Prof. Dr. Achmad Firdaus, M.Si., AIIS

Prof. Dr. Achmad Firdaus, M.Si., AIIS

Pusat Studi Kinerja Organisasi Islami

Peneliti LPPM Tazkia




Pengabdian Masyarakat


Tanggal Publikasi: 6 Jun 2024

Analisis Dampak Kinerja Pengelolaan Zakat Dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan Pada Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir

The population of Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in 2020 was 769,348 people. The poverty rate in 2020 reached 123.34 thousand people, then in 2021 it increased to 124.78 thousand people. The increasing poverty rate is a problem for the performance of zakat managers, while zakat itself is a form of poverty alleviation effort. This research is to determine the impact of zakat management performance in alleviating poverty in Ogan Komering Ilir district and the factors that influence the performance of zakat management in poverty alleviation. Quantitative descriptive analysis method. The total respondents in this study were 100 respondents from zakat management employees in each district, sub-district, sub-district/village of Ogan Komering Ilir district. In this research, a new variable is added in the performance of zakat management, namely the muzakki trust variable. The analysis method in this research uses Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results of this research show that zakat management performance factors influence poverty alleviation by 59.2% and the remaining 40.8% is influenced by other variables. Overall, the performance of zakat management has a positive and significant effect on poverty alleviation.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2024

The Role of Perceived Service Quality and Islamic Financial Literacy on Customer Loyalty In NTB Syariah Bank

Islamic banks need to develop strategies to increase customer loyalty. It prevents customers from switching to other banks and ensures business survival. This is especially true for Islamic regional banks with relatively homogeneous customer bases. This study investigates the impact of perceived service quality and Islamic financial literacy on customer loyalty in NTB Syariah Bank, which is recognized for its excellence in regional banking. Through purposive sampling, data is gathered via questionnaires from 85 respondents after filtering through 112 respondents and analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Key findings reveal that service quality significantly influences customer loyalty, with empathy and tangibility emerging as crucial factors. Empathy is crucial in fostering positive customer experiences and building long-term relationships. A high level of tangibility can enhance customer confidence and satisfaction. Additionally, the study underscores the positive correlation between service quality, Islamic financial literacy, and customer loyalty. Practical implications highlight the importance of enhancing financial literacy and fostering trust in Islamic banking through regulatory support and educational initiatives. This research fills a gap in understanding regional bank practices and offers insights for tailored financial literacy programs in rural communities.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Sep 2023

Impact of Financing Problems on Baitul Mal wa Tamwil during Covid-19

This study evaluates the cause and effect of financing problems on Baitul Mal wa Tamwil (BMT) during COVID-19 and analyzes the strategy taken by BMT to handle financing problems. This study is qualitative research. The primary and secondary data were obtained from observations, interviews, and documentation. The informants of the study are top management and members of BMT Al Hidayah Kotaraja Lombok Timur. The data are analyzed using the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) approach. The FMEA method is a systematic method used to identify and prevent problems in a company's product or business process. All process is calculated in a score, namely Risk Priority Number (RPN), and shown in the Pareto diagram. Financing problems are categorized as substandard, doubtful, and bad financing. The causes of financing problems are, among others, the employee’s lack of ability to assess the personality of the prospective debtors in fulfilling their installments, and natural disasters (the COVID-19 pandemic) that may affect someone’s financial ability. Financing problems have an impact on the emergence of financing risk. BMT Al Hidayah Kotaraja is also directly impacted by the inefficient money flow because monthly profit sharing still needs to be distributed to the members. The main factor causing this problem is staff members' inability to evaluate potential debtors. Additionally, the company's approach to these financing problems has not been working. The management, in that case, focused on the debtors instead of their employee’s capability. In that circumstance, the management ought to focus on improving the capacity of their staff to evaluate potential members. According to this study's findings, the FMEA is applicable in resolving finance issues in BMT.


