Prof. Dr. Achmad Firdaus, M.Si., AIIS

Prof. Dr. Achmad Firdaus, M.Si., AIIS

Pusat Studi Kinerja Organisasi Islami

Peneliti LPPM Tazkia




Pengabdian Masyarakat


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Mar 2014

Maslahah Performa (MaP): Sistem Kinerja untuk Mewujudkan Organisasi Berkemaslahatan oleh Achmad Firdaus

Tarekat atau t} ariqah adalah jalan atau metode yang ditempuh oleh kaum sufi untuk
mendekatkan dirinya kepada Allah Yang Maha Kuasa. Tarekat berbentuk ritual ibadah, doa
dan dzikir yang diajarkan oleh seorang guru kepada muridnya. Hubungan antara guru
tarekat dan murid demikian erat dan kental, sehingga melahirkan rasa kekeluargaan di
antara mereka. Puncak dari tarekat adalah dekatnya jarak antara seorang hamba dengan
Yang Maha Pencipta.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2021


Integrasi Wakaf pada Asuransi Syariah

Integration between commercial finance and social finance in an integrated Islamic finance is a necessity. This paper aims to analyze the application of waqf (Islamic social finance) on Islamic insurance (Islamic commercial finance). The analysis was carried out on DSN Fatwa No: l06 of 2016, DSN Fatwa Guidelines No. 04 of 2021, SEOJK No. 05 of 2019, Islamic microinsurance literature and other references as supporting literature. The study shows that the application of waqf in Islamic insurance is found in three elements, namely the Islamic insurance business model, the payment of Islamic micro insurance contributions, and the features of Islamic insurance products and Islamic insurance products. Waqf can be applied to both PAYDI and nonPAYDI products


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Jun 2021

Determination of organisational essential needs as the basis for developing a ma sla  hah-based performance measurement

The purpose of the study is twofold: first, it is to develop each aspect of ma sla  hah  darūriyah (essential needs), i.e. dīn (faith/religion), nafs (soul), ʿaql (intellect), na sl (descendants) and mal (wealth), into various aspects of organisational essential needs; second, it is to formulate ma sla  hah-based performance measurement. Design/methodology/approach – The research is an exploratory study that uses a two-stage design: defining the research question and developing the research design. The research question is how each element of ma sla  hah  darūriyah can become an element of organisational essential needs. The research design developed is to formulate ma sla  hah-based performance measurement. Findings – The study concludes that ma sla  hah  darūriyah could be developed as a basis for identifying organisational essential needs. The five elements of ma sla  hah  darūriyah are developed into the following organisational essential needs: worship orientation, internal process orientation, talent orientation, learning orientation, customer orientation and wealth orientation. Ma sla  hah-based performance measurement uses five variables: strategic objective, measure, formula, target and strategic initiatives and applies the modified plan – do – check – action cycle: performance planning, performance implementation, performance evaluation and performance action. Practical implications – Organisational essential needs can be developed by Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) into performance measurement. IFIs have six essential needs that can be developed into performance variables. Key performance indicators that can be developed for each need are worship orientation (social responsibility, regulatory compliance and Sharīʿah compliance); internal process orientation (innovation process, digital adaptation and employee satisfaction); talent orientation (career development, talent pool, compensation and benefits); learning orientation (training programme, training evaluation and return on training investment); customer orientation (customer engagement, customer satisfaction, customer survey and promotion programme); wealth orientation (profitability, cost-cutting, share prices, dividends, cost efficiency and financial sustainability). Originality/value – This paper contributes to new knowledge. The study attempts to discuss the organisational essential needs based on the ma sla  hah  darūriyah concept, while previous studies discussed organisational needs based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In developing performance measurement, organisational performance is measured in a balanced manner. According to the concept of ma sla  hah, not only financial factors but also worship, internal processes, talents, learning and customers define organisational needs. Thus, organisational needs are considered not only in terms of material factors but also in terms of spiritual (worship) factors


