Rifki Ismal, Ph.D.
Magister Ekonomi Syariah
Peneliti LPPM Tazkia
Pengabdian Masyarakat
Tanggal Publikasi: 14 Apr 2023
Kebijakan moneter dan kebijakan fiskal merupakan kebijakan yang mempengaruhi kebijakan ekonomi makro. Penetapan kebijakan ekonomi secara makro akan memberikan dampak pada pencapaian peningkatan ekonomi. Agar pertumbuhan ekonomi sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, maka kebijakan moneter dan fiskal harus berjalan saling beriringan dan saling mendukung. Jika kedua kebijakan itu saling berlawanan dan tidak saling mendukung, maka pertumbuhan ekonomi akan terganggu atau malah mencapai nol. Oleh karena itu diperlukan interaksi dan interkoneksi antara kebijakan moneter dengan kebijakan fiskal. Kedua lembaga pemerintah yang berwenang menangani masalah keduanya, baik Kementerian Keuangan sebagai penanggung jawab kebijkan fiskal maupun Bank Indonesia sebagai pemegang mandat dalam menetapkan kebijakan moneter, harus bisa menyatukan kebijakan-kebijakan demi mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi yang mensejahterakan rakyat.
Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Jun 2023
Analisis Pengaruh Variabel Ekonomi Makro Terhadap Volatilitas Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI)
This study aims to analyze the impact of the movement of the main macroeconomic indicators on ISSI volatility. Then analyzed how far the influence of ISSI volatility on investors' decisions in investing in ISSI shares. Furthermore, policy proposals can be made to control the impact of the main macroeconomic indicators on ISSI volatility. This study uses the VAR (Vector Autoregression) / VECM (Vector Error Correction Model) method with a sample of 130 (one hundred and thirty) monthly time series data from June 2011 to March 2022. The results of the analysis and findings in this study can provide information that the variables macroeconomics namely Inflation, World Oil Prices, Exchange Rates, Money Supply and Trade Transaction Volume variables significantly influence ISSI volatility. The positive relationship between ISSI Volatility and ISSI Trading Transaction Volume indicates that ISSI Volatility influences investors' decisions to invest in ISSI shares. So that policy priorities are needed in order to control stock volatility, including controlling inflation, world oil prices, exchange rates and the money supply. Control over the volume of trade transactions also needs to be done to reduce investment risk.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2023
In Indonesia, the development of Islamic banking has increased significantly from year to year. Controlling the money supply through financing can be used with SBIS selling contracts as one of the sharia monetary policy instruments. The purpose of this research is to see how far the interaction and contribution of SBIS selling contracts with Islamic banking financing. The analytical method used is VECM. The results show that the causality between these two variables is not significant and for the interaction response both show stability in both the short and long term. This research recommends that SBIS is not only in the form of a ju'alah contract but also the implementation of the contracts given by the MUI.
Tanggal Publikasi: 12 Apr 2022
Regional sukuk issuance strategy (islamic municipal bonds) in indonesia
Islamic Municipal Bonds (sukuk) is one out of fund sources that can be used by regions for financing regional development projects. However, discussion about the Islamic Municipal Bonds issuing in Indonesia are still in the form of discourse. The aims of this study are to analyze the problem of issuing Islamic Municipal Bonds in Indonesia, and to find the best solutions and strategies for launching sukuk in Indonesia. The method that used in this research was the concept of Tawhidy String Relation (TSR) combined with the Delphi and the Analytical Network Process (ANP). The 2 (two) main problems that become obstacles and also root causes in the publishing of Islamic Municipal Bonds are low literacy of sharia and legal and regulatory barriers. The implication of this research was that sharia economic actors could improve economic and financial literacy of sharia. Meanwhile, regarding legal and regulatory issues, the government must encourage the creation of harmonization of laws and implementing regulations that provide legal certainty and accelerate the implementation of the issuance of regional sukuk in Indonesia. Finally, by publishing the Islamic Municipal Bonds, there is an increase in cross-sectoral economic activities based on sharia economics.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2007
Upon the progressive and healthy Indonesian Islamic banking industry, there is a potential of liquidity risk to be aware and anticipated. Its industry characteristics, depositor’s behaviors and high banking performance requested by public are some factors to be carefully aware. On top of that, current macroeconomic condition along with interest based economic system, free capital mobility and dual banking system are some other factors to be anticipated as well. At the end, some anticipative actions and preparations should be thought by Islamic banking industry to maintain and guarantee its promising prospect
Tanggal Publikasi: 8 Jan 2023
This article investigates in the literature the influence between Islamic banking performance and monetary policy. With the literature search method using Mendeley Desktop software. The results show that from the various literatures that examine monetary policy and Islamic banking performance, not much has been found that examines and links monetary policy to Islamic banking performance. The search results show that this research still has the potential to be re-examined empirically using both quantitative and qualitative methods, using both primary and secondary data.