Tanggal Publikasi: 3 Jan 2024


Tanggal Publikasi: 19 Sep 2023

The Influence of Islamic Service Quality and Trust on Customer Satisfaction and Intention in Reusing The Services in The Implementation of Umrah and Special Hajj Pilgrimage.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, kualitas pelayanan islami y perusahaan travel dan kepercayaan jamaah memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan yang dirasakan oleh jamaah umroh dan haji khusus,


Tanggal Publikasi: 18 Jul 2023

Islamic Business and Performance Management: The Maslahah-Based Performance Management Systemd

his unique book discovers a new dimension in the study of strategic and performance management in Islamic Business studies. It addresses the missing link of spirituality from modern-day organizational structure in the presence of high-tech pressure in all areas of human endeavours. The authors propose an integrated study of Islamic business approach to strategic and performance management systems to achieve sustainable organizational performance. The book explores employees’ wellbeing and organizations’ perceiving work environment as a spiritual pathway to cultivate values in Islamic business ecosystem to sustain humanity. It is all about care, empathy, and sustenance of others, about truthfulness and management being truthful to themselves and others and endeavouring to live their values more effusively while performing their work. The book stresses the impact of spirituality in performance management, concluding that for any organization to run efficiently, spirituality is the core component to attain happiness, contentment, and success.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2021

Do Funerals Funds by Informal Institution Comply with Microtakaful Principles? 

Research on funeral funds on a homeowner association has never been performed before. Meanwhile, previous studies on the funeral fund in insurance companies, 'rukun kematian,' and mosques are used as a reference.  The research aims to analyze whether the funeral funds managed by informal institutions correspond with the micro takaful principle. Method is a descriptive analysis is used by comparing the survey in two groups, namely residential and village areas, of 31 communities spread across Java Island. The research variables developed include calculation, collection method, and amount of funeral fund contribution, alongside the calculation and amount of benefits. Although the funeral funds' variables have not fulfilled the micro takaful principle, there are interesting findings. These include that the calculation of contribution for the two groups, namely the residential and village areas, is performed by mutual agreement through community deliberations. In the village, the collection method is by direct payment from members of the public to the officers, which is different from the residential areas, where it is picked up by the officers. Furthermore, the amount of funding contributions to the community in the villages is around Rp. 3.001 and Rp. 5,000, while the total is over Rp. 10,000 in residential areas. The informal funeral funding scheme (IFFS) has become a mutually beneficial culture of Indonesian society, which fosters strong humanity and brotherhood. This scheme can be formulated in micro-takaful cooperatives to ensure that the benefits trickle down for every member of the community, including Muslims and non-Muslims.


Tanggal Publikasi: 6 Jun 2022

Building a Maslahah Economic System; Indonesian Economic System

The social justice as stated in the fifth principle of Pancasila and welfare in accordance with Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, has not yet been realized. There is an error in determining the ultimate goal of Indonesia's economic development. Independence is not the goal of economic development but self-confidence. The Indonesian economic system is inspired by the Pancasila and characterized by kebersamaan (mutualism), kekeluargaan (brotherhood), non-discrimination, non-exploitation, and anti-monopolism. The system portrays structuralism, cooperation, religiousness, institutionalism, non-usurious, social well-being, independence, and self-esteem. Furthermore, its values are in line with the maslahah (benefits). This exploratory study proposed a maslahah economic system for the Pancasila economic system (Pancasilanomics). It defined the research question regarding “a maslahah economic system” and developed the research design, including formulating a maslahah economic system house. The results showed that the maslahah economic system house includes the maslahah foundation, comprising divinity and caliphate, and fundamental references consisting of Pancasila and Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution. Moreover, the house includes a moral foundation comprising cooperation & participation and kekeluargaan & fair distribution, institutional consisting of cooperatives, BUMN, BUMS, and social institutions. Finally, economic objectives are social welfare and the ultimate economic goal, comprising independence and people’s self-esteem


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Sep 2022

The Urgency of Debt Management in the Perspective of Islamic Wealth Management

The study attempts to reveal debt position in wealth management and Islam Solution to overcome unresolved debt. The study is written by answering a number of predetermined research questions. The literature related to the research question is used as the reference material. Debt management is a must in Islam. There are three important things in assessing gharim namely: motives of the debtor, purposes of the debtor, and circumstances of the debtor. Furthermore, Islam solution to avoid the negatives side of debt: personal support, Social support, Institutional Support.


