Dr. Wahyu Dwi Agung Priyo Susilo, MM

Dr. Wahyu Dwi Agung Priyo Susilo, MM

Pusat Studi Islamic Public Policy

Peneliti LPPM Tazkia




Pengabdian Masyarakat


Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Nov 2024

Singapore and Sustainable Finance: Successful Models in Policy Implementation and Best Practices, Compare with Indonesia

Singapore stands out among ASEAN countries for its notable accomplishments in sustainable finance. Singapore is the sole ASEAN country featured in the top 15 rankings of the thirteenth edition of the Global Green Finance Index. Therefore This study aims to find the determining factors for Singapore's success in the implementation of sustainable finance. This research uses qualitative methods and literature review approaches. Upon examining the reports and official websites from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) (Indonesia) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) (Singapore), it is evident that Singapore has implemented similar initiatives as Indonesia in addressing its three key issues; lack of knowledge and involvement in the financial sector, standardization of green categorization, and support and collaboration for business opportunities. Both countries have implemented national campaigns, published green taxonomies, and fostered public-private partnership to address these issues. In this study, a new finding was revealed in terms of culture financial understanding. Singapore lacks particular rules pertaining to the promotion of financial literacy. However, Singapore boasts a far greater financial literacy rate compared to other ASEAN countries. The high level of financial literacy certainly has positive influences on the implementation of sustainable finance.


Tanggal Publikasi: 5 Mei 2024


This research aims to analyze the prohibition on giving wages to foundation organs (founders and trustees) from an Islamic perspective, especially on the principles of justice. This research is included in the type of qualitative descriptive research (non-statistical) using the library research method (literature review) through a juridical-normative and conceptual approach. The results of the research show that from an Islamic perspective, the prohibition on giving salaries or wages to foundation organs, especially to foundation Trustees and Supervisors, can be said to be a form of injustice, where the management (with some limitations) is entitled to a salary, while the Trustees and Supervisors are not allowed to receive it. Therefore, when the administrators and related parties in the management of the foundation, including Trustees and Supervisors, work in accordance with a mutually agreed contract, agreement, or contract, then wages for performance must be paid fairly and transparently, according to the agreement and willingness of both parties.


Tanggal Publikasi: 5 Jun 2023

Impact of Financing Problems on Baitul Mal wa Tamwil during Covid-19

The study aims to evaluate cause and effect of financing problems on Baitul Mal wa Tamwil (BMT)
during Covid 19 and to analyze the strategy undertaken by BMT to handling financing problems.
This study is qualitative research. The primary and secondary data obtained from observations,
interviews, and documentation. The informant of study are top management and members of BMT Al-
Hidayah Kotaraja Lombok Timur. The data are analyzed using the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect
analysis) approach. FMEA method is a systematic method used to identify and prevent problems with
a company's product or business process. All process is calculated in score, namely Risk Priority
Number (RPN) and showed in the Pareto diagram. Financing problems are categorized as substandard,
doubtful, and bad financing. The causes are lack of employee ability to assess prospective member's
character who does not want to pay installments and natural disaster (Covid-19 pandemic) as well.
Financing problems has an impact on the emergence of financing risk. The direct impact felt by BMT
Al Hidayah Kotaraja is that the circulation of money is not smooth, while the return for profit sharing
to deposit members must still be given every month. The lack of employee ability to assess
prospective members is the main cause. The strategy undertaken to tackle financing problems is not
appropriate. They focus on members. They should focus to improve the ability of employees to assess
prospective members. The study also found that FMEA is effective in overcoming financing problems
in BMT.

Keywords: Financing problems, NPF, BMT, FMEA


Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Sep 2023

 syariah fintech growth in industriy revolution 5.0

Currently, the development of fintech (financial technology) is growing in Indonesia, not to mention the syariah economic industry is also competing in financial technology and providing financial services based on Islamic law. A number of studies have shown the potential of sharia fintech applications, along with the future challenges that will be face by syariah fintech in Indonesia. ALAMI Sharia is one of the pioneers in the field of syariah fintech with the specification of crowdfunding funds from the public and channeling it to encourage the development of MSMEs that have difficulty getting capital injections from banks. The growth of ALAMI Sharia which has drastically increased in just 3 years is an interesting case study to discuss that it can become learning material for other syariah fintech. Operational cost efficiency, Strict funding assessment standards, employees dominated by young generations, conducive office-culture, and human resource management that not only emphasizes target achievement but alignment of productivity with Islamic values that are consistently applied have proven to be able to turn ALAMI Sharia into the best syariah fintech in Indonesia today.


Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Nov 2022


Pasar  wisata  religiyang  berupa  penyelenggaraan  ibadah  umrah,  sangat besar potensinya di Indonesia. Ratusan ribu jamaah tiap tahun berangkat ke Baitullah dengan menggunakan moda transportasi pesawat terbang. Salah satu maskapai yang menyediakan layanan penerbangan bagi jamaah umrah adalah PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Pada tahun 2019 Garuda Indonesia mengeluarkan surat edaran GA Info yang berisi perubahan sistem penjualan secara langsung untuk tiket rute Middle East(Jeddah dan Madinah) menjadi sistem penjualan wholesaledengan menunjuk 6 mitra  penjualan.  Pada  tahun  2020  Komisi  Pengawasan  Persaingan  Usaha  (KPPU) mendenda Garuda sebesar 1 miliar atas Praktek Diskriminasi terkait Pemilihan Mitra Penjualan Tiket Umrah Menuju dan dariJeddah dan Madinah. Lalu Garuda Indonesia menggugat  keputusan  KPPU  ini  ke  pengadilan  dan  pada  tanggal  22  Maret  2022 Mahkamah Agung (MA) Republik Indonesia menolak kasasi Garuda Indonesia atas putusan  KPPU. Praktek  monopoli  dan  persaingan  tidak  sehat sertadampaknya terhadap  keadilan  sosial disinggung  oleh  ulama  Yahya  bin  Umar  dalam  kitabnya Ahkam  al-Suq.  Tulisan  ini  akan  membahas  kebijakan monopolistik Garuda yang menciptakan persaingan usaha yang tidak sehatmenurut perspektif Yahya bin Umar.