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2017

MAS}LAH}AH PERFORMA (MaP) Sistem Manajemen Kinerja Berbasis Maslahah Edisi 2

Secara akademis, buku ini mendukung pendapat beberapa peneliti yaitu Sen (1992), Mubyarto (1997), Gardiner (2002), Swasono (2003) dan Chapra (2007) yang menyatakan bahwa etika, moral dan akuntabilitas sosial memegang peranan penting bagi kelanggengan pembangunan ekonomi. Kandungan buku menjelaskan bahwa etika, moral, akuntabilitas sosial adalah fondasi kemaslahatan. Adapun kelanggengan kemanfaatan organisasi di dunia dan akhirat merupakan indikator tercapainya kinerja kemaslahatan organisasi. Pencapaian di atas dapat terwujud dengan menyelaraskan pengelolaan organisasi terhadap tugas manusia sebagai khalifah Allah di bumi (Bung Hatta dalam Swasono, 1992), Khan (1994), Chapra (2007)


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Sep 2012

Maslaha Scorecard, Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Bisnis Berbasis Maqosid Shariah

Institusi bisnis berbasis shari>’ah saat ini tumbuh dengan pesatnya, namun sayang kinerjanya belum dapat diukur dengan tepat karena belum ada metode pengukuran kinerja yang cocok untuk bisnis berbasis shari>’ah. Masih minimnya penelitian tentang pengukuran kinerja bisnis berbasis shari>’ah menyebabkan kinerja bisnis berbasis shari>’ah belum dapat diukur dengan akurat. Beberapa usaha telah dilakukan untuk mengukur kinerja bisnis shari>’ah tetapi karena metode pengukurannya menggunakan pengukuran kinerja bisnis konvensional sehingga hasil pengukuran kinerja cenderung tidak tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan metode pengukuran kinerja bisnis berbasis shari>’ah dengan pendekatan mas}lah}ah sesuai maqosid shari>’ah. Penelitian ini merupakan pengembangan dari pengukuran kinerja bisnis Balanced Scorecard (BSC) dan Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence merujuk pada konsep mas}lah}ah. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa konsep mas}lah}ah dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar pengukuran kinerja bisnis berbasis shari>’ah secara tepat berlandaskan maqosid shari>’ah. Pengukuran kinerja bisnis berbasis shari>’ah dilakukan dengan sembilan langkah pengukuran kinerja: Mengidentifikasi item yang seharusnya ada pada orientasi mas}lah}ah, Mendapatkan perilaku yang dibutuhkan bagi tercapainya orientasi mas}lah}ah, Menentukan sasaran strategis orientasi mas}lah}ah, Menentukan ukuran (measures) untuk mengukur kinerja mas}lah}ah, Menetapkan target yang ingin dicapai, Menentukan inisiatif strategis yang akan dilakukan untuk mencapai target, Melakukan pengukuran kinerja, Melakukan evaluasi hasil pengukuran kinerja, Melakukan perbaikan dan peningkatan Kinerja bisnis berbasis shari>’ah diukur pada masing-masing aspek mas}lah}ah yaitu orientasi ibadah mengukur kinerja agama, orientasi proses internal mengukur kinerja jiwa, orientasi tenaga kerja mengukur kinerja keturunan, orientasi pembelajaran mengukur kinerja akal, orientasi harta kekayaan mengukur kinerja harta. Oleh karena bisnis tidak dapat dilepaskan dari pelanggan sehingga kinerja aspek pelanggan harus diukur dengan orientasi pelanggan. Pengukuran kinerja bisnis ini dinamakan Mas}lah}ah Scorecard.


Tanggal Publikasi: 28 Des 2020

Customer Satisfaction Mediates the Effect of Self Service Technology on Customer Loyalty in of Islamic Bank E-Banking Services in Indonesia

The research objective was to analyze: The effect of self-service technology, service quality, reputation, customer value on customer loyalty in e-banking services for Islamic banks in Indonesia through customer satisfaction. The method used is quantitative with path analysis. The data collection technique is a questionnaire. The results of the study are as follows: 1. There is no direct effect of self-service technology on customer satisfaction in E-Banking services. 2. There is no direct effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in E-Banking services. 3. There is a direct effect of reputation on customer satisfaction in E-Banking services. 4. There is a direct effect of customer value on customer satisfaction in E-Banking services. 5. There is a direct effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in e-banking services. 6. There is no direct effect of self-service technology on customer loyalty in e-banking services. 7. There is a direct effect of customer value on customer loyalty in e-banking services. 8. There is a relationship between self service technology and service quality of Islamic banks. 9. There is a relationship between customer value and reputation of a Sharia bank. 10. There is a significant effect of self-service technology, service quality, reputation, customer value on customer loyalty in Islamic banking e-banking services in Indonesia through customer satisfaction.


