Rifki Ismal, Ph.D.
Magister Ekonomi Syariah
Peneliti LPPM Tazkia
Pengabdian Masyarakat
Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Des 2022
Transmission of Sharia Monetary Policy in Improving Sharia Banking Performance (Literature Study)
Indonesia's economic condition is currently experiencing a downturn, even though its current growth has increased by 5 percent from before. This will be the impact of Covid 19 that hit the country. This impact has had an impact on the decline of banking in the country, especially Islamic banking since 2020. When compared to the profits obtained since 2019. This study aims to see the performance of Islamic banking when viewed from the current monetary policy. This study uses a qualitative method. Documentation technique for analyzing documents related to Islamic Banking performance. The data used in the analysis includes Islamic Banking Accounting books, research articles, and so on. Based on the results of research conducted that the performance of Islamic banking in the country can survive and experience a very satisfying increase, it can be seen that the increase is happening every year. In semester I/2021, the profit earned was IDR 1.48 trillion, an increase of 34.29%. In 2022 the profit earned is IDR 3.21 trillion, an increase of 42%. From the results of these observations, the current monetary policy carried out by BSI can improve the financial performance of Islamic banking, even though our economic growth is currently experiencing an economic crisis.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2010
This paper attempts to assess the demand and supply of liquidity in Islamic banks and to check the resilience of the industry to liquidity pressure. Firstly, it identifies the sources of short-term demand and supply of liquidity. Secondly, it assesses the historical performance of banks to manage liquidity. Thirdly, this paper predicts the short-term future performance and investigates the resiliency of the industry against any liquidity pressure by using ARIMA models and Bayesian technique. The paper finds that the industry has historically managed liquidity very well. Nevertheless, the resiliency against liquidity pressures is not strong enough because it does not perform well when irregular demand of liquidity or a liquidity run occur. As such, this paper suggests to Islamic banks that they intensify education of the public on Islamic banking principles, improve banking facilities, products and services, and optimize bank financing.
Tanggal Publikasi: 3 Agt 2017
Determinants of liquidity risk in Islamic banks
This research analyzes the determinants of liquidity risk in Islamic banks by using a comprehensive model that incorporates several variables that impact the liquidity of Islamic banks. A panel data analysis is conducted on a sample of 42 Islamic banks from 15 countries between 2007 and 2014. The results show a negative correlation between liquidity risk and cash ratio, as the cash balance can be used to meet any demands for liquidity from the bank’s customers. There is negative correlation between liquidity risk and securities held by the bank, since banks which need liquidity can sell these assets to meet any liquidity shortages they face. Bank size also has a negative relationship with liquidity risk, as larger banks tend to have more stability and customers feel safer dealing with large banks. Bank’s equity also has a negative correlation with liquidity risk, as equity is a more stable source of funding for banks, a higher ratio of equity lowers liquidity risk. On the other hand, there is a positive relationship with high profit assets, as banks shift their portfolio towards more profitable assets in order to increase their earnings, they face greater liquidity risk, a positive relationship also exists with bad finance provision. Additionally, the findings demonstrate that the relationship between bank size and liquidity risk is not linear.
Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Mei 2016
A Proposed Formula for Reserve Requirement–Financing to Deposit Ratio: The Case of Islamic Banking in Indonesia
This chapter attempts to find the ideal reserve requirement–financing to deposit ratio (RR-FDR) ratio for Islamic banking industry in Indonesia by deriving the ideal quantitative formula of the ideal RR-FDR and conducting simulations to identify its impact to each Islamic bank. Simulations on the financial ratios related to calculating RR-FDR are conducted based on the bank profit maximization model and the bank balance sheet approach. The results find that FDR is suggested to be between 77 and 109 % with 5 % RR. However, the liquidity reserve position of each Islamic bank shows that there are five Islamic banks having a minimum liquidity reserve (less than 5 % RR) and seven Islamic banks having a minimum liquidity reserve (less than 8 % RR). It means Islamic banking industry in Indonesia does not have enough liquidity reserves to mitigate both short-term and long-term liquidity mismatches leading to liquidity pressures. Hence, the regulator is suggested to consider such an optimal FDR-RR in Islamic banking industry for an effective implementation of the macroprudential policies.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2016
Managing Banking Liquidity Risk in the Current Economic Conditions: A Conceptual Framework
The paper attempts to analyze the conceptual basis for managing banking liquidity risk in the current economic conditions. After identifying and profiling risks in banking institution, the current concept of liquidity risk management requires the banks to set up a liquidity risk management process. It consists of determining liquidity risk management policies, setting the roles of ALCO, establishing an effective information system and, conducting internal control system for liquidity management. Further, after analyzing factors triggering assetliability imbalance, the banks prepare techniques to mitigate liquidity imbalance and liquid financial instruments to fulfill the demand for liquidity. Finally, this comprehensive concept is expected to help banks to properly manage liquidity in the challenging economic/business condition nowadays.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Sep 2022
Factors Affecting Corporate Decision Makers to Transact With Indonesian Sharia Banks
