Aminah Nuriyah, M.E.

Aminah Nuriyah, M.E.

Manajemen Bisnis Syariah

Peneliti LPPM Tazkia




Pengabdian Masyarakat


Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Sep 2024

Analisis Pengaruh Kemudahan, Efisiensi, dan Reliability Penggunaan terhadap Minat Penggunaan Media Chatbot Sebagai Sarana dalam Pemasaran Digital (Studi Kasus Pedagang E-Commerce)

This research aims to analyze the direct influence of the variables ease of use, efficiency and reliability of use on interest in using chatbot media as a means of digital marketing. This research is quantitative research. The type of data used is primary data obtained through a questionnaire that was distributed to a total of 199 respondents and secondary data obtained from literature related to the problems studied. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with the Partial Least Square (PLS) method, all data of which will be processed in the Smartpls 4 application. The results of this study found that there is a positive and significant influence between the ease of use variable on interest in use, then the variable efficiency of use on interest in use and the positive and insignificant influence between the variable reliability of use on interest in using chatbot media as a means of digital marketing



Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Sep 2024

Pengaruh Citra Merek, Harga, Kualitas Produk dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian

The reason researchers chose the uniqlo brand as research in Jabodetabek is based on the very high mobility of the capital city community, requiring comfortable clothing for outdoor and indoor activities. This study was conducted to determine the effect of brand image, price, product quality and promotion on purchasing decisions of uniqlo consumers in the cities of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. The research methodology uses a descriptive quantitative approach using multiple linear regression analysis which includes classical assumption tests, hypothesis testing and multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, the equation purchase decision (Y) = 2.752 + 0.273(brand image) + 0.279(price) + 0.230(product quality) + 0.022(promotion) with an r square value of 0.431. The independent variable in this study only has a contribution of 43.1% to influence the dependent variable. While the other 56.9% is influenced by other factors.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Agt 2024

Factors Affecting Mobile Banking Satisfaction: A Case Study of Bank

Syariah Indonesia

Main Objective The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of efficiency, fulfilment, system availability, privacy, responsiveness, feature and reliability to customer satisfaction study case in Indonesia Sharia Bank in JABODETABEK. Method This research uses a descriptive quantitative approach with a case study of PT.Bank Syariah Indonesia in JABOBETABEK costumer. The data collection technique was obtained from distributing questionnaires via google form and the data was processed using software. By using multiple linear regression analysis. Key Findings The results showed that the seven variables had a significant effect on mobile banking customer satisfaction. The strongest dimensions in explaining the quality of BSI mobile services are feature, reliability, and privacy, respectively. Factors affecting reliability and feature variables have the strongest influence on mobile banking customer satisfaction. Theoretical and Practical Implications The results of this study show that system vailability and responsiveness have no effect on mobile banking customer satisfaction, indicating that customer satisfaction is not directly influenced by the BSI mobile system which is not the main factor taken into consideration by customers in using the mobile BSI.


Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Mar 2024

The Influence of Islamic Financial Literacy, Income, and Lifestyle on Financial Management among Housewives

This research discusses the influence of Islamic financial literacy, income, and lifestyle on financial management among housewives (a case study in Jabodetabek). The research adopts a quantitative approach using Multiple Linear Regression method, focusing on a case study in Jabodetabek. The data for this study were collected through questionnaires distributed to respondents who are Muslim housewives with income. The findings of this research are as follows: 1) Islamic financial literacy does not have a significant influence on financial management among housewives. 2) Income has a significant influence on financial management among housewives. 3) Lifestyle has a significant influence on financial management among housewives. 4) Islamic financial literacy, income, and lifestyle collectively have an influence on financial management among housewives. Keywords: Islamic financial literacy, financial management, financial planning.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Des 2023

Pengabdian Masyarakat Kegiatan Bersih-Bersih dan Penyuluhan Usaha Kampung di Cadasngampar oleh Mahasiswa IIUM Bersama IAI Tazkia

The community service of IIUM students in collaboration with IAI Tazkia encompasses two activities focusing on village cleanup and education in Kampung Cadasngampar. The first activity involves cleaning the village with the intention of preserving and tidying up the environment within a village or settlement. This activity goes beyond physical cleanliness, aiming to create environmental awareness and concern for the cleanliness of the surroundings. Additionally, students are also engaged in educational activities with school dropouts. The purpose of this initiative is to provide informal learning opportunities for children who have discontinued formal schooling or lack access to formal education. Through this interaction, they strive to provide education and basic skills to children, enabling them to develop their potential even without following the formal education path. This community service reflects the commitment of IIUM students and IAI Tazkia to make a positive impact on the local community, addressing both environmental cleanliness and informal education for those in need.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Des 2023

Youth Strategies in Economic Empowerment

The research "Youth Strategy in Economic Empowerment" thoroughly examines the strategic significance of young people in promoting economic growth, particularly within the halal industrial sector. This study emphasizes the significant contribution that young people, who constitute a crucial segment of the world population, may make to the advancement of socioeconomic development. This research uncovers the most recent developments in the halal business by means of seminars including prominent speakers like Prof. Dr. Marco Tieman. It focuses on crucial elements such as supply chains and ecosystems. The paper's conclusion underscores the significance of innovation and the contributions of young individuals, serving as inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs in the global development of the halal industry.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Jan 2024

Islamic Service, Branding, And Advertising Influence 212 Mart Co-Op Consumer Loyalty

Purpose: This thesis explores the impact of Islamic Service Quality, Islamic Branding, and Islamic Advertising on consumer loyalty within the 212 Mart Co-ops. Employing a quantitative approach, this study aimed to understand the dynamics of consumer loyalty in this context.

