This research analyzes the determinants of liquidity risk in Islamic banks by using a comprehensive model that incorporates several variables that impact the liquidity of Islamic banks. A panel data analysis is conducted on a sample of 42 Islamic banks from 15 countries between 2007 and 2014. The results show a negative correlation between liquidity risk and cash ratio, as the cash balance can be used to meet any demands for liquidity from the bank’s customers. There is negative correlation between liquidity risk and securities held by the bank, since banks which need liquidity can sell these assets to meet any liquidity shortages they face. Bank size also has a negative relationship with liquidity risk, as larger banks tend to have more stability and customers feel safer dealing with large banks. Bank’s equity also has a negative correlation with liquidity risk, as equity is a more stable source of funding for banks, a higher ratio of equity lowers liquidity risk. On the other hand, there is a positive relationship with high profit assets, as banks shift their portfolio towards more profitable assets in order to increase their earnings, they face greater liquidity risk, a positive relationship also exists with bad finance provision. Additionally, the findings demonstrate that the relationship between bank size and liquidity risk is not linear.
Determinants of liquidity risk in Islamic banks
liquidity risk, Islamic banks, conventional banks, size of the bank, investment in financial assets
Alzoubi, Tariq. (2017). Determinants of Liquidity Risk in Islamic Banks. Banks and Bank Systems. 12. 10.21511/bbs.12(3).2017.10.