Bayu Taufiq Possummah, Ph.D
Magister Ekonomi Syariah
Peneliti LPPM Tazkia
Pengabdian Masyarakat
Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Jun 2024
The main purpose of this study is to explore livelihood theory in the works of al-Ghazali and al-Shaybani, presenting it as an alternative to mainstream livelihood conceptions by highlighting its normative impacts on current socio-economic situations. Through textual evidence, this study demonstrates that both scholars viewed livelihood not merely as a means to income and consumption, a perspective that fails to grasp the importance of livelihood as an end in itself and as a means to well-being. Al-Ghazali and al-Shaybaniemphasized that livelihood involves affiliating individuals with social responsibilities, which encompass multidimensional variables (religious, legal, moral, political, social, economic, etc.) that influence each other. In light of this, the study proposes to evaluate the potential impact of their ideas on the latest theoretical developments in livelihood and economic science
Tanggal Publikasi: 12 Jun 2012
Public Wealth Management by Baitul Mal and Legal Constraint
Baitul-Mal is normally known as a charitable institution. This point is true because presently Baitul-Mal role is more prominent in terms of providing assistance and charity contributions and donations to the public. In essence, the original scope of Baitul-Mal covers a wider role compared to the current concept of Baitul-Mal. If we view from the context of Baitul-Mal at the early Islam, it turns out that Baitul-Mal is the only and center for the treasury of the state, but in the Malaysian context, scope and functions of Baitul-Mal are limited by the legal constraint. This paper is aimed to analyze the legal constraint and propose some procedures to empower the function and resources mobilization of Baitul-Mal. This paper will also expose that to improve the functions it can be done by using Islamic financial instruments
Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Jan 2016
Indonesian Islamic microϐinance in the ASEAN Economic Community era
In its application at the end of 2015, AEC will implement 12 priority sectors — agro-based products; air travel (air transport); automotive; e-ASEAN; electronics; fi sheries, health care; rubber-based products; textiles and apparel; tourism; wood-based products; and logistics, as well as the food, agriculture and forestry sectors. Free trade includes the reduction and elimination of tariff s and non-tariff s signifi cantly in accordance to the Asean Free Trade Area scheme.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2015
Religious is an essential factor to be studied because it is one of the most universal social institution and influence, it has a great influence on people's attitude, values and behavior at the individual and society. Religion also affect human attitude towards the various activities of daily life as well as in economics. Many studied show that religious values of human beings directly or indirectly will affect the choice of action or human economic behaviour. Therefore, religion has significant influence in economic life. In conventional perspective, the influence of religion seen in human economic behavior, as well as in Islamic economics view. Behavior in economic theory based on assumptions of rationality that adopted by economic modern today. The theory of rational economic man embraced the concept of self-interest and materialism which denies the existence of religious values and ethics in the economic area. Thus, in this context this paper intend to investigate and find the answer on how Islam (Qur’an) envisage human economic behaviour?. This paper also demonstrates and confirms the Islamic principle of human economics behaviour from the source divine Al-quran and hadist as evidence the influence of religious values in the economic life of Islam.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Okt 2019
The purpose of this study is to propose an appropriate governance model to deal with corruption. This study reveals the indicators, from where and how corruption will be resisted. By using data governance and corruption control as well as the corruption perception index from WGI and TII in 2008-2018, this study proposed a quantitative approach to strengthen the results of the inference tests of the effect of good governance on the potential for corruption, confirming and expanding on work carried out with critical informants by Transparency International Indonesia (TII). The study found that, from the perspective of agency theory, the influence of governance on corruption has been proved, both in the context of the world and Indonesia. Good governance will make the trustee (agent) not arbitrarily follow their wishes through corruption to enrich themselves or other parties, but instead follow the mandate given by the principal (community). This study also shows, in the world context, that by adherence to ethical rules being followed by effective government, in stable political conditions, and public voices being heard, corruption can be eradicated. In the context of Indonesia, to suppress criminal acts of corruption, stable political conditions and guarantees for public votes must be done first, then effective government and compliance with regulations can follow.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2017
