

Sinta 5

Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Sep 2019


Jihad is one of the Islamic principles that has evolved over the years. It is negativily being connotated jihad as source of terrorism not only by Western but also some of Muslim people. One of the problems emerged is because of the lack of proper understanding on really meaning and importance of jihad. Therefore, the paper aims to analyse the urgency of jihad in this contemporary time. Methodology used for the study is qualitative by using content analysis to analyse what is the urgency of jihad that have been raised in many literatures. The finding of the study is that urgency of jihad activity is mainly to free Muslim people from exploitation and deterioration. It is needs for worldwide Muslim solidarity that Jihad is not a movement limited to the region, the state but a universal / cosmopolitan movement towards Muslims. In this digital age, jihad is no longer restricted, so the need for a comprehensive and correct explanation of jihad in the current context.


Urgency, Jihad, Islam, Contemporary


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