Dr. Nur Hendrasto, M.Si.
Manajemen Bisnis Syariah
Peneliti LPPM Tazkia
Pengabdian Masyarakat
Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Jul 2023
Determinants of Micro and Small Enterprise’s Interest to Participate in Self-Declare Halal Certification
The Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) market share is expected to increase with the halal certification of their products and services. However, MSEs have limited resources. In response, the Government introduced a self-declare halal certification program in 2022. From the total number of MSEs, which reached 8.7 million units as of March 2023, only about 79 thousand have self-declare halal certificates. Therefore, this study aims to analyze internal and external factors that influence the interest of MSEs towards halal certification through a self-declare scheme. The study involves 86 MSEs respondents from Bogor, West Java. Using Partially Least Square (PLS) with a second-order approach. The findings reveal that internal factors marginally affect MSE's interest to pursue self-declare halal certification. The three strongest indicators of internal factors are: (1) improving human resource performance, (2) increasing efficiency and financial returns, and (3) awareness of religiosity. Interestingly, external factors do not influence the interest of MSEs to obtain self-declare halal certification, except for government policy, which significantly impact the intention in the first-order test. The main implication of this research is the importance of more substantial government support to help MSEs obtaining halal certification such as socialization, training as well as mentoring Halal Self Declare Certification at an affordable cost.
Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Des 2023
Youth Strategies in Economic Empowerment
The research "Youth Strategy in Economic Empowerment" thoroughly examines the strategic significance of young people in promoting economic growth, particularly within the halal industrial sector. This study emphasizes the significant contribution that young people, who constitute a crucial segment of the world population, may make to the advancement of socioeconomic development. This research uncovers the most recent developments in the halal business by means of seminars including prominent speakers like Prof. Dr. Marco Tieman. It focuses on crucial elements such as supply chains and ecosystems. The paper's conclusion underscores the significance of innovation and the contributions of young individuals, serving as inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs in the global development of the halal industry.
Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Jul 2023
Determinants of Micro and Small Enterprise’s Interest to Participate in Self-Declare Halal Certification
The Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) market share is expected to increase with the halal certification of their products and services. However, MSEs have limited resources. In response, the Government introduced a self-declare halal certification program in 2022. From the total number of MSEs, which reached 8.7 million units as of March 2023, only about 79 thousand have self-declare halal certificates. Therefore, this study aims to analyze internal and external factors that influence the interest of MSEs towards halal certification through a self-declare scheme. The study involves 86 MSEs respondents from Bogor, West Java. Using Partially Least Square (PLS) with a second-order approach. The findings reveal that internal factors marginally affect MSE's interest to pursue self-declare halal certification. The three strongest indicators of internal factors are: (1) improving human resource performance, (2) increasing efficiency and financial returns, and (3) awareness of religiosity. Interestingly, external factors do not influence the interest of MSEs to obtain self-declare halal certification, except for government policy, which significantly impact the intention in the first-order test. The main implication of this research is the importance of more substantial government support to help MSEs obtaining halal certification such as socialization, training as well as mentoring Halal Self Declare Certification at an affordable cost.
Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Jan 2024
The Impact of Knowledge About Business Model Canvas (BMC) on Entrepreneurial Interest of Young Generation in Jabodetabek
This research aims to investigate the influence of Business Model Canvas (BMC) knowledge on entrepreneurial knowledge among young generations in the Jabodetabek region. There is a growing need to understand the role of BMC in stimulating entrepreneurial interest among the youth. This study seeks to provide insight to the younger generation on the importance of entrepreneurship and to encourage the development of an entrepreneurial interest through the application of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) learning method. The research employs purposive sampling techniques for data collection and utilizes a quantitative approach with simple regression analysis.The data reveals a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.65 or 65%, with a coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.423. Data processing using SPSS 29 indicates an F value of 60.878 with a significance level of 0.001 < 0.05. Partial significance test (t-test) shows that the Entrepreneurial Knowledge BMC variable attains a t value of 7.802, exceeding the critical t-table value of 1.992, with a significance value of 0.0005, smaller than 0.05. These findings indicate a positive and significant relationship between BMC knowledge and entrepreneurial aspirations among young individuals in Jabodetabek. Entrepreneurial knowledge through BMC has a positive and significant impact on entrepreneurial interest. Therefore, enhancing entrepreneurial knowledge acquired through BMC has the potential to increase entrepreneurial interest among the younger generation.
Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Des 2023
The Roles of Export of Coffee Commodity and Macroeconomics Factors on Unemployment in Indonesia
Coffee as the second largest agricultural commodity export has contributed to the economies
of various countries, including Indonesia. In addition to looking at the role of coffee commodity
exports, an analysis of macroeconomic factors' impact on Indonesia's unemployment rate is also
analyzed. Because it is known that the unemployment rate is not only caused by one sector but
some things influence it, including macroeconomic factors. This study analyzes the role of coffee
commodity exports and macroeconomic factors, including GDP, inflation, and interest rates, on
Indonesia's unemployment rate. The data used in this study is interpolated secondary data for the
period 2000 to 2021. The estimation method used in this study is Robust Least Square
(ROBUSTLS) which will then be estimated again using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag
(ARDL) method as a robustness test. The estimation results using the ROBUSTLS method prove
that coffee commodity exports and macroeconomic factors significantly affect Indonesia's
unemployment rate in aggregate. This form of influence is negative for coffee commodity exports
(ExpCof), gross domestic product (GDP), and interest rate (IR). While inflation (Inf) has a
positive impact on the unemployment rate (Ump). These findings are reinforced by the estimation
results using the ARDL method with the result that ExpCof, GDP, and Inf have a significant
relationship to Ump, while Inf is not significant as the findings from the estimation results using
the ROBUSTLS method.
Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Jul 2023
Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengembangkan model inovasi financial technology Fintech Micro BMT (FIT) lembaga keuangan mikro syariah Baitul Maal wa Tamwil (BMT) skala APEX asosiasi. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dari wawancara dan data sekunder dari studi literatur. Analisis inovasi model dilakukan menggunakan kerangka kerja Business Model Canvas, digambarkan dalam prototipe dasar aplikasi dan fitur skema bisnis, kemudian dilengkapi dengan penjelasan sistem akuntansi pelaporan keuangan sederhana BMT dan UMKM, serta model credit scoring. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu suatu model Fintech Micro BMT yang memaksimalkan utilitas fungsi komersial BMT (memperluas market share) dan sosial (ZISWAF), mengatasi masalah kesenjangan likuiditas (mismatch). Kedua fungsi tersebut didukung dengan manajemen bisnis dan pelaporan akuntansi serta model credit scoring yang profesional. Fintech Micro BMT juga mewujudkan misi triple bottom line BMT yaitu pengembangan ekonomi, pemberdayaan masyarakat, dan dakwah untuk dapat berkelanjutan. Penggunaan Fintech Micro BMT diharapkan dapat membantu BMT meningkatkan perannya dalam memperluas jaringan keuangan mikro syariah, mendorong kolaborasi antar BMT di Indonesia, meningkatkan volume transaksi keuangan BMT dan mengintegrasikan para pelaku UMKM sebagai penerima pembiayaan dan donatur ZISWAF dengan BMT, mendorong pasar lebih transparan, serta mengurangi risiko asimetri informasi dalam proses pemberian pembiayaan.
Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Okt 2023
This research aims to analyze the influence of rewards, supervision, career development, co-workers, and the nature of work on the job satisfaction of Bank Syariah Indonesia employees. This research uses a quantitative approach with primary data. The population of this research is Bank Syariah Indonesia employees who work at the head office and the network undergoing a merger. The sampling technique used random samples, and the number was determined using Slovin's measurements so that 354 respondents were obtained. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Data analysis uses a structural equation model with the help of SmartPLS 3 software. This research shows that rewards, supervision, career development, co-workers, and the nature of work positively and significantly affect the job satisfaction of Bank Syariah Indonesia employees after the merger. Theoretical research results complement existing theory and can be a reference for merging companies regarding management programs to increase employee performance satisfaction.
Tanggal Publikasi: 4 Jul 2023
Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Investasi pada Platform Crowdfunding Basis Pinjaman
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetehaui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi investor untuk berinvestasi pada crowdfunding basis pinjaman/crowdlending di Gandengtangan.com. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pendekatan kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan investasi pada crowdlending. Kerangka konseptual dikembangkan dan studi dilakukan terhadap 100 investor dari Gandengtangan.com. Hasil penelitian kuantitatif menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan investor adalah inovasi proyek usaha, spesifikasi proyek usaha, dorongan berkontribusi dan koneksi/kedekatan personal. Penelitian ini juga memberikan gambaran mengenai fenomena crowdfunding di Indonesia.