Methodology/approach: Quantitative data were gathered through questionnaires, and Multiple Linear Regression was utilized for analysis. This study adopted a quantitative methodology supported by the SPSS program for data management and analysis.

Results/findings: This study reveals the significant influences of Islamic Service Quality and Islamic Branding on consumer loyalty in the 212 Mart Co-ops. However, Islamic Advertising does not exhibit a notable impact on consumer loyalty. Interestingly, Islamic service quality and branding collectively exert a significant influence on consumer loyalty.

Limitations: Acknowledging its boundaries, the study was confined to quantitative data, potentially influenced by biases in questionnaire responses. Additionally, the exclusion of other variables that impact consumer loyalty is recognized as a limitation.

Contribution: This research makes a noteworthy contribution by emphasizing the considerable impact of Islamic Service Quality and Islamic Branding on consumer loyalty within the 212 March Co-op. This study provides valuable insights for marketers and policymakers, suggesting avenues to enhance these aspects for an overall improvement in consumer loyalty.aspects for an overall improvement in consumer loyalty.



Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Jan 2024

The imbalance between the number of Indonesian Muslims and the interest in saving in Islamic banks makes for a very interesting problem to study. This study aims to look at the factors that influence interest in saving in sharia banks, especially the Bank XYZ Branch. This research uses descriptive and quantitative methods. The tools used are distributing questionnaires to 43 Bank XYZ Branchcustomers with the likerts approach; besides that, this research uses two models, namely the ANN (artificial neural network) and partial least squares (PLS-SEM) models. The sample obtained from this study was 43customers with various professions. The result of this research is that the religious knowledge factor is the factor that most influences interest in saving, witha value of 42.02%, followed by a promotional factor of 38.36%. While the product factor is not very influential with a value of only 19.61%, it is no different from the results of PLS-SEM, namely that religious knowledge and promotion are the most influential things significantly, while bank products do not affect saving in Islamic banks. The results of this study can help Islamic banking parties, especially the Bank XYZ Branch, map prospective customers who want to be prospected.Keywords:Interest in Saving, Religious Knowledge, Promotion, Products, Islamic BanksAbstrak.Ketimpangan antara jumlah penduduk muslim Indoensia dengan minat menabung di bank syariah menjadikan masalah yang sangat menarik untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat menabung di bank syairah khususnya Cabang Bank XYZ.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatifdepskriptif. Alat bantu yang digunakan yaitu menyebarkankuesioner kepada43 nasabah Cabang Bank XYZdengan pendekatan likerts, selain itu penelitian ini menggunakan2 model yaitumodel ANN (Artificial Neural Network)dan Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM).Sampel yang didapat dari penelitian ini sebanyak 43nasabah denagn berbagai profesi. Hasil dari peneltianini adalah faktor pengetahuan agama menjadi faktor yang paling mempengaruhi minat menabung dengan nilai 42,02%, diikuti dengan faktor promosi yaitu 38,36%. Sedangkan faktor produk sangat tidak berpengaruh dengan nilai hanya 19,61%. Tidak berbeda dengan hasil PLS-SEM yaitu pengetahunan agama dan promosi menjadi hal yang paling berpengaruh secara signifiakn, sedangkan produk bank tidak mempengaruhi dalam menabung di bank syariah. Hasil penelitian ini dapat membantu pihak perbankan syariah, khususnya Cabang Bank XYZuntuk dapat memetakan calon nasabah yang ingin diprospek.




Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Jul 2023

The impacts of Covid-19 on macroeconomic indicators and the performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the impact of Covid-19 on the macroeconomic indicators and financial performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia. The results of this study may serve as a reference for the Indonesian government and Islamic banks’ stakeholders in formulating strategic decisions in creating innovative solutions during the Covid-19 pandemic. Quantitative research method with 2 approaches, namely Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) was selected for this study. This study demonstrated that macroeconomic indicators were significantly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the results of the ANN and PLS-SEM models varied. The PLS-SEM model illustrated the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic affecting the performance of Islamic banking, while the ANN model did not. This research has implications for stakeholders, especially the government to maintain macroeconomic stability, while for Islamic banking management to focus more on product innovation and service excellence so that it can be closer to the public, especially Muslims community. Numerous studies examining macroeconomics and the financial performance of Islamic banking have been conducted. This study aimed to offer an alternative perspective by using two models, namely PLS-SEM and ANN.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Feb 2022