This study aims to examine the factors that influence corporate decision-making factors in transactions with Sharia Bank in Indonesia and recommend strategies to increase corporate customers in Islamic banking to increase their market share considering that corporate customers have large purchase power parity. This study was conducted to fill the research gap where it will be analyzed how the factors that influence the decisions of corporate customers in Indonesia in transacting with Islamic banking. The sample in this study is financial decisionmakers in corporations consisting of the CEO, CFO, Head of Finance, Vice President Finance, and GM Finance. Sampling in this study used the Slovin formula with a target sample of 394 respondents, both Muslim and non-Muslim. The results of this study indicate that in general the level of knowledge of sharia from both Muslim and non-Muslim respondents is still minimal for basic muamalah fiqh knowledge. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the variables of service quality and sharia compliance affect the reputation of Sharia Bank in Indonesia, where the reputation of Sharia Bank is the only variable that directly affects the decisions of corporate decision-makers in transactions with Sharia Bank. Meanwhile, the variables of religiosity, sharia knowledge, the role of company shareholders do not have a positive influence on the dependent variable. Finally, this study recommends the management of Sharia Bank to determine strategic steps to improve reputation as the most decisive variable for a company to transact with Sharia Bank. Reputation is enhanced by improving service quality and sharia compliance
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2013
Credit Risk Management in Indonesian Islamic Banking
This research aims to analyze credit risk management in the Indonesia Islamic banking industry. Primarily, the credit risk management is related to policies and procedures, credit risk management activities and credit risk controling or mitigating. Research constructed by weighting a number of indicators that reflect credit risk management activities in Islamic banking. The final results of the research are index of credit risk management of the Indonesia Islamic banking industry and indices of credit risk management in the Islamic banking industry. The Index is counted by the method of scoring with the maximum score of 100 and the industrial index is obtained by combining of each Islamic bank through the calculation of weighted average of individual share of financing. Based on the analysis of primary and secondary data, the index of credit risk management of the Islamic banking industry and index aspects of credit risk management, the index of the Indonesia Islamic banking industry come up to a good criterion. Improving the Quality of credit risk management, can be proceded by bank management by improving risk management aspects which have not been adequately assessed. Moreover, improving the quality of credit risk management by the authority of Islamic banking can be pursued by formulating the banking regulations
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2009
The monetary policy in Indonesia: in the perspective of Islamic economics
The writing is based on my concern on the monetary policy in Indonesia which is not fully in accordance with the Islamic teaching. Among all, the monetary policy doesn’t pay attention to the real sector. It can be seen from the sectorial dichotomy between the real and monetary sectors whereas in Islamic economics, monetary policy is only a representative of the real sector. The paper is a literary research with the approach of comparative study between Islamic monetary policy and the monetary policy employed in Indonesia. The research result is a composition of a transmission model from the perspective of Islamic economics which is based on BI Return (sharing) by creating a diagram and then explaining some thoughts of Muslim and western economists such as Stieglitz to create a monetary policy which gets along with the real sector. The model is an observational result to the monetary condition in Indonesia which is then compared to Islamic monetary thought. This model will gain good result when all transmissions of monetary policy are applied effectively.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Agt 2009
- Model of Islamic monetary operation for liquidity management in Islamic banking: case of Indonesia 2000-2009
The paper attempts to construct the model of islamic monetary operation for liquidity management in islamic banking. Particularly, the model investigates variables that determine the role of the central bank in managing liquidity. Firstly, it explores the related conventional models and chooses one to find general variables involved in monetary operations for managing liquidity. Secondly, it formulates the islamic model after considering the islamic monetary operation principles, characteristics of both islamic monetary instruments and Indonesian islamic banking industry. Specifically, it models Bank Indonesia’s islamic monetary instrument called Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificate (SBIS). Thirdly, the model points out that the volume of SBIS is influenced by reserves requirement, currency in circulation, and prior auctions of SBIS. It means that the application of islamic OMO is not significantly different from monetary instrument in conventional OMO. Therefore, the paper suggests the issuance of islamic investment monetary instruments to implement the ideal islamic monetary instrument and OMO
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2011
Understanding characteristics of depositors to develop the Indonesian Islamic banks
This paper studies characteristics of banking depositors referring to some survey literatures on Indonesian Islamic banking industry. Then, the output of such literatures is used to construct and propose an integrated program to develop the Indonesian Islamic banking industry. Particularly, the paper investigates the understanding of depositors with regard to Islamic banking institution, segmentation of depositors, depositors’ investment and liquidity behavior. Finally, an integrated program is composed of:(a) socializing the operations and benefits of Islamic banks;(b) educating the banking depositors and;(c) maintaining the loyalty of depositors.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2005
Pasar Obligasi dan reksadana relatif masih baru di pasar keuangan Indonesia. Namun demikian, perkembangan kedua pasar tersebut cukup menjanjikan baik dari sisi jenis instrumen yang ditawarkan, jumlah investor maupun nilai investasi yang ditanamkan. Pada periode Agustus - Desember 2005 lalu, kedua pasar tersebut mendapat tekanan yang cukup berat dan hampir menumbangkan perusahanperusahaan sekuritas besar karena besarnya jumlah likuiditas yang ditarik investor (redemption). Paper ini mencoba menganalisa kejadian yang menimpa pasar obligasi dan reksadana tersebut baik sumber tekanan yang utamanya adalah berasal dari faktor makroekonomi dan faktor pasar, besarnya dampak redemption sampai ke langkah-langkah penyelematan yang ditempuh pemerintah (Bank Indonesia, Bapepam, dll). Ke depannya, para pelaku pasar termasuk para investor harus lebih mendapat edukasi yang benar dan positif mengenai investasi di pasar obligasi maupun reksadana. Selain itu, regulator juga diharapkan dapat mematangkan perkembangan kedua pasar melalui peraturan-peraturan yang mendukung termasuk proses komunikasi peraturan-peraturan tersebut kepada seluruh pihak terkait di pasar obligasi maupun reksadana.