Tanggal Publikasi: 4 Jul 2023
Pemanfaatan Energi Surya untuk Penyediaan Air Bersih di Pondok Pesantren Nurussa’adatain NW, Gonjong
Clean water is a basic need for all living things, one of which is humans. Humans need water to be able to carry out all their activities in life. Pondok Pesantren Nurussa'adatain NW, Gonjong is a boarding school located in Kopang District, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. The problem experienced in this cottage is that there is not enough access to clean water. This is due to the lack of electrical power in this Islamic boarding school to start the water pump machine. Thus, the activities carried out by both students and female students as well as boarding school administrators cannot run smoothly. The solution to this problem is the presence of additional electricity generated using renewable technology, solar panels. The purpose of this community service is to overcome the problem of the lack of electricity in the pesantren so that the water pump that is owned can run again and can provide clean water needs in the pesantren
Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Jun 2023
Sistem Pintar IoT Berbasis Arduino dan Android untuk Pengontrolan Kondisi pH dan TDS pada Pengairan Hidroponik
IoT merupakan salah satu kemajuan yang signifikan dalam bidang informasi dan teknologi dan terus dapat dikembangkan untuk kemudahan aktivitas manusia. Pada penelitian ini, Sistem pintar IoT berbasis arduino dan android untuk pengukuran keasaman dan nutrisi air pada hidroponik. Arduino digunakan sebagai prosesor data yang masuk dari sensor untuk ditampilkan pada layar dan direspon memlaui relay untuk menghidupkan pompa jika nilai TDS dibawah nilai yang ditentukan. Data dari arduino dikirim ke cloud firebase sehingga bisa diakses melalui perangkat android. Perangkat lunak prosesor Arduino menggunkan bahasa C yang diedit pada IDE arduino. Android didesain menggunakan XML dan Kotlin untuk membantu proses control aplikasi yang dibuat menggunakan aplikasi android studio. Alat ukur arduino dikalibrasi dengan menggunakan data tegangan dan data PH serta data TDS yang seharusnya pada cairan kalibrasi. Kemudian didapatkan model linier untuk PH dan model polynomial pangkat tiga untuk TDS. Model tersebut diimplementasikan pada arduino dan didapatkan nilai pengukuran mendekati nilai kalibrasi dengan kesalahan 5.86% untuk PH dan 11.1% untuk TDS. Sistem IoT diamati dengan mencoba tampilan data serta otomasi dan control manual melalui android. Hasil tampilan, otomasi dan kontrol manual bekerja secara efektif sesuai fungsi sebagai IoT.
Tanggal Publikasi: 4 Jul 2023
The application of IoT-based hydroponic system and solar power to increase agricultural production and horticultural crop productivity
Agriculture is important sector to fill the basic need of human: food. It will increase as the increasing of population. In this researh, IoT that was powered by solar power was successfully implemented to hydroponic system. The IoT controlled the parameter and solar panel power in the hydroponic system effectively where the solar panel generated power up to 2.5 kW during the day and it was used for powering greenhouse that need about 477 W power. Research was conducted by comparing productivity of conventional farming to hydroponic smart farming. The physical properties of plants from species of Ipomea aquatica, Brassica chinensi, Lactuca sativa, and Brassica rapa that were cultivated in smart farming and conventional farming were measured and analyzed. It was revealed that the height of Ipomoea aquatica was 52.63 cm in smart farming, whereas the height was 42.66 cm in conventional farming. The average height and weight of the plants and the number of leaves lead to the fact that smart farming results in higher productivity than other method because of optimum nutrition in smart farming.
Tanggal Publikasi: 4 Jul 2023
Leadership theory in digital era: A preliminary investigation to leadership in the digital startup
The digital transformation has been a significant discussion since scientists predicted the birth of the digital era. The transformation affects many things, especially in the leadership concept. This article aims at investigating the development of academic literature on leadership in the digital era. We use bibliometric analysis and literature review to give further suggestions on which topics on leadership for a digital startup shall go to the fore. This study has mapped out the academic literature on the keyword "digital leadership" from the early year of the rise of the digital era in 2000, up until the end of 2018. This study shows that the topics related to digital leadership are digital transformation, internet, system, and organization. Between these four topics, the closest relation found in the topics of organization. Therefore to have a better understanding of leadership for the digital startup, further research should target the area of the organization