Muhammad Bintang Pamuncak, M.Si

Muhammad Bintang Pamuncak, M.Si

Manajemen Bisnis Syariah

Peneliti LPPM Tazkia




Pengabdian Masyarakat


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2020

Integrating zakat and microfinance: a proposed framework

This chapter bridges the concepts of microfinance and Zakat, and proposes a conceptual framework as a potential strategy to solve poverty. This study employs qualitative approach. Specifically, it performs content analysis on related manuscripts, and conducts a structured interview with selected stakeholders of Zakat institutions. The study proposes that Zakat institution must have a clear definition about which Zakat fund portion should be used for the program. Authors propose the use of amil for the program and it must be given by amil voluntarily and there must be clear mechanism on which deserving categories (asnaf/mustahik) should be prioritised to be the part of the program. In practice, amil can be considered as investors (where Zakat institution distributes and becomes Islamic microfinance institution) or financial intermediary (where the amil distributes and becomes Islamic microfinance institution appointed by the authority).


Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Jun 2021

Investigating Zakat Institution Performance in Indonesia

This study aims to seek the impact of zakat accounting standards (PSAK Shariah No.109) adoption on the financial performance of zakat institutions. This study employed the Difference in Difference (DiD) test and Panel data regression using the data from 5 national scale zakat institutions in Indonesia from 2006 to 2019. This study found a difference in zakat institution performance between the pre and post-adoption of PSAK Shariah No.109, both in the DiD test and Panel data regression model.


Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023

Investigating the Determinants of Shariah-Compliant Firms Profitability in Indonesia: Does COVID-19 Play an Essential Role?

This study aims to seek the determinants of sharia-compliant firm profitability in Indonesian JII listed companies. This study employed Data Panel regression analysis using the 12 most consistent companies who listed in the JII during the period of Q1 2015 to Q4 2020 where in total, there are 282 number of observation. The study found that both firm-internal and firm-external variabels are significant in determining firm profitability on at least one model of data panel regression. COVID-19 and GDP used to measure the impact of firm-external variables, while working capital, debt to equity ratio, and quick ratio used to determine firm-internal variable. Further studies are required to observe the longer period of COVID-19 impact on sharia-compliant firm profitability.


Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Des 2022

Mengukur Indeks Keislaman Ekonomi Negara ASEAN

Ada banyak faktor dalam menentukan pertumbuhan ekonomi serta penjelasan dari kesuksesan kinerja ekonomi tidak hanya untuk mencakup kekuatan politik dan sosial. Secara khusus telah ada perhatian pada peran agama di bidang ekonomi, dengan adanya sejumlah ekonom yang mengeksplorasi hubungan antara agama dan kinerja ekonomi. Penulisan paper ini bertujuan untuk mengukur seberapa islam Negara-negara yang mendeklarasikan sebagai Negara islam, atau yang berpenduduk mayoritas islam, atau yang tergabung dalam Organisasi Konfederasi Islam (OKI) yang menjadi bagian dari ASEAN? Apakah Negara-negara tersebut menjalankan Prinsip-prinsip Keislaman dalam berekonomi? Untuk mengukur Keislaman ekonomi Negara-negara ASEAN, penulis menggunakan 10 indikator prinsip Keislaman berekonomi yang diwakilkan dengan 10 proksi yang berkaitan dengan Prinsip Keislaman dalam berekonomi tersebut.


Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Des 2022

The Impact Of Zakat Accounting Standard (Safs Sharia No.109) On The Performance Of Zakat Institutions In Indonesia

This paper aims to examine the influence of accounting standards (SAFS Sharia No.109) for zakat on the financial performance of zakat institutions. This study has employed Difference in Difference (DiD) test and Panel data regression in order to achieve the objective of study. This study found that there is a difference in zakat institution performance between the pre and post adoption of SAFS in the DiD test. However, panel regression results show that there is no significant change in the adoption of SAFS Sharia No.109 to the zakat institution financial performance. A plausible reason for insignificant relation is that SAFS Sharia No.109 has not yet faithfully adhered by zakat institutions in their reporting, particularly with respect to the zakat for productive purpose (Alim, 2015). On the other hand, this study also found that zakat fund collection and zakat institution equity have significant impact on the performance of zakat institutions in Indonesia.


Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Des 2022

Investigating Zakat Institution Performance in Indonesia: a DnD analysis on PSAK Shariah No.109

This study aims to seek the impact of zakat accounting standards (PSAK Shariah No.109) adoption on the financial performance of zakat institutions. This study employed the Difference in Difference (DiD) test and Panel data regression using the data from 5 national scale zakat institutions in Indonesia from 2006 to 2019. This study found a difference in zakat institution performance between the pre and post-adoption of PSAK Shariah No.109, both in the DiD test and Panel data regression model.


Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Des 2022

IFRS Based Zakat Reporting: Adoption Rational Western Method Into Institutional Accountability

this study aims to evaluate the characteristics of zakat institution and proposes the adoption of international financial reporting standard (IFRS) since it has developed and provides various product i.e zakat for productive purpose. This is important, considering that one of the measurement of accountability and transoarency of an institution is providing brief financial report toward its benericaries.