Tanggal Publikasi: 17 Feb 2023

Measuring the Provincial Sharia Happiness IndexMeasuring the Provincial Sharia Happiness Index

his study aims to measure Sharia happiness index of 33 provinces in Indonesia from 2014 to 2017

Design/methodology/approach – This research is descriptive with a quantitative approach, a modification of happiness index in 33 provinces in Indonesia conducted by BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik) published in 2014 and 2017 HLMS (Happiness Level Measurement Survey) by adding aspects that are in accordance with Sharia.

Findings – Average happiness index for Indonesia based on BPS HLMS in 2014 was 68.79, increasing to 71.47 in 2017. The highest happiness index was province of North Maluku (73.12), and the lowest was province of Papua (64.25). Meanwhile, the average Sharia happiness index in Indonesia is 70.53. The highest average score was of Yogyakarta (74.11), and the lowest score was province of Papua (59.47).

Research limitation/implication – The Government and Policy Stakeholders should pay attention and support to the factors that affect the level of religious satisfaction, which are proven to have a positive impact on the welfare and happiness of the community, where the majority of the Indonesian population is Muslim.

Originality/value – Studies on sharia happiness at the provincial level are rare. Shariah happiness journals tend to discuss happiness at the conceptual level, very few describe Shariah happiness at the application level. This research enriches Islamic discourse in the context of macroeconomics which can be used as a reference for further research and studies


Tanggal Publikasi: 10 Apr 2020

Analisis Determinan Keputusan Konsumen Muslim Membeli Green Product

The study aims to determine the effect of Collectivism, Eco-Literacy, Green Advertising, Spirituality and Environmental Concern on the intention to buy environmentally friendly products All Fresh on Indonesian Muslim consumers. The research consisted of three stages namely the study of literature. Then a field study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 270 respondents. The analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS. The results showed that the variables Collectivism, Eco-Literacy, Green Advertising and Spirituality showed a significant and positive effect on Environmental Concern. Furthermore, these variables show a significant and positive relationship to the attitude toward green products (ATGP) of Indonesian Muslim consumers


Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Des 2016

The Framework of Maslahah Performa as Wealth Management System and Its Implication for Public Policy ObjectivesThe Framework of Maslahah Performa as Wealth Management System and Its Implication for Public Policy Objectives

Muslims are encouraged to plan their lives economically and financially in order to achieve the objectives of Shariah. The intention to conduct Islamic economical and financial planning must be aligned with the application of Maqasid Shariah, which emphasizes on the protection of essential needs of Muslims that include preservation of wealth. Furthermore, goal of wealth management is to achieve falah. Objective of wealth management is to get maslahah. Maslahah based wealth management can be derived from cycle of acquiring and utilizing wealth (Firdaus, 2014). Acquiring wealth can be carried out by fullfilling worship orientation, internal process orientation, talent orientation, learning orientation, customer orientation and wealth orientation. Utilizing wealth can be carried out by allocating asset to wealth orientation, customer orientation, learning orientation, talent orientation, internal process orientation, worship orientation. This study proposes the framework of Maslahah Performa as wealth management system in order to highlight its contribution to more comprehensive, rational and realistic answers to contemporary public policy issues in Islamic economic system and to thereby increase awareness of Maslahah Performa approach in structuring and developing public policy products. For this purpose, the authors examine the position of the Maslahah Performa concept in public policy. They also present the essential elements of Maslahah Performa and explain how this approach may contribute to better solutions for various public policy issues and challenges


Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Nov 2012


inerja bisnis berbasis shari> 'ah seharusnya diukur dengan sistem pengukuran kinerja berbasis maqasid shari> 'ah. Bisnis berbasis shari> 'ah yang diukur dengan menggunakan sistem pengukuran kinerja konvensional maka hasil pengukurannya menjadi bias. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kinerja PT. Asuransi Takaful Keluarga (PT. ATK) dengan menggunakan mas}lah}a score card (MaSC). Penelitian menunjukan bahwa PT. ATK memiliki kinerja hasil 0,691. MaSC memiliki range kinerja hasil: 0,000 mengindikasikan bahwa bisnis tidak memberikan kemaslahatan dan 1,000 mengindikasikan bahwa bisnis memberikan kemaslahatan. PT. ATK memiliki kinerja: orientasi ibadah (0,110), orientasi proses internal (0,166), orientasi tenaga kerja (0,083), orientasi pembelajaran (0,166), orientasi pelanggan (0,083) dan orientasi harta kekayaan (0,083). PT. ATK memiliki kinerja proses sebesar 0,666. MaSC memiliki range kinerja proses: 0.000 mengindikasikan bahwa bisnis tidak melaksanakan MaSC dan 1.000 mengindikasikan bahwa bisnis telah melaksanakan MaSC secara penuh. PT. ATK memiliki kinerja proses: Mengidentifikasi fondasi kemaslahatan (0,111), Mendapatkan perilaku kemaslahatan (0,111), Menentukan sasaran strategis (0,111), Menentukan ukuran mas}lah}a (0,111), Menetapkan target (0,000), Menentukan inisiatif strategis (0,111), Melakukan pengukuran kinerja (0,111), Melakukan evaluasi hasil pengukuran (0,00), Melakukan perbaikan dan peningkatan (0,000)


Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Des 2019

Pemilihan Alternatif Investasi Dana Haji dalam Mendorong Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Pendekatan Analytic Network Process (ANP)

This study aims to analyze the criteria for investing in Hajj funds and alternative investments that provide benefits to Muslims so that they have an impact on economic growth. By using the Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach, alternative investments offered are Infrastructure, Property, Financial Sector, and Real Sector. Data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of pairwise comparisons between groups and their assessment indicators. A total of 7 (seven) expert speakers (experts) who became respondents successfully collected and processed using the ANP method. The results showed that investment in infrastructure and the real sector provides benefits to Muslims economically, so as to improve the welfare of Muslims which in turn can encourage economic growth


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Des 2021

Analysis Of Ta’awun Fund Model Best Practice From Indonesia

The Muslim population of Indonesia in 2010 reached 207 million, while the number of poor people reached 27,76 million. On the other hand, Indonesia is prone to natural disaster. By 2015 there are 16,830 villages hit by floods, 3,827 villages experiencing earthquakes, and 7,861 villages experiencing landslides. It is important for Indonesian people to pool fundraising to help each other (ta'awun). One of the schemes is through the microtakaful program. The next issue is the inability of the poor Indonesian to pay a pooling fund. The research is conducted with the aim to analyze the appropriate model of microtakaful in Indonesia using infaq/sadaqah and zakah fund as an alternative payment of subsidy of microtakaful contribution. The research is conducted with several methods, namely the study of indepth literature on the utilization of infaq/sadaqah and zakah fund. The proposed models of utilization of infaq/sadaqah and zakah fund to subsidy ta’awun fund, validate the model through interviews to experts, practitioners and fund managers, process the data through Analytic Network Process (ANP), and determine the best model in utilizing infaq/sadaqah and zakah fund to subsidy ta’awun fund. Fund management model to become the object of research are microtakaful model and subsidy fund from the government model. The study shows that: Firstly, Ta'awun's fundraising in Ind