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Qardhul Hasan Principles Applied to Micro Finance Facilities

Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022


During the last ten years, several developing Muslim countries experienced an interesting phenomenon. Where they are able to build his country's economy through the economic empowerment of small communities. The role of microfinance institutions cannot be denied. Through microfinance programs, the country can further improve the welfare of the poor and reducing poverty. Accordingly, Muslim countries have to combat it by using religious institution and culture. In this case, the role of Qardh al Hasan, as traditional Islamic financing in tackling of poverty is very relevant and important. Qardh al Hasan is supposed to be an important to investigate and provide much needed social service to the poor effectively. The Qardh al-hasan is one of financing-product provided by microfinance institutions. Unlike other financing products, the qardhul-hasan has some unique characteristics, including to entertaint a very specific customers who might be categorized as the dhuafa’ group. The purpose of this paper is to show how microfinance programmes based on Qardh al Hasan financing principles can be established.


Qardh al Hasan, Micro Finance