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CHANSE International Humanities and Social Sciences Research Programme

admin 14 Sep 2023

Closing Date: 21/09/2023

Funding for collaborative, transnational research projects on set themes of critical importance to the humanities and social sciences.

CHANSE (Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe) is a joint initiative of 27 research funding organisations from 24 countries across Europe. The CHANSE programme has been co-created by HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) and NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe) networks, with co-funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 programme, to support research, knowledge exchange and the promotion of best practice in the humanities and social sciences across Europe.


More info: https://www.myresearchconnect.com/chanse-international-humanities-and-social-sciences-research-programme/

Anda Mungkin Suka




Tuesday 12th – Thursday 14th December 2023
Venue: Kuala Lumpur


Theme: Driving the Agenda for a Sustainable Humane Economy


Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) &

International Association of Islamic Economics (IAIE)

Paper contributors are advised to observe the following deadlines:
● Papers submission deadline:  15th August 2023
● Notification of acceptance of papers:  15th October 2023
● Deadline for presenters and participants registration: 15th November 2023




The First International Conference on Islamic Economics held in Makkah al-Mukarramah in 1976, was the watershed for the new discipline of ‘Islamic Economics’. Almost five decades later, the Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences (KENMS) of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) is once again honoured to manage and host the 15th International Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance for the third time, tentatively to be held from the Tuesday 12 to Thursday 14 December 2023 in Kuala Lumpur. The theme of the conference is Driving the Agenda for a Sustainable Humane Economy.


Recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, financial and economic crises coupled with challenges from climate change, provide the OIC countries an opportunity to embrace Islamic economics and finance as indigenous approaches to guide their economic policy responses. For this to happen, theoretical foundations of both Islamic economics and finance, as well as their links to policymaking and implementation need greater attention and integration. The world is complex and everything is connected to everything. Hence, proper planning is a part of developing a responsive and responsible Islamic Economics and Finance. The 15th ICIEF 2023 provides the platform for bringing together academics, researchers and policymakers from the Muslim world to discuss the challenges faced and how greater effort can be made towards achieving our preferred future.


The teaching, research and practice of Islamic economics and finance have made tremendous strides globally over the last 50 years. The establishment of higher education institutions like the IIUM and development finance institutions like the Islamic Development Bank, respectively, have provided important avenues for practical implementation of education programs as well as increasing financing for economic and financial cooperation among OIC-member countries. It is important to plan for a sustainable humane future- one that recognises efficiency goes hand-in-hand with equity. However, in order to plan effectively, one must be aware of where we are, how we arrived here, what the challenges are, have a clear vision of where we want to go as well as a plan for the future. Development of research and practice of Islamic economics and finance requires commitment by all the stakeholders as well as the establishment of viable links between theory and policymaking by academics and policymakers.

Taking into account the state of the art and the direction of the fields of Islamic economics and finance, the 15th ICIEF focuses on the way forward toward developing the discipline of Islamic economics and finance and increasing their application especially in the economies of the OIC countries. Hence, the conference is devoted to not only theory development and application of the theory but also policy-related issues concerning, but not necessarily limited to, the following areas: Islamic Economics, Islamic Finance, Policy-Issues and Related areas in Sustainability, Shariah, Accounting, Management and Marketing.


Islamic Economics – Islamic economic system and Islamic economy; theoretical and policy studies to achieve sustainable humane development; historical and comparative economic studies; comparative economic models; Islamic economic thought; review articles useful as teaching materials at the university level.


Islamic Finance – emerging issues relating to sustainable Islamic finance; alternative financial and monetary systems from the Islamic perspective; Innovation, AI and FinTech; stability of Islamic financial system; risk-sharing in Islamic finance; Islamic finance infrastructure institutions.


Policy Issues and Prescriptions for the OIC countries – poverty and inequality; entrepreneurship development; micro and small enterprise development; legal, tax and regulatory frameworks from the Islamic economics perspective; Islamic monetary and fiscal policies including zakah and awqaf-based social safety-nets; economic indebtedness; the role of the IsDB in sustainable economic development; trade and cooperation among the OIC countries.


Other Related Areas – Sustainability, Maqasid al-Shariah and its relations to IEF; issues relating to Islamic accounting and its application to IEF; Islamic approaches to management and marketing; Islamic economics and finance education and research.


