Rapid growth of Islamic Bank for the last decades shows a massive positive impact not only for the muslim itself but also for the non-muslim because the unique dan different offered system. Unfortunately, the Islamic banking industry nowadays only touches on a few minor aspects of the contribution to increase prosperity of the "small" peoples. However, 56.5 millions unit of Micro and Smal-Medium Enterprises (2012) has contributed 60% of Indonesian GDP and about 97% of labor force are become a strong reason for Indonesia to have better and stronger economy. Thus, waqf bank issue raises as a capital source to figure out this problem. This paper tries to explore further possibility development of waqf bank as one of alternatif solution to achieve social welfare and poverty alleviation.
The emergence of waqf bank: a social welfare alternative in Indonesia
- ISBN: -
- eISBN: -
- ISSN: 2579-5090
Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Des 2016
Waqf Bank, Social Welfare, Poverty Alleviation.