Ries Wulandari, M.Si.
Ekonomi Syariah
Peneliti LPPM Tazkia
Pengabdian Masyarakat
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2013
Corruption affects almost every aspects of human life. It’s domino effect widespread on the existence of the nation and the state especially exacerbate the nation’s economic condition. Corruption is not a form of ordinary crime because it was damaging the joints of life’s most basic social ethic that even humanity. The main factor triggering corruption is the internal aspect comes from the private consists of moral aspects, such as lack of faith, honesty, shame, attitudes or behavior of consumption and social life as a family that can drive a person to behave corrupt. While there are external factors that can be traced from the economic aspect. Such as income or salary is not sufficient, political instability, political interests, power, lack of accountability and transparency, and weak law enforcement and social aspects of the environment or the people who do not support anti-corruption behavior. Therefore anti-corruption behavior cultivations can be done through integrity and anti-corruption education. The ASEAN Seminar & Conference: Education ASEAN Societies for Integrity, we hope can make higher education plays a great role in introducing Integrity Education. By collaboration of universities might also positively provide better impact to ASEAN Integrity for Integration.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2013
Pertumbuhan perbankan syariah yang mencapai 30% per tahun menjadi fenomena tertentu. Namun di lain pihak signifikansinya dilihat belum optimal karena market sharenya masih di bawah 5 % (BI, Februari 2013). Dalam hipotesis penulis, salah satu penyebab belum optimalnya market share dalam 3 tahun terakhir, adalah peran intermediasi yang diduga belum optimal. Belajar dari pengalaman bank konvensional, pernah terjadi fenomena credit crunch (1998-2000) yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan perbankan sempat melambat dalam beberapa kuartal. Isu financing crunch memang belum muncul seperti credit crunch yang kajiannya sudah cukup lengkap, oleh karena itu penelitian ini harus segera diinisiasi. Tujuan penelitian yaitu (1) mengkritisi peran intermediasi perbankan syariah di Indonesia pada kurun waktu 2008-2012 dengan mengungkap ada tidaknya financing crunchi . (2) mengkaji solusi atas permasalahan intermediasi melalui studi pemikiran ekonomi Islam dalam perspektif maqashid shariah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan VECM dan kualitatif dengan content analysis. Hasil penelitian (1) Terdapat dugaan terjadi financing crunch selama kurun waktu penelitian sehingga perbankan syariah harus mencermati kondisi ini. Jika tidak segera menjadi perhatian, maka fenomena ini dapat menjadi kenyataan yang tidak mendukung pertumbuhan perbankan syariah (2) aspek keadilan dan manfaat (mashlahah) dalam maqashid syariah merupakan solusi penting. Produk simpanan jangka panjang skala ritel harus menjadi perhatian untuk menghindari motif spekulasi para deposan sehingga akses kepada pembiayaan syariah dapat diperluas tetap dengan mitigasi resiko.
Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Mei 2023
Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic is unique because the financial sector is usually affected earlier when a shock occurs, but in this incident, the real industry is more affected. Differences of opinion regarding procyclicality maintain the importance of early indication. Methods: This study aims to reexamine procyclicality in Islamic banking using the VAR/VECM method. Results: The results show that Islamic banks are proxies that support economic development without causing bubbles. Conclusion and suggestion: The avoidance of MAGHRIB (Maysir, Gharar and Riba) ultimately makes Islamic banks have financing characteristics that are different from conventional loans.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2011
Analisis determinan peringkat sukuk dan peringkat obligasi di Indonesia
This study attempts to analyze the determinants of sukuk and bond rating in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine factors influencing sukuk and bond rating using separate test. The study uses financial and non financial ratios such as company growth, firm size, profitability, liquidity, leverage ratio, and sukuk and bond maturity. This study examines corporate sukuk and bond that listed from 2004-2006 (9 sukuk and 15 bonds) at Indonesian Stock Exchange for the period of 2007-2009. This research employs ordinal logistic regression. The result of the study reveales that only firm size variable determines sukuk rating while others are not (growth, profitability, liquidity, leverage ratio and maturity). Firm size, profitability, and maturity influences the bond rating above 5 years while growth, liquidity, and leverage ratio are not significantly influence the bond rating.