Tanggal Publikasi: 8 Jan 2023
This article investigates in the literature the influence between Islamic banking performance and monetary policy. With the literature search method using Mendeley Desktop software. The results show that from the various literatures that examine monetary policy and Islamic banking performance, not much has been found that examines and links monetary policy to Islamic banking performance. The search results show that this research still has the potential to be re-examined empirically using both quantitative and qualitative methods, using both primary and secondary data.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Agt 2023
Determinants of Islamic Performance Ratio in Islamic Banks with Return on Assets as Moderating Factor
The plan of the Indonesian government that wants to make Indonesia the center of the world's Islamic economy and finance must be supported by all stakeholders. Therefore, as one of the vital elements in the Islamic financial ecosystem, Islamic banks need to have an excellent performance to increase the trust of the national and international community. In addition, Islamic banks with different operational principles from conventional banks should have different performance measurements compared to performance measurements from conventional banks. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that can potentially affect the Islamic Performance Ratio (IPR). These factors include independent variables consisting of financing, the distribution ratio (Financing to Deposit Ratio-FDR), labor cost ratio (LCR), promotion cost ratio (PCR), financing quality ratio (Non-Performing Financing-NPF), ratio distribution of financing to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and Return on Assets (ROA). Furthermore, to determine the relationship between financial performance indicators in
Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Mei 2023
Preferences and Perceptions of MSME Entrepreneurs Towards Islamic Banking QRIS Products and Services in the City of Medan Post COVID 19 era
Purpose: This research as determine the perception of MSME entrepreneurs in the city of Medan in the post-covid-19 era.
Design/methodology/approach: This type of research is field research by conducting interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) conducted on MSME entrepreneurs in Medan City who use QRIS and how their preferences and perceptions are, especially for culinary entrepreneurs.
Findings: The results of this study are the tendency of MSME entrepreneurs to prefer cashless transactions instead of QRIS because there are network constraints, lack of consistency in real time when transacting, administrative costs are imposed for MSME entrepreneurs so that they tend to cashless transactions other than QRIS so that MSME entrepreneurs do not prioritize the use of QRIS. Furthermore, from the perception of post-covid-19 era MSME entrepreneurs that purchasing power is low, however, the use of QRIS has not shown an increase in business income.
Research, Practical & Social implications: Demonstrate the use of QRIS services that can increase the business income of MSME Users.
Originality/value: This research provides an affirmation in the thinking of the use of QRIS services that can be developed in a more comprehensive and in-depth research. On preferences and perceptions of MSME and their competencies, considering perception entrepreneurs that purchasing use QRIS
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Okt 2003
Paper ini akan mencoba membahas dampak penerapan otonomi daerah, khususnya dampak alokasi atau penyaluran dana perimbangan keuangan pusat dan daerah terhadap pengendalian moneter selama periode pertama (tahun pertama) penerapan otonomi daerah. Langkah pertama yaitu mencoba menghitung besarnya alokasi dana perimbangan yang diterima tiap daerah di Indonesia, kedua, kemana dana tersebut dialokasikan/ditempatkan oleh masing-masing daerah (perbankan di daerah), ketiga, apakah ada pencairan dana dan kesimpulan serta langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil oleh otoritas moneter untuk menghadapi pelaksanaan otonomi daerah tahun depan.