The following list is meant to give a more detailed picture of areas/topics:

i. Theoretical, Historical, Shariah, Maqasid al-Shariah and Institutional Aspects of Islamic Economics and Finance

ii. Poverty, Inequality, Socio-Economic Justice and Human Development in the Humane Economy: Theory and policy dimensions; Trade and Economic Cooperations

iii. Islamic Social Economy and Finance: Theory, Practice and Policy innovations; SDGs and the role of Islamic finance; country case-studies

iv. Management and Business Ethics, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, and Corporate Social Responsibility from an Islamic Perspective

v. Islamic Finance, Banking, Corporate Finance, and Capital Markets for a Sustainable Humane Economy

vi. AI, FinTech, Risk Management and Stability of the Islamic Financial Services Industry

vii. Climate change; sustainability studies; managing externalities for a sustainable humane economy

viii. Accounting, Auditing and Reporting for Good Governance; Regulatory and Legislative Landscape for a sustainable humane economy

ix. Central Banking, Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reforms for a Sustainable Humane Economy

x. Innovation, Technology and the Development of a Sustainable Humane Economy

The Organisers welcome theoretical, empirical and policy papers that will serve to evaluate the current strengths of the disciplines of Islamic economics and Islamic finance and to also chart out possible future directions. Keynote speeches as well as Panel Forums will also be organised.


The conference will accept papers in both English and Arabic.
Approximately 100 papers are expected to be presented during the two days.
Approximately 250-300 participants are expected to attend the event.


1.     Paper submissions must comply with the following guidelines:
● Paper must be either in English or Arabic.
● Original papers not published or submitted for other events.
● Paper must be in Microsoft Word format. Do not submit ZIP files.
● Do NOT include the authors’ names in the main submission of the paper, as papers will be subject to double-blind peer review.
● Full tentative title of the manuscript must be included on the paper.
● Abstract is required and should be between 200-250 words. Please limit the use of acronyms, abbreviations and references in the abstract.
● Keywords for the article: 3-5 keywords are sufficient.
● Referencing: we recommend the Harvard referencing system.
● Please do not submit duplicate copies of the papers.
● Please limit the number of pages to 30 or less (including references).


2.     Final Paper Submissions:
● Authors whose first drafts have been submitted before the deadline and accepted will be invited to submit final drafts of their research papers based on the peer-reviewers’ recommendations for revision.
● Selected papers presented to the Conference will be considered for possible publication in the International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting (formerly IIUM Journal of Economics and Management, indexed by Web of Science Core Collection), Intellectual Discourse (IIUM, indexed by Scopus), and Islamic Economics Studies (IRTI) and KAAU Journal of Islamic Economics Indexed in SCOPUS. We are also working to get more journals on the list.
● Papers presented may also be selected to be published in edited volumes emanating from the Conference.


Subject to the availability of funds, one author of selected accepted papers may be sponsored a round-trip economy class air ticket and/or hotel stay during the conference days only. The author who wishes to avail of conference sponsorship must be the corresponding author


● The conference fee will be announced later.
● For more info, please visit our website at https://conference.iium.edu.my/icief2023/
● For queries, kindly e-mail the 15th ICIEF Secretariat at [email protected]


Detail Info:




🕰 Senin, 25 September 2023 M/ 09 Rabiul Awal 1445 H
⏳ 09.30 WIB - selesai

📚  Seri 027📚
Praktek Manajemen SDM Haji dan Umroh di Saudi (Sharing Experience)

🧑🏻‍🎓  Speaker:
Dr. Ir. Muhammad Fahri Farid, MM
Direktur Pusat Studi SDM Syariah
Dosen IAI Tazkia

🎙 Zoom Meeting 🎙

Meeting ID: 853 1767 7713
Passcode: Tazkia123

Diselenggarakan oleh:
Lembaga Penelitian & Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Tazkia

CIMA Research Grants – Topic Specific Regional Calls

Please read the guidance notes before completing the application form.

If you need any assistance in completing this form, please contact CIMA research staff at [email protected]. Completed applications should be emailed to this address before the call closing date.


More info: https://www.aicpa-cima.com/resources/download/application-for-cima-research-grant-experienced-researchers

The Intersection of Elections and Economics: Understanding the Impact

Pemilu merupakan momen penting dalam perjalanan suatu negara, di mana warga negara menggunakan hak demokratis mereka untuk membentuk masa depan tata kelola mereka. Namun, di luar ranah politik, pemilu memiliki pengaruh mendalam terhadap lanskap ekonomi. Hubungan yang rumit antara pemilu dan ekonomi membuka tabir hubungan dinamis yang melampaui sekedar jumlah suara dan retorika politik.

