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Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Sep 2022

Blended Finance and the Role of Waqf Bank: Shaping the SDGs in Indonesia

To mobilize new sources of capital to achieve the goals stated in the SDGs, blended finance is one of the most important and new approaches to utilizing public funds. In addition, the blended finance model can also be used to attract private investment. In Islam, blended finance is a way of using public capital or Islamic social funds to increase private sector investment in developing countries to realize the SDGs. Blended finance allows for-profit or non-profit organizations to co-invest with one another while achieving their own goals (social impact, financial return, or a combination of both). This study proposes waqf as a source of funds to be included in the blended finance model and creates investment opportunities in developing countries, especially Indonesia, as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, which in particular can have a significant development impact on SMEs and those in need. This study contributes to practical discussion on how to maximize the potential of waqf fund and it’s institution through blended finance model for SDGs.


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Sep 2022

Family Financial Management in Realizing Sakinah Family

Improper household financial management often becomes a dispute in the family, which eventually becomes the cause of divorce. The divorce rate in Indonesia in 2020 reached 306,688 cases which has increased every year since 2015. According to data in June and July 2020, the number of divorce cases increased by 57 thousand cases with 80 percent of divorce cases that went to Religious Court filed by wives. Of all these cases, not a few are triggered by economic problems in the family. Family financial management hence is a way of managing family finances regularly and carefully through the stages of planning, implementing, and monitoring. By using library research and field research, this research categorizes and interprets the literatures using thematic analysis perspective. Coupled with understanding of maqasad al shari’ah, the results of the study find that Islamic family financial management starts from planning, based on tawhid and straight intentions. Then the family has to manage income, which ensures income is obtained and used in a lawful and tayyib way, complete with sense of mujahadah and ukhuwah. The family also has to manage needs, allocate proportionally (not stingy and wasteful), donate, record every cash flow (money in and out), Then if there is a surplus it must be managed with savings/investment and if the deficit is attempted to stay away from debt. Next, the family has to fulfill five elements of maqasad al shari’ah to achieve family financial dreams. Finally, financial evaluation is carried out by auditing, zuhud, gratitude and muhasabah. So that all financial activities must be run with good morals.


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Sep 2022

How Does Accounting Play a Role in Islamic Microfinance and Islamic Wealth Management Practices? Case Studies in Indonesia, Pakistan and Egypt

1qwThe aim of this study is to assess the level of accounting involvement among participants in an Islamic microfinance program, and to propose a financial accounting and recordkeeping framework for Islamic wealth management practices that can be used by clients and families, this can also give them better insight into finance and their family business. To achieve the two research objectives, the authors used Participatory Action Research (PAR) by preparing an exercise questionnaire as a research instrument for participants for four months. The study is limited to discussing the empowerment of women/mixed participants through microfinance institutions in three countries (Indonesia, Pakistan and Egypt). Institutions selected as case studies provide funds and loans to meet their living needs and run their small businesses. The total participants involved in this study were 130 participants; 68 from Indonesia, 50 from Pakistan and 12 from Egypt. Overall, participants' knowledge of accounting and finance in the three countries is quite similar which is still relatively low. Yet they show a strong interest in adopting simple wealth management practices starting with recording their business assets and cash flows. This exercise initially showed the result that 95% of the participants had no knowledge of accounting matters such as recording their finances and making their financial plans. After three months of training, participants in Indonesia (35%) actively participated and found the exercise useful. As per Pakistan, only 30% of all participants filled out the research instrument. In terms of the IMF, Akhuwat Foundation Pakistan and Bab Rizq Jameel Egypt works with more expertise and professionalism than Baitut Tamkin Tazkia Madani (BTTM) Indonesia. The first two institutions released their annual reports including financial statements that have been audited by Big- Accounting Firms. BTTM on the other hand is still audited by an internal audit firm. Based on the findings, we recommend that regulators in charge of poverty alleviation policies need to focus on basic financial education, regular accounting and wealth management training and strict field supervision to equip the lower classes.


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Sep 2022

The Urgency of Debt Management in the Perspective of Islamic Wealth Management

The study attempts to reveal debt position in wealth management and Islam Solution to overcome unresolved debt. The study is written by answering a number of predetermined research questions. The literature related to the research question is used as the reference material. Debt management is a must in Islam. There are three important things in assessing gharim namely: motives of the debtor, purposes of the debtor, and circumstances of the debtor. Furthermore, Islam solution to avoid the negatives side of debt: personal support, Social support, Institutional Support.