Tanggal Publikasi: 10 Nov 2014
An optimal risk – return portfolio of Islamic banks
The purpose of this paper is to analyze individual financing instruments and portfolios of instruments, and find the location of the most efficient portfolio financing. The Indonesian Islamic banking industry is very promising with four dominant financing instruments, namely, Mudarabah, Musharakah, Murabahah and Istishna. Each instrument has unique pattern of return, expected return and risk. Moreover, the variances of two, three and four financing instruments suggest the importance of identifying the most prospective financing instruments. Further, the most efficient portion of the most prospective financing is determined by constructing an efficient portfolio financing frontier.
Technically, it uses risk and return theory to compute risk, return and variance of an instrument and set of financing instruments. In addition, it uses an efficient portfolio frontier curve to locate all combination of the most progressive portfolio financing and finds the most efficient portfolio financing.
It finds some interesting finding with regard to the pattern of return, characteristics of a financing instrument and groups of financing instruments. The most essential finding of the paper is the location of the most efficient portfolio financing.
Research limitations/implications
The information and finding of this paper benefit the Indonesian Islamic banking industry to optimize the performance of an individual and groups of financing instruments. Particularly, for the most progressive financing instruments, it proposes the combinations of portfolio financing which give optimum output.
To the best of author’s knowledge, this is the first paper trying to analyze and construct an efficient portfolio financing frontier of the Indonesian Islamic banking industry
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2021
Literature Study of Monetary Instruments and Money Markets According to Sharia Principles.
The purpose of this paper is to determine the extent to which Islamic monetary instruments are applied to banking in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach by collecting journal articles that are relevant to the purpose of this study. The collected articles were analyzed for content (content analysis) and then triangulated the data to arrive at a conclusion. In his study, he stated that the only money market allowed in Islam is a money market that does not use the interest system, this is to avoid usury nasi'ah because the loss (danger) of interest is greater than the profit (mashlahah). The main findings of this study indicate that the instruments used in the policy of determining monetary control in the Islamic banking system include; Reserve Ratio, Moral Persuasion, Lending Ratio, Refinance Ratio, Profit Sharing Ratio, Islamic Sukuk, Government Instrument Certificate (GIC) with various products as policy instruments in banking for current interbank transactions in Indonesia such as Interbank Mu'arabah Certificates, Wadî'ah Certificates Bank Indonesia, Bank Indonesia Syariah Certificate (SBIS), Commodity Trading Certificate Based on Interbank Syariah Principles (SIKA) and Sharia Short-Term Financing Facility (FPJPS)
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2021
. Utilization of Idle Funds in Islamic Monetary Policy Perspective: Literature Study.
This study aims to examine how the central bank's monetary policy utilizes idle funds. The task of the Central Bank to maintain monetary stability can be carried out through open market operations. Funds stored in the Central Bank in the form of Statutory Reserves cannot be fully utilized because the Central Bank is not allowed to carry out business activities. Islam provides a way for the benefit of everyone so that there is always a way out in economic activities in monetary policy. Economists have conducted various studies that there are instruments and contracts that can be carried out by the central bank to continue to utilize idle funds. This article is descriptive qualitative research by analyzing previous studies from journals of various countries. This article compares and discusses the monetary policy of Islamic banks in utilizing idle funds. The central bank can issue a central bank certificate in accordance with sharia which has underlying asset and project. The underlying project must be transparent and accountable so that it truly provides benefits for all parties. This not only maintains monetary stability but also provides an increase in economic life and benefits for the community
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2021
The Effect Of Monetary Variable Movement And Export Level To Employment Opportunities In
This study was purposed to determine the short-term and long-term relationship of monetary variable movement to employment opportunities in Indonesia. The variables used are interest rates, exchange rates, inflation and exports as independent variables, while the employment opportunities as dependent variable. The analysis process used error correction model (ECM). The data used in this study were from 1997 to 2019. The results of the study showed that partially export was the variable that had an influence on employment opportunities in Indonesia. However, simultaneously in the short and long term relationship, all variables affect the employment opportunities in Indonesia. The study of opportunities per business sector is the main interest for further researchers.