Affordability and Expenditure Patterns towards Sustainable Consumption in Malaysia
Safe drinking water is needed for survival. Households have to pay the water bill monthly. However, lower income households are sometimes unable to afford the cost. This study examines water access and affordability among households in Malaysia and the determinants of water affordability using cross-sectional data and multiple regression. The paper expects that the bill for basic water consumption is inversely related to average income. This means that policy makers need to redesign the water tariff to improve the quality of life of lower income households.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2013
Theoretical Model for Zakat-Based Islamic Microfinance Institutions in Reducing Poverty
The institution of Zakah is instrument instituted by Islam to combat poverty and enhance welfare in the society. Zakah serves as a unique mechanism of compulsory transfers of income and wealth from the haves to the have-nots in the community. This paper seeks guidance from the verses of the Quran and develops a theoretical and workable model of Zakat-based Islamic microfinance institutions (MFIs), which can be used as an alternative approach to reduce poverty. The paper argues that charity-based Islamic MFIs will be financially and socially sustainable as based on the concepts of brotherhood, local philanthropy (decentralization), and volunteer services (joint liability). Zakat-based Islamic MFIs will provide and explore the money for consumption as well as productivity purposes and, thus, can broadly target the economic and social needs of the poorest of the poor. They can help minimize indebtedness and reduce unequal distribution of wealth in society, and also to enhance the ability of the poor to be more productive and not just be dependent of rich people
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2014
In mainstream economics, distribution concerns who gets what. “Who” refers to the personal distribution of income among individuals or the functional distribution of income among suppliers of productive factors. Also mainly concerned with the factors which affect the wealth of nations. Issues of justice, elimination of poverty and deprivation are secondary. On other side, Islam not only concern to who gets what, but also concern to how the human gets what equally and justify. Therefore this study uses an analytical approach to present principles and concept of justice distribution derived from the guidance of revelation; Qur’an and Sunnah. The study is derived into two main themes. The firts one deals with theory of juctice and a teview on distribution theory in non-Islamic Paradigm, the second one is the taxonomy of economic distribution theory in Islam
Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Agt 2021
Islam telah memberikan tuntunan kepada manusia agar mengkonsumsi dan menggunakan sesuatu yang halal dan terbaik (thayyib). Halal bermakna sesuatu yang boleh untuk dilakukan, digunakan atau dikonsumsi menurut hukum Islam. Oleh karenanya artikel ini mencoba menganalisis hubung kait antara prinsip Halal dengan preferensi tingkah laku pengguna dengan menggunakan analisis normatif. Adakah individu pengguna tertakluk kepada hieraki keperluan terhadap produk halal ataupun sebaliknya. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan reka bentuk kajian deskriptif, artikel ini mendapati bahwa preferensi tingkah laku pengguna sangat dipengaruhi oleh nilai-nilai agama yang diyakininya. Dan ini sesuai dengan analisis daripada theory planned behaviour. Artikel ini turut melihat bahwa penggunaan atau perbelanjaan harta yang menyampingkan konsep halal dan keperluan tahsiniyyat yang maksima adalah tergolong dalam penggunaan atau perbuatan yang tercela
Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Okt 2017
External business environment and SMEs investment in the ghanaian oil and gas sector
There is no scintilla of doubt that integrating SMEs into the high value Oil and Gas Sector would have both immediate and long-term effects on the socio-economic development of Ghana particularly Job creation and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth.This study examines the impact of external business environment on SMEs willingness to invest in the Ghanaian oil and Gas Sector. Using binomial logistic regression analysis we analyze primary data from 245 SMEs from Ghana. The study finds that SMEs that have readily access to finance, reliable electrical supply, required technical qualification, no competition from foreign companies, well informed on Oil and Gas investment opportunity are more likely to invest in Ghanaian oil and gas sector.We also find that corruption perception, political stability and training support in capacity building have no significant influence on SMEs willingness to invest. We suggest that future studies should cover internal firm factors, perceived barriers as well as macro level factors.Also the study is limited to Ghanaian SMEs, future researchers may replicate this study in other oil producing countries in Africa including; Nigeria, Uganda, Angola and South Africa.