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Sep 2022

Decoding Islamic Wealth Management from Qur’anic Texts

Islamic wealth management is one of the new emerging financial service industries that attract many wealthy people to trust their assets managed in accordance with Islamic values and principles. Islamic wealth management is distinct from the conventional conception of wealth management from the philosophical foundation. Therefore, Islamic wealth management’s philosophical foundation is fundamental to understanding wealth management from the Islamic perspective. The paper aims to redefine the contemporary concept of wealth management from an Islamic perspective derived from the Qur’anic perspective. The finding shows that Islamic conception of wealth management from Qur’anic framework is very comprehensive that cover all philosophical foundation; ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The Islamic wealth management process contends three aspects: (1) wealth creation, (2) spending


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Sep 2022

Online Business Ethics in Islam

Technological developments have changed the way people make buying and selling transactions. In the digital era, people prefer to buy and sell online, because it is more efficient and effective. can be done anywhere. However, this creates a variety of new problems such as opportunities to commit fraud, payments and delivery of goods that are not appropriate, guarantees that are not guaranteed, which ultimately result in losses to one party or both parties. This study aims to determine ethics in the implementation of online buying and selling according to Islam. The author uses qualitative research methods with library research methods. The results of the study indicate that the ethics of buying and selling online must prioritize the values contained in the Qur'an and hadith. These values include unity, balance, free will, responsibility, truth, virtue and honesty. The purpose of applying ethics in online 100 buying and selling is to protect the benefit of individuals, property and the state. It is also a form of respect for every soul. By applying Islamic ethics in buying and selling, a healthy and blessed business climate will be achieved so that an Islamic society structure can be achieved. The first ethics of buying and selling online is not buying and selling in vanity that brings injustice to others such as usury, gambling, ghasab (stealing), treason, dishonesty, cheating, committing perjury, hoarding goods, monopoly, while selling ethics the second online buying is to please each other by being friendly, not criticizing other people's business. With the application of these two buying and selling ethics, benefits will be achieved in life both individually, in society, and in the state.


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Sep 2022

How Does Accounting Play a Role in Islamic Microfinance and Islamic Wealth Management Practices? Case Studies in Indonesia, Pakistan and Egypt

The aim of this study is to assess the level of accounting involvement among participants in an Islamic microfinance program, and to propose a financial accounting and recordkeeping framework for Islamic wealth management practices that can be used by clients and families, this can also give them better insight into finance and their family business. To achieve the two research objectives, the authors used Participatory Action Research (PAR) by preparing an exercise questionnaire as a research instrument for participants for four months. The study is limited to discussing the empowerment of women/mixed participants through microfinance institutions in three countries (Indonesia, Pakistan and Egypt). Institutions selected as case studies provide funds and loans to meet their living needs and run their small businesses. The total participants involved in this study were 130 participants; 68 from Indonesia, 50 from Pakistan and 12 from Egypt. Overall, participants' knowledge of accounting and finance in the three countries is quite similar which is still relatively low. Yet they show a strong interest in adopting simple wealth management practices starting with recording their business assets and cash flows. This exercise initially showed the result that 95% of the participants had no knowledge of accounting matters such as recording their finances and making their financial plans. After three months of training, participants in Indonesia (35%) actively participated and found the exercise useful. As per Pakistan, only 30% of all participants filled out the research instrument. In terms of the IMF, Akhuwat Foundation Pakistan and Bab Rizq Jameel Egypt works with more expertise and professionalism than Baitut Tamkin Tazkia Madani (BTTM) Indonesia. The first two institutions released their annual reports including financial statements that have been audited by Big- Accounting Firms. BTTM on the other hand is still audited by an internal audit firm. Based on the findings, we recommend that regulators in charge of poverty alleviation policies need to focus on basic financial education, regular accounting and wealth management training and strict field supervision to equip the lower classes.


