Fajar Nugraha, M.I.Kom

Fajar Nugraha, M.I.Kom

Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam

Peneliti LPPM




Pengabdian Masyarakat


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Des 2022

Penyebaran Hoax Politik Pada Media Sosial

Perkembangan era digital membawa warna baru dalam dunia politik. Kehadiran media sosial telah mengubah perilaku dan kultur masyarakat dalam berkomunikasi dan mengkonsumsi berita. Permasalahan dari pengguna media sosial saat ini adalah banyaknya hoax yang menyebar luas, termasuk dalam dunia politik. Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana informasi hoax dimainkan dalam kampanye politik di era media sosial dan bagaimana bentuk informasi hoax politik yang beredar di media sosial selama masa kampanye pemilihan umum 2019. Metode yang digunakan kualitatif dengan penedekatan analisis konten memetika dari Shifman, dengan paradigma konstruktivistik. Penelitian ini menganalisis konten hoax di media sosial pada periode Agustus 2018 sampai dengan Januari 2019. Database hoax diperoleh dari rilis yang dikeluarkan Kemenkominfo yang dikonfimasi sebagai hoax melalui web turnbackhoax.id. Gagasan yang dibangun dalam hoax politik pada pemilu 2019 adalah kebencian kepada lawan politik. fitnah-fitnah yang ditujukan kepada lawan politik menjadi konten utama untuk menebar kebencian. Dalam hal bentuk, hoax yang disebarkan dalam gambar yang diedit dan dimanipulasi, foto tidak sesuai konteksnya, bersifat profokatif, judul baru lebih menjatuhkan seseorang, dan komentar buruk dari pengguna. Sementara sudut pandang gambar dan pesan yang diunggah menyarankan untuk tidak memilih salah satu kandidat, ajakan untuk para fans tokoh untuk mendukung salah satu kandidat, menyarankan untuk membenci salah satu kandidat serta tidak memilihnya dalam pemilu 2019.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Jan 2018


One of child protection effort besides protection from violence, neglect, and abuse is how to ensure  every rights of the child is fulfilled well. But in fact, the poverty that also attached to the children is an obstacle to the fulfillment of children's rights in accordance with what is listed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. To cope with these situation, optimizing zakat is certainly one of the alternatives that can be used. Through the optimization of zakat, the child can fulfill his rights in accordance with the contents of the Convention such as the right to survival, the right to grow and develop, the right to protection, and the right to participate. The research method used in this article is qualitative method with descriptive qualitative research type. Methods of data collection used is by interview, observation, and documentation study. Based on the result of this research indicate, until June 2017 through zakat optimization which has been done by Rumah Zakat has provided free education access to 2,006 children, and 6,578 scholarships for children education throughout Indonesia. In addition, through the optimization of zakat that have been done has successfully provided assistance to 15,303 child beneficiaries, through the health programs provided. The conclusion of this research is that the fulfillment of children's rights that have been done through the optimization of zakat covers the fulfillment of the right of child survival, children's right to grow and develop, and the right to get protection.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2020

Ideas and Political Language of PKS Muda Cadres on Social Media

PKS (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera/Prosperous Justice Party) Muda as a political party wing based on millennial generation expresses its political ideas and language on distinctive social media, which is interesting to research. Social media has become a space for every individual to create and spread ideas that form his/her political attitudes. This study aims to determine the ideas and political language of PKS Muda cadres regarding the 2019 general election on social media Twitter and Facebook. This study uses a qualitative method, a virtual ethnographic approach and a constructivist paradigm with the research subjects of PKS Muda cadres. The results show that in cognitive orientation, political ideas of PKS Muda cadres conveyed on social media meant to flatter and defend supported parties/candidates, to encourage their viewers to vote, and to criticize political opponents and election organizers. In affective orientation, PKS Muda displays the form of emotions by giving likes to the content they receive or using emoticon symbols to show dissatisfaction with the incumbent’s performance. In evaluative orientation, PKS Muda cadres voice their beliefs and feelings by creating and sharing content on social media. Regarding political language, many PKS Muda cadres use net lingo language and often write and share texts on social media in the form of descriptions, narratives, and persuasion, rarely using argumentation and exposition


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Jan 2018


The importance of women's participation in the current era of development becomes a place where women and men should have equal opportunity to optimize themselves without ignoring their responsibilities. One alternative that can be used to optimize the potential of women to improve their standard of living is by entrepreneurship. It is undeniable that currently there are 14% of female head of households of the total population with welfare levels below 40%. According to that fact, it affirms that involvement of women in development is very important. The purpose of this research is to analyze the participation of women in effort to increase family income through one of the programs owned by Rumah Zakat. Income that became one of the real indicators to rehabilitate certain circumstances became the main goal of the program that implemented by Rumah Zakat. The method used in this research is quantitative method with descriptive research type. The result showed that from 941 samples used, there were 712 (76%) female beneficiaries, and 229 (24%) beneficiaries were male. In addition, until June 2017 the beneficiary in this program is able to increase their average income by 9%.