Kebijakan Ekonomi sebagai Mata Uang Pemilu

Salah satu cara paling nyata di mana pemilu berinteraksi dengan ekonomi adalah melalui formulasi dan penetapan kebijakan ekonomi. Partai politik sering bersaing untuk mendapatkan dukungan pemilih dengan merancang kebijakan yang menjanjikan kemakmuran dan stabilitas ekonomi. Kebijakan-kebijakan ini meliputi berbagai domain, termasuk kebijakan fiskal, kebijakan moneter, perjanjian perdagangan, pajak, dan kerangka regulasi. Keefektifan dan daya tarik kebijakan-kebijakan ini memainkan peran penting dalam mempengaruhi opini pemilih dan menentukan hasil pemilu.

Sentimen Pasar dan Kepercayaan Investor

Antisipasi dan dampak pemilu dapat secara signifikan mempengaruhi sentimen pasar dan kepercayaan investor. Ketidakpastian seputar hasil pemilu seringkali berujung pada volatilitas di pasar keuangan. Investor dengan cermat memantau perkembangan politik, mengevaluasi implikasi potensial dari perubahan kebijakan dan pergeseran kepemimpinan pemerintah terhadap lingkungan bisnis, industri, dan instrumen keuangan. Akibatnya, pemilu menjadi pemicu untuk fluktuasi harga saham, nilai tukar, dan penilaian aset, yang mencerminkan persepsi dan harapan kolektif dari para peserta pasar.

Dampaknya terhadap Bisnis dan Investasi

Pemilu memiliki dampak yang mendalam terhadap bisnis dan aktivitas investasi. Strategi perusahaan, keputusan investasi, dan ekspansi pasar seringkali tergantung pada dinamika politik dan arah kebijakan. Perusahaan beradaptasi dengan siklus pemilu dengan menilai potensi dampak dari perubahan kebijakan, reformasi regulasi, dan pergeseran prioritas pemerintah terhadap operasi mereka, profitabilitas, dan keberlanjutan jangka panjang. Selain itu, ketidakpastian terkait pemilu dapat menghambat perencanaan bisnis dan inisiatif investasi, mengakibatkan pengambilan keputusan yang berhati-hati dan arus modal keluar dalam beberapa kasus.

Prioritas Sosioekonomi dan Perilaku Pemilih

Pemilu berfungsi sebagai barometer prioritas sosioekonomi dan preferensi pemilih. Isu-isu ekonomi, seperti ketenagakerjaan, inflasi, ketimpangan pendapatan, dan kesejahteraan sosial, sering kali menjadi pusat perhatian dalam wacana pemilu. Partai politik menyesuaikan platform kampanye mereka untuk beresonansi dengan segmen pemilih yang beragam, mengatasi kekhawatiran dan aspirasi ekonomi yang ada. Pemilih, pada gilirannya, mengevaluasi visi dan proposal kebijakan yang bersaing, menilai potensi dampaknya terhadap kesejahteraan finansial dan kualitas hidup mereka. Dengan demikian, pemilu berfungsi sebagai mekanisme bagi warga negara untuk menyampaikan keluhan ekonomi, aspirasi, dan nilai-nilai mereka melalui kotak suara.

Implikasi Global dan Hubungan Internasional

Hasil pemilu berdampak melampaui batas negara, membentuk dinamika ekonomi global dan hubungan internasional. Kebijakan ekonomi yang dikejar oleh pemerintahan terpilih dapat mempengaruhi pola perdagangan, hubungan diplomatik, dan keseimbangan geopolitik. Investasi lintas batas, bantuan luar negeri, dan perjanjian multilateral tunduk pada iklim politik yang berlaku dan orientasi kebijakan. Selain itu, hasil pemilu dapat memicu pergeseran dalam persepsi global tentang stabilitas politik, tata kelola ekonomi, dan daya tarik investasi, dengan demikian memengaruhi arus modal, investasi langsung asing, dan kerja sama ekonomi antar negara.


Secara ringkas, hubungan antara pemilu dan ekonomi menggarisbawahi keterkaitan yang rumit antara proses politik dan fenomena ekonomi. Pemilu berfungsi sebagai tempat di mana kebijakan ekonomi diperdebatkan, sentimen pasar diukur, dan prioritas sosioekonomi diutarakan. Hasil pemilu memantul ke berbagai bidang aktivitas ekonomi, memengaruhi bisnis, investor, konsumen, dan negara. Memahami hubungan multiaspek antara pemilu dan ekonomi penting untuk memahami dinamika tata kelola modern dan pasar global. Saat warga negara menggunakan hak suara mereka, mereka membentuk tidak hanya lanskap politik tetapi juga takdir ekonomi suatu negara.