Tanggal Publikasi: 29 Sep 2022

Wealth Management and Investment in Islamic Settings: Opportunities and Challenges

This book addresses the theory, practices, challenges, key issues and potential future policies concerning investment and wealth management in connection with Islamic finance. There is a noted scarcity of literature on Islamic approaches towards wealth management from a jurisprudential perspective, and so this book aims to address this lacuna in available literature. It demonstrates strategies for wealth management in keeping with the Qur’an and Sunn’ah, posing questions relating to interest and investment, and proposing financial models for benefiting the poorer segments of society while simultaneously satisfying economic necessities in keeping with Islamic law. Given its breadth of scope, combining perspectives from scholars and practitioners with extensive experience in the banking and finance sector from different Islamic settings including Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Brunei and Indonesia, this edited volume will benefit practitioners, researchers, and graduate students studying finance, economics and business management in an Islamic context.


Tanggal Publikasi: 18 Sep 2022


The diverse culture of IAI   Tazkia students is a separate demand for the campus in implementing a borading school-based education program. The low sense of social sensitivity as a result of the use of gadgets in generation Z (currently at the age of high school and college) makes intolerance more visible among students. This will be a difficult thing for students studying at the IAI  Tazkia boarding school. So the campus needs to provide program content or activities that contain the values ​​of multiculturalism. The method in this study uses a qualitative description method with data collection through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that IAI Tazkia, especially in the Tadris Podi that the researchers studied, there are 7 programs that contain multicultural education which includes: courses on multicultural education and community development, SDS or student dynamic sessions, hidden curriculum, the academic community and the campus environment that supports education. multicultural activities in the campus area, student organizations, student appreciation programs, competitions in matriculation programs.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Sep 2022

Factors Affecting Corporate Decision Makers to Transact With Indonesian Sharia Banks

This study aims to examine the factors that influence corporate decision-making factors in transactions with Sharia Bank in Indonesia and recommend strategies to increase corporate customers in Islamic banking to increase their market share considering that corporate customers have large purchase power parity. This study was conducted to fill the research gap where it will be analyzed how the factors that influence the decisions of corporate customers in Indonesia in transacting with Islamic banking. The sample in this study is financial decisionmakers in corporations consisting of the CEO, CFO, Head of Finance, Vice President Finance, and GM Finance. Sampling in this study used the Slovin formula with a target sample of 394 respondents, both Muslim and non-Muslim. The results of this study indicate that in general the level of knowledge of sharia from both Muslim and non-Muslim respondents is still minimal for basic muamalah fiqh knowledge. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the variables of service quality and sharia compliance affect the reputation of Sharia Bank in Indonesia, where the reputation of Sharia Bank is the only variable that directly affects the decisions of corporate decision-makers in transactions with Sharia Bank. Meanwhile, the variables of religiosity, sharia knowledge, the role of company shareholders do not have a positive influence on the dependent variable. Finally, this study recommends the management of Sharia Bank to determine strategic steps to improve reputation as the most decisive variable for a company to transact with Sharia Bank. Reputation is enhanced by improving service quality and sharia compliance


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Agt 2022

The Relationship between Gross Domestic Product, Foreign Direct Investments, Inflation Rate and Unemployment in Selected ASEAN Countries

Unemployment is one of the significant challenges faced by most developing countries, especially in ASEAN. This study aims to investigate the relationship between gross domestic product, foreign direct investment, inflation rate and unemployment in selected ASEAN countries. The panel data collected from the World Bank covering the period of 1980-2017 for Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. The data were analysed using static panel regression. The results of this study showed that Method Random Effect Model (REM) is more appropriate and that gross domestic product has a negative relationship with unemployment. Further, foreign direct investment and the inflation rate positively correlatewith unemployment in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. The overall findings of this study can guide policymakers to consider the unemployment fluctuations faced by ASEAN and establish policies to realise ASEAN Community


Tanggal Publikasi: 20 Agt 2022

  • Analysis of Factors That Affect Customer Interest in Using Mobile Banking Services of Bank Syariah Indonesia (Fakhruddin and Muhammad Isa Mustafa)

This aims of this study is to the effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived credibility simultaneously affect customer interest in using m-banking services at Bank Syariah Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach. The technique used in sampling is nonprobability sampling with simple random sampling with the Slovin formula, the number of samples in this study were 96 respondents of Indonesian Islamic Bank customers at IAI Tazkia Bogor. The results found from this study are (1) there is an effect of perceived usefulness on the interest of BSI customers in Bogor City in using m-banking Bank Syariah Indonesia, (2) there is no effect of perceived ease of use on the interest of BSI customers in Bogor City in using m-banking Bank Syariah Indonesia, (3) there is an effect of perceived credibility on the interest of BSI customers in Bogor City in using m-banking Bank Syariah Indonesia, and (4) there is an effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived credibility on interest of BSI customers in Bogor City in using m-banking Bank Syariah Indonesia.

