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  • Dr. Sugiyarti Fatma Laela, M.Buss. Acc., CMA.

Dr. Sugiyarti Fatma Laela, M.Buss. Acc., CMA.

Dr. Sugiyarti Fatma Laela, M.Buss. Acc., CMA.

Magister Akuntansi Syariah

Peneliti LPPM Tazkia




Pengabdian Masyarakat


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2020


There is a unique tradition related to food consumption, known as ngrowot practiced in several Indonesian Islamic boarding schools (pesantren). It is a concerned behavior by forbidding students (hereinafter referred to as santri) to consume rice and various processed foods made from rice. Instead, they consume maize and cassava as their staple foods. This study aims to explore the spiritual dimension related to food consumption. Assessing food consumption from the perspective of spirituality is an attempt to analyze the consumption behavior is not only a daily routine activity, but also may be driven by religious beliefs supported by local culture. Using Islamic Boarding Schools in Tegal Rejo Sub-District, Magelang Regency, Central Java Province as our research respondent. This study uses a mix method in data collection, including in-depth interviews, observation and participatory research action.Our findings show that ngrowot reminds people to consider local food tradition besides rice as their staple foods. The religious arguments of ngrowot have motivated santri to practice ngrowot with strong commitment and discipline. It is believed to strengthen santri"s mind because it teaches the values of patience and self-control. This study uses interdisciplinary approach including sociology, anthropology, and Islamic spirituality, which leads to a comprehensive finding. The study recommend that food diversification programs need to consider local culture and wisdom, as well as religious aspects. The practice of ngrowot performed on a large scale can be an alternative way for supporting food diversification programs.


Tanggal Publikasi: 9 Mar 2014

Pengaruh Mekanisme Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Praktik Manajemen Laba: Studi Pada Perusahaan Yang Termasuk Dalam CGPI

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah tiga mekanisme GCG berpengaruh atau tidak terhadap manajemen laba yang diproksikan dengan discretionary accrual (DACC). Mekanisme GCG tersebut adalah Kepemilikan Manajerial (KI), Komite Audit (KA) dan Komisaris Independen (KI). Data yang digunakan adalah data panel sepuluh perusahaan yang termasuk dalam penilaian CGPI selama tiga tahun mulai dari tahun 2006 sampai tahun 2008. Untuk mengetahui apakah variabel-variabel GCG di atas berpengaruh terhadap praktik manajemen laba dilakukan uji regresi berganda dengan pendekatan pooled least square. Dari analisis yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan alpha lima persen diketahui bahwa mekanisme GCG yaitu kepemilikan manajerial berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap manajemen laba. 27,45% artinya bahwa keragaman dari variabel dependen mampu diterangkan oleh variabel-variabel independen sebesar prosentase tersebut dan sisanya sebesar 72,55% dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor lain di luar model. Sedangkan mekanisme lain seperti komite audit dan komisaris independen tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap manajemen laba.


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Feb 2014

Kualitas laba dan corporate governance: benarkah kualitas laba bank Syariah lebih rendah dari bank konvensional?

Riset tentang hubungan corporate governance (CG) dan prediktabilitas laba pada bank syariah masih terbatas. Bank syariah menerapkan sistem bagi hasil sebagai pengganti sistem bunga pada bank konvensional. Terlepas dari berbagai kelebihan sistem bagi hasil, sistem ini diduga lebih berisiko terjadinya moral hazard, yang berdampak pada perilaku oportunistik manajer sehingga akan menurunkan kualitas informasi akuntansi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji prediktabilitas laba khususnya kemampuan laba saat ini untuk memprediksi arus kas masa datang dengan menggunakan CG sebagai variabel pemoderasi. Dengan menggunakan sampel bank baik syariah maupun konvensional dari tahun 2007-2010 dan metode pengujian least square, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada bukti yang kuat terkait prediktabilitas laba pada industri perbankan. Pengaruh informasi laba saat ini terhadap aliran kas masa datang tidak signifikan. Namun pelaksanaan CG yang diukur menggunakan skor pemeringkatan hasil self-assessment terbukti memperkuat hubungan laba dan arus kas masa datang. Semakin baik pelaksanaan CG maka semakin kuat prediktabilitas laba. Penelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa prediktabilitas laba pada bank syariah lebih tinggi dibandingkan konvensional, meskipun dampak pelaksanaan CG terhadap prediktabilitas laba pada kedua jenis bank tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan.


Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Jan 2023


Although the growth of Islamic banking assets is still high, the market share of Islamic banking reached only ± 4,92% by the end of May 2014. Islamic banks should implement an appropriate strategy to face dynamic changes in the business environment. The education strategy is one of the business strategies of Islamic banks that remain a priority today. It provides information and understanding for society about the function, role, activities, and products as well as services of Islamic banks. This study examines the impact of fit between the education strategy and contingency variables (known as strategic-fit) on performance. The contingency variables include efficiency of input, organizational competency, CEO tenure, and composition of shariah supervisory board. The performance of Islamic banks consists of both financial and social performances. Using the data from 1997 to 2012 of 10 fully-fledge Islamic banks in Indonesia and least squares method, this study shows that the efficiency of input has a positive effect on the educational strategy implementation. On the other hand, the composition of shariah supervisory board and organizational competency negatively affect the implementation of the educational strategy. Nevertheless, there is no strong evidence that CEO tenure influences the implementation of the educational strategy. Adopting the method of Van de Ven and Drazin (1985) to determine the degree of strategic misfit, this study finds that the misfit between educational strategy and its contingency variables has a negative effect on financial performance, but no significant effect of misfit on social performance.


Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Jan 2023

Management accounting-strategy coalignment in Islamic banking

Purpose – This paper aims to examine the effect of management accounting–strategy coalignment on the maqasid Shariah-based performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia. The study also examines the role of the corporate life cycle of Islamic banks in influencing the relationship between management accounting– strategy coalignment and performance. Design/methodology/approach – Management accounting practices, management control systems, strategy and maqasid Shariah-based performance are measured using questionnaires which were distributed to 97 directors and heads of Islamic banks. The model of this study is analyzed using structural equation model. Findings – This study finds that the coalignment between low cost-oriented strategy, strategic management accounting practices and mechanistic management control system has positive impact on improving maqasid Shariah-based performance. However, this study is unable to verify that corporate life cycle strengthens the positive relationship between management accounting–strategy coalignment and performance. Research limitations/implications – Limited indicators of management accounting practices in this study illustrate less comprehensive management accounting practices. Further studies may add other relevant management accounting as described by the International Federation of Accounting Committee to provide a more comprehensive management accounting practices. Practical implications – This study provides recommendations to the management of Islamic banks to design management accounting practices and management control systems that fit to their strategic orientation. Originality/value – This paper fulfils limited empirical studies on management accounting practices and strategy in Islamic banking industry.


Tanggal Publikasi: 6 Jan 2023

Pengaruh Current Industry Relative Performance, Future Industry Relative Performance Dan Leverage Terhadap Praktik Manajemen Laba (Studi Komparasi Tiga Bank Konvensional Dan Tiga Bank Syariah)

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif qualitative yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh dari Current Industry Relative Performance (CRP), Future Industry Relative Performance (FRP) dan Leverage (DEBT) terhadap praktik manajemen laba pada Perbankan Indonesia. CRP, FRP dan DEBT diukur dengan mengggunakan rasio keuangan. Manajemen laba diukur dengan menggunakan total akrual. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dengan karakteristik data time series yang berupa laporan keuangan triwulan bank (BM, BRI, BSM, BMI, dan BSMI) tahun 2004 sampai dengan 2008. Dengan menggunakan regresi berganda dengan taraf nyata 5%. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada bank konvensional berdasarkan Uji Simultan, peubah CRP, FRP dan DEBT mempengaruhi praktik manajemen laba (AD), sedangkan berdasarkan Uji Parsial, hanya peubah CRP dan DEBT yang mempengaruhi praktik manajemen laba. Pada bank syariah, berdasarkan Uji Simultan, peubah CRP, FRP, dan DEBT tidak ada yang mempengaruhi praktik manajemen laba (AD), sedangkan berdasarkan Uji Parsial, peubah CRP, FRP dan DEBT tidak mempengaruhi praktik manajemen laba.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022


