Abdul Mughni, Lc., M.H.I

Abdul Mughni, Lc., M.H.I

Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

Peneliti LPPM Tazkia




Pengabdian Masyarakat


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Jun 2024

Does Sharia Impurity Affect Sharia Banking Performance?

Abstract: This research aims to analyze the factors that cause the insignificant development of sharia banking performance in Indonesia. This research focuses on identifying practices that are not purely sharia as the causal factors that hinder the development of sharia banking. The population in this research is Sharia Commercial Banks (BUS) registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in the 2014-2018 period. The data obtained was analyzed using multiple regression with panel data. The results of this research indicate that murabahah financing and profits from transactions denominated in foreign currency have a negative effect on the performance of sharia banking. Financingmurabahaproven to increase Non-Performing Financing (NPF), in addition, transactions denominated in foreign currency are proven to reduce Return on Assets (ROA), as well as increase Operating Expenses, Operating Income (BOPO) and NPF of sharia banking. Meanwhile, non-halal income has no effect on sharia banking performance. The implication of this research is that sharia banking must improve operational practices that are not purely sharia to make them pure sharia. The two regulators, namely the OJK and the government, create a more conducive environment so that sharia banking is able to implement operational practices in accordance with sharia principles.Keywords: financial performance, sharia banking, impure sharia practicesIntroductionSharia banking is a representation of Islamic economic practices in Indonesia. Sharia banking is expected to provide a new color in the financial sector that is significantly different from conventional banking. However, in practice, sharia banking has notbeen able to create significant uniqueness which is ultimately considered to be one of the causes of the lack of development of sharia banking itself. Sharia banking is considered to have had stagnant development since its presence in Indonesia, even after the number of BUS became 14, the performance of sharia banking has not yet shown encouraging performance. This can be seen in the development of market share in the last 8 years, only ranging from 3.98% to 5.89% (Sharia Financial Development Report 2018;LPPM Report, 2018). Over the last 8 years the sharia banking market share has only grown by 1.8% with several declines. However, this growth in market share does not solely come from business growth but is




Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2015

Keuangan Islam untuk Wong Cilik  (Miskin)

Poverty is the wide world problem to the present. Various programs are presented in an effort to reduce and minimize the problem posed. This paper described the approach based on Islamic teachings. It is the combination of the social contract, business and cooperation. It start form social akad, followed by the business and commercial contract, and the last is the risk solving problem. A Comprehensive stage that cannot be directly implemented in stages, and it is good preparation. Meaning the poor in the hadith also indicates the importance of attention of all the parties is not limited to any material deficiencies. Abolishing riba contracts become a compulsory, because the impact of usury posed for the poor. Pairing the word riba in Quran with three words will inspirese the solutions and replacement of such contract.


Tanggal Publikasi: 23 Des 2022

Credit Risk Management in Indonesian Islamic Banking

This research aims to analyze credit risk management in the Indonesia Islamic banking industry. Primarily, the credit risk management is related to policies and procedures, credit risk management activities and credit risk controling or mitigating. Research constructed by weighting a number of indicators that reflect credit risk management activities in Islamic banking. The final results of the research are index of credit risk management of the Indonesia Islamic banking industry and indices of credit risk management in the Islamic banking industry. The Index is counted by the method of scoring with the maximum score of 100 and the industrial index is obtained by combining of each Islamic bank through the calculation of weighted average of individual share of financing. Based on the analysis of primary and secondary data, the index of credit risk management of the Islamic banking industry and index aspects of credit risk management, the index of the Indonesia Islamic banking industry come up to a good criterion. Improving the Quality of credit risk management, can be proceded by bank management by improving risk management aspects which have not been adequately assessed. Moreover, improving the quality of credit risk management by the authority of Islamic banking can be pursued by formulating the banking regulations.