Dodi Yarli, Lc, M.E.I.

Dodi Yarli, Lc, M.E.I.

Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

Peneliti LPPM Tazkia




Pengabdian Masyarakat


Tanggal Publikasi: 4 Agt 2023

Functionalization of Cash Waqf for Solving Poverty Problems in Indonesia

Increased economic power and growth in a country can be signaled from indicators of poverty levels and economic weakness. Poverty is the main reason for moral hazart and the unstable economy of a nation. Cash waqf exists to solve and overcome these socio-economic problems. Cash waqf has universal power and strength where every individual will be able to donate wealth without certain limits. Cash waqf is also very strategic in building and presenting employment areas and reducing unemployment in selective production activities according to Sharia rules and benefits. waqf has the potential to empower the real sector and strengthen economic fundamentals. Through the instrument of cash waqf, poverty alleviation can be overcome through the hands of the Government in the channel of community empowerment programs. The target of waqf in Indonesia is actually able to create social welfare for the community as the goal of economic justice, hence the need for effective waqf nadzir governance. Cash waqf has tremendous economic potential to take care of the mustadh'afiin group as well as to alleviate poverty, especially because the sociological conditions of the Indonesian people are Muslim so that waqf funds that can be collected from the community are very possible


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2017

Urgensi Fiqih Nadzar Dalam Proses Pernikahan

The least knowledge of fiqh in Islam resulted in many people who violate it. such as marriage issues. many people do not know about fiqh in the marriage process. So many who do wrong before marriage with courtship or free sex that is prohibited in Islamic law is Islamic law one of the processes in marriage is to see (nadzar) the prospective wife or husband. Seeing a potential wife or husband to be one cause to achieve happiness in the family. Prophet Muhammad advised his followers to see his future wife, so do not regret after married.



Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Mar 2023

Perkembangan Wakaf Uang di Indonesia Dampaknya Terhadap Kemajuan Pesantren

Wakaf Uang adalah instrumen keuangan Islam yang sangat urgen dan menjadi bagian dalam syariat Islam. Dari perspektif eksistensinya, wakaf uang sebagai hal yang baru di Indonesia. Keberadaan wakaf uang di Indonesia muncul setelah Majelis Ulama Indonesia mengeluarkan  fatwa tentang bolehnya wakaf uang tahun 2002. Dan peluang pengembangan itu menjadi lebih besar lagi setelah disahkannya rancangan Undang-Undang Wakaf menjadi Undang-Undang Nomor 41 Tahun 2004 perihal Wakaf. Dengan adanya Undang-Undang Wakaf tersebut memberikan harapan kepada semua pihak dalam upaya pemberdayaan ekonomi rakyat, di samping untuk kepentingan peribadatan dan sarana sosial lainnya. Masalah inti dalam dalam makalah ini adalah, bagaimana potensi wakaf uang yang ada dapat memberikan dampak yang signifikan terutama untuk sektor pendidikan seperti pesantren dan lainnya. Dengan demikian tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran potensi wakaf uang di Indonesia serta dampaknya dalam dalam upaya pemberdayaan ekonomi umat terutama lembaga-lembaga pendidikan agama di Indonessia. Metode yang digunakan dalam makalah ini adalah metode study literature, melalui penjelasan deskriotif teori yang berhubungan dengan judul, yang diperoleh dari jurnal, buku dokumentasi, dan media lain yang relevan.


Tanggal Publikasi: 10 Des 2018


Financial technology is an activity that focuses on providing financial services ideas using software. Which is fintech, it expected that various facilities can be obtained later. The development of fintech began since the discovery of blockhain and cryptocurrency. In addition, this development is also one of the developments in digital-based technology and is a new innovation and his impact on all economic activities, especially in the Islamic economy. As for Fintech Syariah, of course it must be based on an Islamic perspective and refer to Maqashid Syari'ah al-Khams and contain benefits for every transaction carried out by the contractor. All forms of economy and business transactions originating from the Qur'an and the Sunnah are clear, paying attention to and protecting the rights of each individual in order to uphold justice and eliminate injustice in transacting through the shariah fintech.