We analyze the role of earnings quality in mediating the relationship between corporate governance and market response. We also observe the relative impact of earnings quality of Islamic and non-Islamic stocks on market response, using 138 firm-years of data from listed companies registered in the Indonesian Institute of Corporate Governance Award from 2008 to 2016. To test the mediating role of earnings quality, we use path analysis, and we use moderated regression analysis to examine the impact of earnings quality on the market for both Islamic and non-Islamic stock. The results show that corporate governance does not directly have a significant impact on market response. However, corporate governance indirectly has a significant influence on market response mediated by earnings quality. The evidence also demonstrates that the better the quality of corporate governance, the better the quality of earnings. The lower the quality of earnings as indicated by the high accrual values, the higher the value of Tobins’ Q as a proxy of market response. These findings suggest the existence of an accrual anomaly in the Indonesian capital market. Finally, this study finds evidence of a higher positive market response to the earnings quality of Islamic stocks than of non-Islamic stocks.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Financial and Social Performance Impact on Corporate Governance Mediated by Earnings Quality: Evidence from Indonesian Islamic Stocks

Good Corporate Governance (CG) ensures the availability of better accounting information with higher transparency and accountability. Implementation of good CG in Islamic stock issuers should have a more positive impact than nonIslamic stock issuers as the former are selected based on a strong financial fundamental. This study aims to empirically examine the impact of CG on earnings quality. It also examines the impact of earnings quality on firm’s value. Thus earnings quality is considered as a mediating variable. This study uses the Structural Equation Model (SEM)-Partial Least Square (PLS)


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022


The Purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of ICSR on sharia governance and maqasid shariah. The model was analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results indicate that ICSR practices have an influence on sharia governance. However, they show a significant impact of ICSR on maqasid sharia-based performance and a significant influence of sharia governance on the extent of maqasid sharia-based performance.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

The Success Factors of Conversion Process Using Adkar Model: A Case Study of Islamic Savings Loan and Financing Cooperative

This study aims to analyse the conversion-related issues from Savings and Loan Cooperative (SLC) into Islamic Savings Loan and Financing Cooperative (ISLFC) using a case study of Tunas Artha Mandiri (TAM) Cooperative, located in Nganjuk, East Java. Five main research questions include: exploring reasons for conversion, explaining the conversion process, assessing the level of conversion effectiveness, identifying obstacles during the conversion and analysing key success factors of conversion


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Pengaruh Rasio Keuangan dan Good Corporate Governance terhadap Risiko Pembiayaan pada Bank Syariah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh earnings management dan capital intensity terhadap tax avoidance dengan sales growth sebagai variabel pemoderasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel, yaitu perusahaan manufaktur yang listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2017-2019.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Analisis Opini Auditor Sebagai Sinyal Kepailitan Suatu Perusahaan: Tinjauan Terhadap Perlunya Kode Etik Syariah Akuntan Publik

Auditor is a professional who has credibility in auditing financial report and company’s activities. This research’s purpose is to figure out; does the company’s bankruptcy can be predicted from the auditor’s opinion. The data used in this research are taken from 33 companies which have announced to bankruptcy by state justice of Central Jakarta, and the recent three years auditor’s opinions before the companies’ bankruptcy. After the data have been analyzed with T-test and Friedman test, it goes to the result that there is no significant different between the whole auditor’s opinions in last three years before the companies’ bankruptcy.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Peran Auditor Internal dalam Meningkatkan Value Perusahaan dan Tantangannya Di Masa Depan: Suatu Tinjauan Teoritis

Lingkungan bisnis yang semakin dinamis yang berdampak pada perubahan operasional bisnis juga direspon oleh audit internal. Audit internal yang pada awalnya difokuskan sebagai penilai independen, kemudian semakin luas fungsi dan perannya untuk memastikan efektifitas internal control dan selanjutnya aktif terlibat dalam proses risk management yang merupakan bagian dari corporate governance. Dengan metode kajian literatur, tulisan ini akan membahas peran penting auditor internal dalam meningkatkan nilai perusahaan


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Pengaruh Mekanisme Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Praktik Manajemen Laba: Studi Pada Perusahaan Yang Termasuk Dalam CGP

enelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah tiga mekanisme GCG berpengaruh atau tidak terhadap manajemen laba yang diproksikan dengan discretionary accrual (DACC). Mekanisme GCG tersebut adalah Kepemilikan Manajerial (KI), Komite Audit (KA) dan Komisaris Independen (KI). Data yang digunakan adalah data panel sepuluh perusahaan yang termasuk dalam penilaian CGPI selama tiga tahun mulai dari tahun 2006 sampai tahun 2008


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Education strategy misfit, board effectiveness and Indonesian Islamic bank performance

Purpose – This study aims to provide empirical evidence on the contingency factors that affect the implementation of education strategies and the impact of education strategy misfit on the performance and effectiveness of the board’s moderating role on the misfit level and performance of Islamic banks