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Preferensi Masyarakat Dalam Membayar Zakat Melalui Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Publikasi Terakreditasi Naisonal (Sinta 5)

Index Akreditasi Jurnal: Sinta 5-6

Tanggal Publikasi: 28 Sep 2024


His research aims to achieve the following objectives: 1) to understand the preferences of the community in paying zakat through Baznas Kab. Tasikmalaya, 2) to comprehend the communication between Baznas Kab. Tasikmalaya and the community, 3) to ascertain the reputation of Baznas in the eyes of the community, 4) to identify the services provided by Baznas to the community, and 5) to determine the community's interest in paying zakat through Baznas Kab. Tasikmalaya. This research employs a descriptive quantitative approach with the analysis techniques of Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) and Measure of Sampling Adequacy (MSA), along with mean calculations. Convenience Sampling Technique is utilized in this study, with a total of 100 respondents residing in Kab. Tasikmalaya. The findings of this research are as follows 1). The community's preferences in paying zakat, in descending order, are influenced by social factors, payment methods, environmental influence, and accessibility, 2). The communication between Baznas Kab. Tasikmalaya and the community is effectively established, with indicators such as community trust, institutional closeness, sympathy, credibility, capability, and clarity. Credibility stands out as the highest indicator, 3). The reputation of Baznas Kab. Tasikmalaya falls into the "good" category based on indicators such as credibility, reliability, and responsibility. The responsibility indicator is the highest, 4). The services provided by Baznas Kab. Tasikmalaya are considered relatively good, with politeness being the highest indicator in service formation, 5). The interest in paying zakat among respondents, based on motivation and social motives, is generally high. However, when it comes to paying zakat through Baznas Kab. Tasikmalaya, the average response falls into the category of uncertainty


Community Preferences, Communication, Reputation, Service, Zakat Interest

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