Prof. Dr. Achmad Firdaus, M.Si., AIIS

Prof. Dr. Achmad Firdaus, M.Si., AIIS

Pusat Studi Kinerja Organisasi Islami

Peneliti LPPM Tazkia




Pengabdian Masyarakat


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Sep 2014

Maslahah Performa, Maslahah Based Organization

This study proves: first, concept of maqasidal- shariah(al-Shatibi, n.d) is preservation and protection of: religion (hifzu „ala al-din), life (hifzu„ala al-nafs), progeny (hifzu„ala al-nasl), intellect (hifzu„ala al-„aql) and wealth (hifzu„ala al-mal) couldbe used as basis to develop maslahah based organization. Aspects of maslahahdaruriyah, they are: religion (al-din), life (al-nafs), progeny (al-nasl), intellect (al-„aql) and wealth (almal) can be developed into a few of organizationalorientation. Maslahah Performa consists ofsix organizational orientations. Worship orientation is as perspectiveon preservation and protection of religion within organization. Internal process orientationis as perspectiveon preservation and protection of life of organization. Talent orientation is asperspectiveon preservation and protection of progeny of organization. Learningorientationis asperspective on preservation and protection of intellect of organization. Customer orientationis as perspectiveon preservation and protection of customer relation.Wealth orientationis as perspectiveon preservation and protection of wealth of organization


Tanggal Publikasi: 10 Des 2014


The study aims to develop Maslahah Performa (MaP) as methodology of wealth management system. MaP is maqasid al-shari’ah based organizational performance management system (Firdaus & Mukhlis, 2014). The objective of shariah (maqasid alshari’ah) is to protect and preserve: religion, life, progency, intellect and wealth, could be developed as foundation of organizational performance management system. Aspects of maslahah daruriyah those are religion, life, progency, intellect and wealth, to be developed into various of organizational performance orientation. Furthermore, goal of wealth management is to achieve falah. Objective of wealth management is to get maslahah. Maslahah based wealth management can be derived from cycle of acquiring and utilizing wealth. Acquiring wealth can be carried out by fullfilling worship orientation, internal process orientation, talent orientation, learning orientation, customer orientation and wealth orientation. Utilizing wealth can be carried out by allocating asset to wealth orientation, customer orientation, learning orientation, talent orientation, internal process orientation, worship orientation


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Mei 2023

Islamic Business and Performance Management-
The Maslahah-Based Performance Management System

This unique book discovers a new dimension in the study of strategic and performance management in Islamic Business studies. It addresses the missing link of spirituality from modern-day organizational structure in the presence of high-tech pressure in all areas of human endeavours.

The authors propose an integrated study of Islamic business approach to strategic and performance management systems to achieve sustainable organizational performance. The book explores employees’ wellbeing and organizations’ perceiving work environment as a spiritual pathway to cultivate values in Islamic business ecosystem to sustain humanity. It is all about care, empathy, and sustenance of others, about truthfulness and management being truthful to themselves and others and endeavouring to live their values more effusively while performing their work. The book stresses the impact of spirituality in performance management, concluding that for any organization to run efficiently, spirituality is the core component to attain happiness, contentment, and success.

The book will be of interest to a variety of management scholars, including those researching and studying performance management, talent management, strategic management, and business ethics.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Agt 2020

“Establishing Maslahah Based Performance Model for Forestry Investment

This paper aims to develop maslahah based performance of afforestation invesment model .afforestationinvestment benefits can be perceived by stakeholders and environment sustainably


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2020


The study aims to analyze the effect of E-Service Quality, namely the variables Reliability, Efficiency, Fulfillment, Privacy, Responsiveness, and Contact on JKN-KIS participants' satisfaction in the Social Security Organizing Agency (BPJS) Health. The study uses the method of Multiple Linear Regression with SPSS 21 software. Sample of 100 respondents. Respondents are JKN Mobile users. Research shows that the variables Reliability, Efficiency, Fulfillment, Privacy, Responsiveness, Contact simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on participant satisfaction. The study also showed that the efficiency, fulfillment, and responsiveness variables had a positive and significant effect on the satisfaction of JKN-KIS participants, and the Reliability, Privacy and Contact variables had a positive but not significant effect on participant satisfaction.