Keywords: Customer Interest, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease Of Use, Perceived Credibility.




Tanggal Publikasi: 10 Agt 2022

Analysis of Factors That Affect Customer Interest in Using Mobile Banking Services of Bank Syariah Indonesia 

This aims of this study is to the effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived credibility simultaneously affect customer interest in using m-banking services at Bank Syariah Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach. The technique used in sampling is nonprobability sampling with simple random sampling with the Slovin formula, the number of samples in this study were 96 respondents of Indonesian Islamic Bank customers at IAI Tazkia Bogor. The results found from this study are (1) there is an effect of perceived usefulness on the interest of BSI customers in Bogor City in using m-banking Bank Syariah Indonesia, (2) there is no effect of perceived ease of use on the interest of BSI customers in Bogor City in using m-banking Bank Syariah Indonesia, (3) there is an effect of perceived credibility on the interest of BSI customers in Bogor City in using m-banking Bank Syariah Indonesia, and (4) there is an effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived credibility on interest of BSI customers in Bogor City in using m-banking Bank Syariah Indonesia.

Keywords: Customer Interest, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease Of Use, Perceived Credibility.




Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Agt 2022

The Effect of Work-life Quality and Transglobal Leadership on Employee Performance of Sharia Saving-load and Finance Cooperative

This study aims to examine the effect of work-life quality and transglobal leadership on employee performance of Sharia Saving-Loan and Finance Cooperative. The population of this study consisted of employees of sharia saving-loan and finance cooperative in Banten. Sampling was carried out using the minimum criteria from the SEM-PLS, ranging from 35 to 100. Data was obtained by using a questionnaire. This research is a quantitative study. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and processed using Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis with the Smartpls 3.0 application. This study found that the work-life quality has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, the work-life quality has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, transglobal leadership has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, transglobal leadership does not have any effect on employee performance, organizational commitment has a positive effect and significant on employee performance, organizational commitment mediates the effect of work-life quality on employee performance and organizational commitment mediates the effect of transglobal leadership on employee performance.


Tanggal Publikasi: 19 Jul 2022

Evaluasi Praktek IMBT di Bank XYZ dengan Pendekatan Maqashid Syariah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji praktek IMBT yang dilakukan di Bank XYZ dan mengevaluasi kesesuaian praktek tersebut dengan maqashid syariah. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif secara penuh yang terdiri dari tiga tahap analisis yaitu kajian literatur, in-depth interview, dan analisis deskriptif. Temuannya adalah bahwa praktek IMBT yang dilakukan oleh Bank XYZ telah memenuhi persyaratan atau kepatuhan syariah. Disisi lain dari sudut pandang maqashid syariah yang lima, seluruh praktek yang dilakukan telah sesuai. Dimana terdapat sistem yang mewakili terhadap penjagaan harta, pikiran, jiwa, keturunan dan harta nasabah. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, nasabah mendapat tawaran yang baik dan jelas, serta pihak Bank XYZ sangat bertanggungjawab atas seluruh transaksi yang dilakukan.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jul 2022

Payment of Zakat on Income and Services: The Behavior and Characteristics of Millennial Employees in Jakarta and West Java Province

This study aims to analyze the factors of millennial employees in DKI Jakarta and West Java in paying zakat on income and services. This study covers the behavioural variables of millennial employees which include zakat literacy, the influence of social media and religiosity as well as other millennial employee characteristics, namely education level, type of zakat recipient institution selected, frequency of zakat payments, and experience in zakat. The millennial working population is represented by residents aged 20 - 39 years. The distribution of the questionnaire was carried out via google form to 400 people in DKI Jakarta and West Java as respondents. Data analysis using SEM PLS with the results of decisions to pay zakat income and services by millennial employees in the two provinces is influenced by social media and religiosity factors. Information about zakat on social media is believed by the millennial generation and so is the literacy factor regarding the amount of zakat and the conditions for zakat. Then other influences are the level of education, type of zakat payment preference institution, frequency of zakat payments, routine of attending recitations and experience in giving zakat which is believed to influence the decision to pay zakat income and services


