The rise of globalization and the increasing dominance of information technology have
transformed the paradigm for business success. Infrastructure is no longer the sole foundation
for entrepreneurs. Instead, the economic landscape now places greater emphasis on intangible
assets such as intellectual capital. This includes elements like market perception, interpersonal
relationships, company ethos, brand reputation, patents, trustworthiness, strategic vision, and
specialized expertise. In this evolving economic environment, these intangible factors play a
pivotal role in determining the competitiveness and prosperity of businesses. This research uses
quantitative research methods and approaches. Data is collected through random sample
distribution of questionnaires to respondents. The respondents of this study are offline store KKV
visitors. In this study, ambient temperature are predictors that have significant correlations and
influence, contributing to 43.8 percent of variance in customers purchase decisions.
The Impact of Ambiet Factors on Consumer Purchase Decisions
Publikasi Terakreditasi Naisonal (Sinta 4)
Index Akreditasi Jurnal: Sinta 3-4
Tanggal Publikasi: 11 Okt 2024
lighting; display product; ambient temperature; Consumer Purchase Decisions