Thuba Jazil, M.Sc., (Fin)

Thuba Jazil, M.Sc., (Fin)

Manajemen Bisnis Syariah

Peneliti LPPM Tazkia




Pengabdian Masyarakat


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Jun 2024

The Role of Religiosity, Consumer Animosity, and Ethnocentrism in Explaining the Boycott Motivation

The protracted conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas group, culminating with an Israeli offensive in October 2023, has caused significant suffering to the Palestinian people. The response to the attack, including international support and a fatwa from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), has prompted Indonesians to boycott products linked to Israel. This study aims to investigate the effect of religiosity, animosity and ethnocentrism on the motivation for boycotting Unilever Indonesia products related to the company's commitment to Israel, focusing on these factors. This type of research is quantitative descriptive with the SEM-PLS approach. The application used is SmartPLS version 4.0.0 with sample data used by 162 respondents through the distribution of questionnaires. The results show that the variables religiosity, consumer animosity and ethnocentrism have a positive and significant influence on the motivation to boycott Unilever Indonesia products. These findings highlight the importance of paying attention to psychological and social factors in the analysis of consumer behavior and their impact on companies and society at large. It also suggests that companies must take into account the social and political implications of their policies, as well as understand the values and beliefs underlying consumers' motivations for boycotting.


Tanggal Publikasi: 6 Mar 2024

A Qualitative Assessment of Islamic Social Finance and Village Funds on the Poverty Level during the Covid-19 Pandemic

This study aims to examine the role of Islamic social finance funds i.e. Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah, Waqf, and village funds on the poor’s financial viability during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study employs a qualitative method. Data collection in this study was obtained from field observations and in-depth interviews with informants. The informants were classified into three categories: government representatives, Islamic social finance experts, and the recipients of funds in Bogor Regency. This research uses Miles & Huberman's qualitative data analysis technique. This study shows that Islamic social funds and village funds impact the poverty level of the poor impartially. However, Islamic social finance and village funds could assist the poor’s financial viability and provide capital for business during the pandemic. To have an impactful program, the experts suggested an integrated scheme of institutional collaboration and community consolidation.


Tanggal Publikasi: 29 Jun 2024

Assessing Investment Allocation Funds on the Growth of Total Assets Among Islamic Insurance Firms in Indonesia

The objective of this research is to examine the impact of Islamic insurance funds' asset allocation, which includes mudharabah deposits, sovereign sukuk, corporate sukuk, and Islamic mutual funds, on the asset growth of Islamic insurance funds in Indonesia. This study employs quantitative methodology, utilizing Vector Autoregression (VAR) and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) to analyze data series spanning from January 2016 to April 2023. The findings of the ordinary least squares (OLS) analysis indicate that the proportion of funds invested in Islamic mutual funds, government sukuk, corporate sukuk, and mudharabah deposits has a substantial and positive impact on the expansion of Islamic insurance assets. Moreover, the findings from the VAR indicate that a positive and statistically significant short-term relationship exists exclusively with government sukuk and its impact on the expansion of Islamic insurance assets. To optimize the allocation of investment funds for investors and stakeholders, sovereign sukuk and corporate sukuk may be considered, in light of the Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition analysis.


Tanggal Publikasi: 11 Jul 2024


This research aims to find out, analyze, and provide alternative solutions regarding productive endowment management of paddy endowment land using a benefit principle approach. This paper examines the optimization of production from rice fields standing on endowment land through the use of modern irrigation technology. The study of productive endowment on endowment rice fields was then studied using the approach of Article 43 of the Endowment Law which explains productive endowment. Since 2004, many productive endowment development projects have begun to be developed. Especially rice field endowment is the dominant object of the endowment allocation aspect in Indonesia. Apart from that, rice endowment is also an object that has the potential to generate benefits for the economic climate in Indonesia. The output of the endowment is a benefit. The application of the principle of benefit in managing rice endowment needs to be considered. One way to achieve the goals and implementation of the principles, endowment managers and rice farmers can develop them through modern irrigation technology. This study supports current issues in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regarding food.


Tanggal Publikasi: 11 Des 2024

The Concept and Practice of Integrity, Honesty, and Fairness in Business: Al-Itqan, Islamic Business Value

In the aftermath of World War II, business values proliferated throughout
the West and Japanese cultures. Notably, the latter emphasizes
collectivity, loyalty, and family-centeredness in the workplace, whereas
the former tends to prioritize output. However, these cultures have failed
to incorporate religious values into their philosophical foundations and


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Mar 2022

Society’s perspective on the waste bank impact toward economic, social, and health

This study aims to investigate the community's perspective on the existence of a waste bank on the economy, social and health. The research method used was a quantitative approach with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Partial Least Square (PLS). Respondents who participated were 120 waste bank customers in Bogor district (Bojonggede, Cimandala and Nanggewer) with exogenous variables saving waste, training in waste management and waste utilization and recycle, while the endogenous variables were income level (economic), job opportunity (social) and health with waste literacy as mediating variable. The results show that 6 variables, namely waste literacy had a significant positive effect on health and job opportunity, waste savings had a significant positive effect on income levels and waste literacy, waste utilization and recycle had a positive effect on health and ends with waste utilization and recycle effect positive significant on waste literacy at all levels alpha 0.05


Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Jan 2023


This paper aims to discuss the construction of proposed model on the Islamic financing mechanism of Islamic banking system for the agriculture and small medium enterprises sector. A qualitative approach used in this study employing the Participatory Rural Approach and Focus Group Discussion using Triangle Microfinance Concept. The result shows that the synergy of the various sectors ranging from the central government through the Institute of relevant Ministries e.i Ministry of Finance Ministry of Agriculture, Local Government, Non-Profit (Zakat) Organization (BAZNAS/LAZ), Universities, Non-Government Organisations, Supporting Institutions i.e. Islamic agriculture Insurance, Islamic Financing Deposit Insurance, and Rating Agency need to be synergized. Additionally, the distrust of Islamic banking industry is found to allocate a financing to farmers and SMEs actors. Farmers and SMEs actors should be prepared through the empowerment in terms of skills, moral and financial literacy. Establishment of Agriculture Purpose Vehicle is urgent to support the flow of Islamic Financing as to solve the problem of off-farm agriculture, collateral, and positive cooperative relationship.This paper contributes to the bridge the gap between the regulator, Islamic bank’s trust to farmers and SMEs development.


Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Jan 2023

THE PERFOMANCE MEASURES OF SELECTED MALAYSIAN AND INDONESIAN Islamic Banks based on the Maqasid al-Shari’ah Approach

Kebanyakan pengukuran yang digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja bank syariah saat ini masih menerapkan tolak ukur konvensional. Makalah ini menggunakan pendekatan PMMS langkah-langkah kinerja yang dipilih tiga bank Islam Indonesia yaitu Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI), Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) dan Bank Mega Syariah (BMS) dan juga memilih tiga bank Islam Malaysia yaitu RHB bank Islam (RHBiB) , CIMB Bank Islam (CIMBiB) dan Bank Islam (BIS) selama periode 2007- 2011.The bank dievaluasi dan peringkat pada tiga tingkatan berdasarkan mereka: 1) rasio kinerja, 2) indikator kinerja dan 3) indeks maqashid keseluruhan. Berdasarkan hasil indeks maqasid, itu jelas menunjukkan bahwa BMI menjadi nyata dari kinerja tertimbang tertinggi. Oleh karena itu, menurut indeks maqashid, kinerja tertinggi tidak lebih dari 35%. Selanjutnya, terendah adalah 17,18% terjadi di CIMBiB. Dengan demikian, berdasarkan hasil ini, bank-bank Islam didorong untuk meninjau kembali tujuan dan ukuran kinerja IB berdasarkan maqashid assyariah framework.


Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Jan 2023


Maqasid Syariah Abu Zahra sebagai Model Pengukuran Kinerja. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menganalisis model maqasid syariah Abu Zahrah sebagai sistem pengukuran kinerja dan menggunakannya untuk mengevaluasi kinerja bank syariah. Metode yang digunakan adalah kombinasi tinjauan pustaka dan survei terhadap 97 bank Syariah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menemukan tiga dimensi maqasid syariah, yaitu pendidikan, keadilan, dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Meskipun demikian, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa secara umum bank syariah belum mencapai kinerja maqasid syariah secara optimal. Dimensi pendidikan masih memiliki kinerja paling rendah dibandingkan kedua dimensi lainnya.


Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Jan 2023

Risk Volatility Measurement: Evidence from Indonesian Stock Market

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the volatility of both Islamic and conventional stock market in Indonesia with the aim of identifying the most appropriate model for risk management practice. The study considers GARCH as a genre of model to measure the volatility of stock market movement. The results support the view that each model shows specific volatility from both Islamic and conventional stock market in Indonesia. In Islamic stock market, volatility is affected by exchange rate and money supply (M1) but not interest rate as interest is prohibited in Islam. However, interest rate is found as a principal factor that affects volatility of conventional stock market. The outcomes of this paper are of particular significance to policy makers, as it provides guidelines to maintain economic health. Furthermore, the findings may assist practitioners to understand the consequences of macroeconomic factors such as exchange rate, money supply and interest rate, which are very crucial for the market stability of Indonesian stock market. The paper enhances the understanding of stock market volatility and proposes guidelines risk management practices.


Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Des 2022


This study aimed to investigate the waqf motivation in carrying out waqf in Bogor City. Primary data and questionnaire techniques were used by distributing to 103 waqif respondents. Factors were grouped into 2 categories, internal and external. Internal factors were religiosity, waqf literacy, trustworthiness in waqf institutions, income & wealth. Meanwhile, external factors included performance efficiency, tax incentives, the role of government, and the role of scholars. The method used was path analysis for internal factors and multiple linear regression analysis for external factors using SPSS 21. The results showed that waqf literacy and trustworthiness affected religiosity and also to waqf motivation while income & wealth had no effect. The role of government and the role of scholars had a significant positive impact on waqf motivation, but the performance efficiency of the institution and tax incentive had no significant effect.


Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Des 2022


Objectives – This study aims to strengthen the role of Islamic pawnshop in financing for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Methods – This study is employing Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach Results - The main problem of Islamic pawnshop in expansion was its internal. The most priority solution was socialization through promotion and advertisement. The appropriate strategy to be executed was marketing strategy to expand Ar-Rum product (financing for MSMEs) through sales marketing. Conclusion - The considered action is massive socialization to the societies using effective and efficient marketing strategy.