Tanggal Publikasi: 19 Des 2021


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of attitude has a significant influence on agent intentions, the influence of subjective norms on agent intentions, the effect of self-control on agent intentions in marketing halal mart products. This study uses the Theory Planned Behavior method and structured equation modeling (SEM) to see the effect of agents on the intentions and performance of agents to market halalmart products through measurement in terms of attitudes, subjective norms and self-control. The results of the research data show that attitudes, subjective norms and self-control have a significant and positive influence on the intentions of the agents to improve performance in marketing halalmart products.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2019


The study aims to determine the implementation of the Zakat Village Index as a village development framework based on Maslahah consist of economic, education, health, social humanity and dakwah dimensions. The method combines quantitative and qualitative methods using the Zakat Village Index approach. Furthermore, establishing the priority issues and solutions of village development use the Fishbone diagram approach and 5W1H interview with experts. The study reveals that the Zakat Village Index value of 0.49 to be fairly good and considered to get development assistance with the first development priorities are the health dimension, the economic dimension, and the education dimension. While the second priorities are social humanity dimension and da'wah dimension. The development program through empowerment da'iis the recommendation for solution of this study


Tanggal Publikasi: 14 Jul 2023

Developing Value Based Services for Indonesian Microtakaful

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) found that the poor and low income people were reluctant to join as insurance participants. OJK has conducted many socialization activities about microinsurance for low-income people which aimed to increase their literacy of insurance. SMES (Sederhana – Mudah – Ekonomis – Segera) services aim to increase insurance inclusion. The study aims to propose a model of value-based service on microtakaful. The service refers to SMES (Sederhana – Mudah – Ekonomis – Segera) and Maslahah Performa value. SMES value to explain the value expected by takaful participants. Maslahah performa to explain the fulfillment of needs to sharia demands by takaful operator. The SMES variable is developed into various sub variables according to SEOJK. Maslahah performa is elaborated to get worship orientation variables and internal process orientation which then be developed into various sub variables. The subvariable weight is determined according to the importance level of each sub variable. The research finds that a value-based microtakaful service model can be derived from the SMES approach and maslahah performa. There is a linkage between the value-based microtakaful service according to participant expectation and spirituality and sustainability. The reasearch will contribute to increase literacy of microinsurance


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2018


Islamic Waqif has an important role as one of the instruments in the economic empowerment of the people. In history, awqf played an important role in the development of social, economic and cultural life of the people. Both laws and regulations in the form of Law No. 41 of 2004 and Government Regulation No.42 of 2006 regulating the interests of worship, education, social and more important are the interests of the people's economic welfare.

       This study has a general purpose to formulate productive awqf management strategies in Indonesia, with specific objectives as follows: a.Identify constraints in developing productive awqf in Indonesia; b. Formulate productive awqf management strategies in Indonesia as literacy efforts in the field of da'wah in the community.

       Research examines the factors that influence the productive awqf management in Indonesia, through interviews of experts and regulators. Then analyze the policy. With the ANP and SWOT methods, that found the Strengths factors are Regulations / Laws and the largest Muslim population in the world. While Weaknesses are a lack of socialization and traditional mindset about awqf. Elements in the SWOT method, which is an opportunity to develop awqf (Opportunity) is the collection of endowments as the main element of worship and Professionalism in managing waqif funds. And the    Threats in waqif management are materialistic lifestyle (hedonism) and non-Islamic education patterns. It is expected that the results of this study can provide input to the Regulators (Government and Legislature), Academics, Wakif and the Community beneficiaries of the awqf itself.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Jan 2018


This research aims to develop the implementation cycle of performance management based on benefit (maslahah performance). Maslahah performance consists of 6 orientation namely worship orientation, internal process orientation, learning orientation, talent orientation, customer orientation and wealth orientation. The study was conducted through in-depth literature study of previous research related to the concept of maslahah, the performance management system of maslahah, the balanced scorecard (BSC) and the quality management system. Research shows that maslahah performance can be applied with the foundation of PDCA cycle that is Plan - Do - Check - Action. The Plan step is developed into 5 steps: strategic planning, identifying the safety foundation, determining the maslahah behavior, determining the size and agreeing the performance contract. Step Do is developed into steps to implement performance. Check step was developed into a monitoring step. Action Steps are developed into follow-up steps