Designing of digital-based Islamic social finance model through role of mosque

 This study aims to optimize the role of mosques in increasing economic welfare and reducing widespread public usury loans. Moreover, this study also aims to determine the right model for Islamic financial activities. This is a qualitative study and the Analytic Network Process (ANP) BOCR model was utilized to obtain the ideal model according to literature reviews and expert opinion. This study conducted in-depth interviews with 5 experts (Ulama, Regulators (Financial Services Authority), Fintech Practitioners, fintech academics, and the Indonesian Mosque Council). Three alternative models were chosen by the experts, namely the Crowdfunding Model (0.47), Peer-to-Peer landing (0.37), and Bank Infaq (0.17). In addition, the experts suggested for attention to be made to the cost factor (0.47) so as not to burden the mosque. Moreover, according to the experts, the benefits (0.28) that will be obtained will be greater for the welfare of the mosque and residents around the mosque if fintech crowdfunding is implemented.  Research on the role of mosques in improving people's welfare by utilizing fintech is very rarely done. The results of this study are expected to increase the role of the community in collecting funds and controlling the distribution of tabarru' funds. This type of research is exploratory, and empirical research is needed for in-depth results.  this research is implemented, it will accelerate the recovery of economic conditions during a crisis. The successful implementation of the Islamic Social Finance (ISF) model by utilizing the role of the mosque will improve the welfare of the community evenly


Tanggal Publikasi: 20 Sep 2018

Micro, small-financial financing and its implications on the profitability of Sharia banks

Development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) in Indonesia has increased yearly, but this is not followed by MSME financing in Sharia banking, where the proportion is relatively decreasing in a couple years. This study aims to analyze the influence of the deposit or third party fund to MSME financing and also to analyze the implication of MSME financing to MSME financing and its impact on the profitability of Sharia banks. Sharia banks are expected to be even more active in collecting funds from third parties with various strategies that can be used. As has been discovered from the above research, the amount of fund raising to the allocation of MSME financing is also getting bigger. This study uses a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to see the long term effect and response to shocks that occur in the studied variables.  The result shows that in the short run and the long run CAR has  negative and significant  effect on MSME financing.  TPF, NPF, BOPO and FDR have positive significant to MSME financing in the long term. TPF, CAR, NPF have positive significance to Sharia banks profitability in the long term. BOPO and NPF have positive significance in the short run. Shock to CAR is negatively responsed by MSME financing. Shock to MSME financing is negatively responsed by Sharia banks profitability (ROA) and is stable in the long term.


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Jun 2023


This study aims to determine whether perceptions of usefulness, perceived convenience, perceptions of security, Islamic financial literacy simultaneously affect the interest in using the LinkAja Syariah Service e-wallet payment system. In this study, researchers used a descriptive quantitative approach with sampling techniques, namely non-probability sampling by distributing questionnaires to 105 respondents in the Jabodetabek area. This research method is multiple linear regression analysis with an error rate of 5%. The results found in this study are (1) the perception of convenience does not affect the interest in using LinkAja Syariah Services. (2) the perception of usefulness has a positive and significant effect on interest in using LinkAja Syariah Services. (3) the perception of security does not affect the interest in using the LinkAja Syariah Service. (4) Islamic Financial Literacy has a positive and significant impact on interest in using LinkAja's Syariah Services. (5) Perception of convenience, perception of usefulness, perception of security and Islamic financial literacy simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on interest in using LinkAja Syariah Services. 


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2023

Analisis Penggunaan Aplikasi Simba Dalam Pengelolaan Zakat Di Badan Amil Zakat Kota Bukittinggi

This reseearch aims to discuss the use of the SIMBA application and discuss the level of effectiveness of SIMBA in the management of zakat funds at BAZNAS Bukittinggi. This research was conducted at the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) of Bukittinggi City in 2022 using a qualitative approach where data collection was carried out by conducting interviews and document reviews. This study uses primary and secondary data obtained from BAZNAS Bukittinggi City. Researchers used data analysis to measure the level of effectiveness. In this study, it was found that SIMBA has been implemented by BAZNAS Bukittinggi City since 2018. The presence of SIMBA not only collects and records all existing data and activities, but also presents financial reports of all zakat fund management activities transparently and presented in balance sheets and other reports. The use of the SIMBA application has been proven effective with the achievement of indicators of effectiveness, namely the achievement of goals, integrity, and adaptation. In the results of the calculation and measurement of the effectiveness/efficiency ratio using the formula 19 the ratio of collection costs in 2021 with a result of 2.49% and formula 20 the ratio of collection in 2021 with a result of 0.28%. From the calculation results, it can be said that the collection of funds at BAZNAS Bukittinggi has been effective and efficient. The more effective and efficient the institution is in conducting collections that is right on target and also saves the energy and time needed, the better the governance of zakat institutions will be.