Anita Priantina, M.Ec.
Ekonomi Syariah
Peneliti LPPM Tazkia
Pengabdian Masyarakat
Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Des 2024
Comparative Efficiency Analysis in Takaful Industry in Southeast Asia
This research aims to evaluate the comparative efficiency of the Takaful industry in Southeast Asia, specifically in Indonesia and Malaysia, highlighting the sector's performance and operational benchmarks. Utilizing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), this research measures the efficiency of various Islamic insurance companies in 2019-2023 by comparing input variables such as Total Assets and Operating Expenses to output variables such as Revenue and Profit (Loss). The selection of input and output variables is adjusted to the intermediation efficiency approach used in the study. The results reveal that the efficiency trend in Islamic insurance companies in Indonesia and Malaysia tends to fluctuate. Besides, there is no Islamic Insurance company in Indonesia and Malaysia has achieved the maximum average efficiency score (1.00) during 2019-2023. PT Asuransi Sonwelis Takaful (0.93) reached the highest average efficiency score (0.93) among Islamic insurance companies in Indonesia. Meanwhile, Etiqa General Takaful Berhad was the Islamic insurance company in Malaysia that achieved the highest average efficiency score (0.99). This study also found that the efficiency level of Islamic insurance Companies in Malaysia tend to be higher than that of Islamic insurance companies in Indonesia. To achieve maximum efficiency level, Islamic insurance companies in Indonesia and Malaysia can improve their performance by concerning to the Revenue and Profit as the input variables, which are the largest sources of inefficiency inIslamic Insurance companies in Indonesia and Malaysia respectively. Islamic insurance companies in Indonesia and Malaysia should focus on improving efficiency through regular performance evaluations and product innovation to enhance financial inclusiveness and expand their reach. Regulators and academics are encouraged to support this effort by monitoring industry performance, addressing operational challenges, and conducting further research to provide comprehensive insights into the efficiency of Islamic insurance companies.
Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Nov 2024
Book Review: Halal Logistics and Supply Chain Management In Southeast Asia
Halal logistics and halal supply chain management play essential role in the halal assurance system. Southeast Asia consist of some muslim majority populated countries, and countries with significant number of muslim consumers. The emerging concern towards halal logistics is a certainty after the rising concern worldwide towards halal industry and halal certification system. Southeast Asia is also a home of a country which has announced the mandatory halal certification. The discussion which spans from theoretical perspectives into empirical implementation of policies related to halal logistics in this region may give insight into how halal assurance should be prepared and executed. Articles in this book written with similar conclusions stating that halal is not merely conceptual religious obligations, but also needs technical implementation which will need comphrehensive frameworks. These frameworks consists of inter-related elements which are essential for the optimum system operation. The studies also elaborate opportunities and room for improvements in this halal logistics sector, in order to maintain the optimum total halal assurance implementation.
Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Okt 2024
Determinants of Intention to Choose Halal Certified Restaurant in West Java
The establishment of halal-labeled restaurants that offer a diverse range of food and beverages is in line with the growing awareness of halal certification. However, the importance of halal certification was not fully known by the public. This study aimed to investigate the potential influence of knowledge, attitude, and religiosity on consumers' purchase interest in halal restaurants in West Java. In addition, certain eateries emphasize the natural and cultural aspects of the region. The varied traditional cuisine, business centers,and the presence of Muslim communities make West Java an attractive destination for those seeking a religiously oriented and convenient dining experience. This study used primary data collected from 100 respondents through a questionnaire distributed via Google Forms. The study utilized purposive sampling, a type of non-probability sampling, and employed multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS version 29for data analysis, the study was conducted in 3stages, namely t-test, f-test, and coefficient of determination test. The findings indicate that attitude and religiosity factors influence consumer purchase intention at the halal restaurant. Conversely, knowledge was not proven to significantly affectpublic purchase intention at the halal restaurant in this study. This research has significant implications for halal restaurant owners. Halal restaurant owners in West Java can better understand the needs and preferences of Muslim consumers, strengthen their market position, and promote the growth of the halalindustry in the region.