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2017


zakat pada BAZNAS saat ini dengan dijabarkan dalam model Business Model Canvas (BMC) adalah mencakup sembilan elemen BMC; muzakki yang membayarkan zakatnya ke BAZNAS mencakup muzakki individu dan muzakki perusahaan. BAZNAS memberikan kepada para muzakki kartu muzakki  yang disebut Nomor Pokok Wajib Zakat (NPWZ). Terdapat konter khusus untuk menerima zakat. Layanan muzakki pada BAZNAS juga memungkinkan bagi muzakki untuk melakukan konsultasi mengenai zakat. Dana zakat yang terhimpun adalah dana amanah yang bukan menjadi miliknya. Sehingga pengelolaannya harus disesuaikan dengan ketentuan yang telah ada dalam syariah. Strategi penghimpunan zakat pada BAZNAS meliputi peningkatan kerja sama dengan berbagai instansi swasta dan pemerintah termasuk dengan mengadakan berbagai seminar dan workshop mengenai zakat. BAZNAS juga dapat menyalurkan beasiswa kepada perguruan tinggi khususnya pada prodi zakat. Disamping itu, konter layanan zakat perlu ditambah di berbagai lokasi strategi. BAZNAS juga dapat menjaring muzakki dari kalangan petani. BAZNAS dituntut untuk mengembangkan ICT dalam pengelolaan zakatnya.


Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jul 2019

Contrasting the drivers of customer loyalty; financing and depositor customer, single and dual customer, in Indonesian Islamic bank


This study aims to investigate the drivers of loyalty in Indonesian Islamic banks, especially group of depositor vs financing customer and single vs dual customer., The objectives of this study were the seven major commercial Indonesian Islamic banks using the purposive sampling technique. In total, 105 questionnaires were processed, consisting of questions regarding depositors, financing, single and dual customer. Structural equation modeling using partial least squares were the analysis methods used to test the hypothesis, while in-depth interviews were conducted with Islamic bank managers to validate the findings., Image has a significant relationship with customer satisfaction, as well as trust. Similarly, customer satisfaction has a significant relationship with trust. Trust has a significant relationship with loyalty. For a financing customer, the image is very influential on customer trust. For a depositor customer, customer satisfaction is very influential on customer trust. For single customer, customer satisfaction has a stronger influence on the image, compared to dual customer., Islamic banks need to maintain good image and service quality to create strong, reliable and long-term relationships with customers, more specifically, in terms of improvement and product innovation. A bank focuses on the micro or macro segment, as well as financing. Financing products should be referred to customers’ needs. Bank reputation can be done by strengthening branding and corporate culture in marketing strategy. Shariah compliance has the highest loading factor to trust customers. Indonesian Islamic banks need to maintain customer trust by sticking to Islamic principles and continuing to ensure that its products and services are in accordance with Islamic principles. In Indonesian Islamic banks, it is very important to keep the legal aspects in all of products and services. Deposit products and services of Islamic banks should be in line with the rules of the financial services authority and Bank of Indonesia culture. Bank efforts to strengthen reputation can be done by strengthening branding and corporate culture in marketing strategy, while increasing the attractiveness of the products by way of research and development (R&D) must endeavor to make products and services attractive in terms of both product characteristics and price. Furthermore, it is necessary to support a good marketing strategy to market their products., Research can be used more widely in determining public policy, by strengthening the marketing strategy and public education. Islamic banks can work together with local religious departments to maximize marketing strategies to educate and convince people to be active economically under Islamic sharia guidance. Islamic banks need to maintain customer trust by sticking to the principles of sharia and continuing to ensure that products and services conform to sharia principles. Islamic bank management can strengthen customer trust by having a good risk management system, so that customers feel secure with Islamic bank transactions. In addition, sharia banks as companies must demonstrate social responsibility by distributing ZIS managed from customers and implementing CSR as a form of awareness of the surrounding community., The study revealed the factors that lead to loyalty on the financing, depositor and the single and dual customers. The study found that improvement and innovation, strategic and sustainability are new indicators used to build images of Islamic banks.