Tanggal Publikasi: 3 Des 2012
Do Credit Channel and Interest Rate Channel Play Important Role in Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Indonesia? : A Structural Vector Autoregression Model
This paper assesses the importance role of two monetary transmission mechanism channels in managing inflation and contributing to economic growth, by employing Structural Vector Autoregression (SVAR) model. The monetary transmission channels are interest rate channel and credit-bank lending channel. The model is then solved by implementing forecasting error variance decomposition to investigate the contribution of each variables to both inflation and economic growth. It is shown that interest rate channel plays important role in monetary transmission mechanism for maintaining inflation but has limited role in the economic growth. In the other hand, credit-bank lending channel can effectively affect economic growth
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Pertumbuhan perbankan syariah yang mencapai 30% per tahun menjadi fenomena tertentu. Namun di lain pihak signifikansinya dilihat belum optimal karena market sharenya masih di bawah 5 % (BI, Februari 2013). Dalam hipotesis penulis, salah satu penyebab belum optimalnya market share dalam 3 tahun terakhir, adalah peran intermediasi yang diduga belum optimal. Belajar dari pengalaman bank konvensional, pernah terjadi fenomena credit crunch (1998-2000) yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan perbankan sempat melambat dalam beberapa kuartal. Isu financing crunch memang belum muncul seperti credit crunch yang kajiannya sudah cukup lengkap, oleh karena itu penelitian ini harus segera diinisiasi. Tujuan penelitian yaitu (1) mengkritisi peran intermediasi perbankan syariah di Indonesia pada kurun waktu 2008-2012 dengan mengungkap ada tidaknya financing crunchi . (2) mengkaji solusi atas permasalahan intermediasi melalui studi pemikiran ekonomi Islam dalam perspektif maqashid shariah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan VECM dan kualitatif dengan content analysis. Hasil penelitian (1) Terdapat dugaan terjadi financing crunch selama kurun waktu penelitian sehingga perbankan syariah harus mencermati kondisi ini. Jika tidak segera menjadi perhatian, maka fenomena ini dapat menjadi kenyataan yang tidak mendukung pertumbuhan perbankan syariah (2) aspek keadilan dan manfaat (mashlahah) dalam maqashid syariah merupakan solusi penting. Produk simpanan jangka panjang skala ritel harus menjadi perhatian untuk menghindari motif spekulasi para deposan sehingga akses kepada pembiayaan syariah dapat diperluas tetap dengan mitigasi resiko.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
The allocation of financing for agricultural sector in Islamic Banking Institution is low compared to the other sector. The risk of high uncertainty, which includes the level of damage to farms and the level of crop failure, becomes the financing risk consideration for the banking. Rice farm insurance can be an alternative to mitigate this risk so the a Islamic the banking will have a partner to share the risk. The insurance practice for agricultural sector has been initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture, but there are still some limitation due to the insurance inclusion and sharia compliance issues. This research provides a proposal of the implementation of shariah agricultural insurance with Analytical Network Methodology (ANP). The objectives of this study are 1) analyzing the benefit, opportunity, cost, and risk of the implementation of Islamic agricultural insurance and 2) find the most important aspect due to the shariah agricultural insurance implementation. The research finds that the most important aspect is opportunity. This insurance will give opportunity to the farmer by providing protection for the crop from the risk of harvest failure with shariah compliance and using shariah banking. The shariah scheme will help the government increasing the insurance inclusion. This scheme will benefit the farmer due to the increasing of crop insurance awareness. The requirement of this implementation comes from the cost aspect, namely legal aspect and the risk will rise from the moral hazard as fraud claim. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of shariah insurance for the agricultural sector has opportunities and benefits, but there are still some notes to be addressed
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Determinant of Poverty Using Islamic Value Approach : A Contribution to Economy Policy for OIC Member Countries and Non Member Countries in Southeast Asia
Poverty is one of the crucial issues in the world, particularly the developing countries in Southeast Asia. Each country seeks to increase the GDP per capita in order to reduce the poverty. To achieve this goal such policies have been made with different strategy. This study aims to investigate the determinations of poverty in OIC members countries and OIC Non members countries in Southeast Asia. The object of OIC Members Countries are Indonesia and Malaysia as well as Thailand and the Philippines for OIC Non Members Countries. This research used Fixed Effect regression with panel. The model consisting of the dependent variable and several independent variables including poverty, human development index, per capita GDP, government spending on education and health, Gini ratio and access to clean water. The results showed that the determinants of poverty in OIC Members Countries are HDI, government spending on health, per capital GDP, Gini ratio, and access to clean water. While the determinants of poverty in OIC Non Members Countries are HDI, government spending on health, GDP per capita, and access to clean water. The development of HDI is still very important variable.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Do Entrepreneur Aspect Matter on Cash Waqf Program at Islamic Organization Nahdlatul Ulama?