Tanggal Publikasi: 17 Feb 2023

Analysis of Understanding and Application of Fiqh Muamalah (Bai’) at Tanah Abang Market Traders Block B with Phenomenology Approach

To analyze the understanding and application of fiqh muamalah at Tanah Abang Market Traders Block B.Design/methodology/approach–The method in this research is Qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach with nine respondents.Findings–The results of the research in this study are 88% do not understand but apply and 11% understand and apply in the pillars of bai, 83% understand and apply 17% do not understand and do not apply tothe theme of valid bai requirements, 100% do not understand and apply to the qadbh theme, 66% understand and apply 33% do not understand and do not apply to the theme of khiar, 94% understand and do not apply 6% do not understand and do not apply to the theme of usury, 81% understand and do not apply 19% do not understand and do not apply to the theme of gharar, 100% understand and do not apply to the theme of dzalimResearch limitations/implications–The scope used in the study only covers places that are not too large and broad in scope, and this study only uses 2 variables. The pandemic conditions hampered the research process, so that when the interview process the results were not optimal.Originality/value–The results of the research can beused as a basis for reference for educational institutions to actively provide socialization to traders, as well as religious institutions to be able to provide scientific studies on fiqh muamalah to market traders at Tanah Abang Block B


Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Des 2020


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh lingkungan kerja, kompensasi dan religiusitas terhadap keinginan pegawai untuk berhenti bekerja pada perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Kuesioner diisi oleh 209 orang pegawai bank syariah di Indonesia dan data yang diperoleh diolah dengan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) menggunakan software SmartPLS versi 3.2. Lingkungan kerja dan kompensasi berpengaruh negatif terhadap keinginan pegawai untuk berhenti bekerja. Religiusitas adalah satu-satunya variabel yang berpengaruh positif terhadap keinginan pegawai untuk berhenti bekerja dari perbankan syariah. Penelitian ini merupakan salah satu penelitian perintis di bidang personalia (HRD) yang membahas mengenai keinginan pegawai untuk berhenti bekerja dengan menggabungkan tiga variabel independen yakni lingkungan kerja, kompensasi dan religiusitas dengan sampel serta mencakup ± 50% entitas bank syariah yang ada di Indonesia. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi manajemen di perbankan syariah agar dapat mengambil langkah stratejik yang tepat di bidang kepegawaian terutama yang berkaitan dengan keinginan pegawai untuk berhenti bekerja sehingga dapat mengatasi tingkat keluarnya pegawai yang tinggi demi meningkatkan kinerja perbankan syariah di Indonesia secara umum di masa mendatang


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Des 2023

Analysis of Islamic Work Ethic on Job Satisfaction with Intrinsic Motivation Mediation Variables in Millennial Generation Employees

This research aims to determine the impact of Islamic work ethic on job satisfactionwith intrinsic motivation mediation variables in millennial generation employees. This type of research uses a quantitative description with explanatory research using a sample of 101 respondents. The data analysis method used in this research is descriptive analysis method, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 3 software. The results show that Islamic work ethic has a significant and positive effect on job satisfaction both directlyand indirectly. using the mediating variables of intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jul 2022

Payment of Zakat on Income and Services: The Behavior and Characteristics of Millennial Employees in Jakarta and West Java Province

This study aims to analyze the factors of millennial employees in DKI Jakarta and West Java in paying zakat on income and services. This study covers the behavioural variables of millennial employees which include zakat literacy, the influence of social media and religiosity as well as other millennial employee characteristics, namely education level, type of zakat recipient institution selected, frequency of zakat payments, and experience in zakat. The millennial working population is represented by residents aged 20 - 39 years. The distribution of the questionnaire was carried out via google form to 400 people in DKI Jakarta and West Java as respondents. Data analysis using SEM PLS with the results of decisions to pay zakat income and services by millennial employees in the two provinces is influenced by social media and religiosity factors. Information about zakat on social media is believed by the millennial generation and so is the literacy factor regarding the amount of zakat and the conditions for zakat. Then other influences are the level of education, type of zakat payment preference institution, frequency of zakat payments, routine of attending recitations and experience in giving zakat which is believed to influence the decision to pay zakat income and services


