Seeing the high potential for Umrah and Special Hajj departures, with a very large number of Umrah and Special Hajj travel, making competition between travel even higher. This study aimed to determine the effect of Islamic service quality and trust on customer satisfaction, which will relate to interest in using it again. The method used in this research was the quantitative exploratory method. The participants in this study were Umrah and Special Hajj pilgrims who are registered with Hajj and Umrah organizers with official permits and domiciled in Java. The sampling technique in this study was probability random sampling with a total sample of 100 respondents. The analysis technique of the study was SEM-PLS by using the SmartPLS 3.2.9 application. The results showed that the quality of Islamic services provided by the travel company and the trust of pilgrims have a significant influence on customer satisfaction felt by Umrah and Special Hajj pilgrims, which also affects their interest in re-patronage Umrah and Special Hajj services at the travel company. This research is very useful for Hajj and Umrah travel organizers in Indonesia in order to improve the quality of organizing Hajj and Umrah for the comfort and solemnity of customers' worship.
The Influence of Islamic Service Quality and Trust on Customer Satisfaction and Intention in Reusing The Services in The Implementation of Umrah and Special Hajj Pilgrimage
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Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Mei 2023
influence, scustomer service hajj, special hajj pilgrimage