Cash waqf act has been issued since 2002. However, the cash waqf fund-raising is still far from optimal. The purpose of this study is to decompose the problems in the cash waqf fund-raising so that solutions and recommendations could be made. Of all these problems, the most dominant one will be analysed so as to give recommendation as to what matter should be solved first among all. The method used in this study is ANP (analytic network process). With this method, it is possible to perform measurements and synthesis process of a number of factors that are considered to be problems in cash waqf fund-raising.
Decomposing Problems in Cash Waqf Fund-Raising in Indonesia
- ISBN: 978-3-030-18449-0
- eISBN: -
- ISSN: -
Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Jul 2019
cash waqf, `ANP method, fund rising
Khairunnisa, Priantina, A. (2019). Decomposing Problems in Cash Waqf Fund-Raising in Indonesia. In: Ali, K., Hassan, M., Ali, A. (eds) Revitalization of Waqf for Socio-Economic Development, Volume II. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.