Tanggal Publikasi: 10 Okt 2024
Pengaruh Literasi Halal, Religiusitas, Halal Awareness Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen pada Restoran Bersertifikat Halal pada Generasi Z di Jabodetabek
This research aims to investigate the influence of halal literacy, religiosity, and awareness of halal on consumer buying interest in halal certified restaurants in the Jabodetabek area, with a focus on Generation Z. Data was collected through a survey targeting 162 respondents using a scale of 1 to 6. Testing was carried out using the Smart PLS V.3 analysis tool and the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis approach. The results of the analysis show that halal literacy has a positive but not significant influence on consumer buying interest, while religiosity and halal awareness will have a positive and significant influence on consumer buying interest. These findings indicate that religious understanding and awareness of halal play an important role in influencing consumer shopping behavior, especially in the context of halal certification. The implications of these findings can help halal food and beverage industry stakeholders in developing more effective marketing strategies to attract and retain their potential customers amidst increasingly fierce competition in the industry.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Okt 2024
Pengaruh Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Norma Subjektif terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kosmetik Perawatan Wajah Berlabel Halal pada Mahasiswa/i di Jawa Barat
This study aims to investigate the factors affecting the purchasing choices of halalcertified facial care cosmetics, specifically focusing on the roles of knowledge, attitude, and subjective norm. The participants in this research are students residing in West Java who actively use halal-certified facial care products. Data collection is carried out through online surveys, gathering responses from a total of 100 participants. Hypothesis testing is performed utilizing Smart PLS 3.0 software. The findings reveal that both attitude and knowledge exhibit significant impacts on purchasing decisions, whereas subjective norm does not demonstrate a significant influence on these decisions
Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Sep 2024
Exploring influential factors in selecting halal pharmaceuticals among students (study case IAI Tazkia & University Ibnu Khaldun in Bogor)
Users of halal-certified medicines involve individuals, groups, and organizations; individual actors cannot be separated from students. Several factors influence students who use halal-certified medicines, including attitudes, subjective norms, and purchase intentions. These factors are motivated by the desires and needs of students. This study investigates the impact of knowledge, attitudes, and subjective norms on the purchase intention of halal-certified medicines. The research explores the factors influencing the intention to purchase halal-certified over-the-counter medicines among students at IAI Tazkia and Ibn Khaldun University in Bogor. Data collection primarily comprises primary data. The primary data utilized in this study were gathered by distributing questionnaires to 215 student respondents. This research uses a qualitative methodology and is analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of SmartPLS 3 software with 215 respondents. The results showed that the attitude variables and subjective norms were significantly affected. On the other hand, the knowledge variable was found to have a low influence on the purchase intention of halal medicines among Muslim students, indicating that other factors may play a more significant role in their purchase decisions.
Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Agt 2024
Indonesia offers significant opportunities for the halal sector thanks to its predominantly Muslim population. However, there is a notable lack of certified halal medicines, which is surprising given the crucial role that medicines play in human life. This study aims to investigate how awareness of halal practises influences Muslim consumers' intention to purchase halal medicines, with a particular focus on the Jabodetabek region. The study is based on a total of 150 respondents and employs a partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). From the analysis, it is found that awareness of halal products has a significant influence on the intention to purchase halal medicines. In addition, both subjective norms and perceived behavioural control are identified as significant factors influencing the intention to purchase halal medicines. However, it is worth noting that attitude does not have a statistically significant influence on the intention to purchase halal medicines. This result may be attributed to the limited availability of halal-certified medicines, which influences the attitude of individuals in the decision-making process.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jul 2024
Over-the-counter and restricted over-the-counter medications are commonly used by students because they are easily accessible and can be purchased when feeling unwell. The aim of this study is to understand the purchasing behaviour of over-the-counter and restricted over-the-counter medicines labelled as halal among students in the Jabodetabek region. In particular, this study examines the influence of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), which includes behavioural control, subjective norms and attitudes, on the purchasing behaviour of halal labelled medicines. The research results show that behavioural control and subjective norms significantly influence the purchasing behaviour of halal medicines among students in the Jabodetabek region. However, contrary to initial expectations, no significant influence of the attitudinal variable was found on halal medicine purchasing behaviour among students in the Jabodetabek region.
Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Jun 2024
Gen Z and Halal Local Cosmetics
This research aims to determine the influence of the halal label, knowledge and religiosity on local cosmetics labeled halal. Looking at the surrounding environment, many generation Z people still don't care about choosing local cosmetics that are labeled halal. Apart from that, this research advises consumers or cosmetic users to be careful in choosing the cosmetic brands they use, especially local cosmetics. Therefore, the author decided to conduct research on generation Z, both men and women who live in Jabodetabek. Around 112 respondents completed the survey, and data collection was done using questionnaire. The data were analyzed using software SmartPLS 3.0 with analysis method structural equation modeling (SEM).Result showed that consumers' decisions to buy are significantly and favourably influenced by the halal label. This shows that consumers are increasingly aware of the importance of choosing locally produced cosmetics that are halal certified.Further evidence of a noteworthy degree of awareness of the significance of selecting halal-labelled products comes from the significant link that exists between customers' knowledge of local cosmetics and their shopping decisions. This study suggests further exploration of the specific factors that drive the positive influence of the halal label and emphasizes the need for a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics between religiosity and purchasing decisions, thereby contributing valuable insights for industry stakeholders.
Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Mei 2024
Empowering Youth in High-Risk Areas: Assessing the Impact of a Psychospiritual Prevention Program on Drug Abuse Prevention
Substance or drug abuse is one of the biggest threats to the nation. One of the main factors contributing to the failure of staying abstinent is the lack of social support from the community. The models of prevention programs are mostly adopted from the Western model, which seems to be unfit for the local context. Hence, there is a significant need to explore new strategies in which the protective and spiritual elements are practiced in the community in Malaysia against drug abuse. The emerging themes for Malaysians’ protective and spiritual factors are useful for conceptualizing and developing a psychospiritual prevention module for the community in Malaysia using the Sidek Module Development Model (2005). The objective of this research is to evaluate the influence of a psychospiritual prevention module on (1) spiritual awareness, (2) locus of control, (3) knowledge, and (4) self-assertiveness. To achieve this, participants were assigned to either an experimental or control group during both the initial assessment and follow-up evaluation. This study employed a quasi-experimental design involving two distinct youth cohorts, each consisting of 33 individuals in both the experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in a psychoeducational intervention conducted in seven sessions by trained staff, whereas the control group received no intervention. The comparative analysis between the pre- and post-tests revealed a significant increase in the mean scores for spirituality (from 172.24 to 188.12 in the post-test and 191.79 in the follow-up test), locus of control (from 68.76 to 76.79 in the post-test and 87.52 in the follow-up test), knowledge (from 28.91 to 41.48 in the post-test and 72.09 in the follow-up test), and self-assertiveness (from 99.48 to 106.42 in the post-test and 119.42 in the follow-up test) in the experimental group. In contrast, the three variables examined did not exhibit noteworthy increases within the control group. The new evidence-based module can create synergy between government agencies and the community in drug prevention.
Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Mei 2024
Exploring Protective And Risk Factors Among Youth In High-Risk Areas
This study examines the complex dynamics of protective and risk factors that impact substance abuse among youth in high-risk neighborhoods. Using a qualitative methodology based on interviews with young people from these neighborhoods, it illuminates the nuanced subtleties that shape their experiences. Internally, the findings reveal significant vulnerabilities among young people, with a notable proportion experiencing a lack of spiritual knowledge and practice (43%)and succumbing to curiosity (38%). Stress pressure (14%) and initiation through smoking (5%) were also identified as factors contributing to their vulnerability. From an external perspective, the negative influence of peers (28) emerged as an important risk factor, followed by inadequate parental education (24%) and family involvement with drugs (19%). The negative effects of a negative neighborhood environment (17%), parental separation (9%) and type of occupation (4%) were also evident. However, amidst these risks, certain protective factors were also identified. Internal spiritual knowledge and practice (33%), awareness of the dangers of drugs (30%), positive peer influence (24%) and assertiveness (13%) demonstrated resilience to negative influences. Robust external protective factors included the ability to choose friends (42%), the positive influence of family (43%) and the ability to avoid drug hubs (14%), emphasizing the importance of social support structures and informed choices in risk reduction. This research emphasizes the complexity of protective and risk factors impacting young people in high-risk areas and provides valuable insights for policy makers, practitioners, and communities to develop targeted interventions aimed at promoting resilienceand safeguarding the wellbeing of vulnerable young people.
Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Mei 2024
Exploring Spiritual Engagement Among Youth In High-Risk Areas
This study examines the spiritual and religious engagement of young people in high-risk neighborhoods to uncover their role as internal protective mechanisms against substance abuse. Through qualitative research, the study explores participants' perspectives and practices related to spirituality. The findings reveal a nuanced understanding of spirituality, with religious devotion and internalization emerging as prominent themes for nearly a third of participants (29.35% overall). The importance of connecting with Allah, fostering inner strength, ethical considerations, and the intertwined pursuit of self-knowledge and knowledge of God are emphasized and comprise about one-fifth, nearly one-fifth, about 15%, and nearly 12% of participants, respectively. In addition, religious practices such as obligatory prayer, recitation of ma'thurat, participation in zikir and reading religious texts, especially the Qur'an, are widely practiced among the participants. These practices are practiced by more than 30%, about 22%, over 17% and about 15% of the participants, respectively. These findings highlight the multiple ways in which religious engagement fosters discipline, spiritual empowerment, leadership, community support and personal reflection, and is thus a critical component in promoting healthy lifestyles and resilience to substance abuse among youth in a high-risk environment.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Mei 2024
Decoding Preferences: Unraveling Factors Influencing the Selection of Islamic Banking in the Minas District Community
Despite economic growth in the Minas district, the development of Islamic banks remains under-researched, making it an interesting topic for investigation.This study aims to assess the impact of knowledge, religiosity, and community attitudes on savings interest in Islamic banks. The variables considered are knowledge (X1), religiosity (X2), attitude (X3), and savings interest rate (Y). Using a quantitative descriptive approach with Struc-turalEquationModellingPartialLeastSquares(SEMPLS),we collected primary data from questionnaires targeting individuals aged 15 years and above in Minas District, Siak Regency, Riau Province. The results show that knowledge and religiosity have a positive and significant influence on Islamic banks, while attitude shows no significant influence. ThesefindingsprovidecrucialinsightsintothedeterminantsofIslamic banking services at the local level.They suggest that Islamic banks and stakeholders should develop more effective marketing and educational strategies to improve community knowledge,religiosity,and attitudes towards Shariah finance.Ultimately,this will promote interest in saving, especially in the Minas district.
Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Apr 2024
Capturing Millennials' Attention: Investigating Influential Factors on Purchase Intention at Halal Restaurants in Bogor, Indonesia
This research aims to explore the factors influencing consumers' purchasing intentions at halal-labeled restaurants, especially among Millennials in Bogor. By adopting the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as a conceptual framework, this study is limited to a sample scope involving 222 respondents aged 20-39 who practice Islam, including both students and private sector individuals residing in Bogor City. This study usedthe SEM-PLS method in analyzing the data. It is conducted in two stages,the evaluation of the measurement model (outer model) and the evaluation of the structural model (inner model). The Path Coefficients method has been employed to assess the direct effects of an exogenous latent construct or variable on an endogenous latent variable. The research results show that attitude variables and halal labels have a significant influence on consumer buying interest in halal restaurants, while knowledge and price variables do not have a significant influence on buying interest.The implications of this research are highly relevant for halal restaurant industry owners and practitioners. Strategic recommendations include enhancing information about the halalness of products and services and strengthening halal certification and labels. Restaurant owners are encouraged to seek a balance between competitive pricing and high-quality service. Focus on improving consumer knowledge about the halal status of products, enhancing brand image, and emphasizing the halal label as a positive differentiator.
Tanggal Publikasi: 9 Apr 2024
Pengaruh Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Religiusitas Terhadap Minat Beli Produk Fashion Kulit Halal
Fashion leather includes garments made from animal skins and is used extensively in the manufacture of various items, including jackets, shoes, bags, and accessories. This popularity is due to the high aesthetic value and durability of leather fashion products. This study aims to investigate the influence of knowledge, attitude and religiosity on the purchase intention of leather fashion products. Using a quantitative approach, data was primarily collected through questionnaires distributed among the residents of Bogor. The analysis was conducted using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method with the assistance of SmartPLS 3.0. The results show that knowledge,attitude, and religiosity have a significant influence on the purchase intention of leather fashion products in the city of Bogor. What sets this study apart from others is its unique approach to understanding consumer behavior in choosing leather fashion products in Bogor. While previous studies have mainly focused on variables such as price and product quality, this study introduces the variables of knowledge, attitude, and religiosity to measure the level of purchase interest.