The new government regulation on Islamic finance sector has contributed to the growth of Islamic banking in Indonesia. However, the higher demand of financing in Islamic banking business activities not followed by the good growth of funding. This condition, may cause liquidity problem in the future. Furthermore, Islamic bank need to diversify the allocation of funding sources to liquidity instruments such sovereign Sukuk (SBSN) at the right time in order to reduce liquidity risk. This paper aims to analyze the effects of assets and liabilities on sovereign Sukuk (SBSN) based on model Autoregresif Distributed-Lag (ARDL) for Islamic Bank. The data for Islamic Bank collected from The Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (OJK), and sovereign sukuk data collected from Directorate General of Budget Financing and Risk Management Ministry of Finance (DJPPR). Assets and liabilities determinants factors like, third parties fund / DPK (saving and current account), Musharakah,Murabahah, Cash, deposits account owned by Islamic Bank in Central Bank (giro BI), Islamic Securities owned by Islamic bank, and previous period of sovereign sukuk ownership. In general, results of this study shows that the effects of assets and liabilities on sovereign Sukuk (SBSN) influence significanly positif by third parties fund / DPK (saving and current account), Musharakah Financing, and previous period of sovereign sukuk ownership. Whereas influence significantly negative by Cash, deposits account owned by Islamic Bank in Central Bank (giro BI), Islamic Securities owned by Islamic bank, and Murabahah Financing.
The Effects Of Assets And Liabilities On Sovereign Sukuk : ARDL Analysis For Islamic Bank
Assets and Liabilities, Islamic Bank, and Sovereign Sukuk