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The Influence Of Brand Awareness, Brand Image, And Brand Trust On The Decision To Purchase HP Laptops In The Jabodetabek

Publikasi Terakreditasi Naisonal (Sinta 4)

Index Akreditasi Jurnal: Sinta 3-4

Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Jun 2024


The personal computer industry, especially in the classification of
laptop, is one of the largest industries in Indonesia, which has massive
sales. In this sector, products from several global-scale computer
companies have long been the choice of Indonesian consumers,
including HP as its one of leading brand for laptop. This aim to analyze
the effect of brand awarness, brand image, brand trust on HP laptop
purchasing decisions in Jabodetabek who use HP Laptop. The
population in this study were 100 then the whole was taken to be
sampled who use HP laptop. Methods of data analysis using the
validity and reliability of the questionnaire, multiple regression analysis.
The results of this study indicate that the brand awarness, brand image
and brand trust variables simultaneously and partially have a significant
effect on purchasing decisions (a survey of HP laptop users specifically
for the Jabodetabek area). The coefficient of determination is 0.772
which indicates that the ability of the independent variables to predict
the dependent variable is 77%. 23% is influenced by other factors not
examined by the author


Brand Awarness, Brand Image, Brand Trust, Purchase Decision

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