Tanggal Publikasi: 7 Nov 2017
Melayu Economic Harmonization Policy: A Social-Economic Approach
With 7 percent economic growth over the next two decades, China predicted will overtake the United States as a world economic superpower in 2020. Indonesia and Malaysia as the two Serumpun countries since 2006 has been tied to the CAFTA agreement with China and other ASEAN countries. The rapid economic growth of China will bring major impacts on economics and politics in Indonesia and Malaysia. Indonesia and Malaysia are Serumpun but have a different basic and background of development and economic policy. As a result to face a global economic change, the two countries of Malay react differently. This paper tries to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of these two Serumpun countries in terms of national economic policy to face the economic power of China in 2020 and then tried to harmonize the economic policies of both countries such as the two Serumpun countries into a common economic policy, in social economic context.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Nov 2017
Green Attitude Awareness Towards Performance of Quality Solid Waste Collection Services
The aim of the research is to provide an overview of green attitudes elements of local people towards Municipal Solid Waste Collection (MSWC) performance in the city of Manjung and Kerian Town Area in Perak, Malaysia. The main current challenges were discussed with focus on MSWC performance and public awareness on green attitude. The secondary data for this study were gathered from literature studies and in-depth interviews with stakeholders for MSWC in Manjung and Kerian Town Area. This paper investigates the relationship between level of MSWC performance and the awareness on green attitudes from the perspective of local people knowledge among 630 respondents. The results show that the MSWC performance is facing many challenges and there is a lack of awareness among respondents regarding to green attitudes. Besides that, the result shows that there are significant relationship between MSWC performance and the awareness on green attitude among respondents. It is quite clear that green attitude awareness can contribute to the high quality of solid waste collection performance. All parties must be involved in green activities in order to protect our environment. Meanwhile, local municipal need pay more attention on solid waste collection to increase environment protection.
Tanggal Publikasi: 12 Jun 2018
. The Green Management Practice by Local Government
in developing countries face an unprecedented challenge to cut annual management budget without compromising the services quality. Local government top management has been pressured by politicians and public to cut costs but keep up high level quality services. Therefore this study has been analysed the use of green management practise among local government agencies to cut the annual budget and protect the environment. The online services are the main element for green management practise by local government for this study. This study interviewed 630 residents to test the online services provided by local government in Manjung, Perak. Out of the total samples, 92 percent respondents use the online services. Meanwhile, 90 percent of respondents are satisfied with the online services. More than 81 percent respondents agreed that online services can be a medium to share their local knowledge to the local government to cut budget and protect the environment. Besides that, the study also found that, the support by consumer and the internet speed have a significant relationship with the online services usage. This study suggested that, local government should increase the online services to reduce budget and protect the environment simultaneously.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Feb 2018
Bank Wakaf: Apa dan Bagaimana
Buku "BANK WAKAF Apa dan Bagaimana" ini pada dasarnya bukan suatu yang betul-betul baru, namun setidaknya kami ingin mengingatkan bahwa masih begitu banyak dan luas potensi umat yang bisa kita manfaatkan tapi sampai kini belum termaksimalkan. Kami sadar bahwa apa yang ada dalam buku ini mungkin masih mentah dan masih perlu banyak eksplorasi, sekali lagi setidaknya kami telah memberikan umpan, tinggal sejauh mana semua komponen umat bisa turut mengambil bagian dalam pengembangan potensi-potensi pendanaan umat agar kemaslahatan umat yang kita citakan semakin nyata. Buku ini terdiri dari 9 bab yang membahas tentang: Konsep dasar, hukum dan sejarah wakaf, wakaf tunai, istibdal wakaf, wakaf dalam perspektif ekonomi dan keuangan Islam, tata kelola, rancang bangun model pembiayaan, crowdfunding berbasis fintech, dan dana wakaf berbasis kotak jumat. Institusi ZISWAF atau Zakat, Infak, Sedekah dan Wakaf dalam kerangka kerja keuangan sosial Islam menjadi sangat krusial untuk mengisi kekosongan pendanaan dan memberi manfaat dalam intermediasi kesejahteraan sosial. Buku ini diharapkan mampu mengeksplorasi potensi dan penerapan institusi wakaf di bidang pembiayaan sosial dan pembangunan melalui pengefektifan intermediasi sosial antara para dermawan dan yang membutuhkan (umat
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Feb 2018
Public Equity Crowdfunding: What Islamic Microfinance needs to ponder
On the development of microfinance institutions, fintech will stimulate the revival of easy-to-use commerce and online business and change the complexities in how the market operates. Technological advances have encouraged innovative financing and market-based financing solutions that allow for more financial democratization for small businesses and entrepreneurs that have an innovative business idea. Currently, in terms of regional solidarity, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore are expected to become the new Fintech powers in the Asian region. In that way, fintech not only represents a component of financial services innovation but it can also fill the financing gap for more than 200 million microfinance businesses in Southeast Asia worth nearly US$300 billion per year