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Sep 2017

MASLAHAH PERFORMA (MaP) Sistem Manajemen Kinerja Berbasis Maslahah

Buku ini menjelaskan bahwa konsep mas}lah}ah d}aru>riyah yang terdiri dari terjaga dan terpeliharanya agama (h}ifz}u ‘ala al-di>n), terjaga dan terpeliharanya jiwa (h}ifz}u ‘ala al-nafs), terjaga dan terpeliharanya keturunan (h}ifz}u ‘ala al-nasl), terjaga dan terpeliharanya akal (h}ifz}u ‘ala al-‘aql) dan terjaga dan terpeliharanya harta (h}ifz}u ‘ala al-ma>l), dapat dijadikan dasar bagi pengembangan sistem manajemen kinerja organisasi. Secara akademis, buku ini mendukung pendapat beberapa peneliti yaitu Sen (1992), Mubyarto (1997), Gardiner (2002), Swasono (2003) dan Chapra (2007) yang menyatakan bahwa etika, moral dan akuntabilitas sosial memegang peranan penting bagi kelanggengan pembangunan ekonomi. Kandungan buku menjelaskan bahwa etika, moral, akuntabilitas sosial adalah fondasi kemaslahatan. Adapun kelanggengan kemanfaatan organisasi di dunia dan akhirat merupakan indikator tercapainya kinerja kemaslahatan organisasi. Pencapaian di atas dapat terwujud dengan menyelaraskan pengelolaan organisasi terhadap tugas manusia sebagai khalifah Allah di bumi (Bung Hatta dalam Swasono, 1992), Khan (1994), Chapra (2007).


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Jan 2023

Developing Value Based Services for Indonesian Microtakaful

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) found that the poor and low income people were reluctant to join as insurance participants. OJK has conducted many socialization activities about microinsurance for low-income people which aimed to increase their literacy of insurance. SMES (Sederhana – Mudah – Ekonomis – Segera) services aim to increase insurance inclusion. The study aims to propose a model of value-based service on microtakaful. The service refers to SMES (Sederhana – Mudah – Ekonomis – Segera) and Maslahah Performa value. SMES value to explain the value expected by takaful participants. Maslahah performa to explain the fulfillment of needs to sharia demands by takaful operator. The SMES variable is developed into various sub variables according to SEOJK. Maslahah performa is elaborated to get worship orientation variables and internal process orientation which then be developed into various sub variables. The subvariable weight is determined according to the importance level of each sub variable. The research finds that a value-based microtakaful service model can be derived from the SMES approach and maslahah performa. There is a linkage between the value-based microtakaful service according to participant expectation and spirituality and sustainability. The reasearch will contribute to increase literacy of microinsurance.


Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023

Kinerja Baitul Maal wa at-Tamwil Umat Mandiri-Pesantren Hidayatullah Balikpapan Menggunakan Maslahah Performa

This research generally describes the application of performance measurement in Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) based on orientation to benefit all stakeholders (stakeholders & shareholders), but studies that specifically measure aspects of the methodology for implementing performance measurement are still limited. Therefore, Maslahah Performa is used as an instrument in the application of performance measurement in BMT Umat Mandiri. The study aims to determine the implementation of performance measurement Maslahah Performa issues on BMT Umat Mandiri. Knowing the results of the analysis of the application of process performance measurement and benefit-based performance results in BMT Umat Mandiri. The methodology used in this study is qualitative and quantitative research methods with case study design. The research findings indicate that six benefit orientations exist in BMT Umat Mandiri. These orientations include worship, internal processes, talents, learning, customers, and property. The six orientations found in this research have a foundation of benefit in realizing strategic objectives for the achievement of benefit. BMT Umat Mandiri has a process performance of 0,400 and performance results of 0,656 which means that BMT Umat Mandiri provides less benefit to stakeholders.