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Jun 2022

Qard-based Zakat Financing: A Fiqhi Analysis

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the emergence of a new segment of vulnerable people who have been exposed to microcredit by loan sharks. They have either lost their jobs, been forced to take unpaid leave, or had to temporarily close their businesses due to Movement Control Orders (MCO) imposed by the government. This situation is expected to persist even after the pandemic has ended, and thus requires financial intervention. Zakat, the third pillar of Islam, serves as a wealth redistribution system that is expected to address poverty issues and social inequality so that “… wealth is not circulated solely among the rich” (Qur’an, 59:7). In the long run, a mustahiq (zakat-eligible recipient) should be able to escape poverty and eventually become a muzakki (zakat payer). On the other hand, the pandemic crisis has affected the amount of zakat collection. Some states in Malaysia and other countries have reported a deficit in zakat funds due to a decrease in zakat collection and an increase in zakat distribution.


Tanggal Publikasi: 28 Jun 2022

Analisis Proses Dan Perlakuan Akuntansi Pembiayaan Akad Rahn Tasjily (Studi Kasus PT. XYZ)

The research aims to determine the process and accounting treatment of the financing by Rahn Tasjily Contract. The method used is a Descriptive Case Study on PT XYZ. The analysis used theoretical propositions as a general strategy and pattern matching as a specific analysis. It consists of primary data (interviews and observations) and secondary data (contracts, accounting treatment in the system, PT XYZ annual reports, DSN-MUI fatwa, and PSAK). The study results indicate that the process of financing the Rahn Tasjily contract is under the fatwa by DSN-MUI. The financing contract begins with the Qardh contract and then continues with the Rahn Tasjily Contract to collect maintenance services fee / Mu’nah, accounting treatment of the financing by Rahn Tasjily contract is related to financial accounting standards by IAI. Still, it is not following PSAK Ijarah/Sharia Rent because the characteristics of the Rahn Tasjily are fee-based services. This study impacts the institution’s compliance in carrying out rahn tasjily financing of PSAK 107 (Effective 1 January 2017) and Fatwa DSN MUI DSN No.92/DSN-MUI/III/2014 for financing by Rahn Tasjily Contract.


Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jun 2022

Etika Islami Dan Kecurangan Pada Profesi Akuntan Manajemen: Dampak Moderasi Kualitas Pengendalian Internal Dan Lingkungan Kerja

This study aims to analyze the influence of Islamic ethics on fraudulent behavior. In addition, this study also analyzes the moderating impact of the internal control system and work environment variables on the relationship between ethics and fraud. All variables were measured using a questionnaire instrument. By using respondents of 131 management accountant from various industries, the research uses SEM-PLS to test the proposed hypotheses. The results of the study are able to answer the three objectives, namely (1) Islamic ethics reduce fraudulent behavior of management accountants, (2) an effective internal control system strengthens the influence of Islamic ethics in reducing fraudulent behavior, (3) a conducive work environment strengthens the influence of ethics in reduce fraudulent behavior. This study complements the empirical studies of Islamic ethics for the accounting profession. The research implication for the management accounting profession is the need to consider the universal aspect of religiosity as part of the professional code of ethics. For management, this study supports the need for the design and implementation of a healthy and effective internal control system and organizational environment.


Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Jun 2022

The Problem of Revenue-Sharing Principles in Indonesian Islamic Banking based on Smart Theory

The problem of implementing the principle of revenue sharing in Indonesian Islamic banking until now has not found a bright spot. It was found that some Islamic banks closed their revenue-sharing products, especially mudharabah agreements. Related to this, in an effort to accommodate the wishes of customers/prospective customers and the interests of Islamic banks, there needs to be a theory that is considered able to bridge the interests of both parties. This paper tries to meet those demands, whereby a review of smart theory literature appears and becomes the main choice in the search for literature because this article provides a qualitative descriptive summary. This paper will also develop new concepts and theories in order to complement existing theories. The results of the analysis show that smart theory has a role in accommodating the interests of Islamic banks and customers/prospective customers, but the theory developed is still conventionally charged, so it cannot be fully applied in solving the problem of revenue sharing principles in Indonesian Islamic banking. Therefore, the new theory created is to combine smart theory with maslahat theory using several approaches such as ease aspects, aspects of supervision, religious aspects, social aspects, and methodological aspects in terms of flexibility.