International Conference on Qur'anic Studies and Tafseer
Science and education occupy a great position in Islam, it is the hope of fostering society and a source of strength in the face of various challenges in the field of life. So that the Qur'an and al-Sunnah also pay great attention to science and education, it can be proven by the many verses of the Qur'an and nabawiyyah hadiths that contain noble teachings about science and education, both practical and philosophical.
This, evidenced practically by the generation of salafuna al-shalih, was passed down from generation to generation: rabbinical science and education, which was able to maintain the continuity of the Islamic tsaqafah imprinted in the bosom of this generation of devotees, and contained in the treasures of the books of turats.
Moreover, the Qur'an, made clear by al-Sunnah details the characteristics of the educated human being represented by the term ulul albab, mentioned no less than sixteen times in the Qur'an. Where this rabbinical conception shows a superior education system: based on Islamic aqidah and proclaimed for a noble purpose, namely shaping the Islamic personality in everyone.
It is undeniable that this country is being hit by life crises, including crises in the field of education, as education experts and practitioners have expressed in their research. Throughout 2017 the number of brawls continued to rise, violence among students became more brutal, causing an increasing number of victims from falling students.
So departing from this background, it should revitalize qur'ani education, education that makes the Qur'an and al-Sunnah as guidelines, Islamic creeds as its principles. Positively, the need for qur'ani education is supported by the high enthusiasm of the younger generation to learn and memorize the Qur'an, then the ZAD al-Insaniyyah Foundation was encouraged to contribute to the people, by establishing an official institution of higher education, in the form of the ZAD College of Qur'anic Sciences (STIQ), by obtaining cooperation support with one of the well-known Tafsir Academies in Saudi Arabia, and getting a positive response from the public and practitioners of Islamic education.
STIQ ZAD Cianjur as part of higher education is an institution where academics are required not only to learn and teach, but there is a tri dharma of higher education that must be done by students and lecturers as part of academics, namely education, research and community service. For the field of education, of course, it is something that is common for students, as well as lecturers.
However, in the field of fact research in the field, it still shows a lack of students and lecturers who do it.
To answer these problems, STIQ ZAD Cianjur intends to hold an International Conferencen on Qur'anic Studies and Tafseer.
International Conference on Qur’anic Studies and Tafseer aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of International Conference on Qur’anic Studies and Tafseer. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of International Conference on Qur’anic Studies and Tafseer. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of International Conference on Qur’anic Studies and Tafseer.