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Mei 2023

The Influence of Islamic Service Quality and Trust on Customer Satisfaction and Intention in Reusing The Services in The Implementation of Umrah and Special Hajj Pilgrimage

Seeing the high potential for Umrah and Special Hajj departures, with a very large number of Umrah and Special Hajj travel, making competition between travel even higher. This study aimed to determine the effect of Islamic service quality and trust on customer satisfaction, which will relate to interest in using it again. The method used in this research was the quantitative exploratory method. The participants in this study were Umrah and Special Hajj pilgrims who are registered with Hajj and Umrah organizers with official permits and domiciled in Java. The sampling technique in this study was probability random sampling with a total sample of 100 respondents. The analysis technique of the study was SEM-PLS by using the SmartPLS 3.2.9 application. The results showed that the quality of Islamic services provided by the travel company and the trust of pilgrims have a significant influence on customer satisfaction felt by Umrah and Special Hajj pilgrims, which also affects their interest in re-patronage Umrah and Special Hajj services at the travel company. This research is very useful for Hajj and Umrah travel organizers in Indonesia in order to improve the quality of organizing Hajj and Umrah for the comfort and solemnity of customers' worship.


Tanggal Publikasi: 18 Jul 2023

Analisis Tracking Error: Suatu Kajian pada Kinerja Jakarta Islamic Indeks (JII) terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG)

Replicating and benchmarking are important step in applying indesing strategy whereas method used to measure performance of replicating index to its benchmark as tracking error, error tracking defined as volaitility of difference of return between replicating index to its benchmark. This research study applying of method of tracking error at JII return and IHSG return. Used data coming from daily closing data,weekly, early final, and final monthly at Jakarta Stock Exchange of January 2001 till December 2003, the value of tracking error are deviate which the value of tracking error 


Tanggal Publikasi: 4 Des 2019

The Role of Al-Khairat Scheme as Part of a Micro Takaful Program for Funeral Funding Purposes; Malaysia Case

The fund collected may be through monthly or yearly contributions. The fund is kept in an account and only will be used in the event of died of the members of the community; to cover expenses such as grave digging, transportation back to their village, etc. This scheme is known as the al-khairat scheme. The implementation of the scheme is to serve as an ongoing effort to ensure that the group member is psychologically safe and their welfare is taken care of. At the same time, the focus of cooperative such as the yayasan masjid is to provide assistance to ensure that the family could continue their lives based on the continuing resources from their business activities


Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Okt 2016

Customer Relationship Management Analysis: The Factors Enhanching Customer Loyalty in Indonesia Islamic Bank

Purpose – The study aims to determine the role of trust, image and customer satisfaction in improving customer loyalty to Islamic banks. Research examined new indicators related Islamic banks to conventional banks. Study also analyzed differences in the loyalty of two groups of observation, deposan and financing, loyal customer and dual customer. Design/methodology/ approach – The study consisted of 3 stages: in-depth study of literature, interview and survey. The unit of analysis is seven major Indonesin Islamic Banks: Bank Muamalat, Bank Syariah Mandiri, BNI Syariah, etc. The analysis methods used in testing the hypothesis is Structural Equation Modeling by using Partial Least Square. Findings – Customer trust has positive and significant impact to develope customer loyalty. Both Image and customer satisfaction significantly influence on building customer trust. Image also has a significant effect on increasing customer satisfaction. The new indicator for image, improvement and innovation as well as strategic and sustainability proved to be valid and reliable in measuring the image of Islamic banks. The new indicator for trust, legal compliance proven valid and reliable in measuring customer trust dimension. Research also shows differences loyalty between groups of depositor customer and financing customer.


Tanggal Publikasi: 20 Mar 2018

The Implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) In Small and Medium Manufacturing Company (SMMC) and Its Impact to Competitiveness and Performance

This study aims to analyze the influence of Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation to competitive advantage and company’s performance, especially to small and medium manufacturing company. Using Partial Least Square (PLS) tested the hypothesis of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). There is significant influence between TQM implementation to competitive advantage. Likewise with a competitive advantage to the company’s performance there is significant influence. But there is no significant influence directly between TQM to the company’s performance. The study discusses about the implementation of TQM in small and medium manufacturing companies. In the practice, implementation of TQM in small and medium manufacturing companies are not as smooth as the large manufacturing company