
Analysis of Economic Policy During the Time of Sultan Jalaludin Akbar in the Mughal Empire
economic policy, mughal dynasty, tax, & agriculture, trade
Ramadhani, F., & Herman, S. (2023). Analysis of Economic Policy During the Time of Sultan Jalaludin Akbar in the Mughal Empire. Islamic Economics and Business Review, 2(1). Retrieved from