Tanggal Publikasi: 18 Apr 2014
. Indonesia: The Resilience and Prospects of Islamic Banking
The main operation of Indonesian Islamic banks is microfinance. Based on Bank Indonesia's Islamic banking model up to May 2013, the performance and estimation of the total assets, financing, and third-party funds are on track for the near future, with scenarios ranging from optimistic to moderate to pessimistic. This chapter investigates the effects of internal and external factors on the performance of the Islamic banking industry, such as its funding and financing activities. It elaborates on the factors affecting Islamic bank financing and nonperforming financing. The chapter assesses the resilience of the Indonesian Islamic banking industry, and recommends policies to be taken. Finally, it explores other Islamic financial institutions and the performance of the Islamic financial market, particularly sukuk and regulatory issues. Besides Islamic banking institutions, nonbank financial institutions—such as insurance (takaful), pawnbroking, mutual funds, and multifinance—also exist in Indonesian Islamic finance and have survived during unfavorable economic conditions.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Okt 2021
STUDY OF ISLAMIC MONETARY POLICY LITERATURE: (Effectiveness of Real Sector Performance Strengthening)
The purpose of this article is to analyze how effective the Islamic monetary policy system is in maintaining or improving the performance of the real sector. And how Islamic monetary economic policy is able to maintain stability between the real sector and the monetary sector compared to the implementation of conventional monetary economic policy. The research design uses library research design (library study design). namely a research by studying, researching and reviewing relevant library materials. The data collection method used in this study is documentation, namely the method of data collection by reviewing various books (literature) that are relevant to the subject matter to be studied. With data analysis techniques using content analysis techniques, (Content Analysis) is research that is in-depth discussion of the contents of a written or printed information in the mass media. Which in the analysis it was found that Islamic monetary policy is effective in improving the performance of the real sector.
Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Nov 2021
The Islamic economic system also contributes to the global economy, including in Indonesia. However, the extent to which the implementation of sharia maqasid in it still needs further research. This article tries to explore the extent of the implementation of maqasid sharia in monetary policy, especially in Indonesia. The methodology used is a literature study approach to 100 national and international journal articles, as well as books and other literature related to the implementation of the sharia maqasid. The main finding of this research is that Islamic maqasid is not only needed to formulate economic policies, both monetary, fiscal and financial policies, but also to create Islamic banking products and other real sectors.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2022
Optimal Portfolio Based Risk and Return of Corporate Sukuk in Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the optimal portfolio of corporate sukuk in Indonesia using the risk return analysis approach and the CML (Capital Market Line) model in order to foster investor interest in investing in corporate sukuk instruments. This research was conducted using data throughout 2014 – 2018 and is divided into three measurement periods, namely the crisis period (2014-2016), post-crisis (2016-2018) and long-term (2014-2018), each period representing Indonesia's economic condition. and globally. The results showed that during the crisis period, sukuk with ijarah were superior both in risk and return compared to mudharabah, so that the optimal portfolio composition was to maximize the composition of ijarah. However, in the post-crisis period (improvement of economic conditions) and long-term measurements, the composition of the existing portfolio is more varied depending on the goals of each investor, either to maximize returns or to minimize risk. However, in the post-crisis period (improvement of economic conditions) and long-term measurements, the composition of the existing portfolio is more varied depending on the goals of each investor, either to maximize returns or to minimize risk. The optimal portfolio combination (referring to the benchmark rate) between sukuk mudharabah and sukuk ijarah is 0% mudharabah: 100% ijarah for the period 2014 – 2016 with a return rate of 3.9 and a risk of 0.49, 81% mudharabah : 19% ijarah for the period 2016 – 2018 with a return rate of 2.71 and a risk of 0.65, and 85% mudharabah: 15% ijarah for the period 2014 – 2018 with a return rate of 2.77 and a risk of 0.79. This combination can form an efficient frontier that provides a comparison of the same level of return and risk.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Nov 2022
Islamic banking faces new challenges due to the instability of global economy. The condition requires a strong management to avoid the adversely effect of company's performance, indicated by the increasing of NPF. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the management problems in controlling NPF level, analyse the management implementation model, and formulate priority strategies. The management aspects evaluated are managerial capabilities, business strategy, Good Corporate Governance, and financing supervision. The method used is Analytic Network Process with two groups of respondents, namely Islamic banking practitioners and experts. The result shows that the main problems of management in controlling NPF are i) inconsistency business strategy, ii) low competitive advantage, iii) lack of education on risk management, iv) low leadership skills, and v) lack of monitoring and supervision. Meanwhile, the management implementation model for controlling NPF is showed in the form of causality relationships, in which explains the effectiveness to control NPF that influenced by the success of management in addressing problems in aspects of business strategy and managerial capability. The strategies to be implemented are i) develop business strategy periodically, ii) create distinctive values, iii) review business strategies regularly, iv) risk management training, v) leadership training, and vi) sharing sessions.