Tanggal Publikasi: 18 Nov 2019

Artificial Intelligence Usage in Zakat Optimization

The development of big data and Artificial Intelligence is a challenge and also opportunity in managing zakat. Dramatically changes of technology could impact on social life and employment throughout the world, including zakat institutions. This study discusses changes in the management of zakat in 4.0 industrial revolution era, and how big data and Artificial Intelligence take over part of amil duties. The method used in this research is qualitative with a constructivistic paradigm. The research subject of this study is Rumah Zakat as the national zakat institution, with the object of research on the change in management of zakat from zakat 1.0 era to the era of zakat 4.0 and any AI technology that can take over part of amil duties. There is a change in the management of zakat from the zakat 1.0 era to the zakat 4.0 era which is certainly influenced by the development of industrial revolution. The presence of AI technology has taken over part of the amil duties at Rumah Zakat, which is in charge of serving both muzakki and mustahiq. With the presence of various artificial intelligence and big data devices, made the tasks of amil are simpler, more time-saving, and more efficient.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2017

Kontribusi Lembaga Zakat Terhadap Pencapaian Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs)

Sustaiable Developmnet Goals (SDGs) merupakan program yang terintegrasi, bahwa tidak ada seorangpun yang terlewatkan (No one is Left Gehind). Tentunya untuk mencapai agenda 2030, perlu memanfaatkan semua sumber daya dalam negeri untuk pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Bekelanjutan (SDGs). Rumah Zakat sebagai lembaga amil zakat menyelaraskan programnya dengan target SDGs. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauhmana kontribusi rumah zakat terhadap target SDGs. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian deskriptif dengan metode studi literatur. Data yang telah diproses dianalisa dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, perupa porsentase dan angka keberhasilan program. Kemudian dianalisa sesuai jenis intervensi dari masing-masing indikator SDGs. Hasilnya pertama rumah zakat telah meningkatkan pendapatan member sebesar 70% atau kontribusi dengan menurunkan 0,0004% dari jumlah penduduk miskin. Kedua, Penurunan pravalensi gizi buruk/kurang kepada 176 balita. Rata-rata penghematan uang belanja sayur dan buah sebesar Rp.5.174.000/bulan, melalui program kebun gizi dan urban farming. Ketiga, penurunan AKI & AKB dengan jumlah kelahiran hidup sebanyak 672, layanan imunisai 2.893, dan KB 3.972. Penurunan penyakit menular melalui penguatan UKBM dengan membina 133 posyandu dan memberikan manfaat sebanyak 11.970 orang dengan 2.394 aktifitas. Keempat, Kontribusi terhadap Angka Partisipasi Sekolah usia 7-12 sebanyak 6.393 anak, usia 13-15 sebanyak 1.127 anak, usia 16-18 sebanyak 499, dan usia 19-24 sebanyak 28 anak. Kelima, Mendorong kesetaraan gender yaitu, partisipasi angkatan kerja member 74,1% dan karyawan 37,4%. Indek paritas gender (IPG) pada angka partisipasi murni sekolah juara sebesar 106,7%. Keenam, air bersih dan sanitasi, melalui program water and sanitation for all yang manfaatnya telah dirasakan oleh …. Kepala keluarga. Tujuan SDGs kesebelas, dengan indikator ketersediaan rumah yang nyaman, melalui pembangunan relokasi rumah tinggal warga korban bencana banjir bandang Garut untuk 10 rumah. Tujuan SDGs ketigabelas, dengan indikator mengurangi kerugian ekonomis akibat bencana, jumlah bantuan yang diberikan kepada 57.076 jiwa. Untuk mengurangi resiko bencana dilakukan program pemberdayaan dalam menghadapai resiko bencana, dengan 3.090 partisan aktif. Tujuan SDGs keempatbelas, mengelola dan melindungi ekosistem laut, dengan penanaman 16.400 pohon Mangrove. Tujuan SDGs ketujuhbelas, membangun kemitraan dengan NGO Internasional untuk misi kemanusiaan. Adanya program tersebut merupakan bentuk dukungan nyata sektor swasata terhadap pemerintah dalam upaya pencapaian SDGs.