Cash waqf is one of model of waqf. Cash waqf empowerment program GERWAKU SENA by Nahdlatul Ulama is one of many programs to support reducing poverty program in Indonesia. Due to its purpose this program must be supported by valuable research. The objectives in this research to find the main problem and the best solution to optimize Gerwaku Sena NU using ANP analysis. By using ANP Analysis, we composed the problem and solution in entrepreneur aspect into two groups namely internal and external. The research finding that the most influential problems on the waqf activity is lack of entrepreneur skill to solve operational cost problem and managerial aspect. In line with this problem, supporting entrepreneur skill for human resource is the key factor support the program.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Do Islamic Microfinance Practise Descrease the Level of Three Aspects of Poverty ?
Islamic microfinance institutions such as Baitut Tamkin is one of Koperasi Syariah at Lombok Timur practising islamic value. In practising islamic value, Baitut Tamkin insert this value in line with three aspect including commercial finance, social aspect, and spiritual awareness. But the evaluation of this islamic microfinance practise has not been conducted yet. Therefor we conducted a research to evaluate the curent impact of this program wheter there was improvement and how the conditions of poverty in the member self before and after taking part in empowerment programs on Baitut Tamkin. Poverty condition that we observed not only financial aspect but also social and spiritual aspect. This research used parametric including Multiple Linear regression, a simple Linear Regression, t-test and non parametric test using Wilcoxon test. We conclude that the level of poverty at local region decreased at three aspects but with various condition. First, the islamic commercial financing significantly increasing their member’s montly liquidity but do not significantly increase their member’s housing condition. Second, the social condition of member showed that after being a member they create more friendly environment and helping each other. But there is no impact at “become islamic role model’ or and uswah al-hasanah. Third, spiritual awareness of member increased after they could practising some muamalah based on verses and hadith at muamalah. Number of member that moving from poor condition to empowered condition showed positive trend
Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Des 2022
Assessing the Islamic Bank Financing During Economic Recession: The Role of Stimulus Regulation POJK Number 11/POJK.03/2020
This study examines the role of the POJK stimulus policy No. 11/POJK.03/2020 on the decision of financing in Indonesia Islamic banking. Furthermore, the study aims to be able to assess the financing behavior of Islamic banks. Accordingly, we design a quantitative approach with panel data analysis method. With case studies on 12 Islamic Commercial Banks with a time period from quarter 1- 2017 to quarter 4-2020. We found that the total financing of Islamic banks experience significant changes after the period of economic recession that hit Indonesia. Then, the study found that the role of stimulus regulation has a positive and significant effect on the distribution of total bank financing. This shows that the stimulus regulation through financing relaxation or financing restructuring does not prevent banks from continuing to channel financing to the public. This study also found that Islamic banks do not behave pro-cyclicality behavior towards the business cycle.
Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Des 2022
Kontribusi Pembiayaan Bank Syariah untuk Sektor Pertanian di Indonesia Contribution of Islamic Bank Financing for Agricultural Sector in Indonesia
Based on Islamic Banking Law Article 1 paragraph 2 funding was the main activity for Islamic banking in its function as a financial intermediary and drived real sector. This study was aim to determine how much the influences of SBIS, amount of DPK, Non Performing Financing and the exchange rate of dollar against the Islamic banking financing as well as the contribution of Islamic bank financing for the agricultural sector in Indonesia by using VAR/VECM approach. VECM results indicated variables that affected agricultural financing in the short term was variable LNER and SBIS. While in the long term variable lnDPK and lnNPF statistically significant against to agricultural financing. The results of IRF showed that lnDPK, lnNPF and LNER responded positively influencing the contribution of financing on Islamic bank for the agricultural sector in Indonesia. As for The contribution of financing on Islamic bank for the agricultural sector in Indonesia, LNER gave the largest contribution to the Islamic bank financing for the agricultural sector in Indonesia, followed by the variable SBIS, lnDPK, and lnNPF. The higher value of rupiah would increase the financing by the islamic banking for Agricultural sector, as would as the lower of rate SBIS would increase the financing of islamic banking.
Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Des 2022
This study attempts to analyze the determinants of sukuk and bond rating in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine factors influencing sukuk and bond rating using separate test. The study uses financial and non financial ratios such as company growth, firm size, profitability, liquidity, leverage ratio, and sukuk and bond maturity. This study examines corporate sukuk and bond that listed from 2004-2006 (9 sukuk and 15 bonds) at Indonesian Stock Exchange for the period of 2007-2009. This research employs ordinal logistic regression. The result of the study reveales that only firm size variable determines sukuk rating while others are not (growth, profitability, liquidity, leverage ratio and maturity). Firm size, profitability, and maturity influences the bond rating above 5 years while growth, liquidity, and leverage ratio are not significantly influence the bond rating.