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Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022


Discussions on waqf and waqf institutional development currently it has become one of the major topics in the national and international discourse, especially in Muslim countries. Waqf institutions has great potential to support job creation, providing educational opportunities, and to reduce reliance on government funding. However, some problems related to the management of Waqf as asset maintenance, management and mobilization of waqaf asset should be followed. Some recent research suggests there is no specific guidance in preparing and maintaining continuity waqf report as a means of accountability through transparent reporting. In addition to the accountability report itself, the credibility of the institution of Waqf manager also requires the evaluation of performance. As a nonprofit organization, the performance of Waqf institutions may not be determined by certain financial ratios, but how the institution is able to move effectively Waqf assets and how those assets can contribute to the welfare of the people. Therefore, the performance framework Waqf institutions need to be developed. This conceptual paper aims to develop a performance measurement framework for Waqf institutions


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of predominant cultural values on banking disclosure. On one hand, Islamic banks have practiced Islamic principles which are universal for all countries. Islamic banks are expected to provide transparent information especially in terms of social and Shariah(Islamic) compliant information as Islamic banks claim themselves to have social objectives as the prime consideration. Islamic banks also have Shariah supervisory body to ensure that the banking activities and business operations are in line with Islamic requirements. On the other hand, Hofstede‘s cultural dimensions and Gray‘s hypotheses have rendered remarkable contributions in financial and accounting practices among different nations. Examining 45 Islamic banks in 11 Moslem majority countries, this paper focuses on four particular cultural dimensions namely individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, uncertainty avoidance, and power distance and whether these dimensions have an impact on transparency. This study found that two out of four national cultures still have significant effect on the transparency level in Moslem majority countries.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022


Knowing the factors which can improve performance is very crucial in every organization including Waqf institutions as charitable institutions. Waqf institutions have significant roles in a country to mobilize and distribute public funds. Examining its performance could be useful to assess Waqf’s perpetual existence. In the context of business organizations, financial ratios which rely on the bottom line can be the tools to examine the performance. Financial ratios somehow reflect the financial health and vulnerability of the organizations. Besides that, the organizations frequently compare actual performance with standards or expectations to enhance the organizations’ achievements. Several financial ratios might be applicable to evaluate non-profit organizations although those ratios do not seem sufficient. Financial ratios alone cannot serve as measures of success in non-profits organizations, these organizations have to be assessed in more complex ways, generally dealing with efficiency and effectiveness.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Shariah Audit Certification Contents: Views of Regulators, Shariah Committee, Shariah Reviewers and Undergraduate Students

Shariah Audit certification will show the stakeholders that Shariah auditors are skillful and competent in their field. Shariah audit practices should be identified at the professional and certified level. There should be a ‘Certified Shariah Auditor’ to ensure that the Shariah auditor is proficient to perform the task. This issue can be resolved through the certification program. Shariah audit is considered a new area in Islamic finance. It assures that institutions embracing Islamic finance are true to the Shariah principles by them having to undergo periodical audit on Shariah matters. There is a gap in the industry to the certification of Shariah audit as currently no certification is required for Shariah auditors, and there is no professional body offering Shariah audit certification. This research aims to identify the content/scope/ of Shariah audit certification. Data were collected through questionnaire survey method. The subjects for questionnaire distribution are the regulators, Shariah Committee members, Shariah Reviewers in the Islamic banks and undergraduate students. This study contributes on the contents for Shariah audit certification program. The results reveal that Shariah audit certification should at least cover the scope of Shariah audit outlined by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), financial statements and internal control systems of an Islamic bank. The contents of certification may also include the area of business policies, process and procedures, zakat calculation and payment, contracts and agreements, and assessment of financial resources. This study implicates that certification in this area will promote professionalism and improve the conduct of Shariah audit in the industry.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022


Waqf organizations have significant roles in a country to mobilize and distribute public funds. The uniqueness of waqf is that waqf assets should be in existence in perpetuity, therefore the assets must be well managed. Managing public assets must be based on transparency and accountability. The financial reports are prepared to meet the accountability and transparency purposes. Since there was no specifically standardized accounting measurement and report, waqf organisations often adopt the financial reporting practices of for-profit accounting standards to present their financial performance which are not wholly appropriate for non- profit. However, organisations managing waqf assets must also ensure that they follow the unique Islamic principles of waqf such as perpetual existence. Ensuring its accountability through financial reports could be useful to assess waqf‟s perpetual existence. This paper aims to examine the accountability of waqf organizations since accountability is needed to promote public trust in such organizations. Using content and financial statement analysis, this study examines the latest two years (2013-2014) annual reports of five different waqf organization


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022


This study analyzes the effect of audit market competition, client size, and financial distress on shopping opinions. The sample used in this study is a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for 2016 to 2017. The data used in the study were 76 data from the company's annual reports. The data analysis method used was binary logistic regression. This study indicates that audit market competition and client size do not affect shopping opinion practices. However, financial distress has a significant positive effect on the tendency to practice shopping opinion. This indicates that a company with an excellent financial condition chooses to change its auditor compared to the same auditor; this is done because financially, the company can change public accounting


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022


This study aims to analyze the effect of ethical identity index and company size on Islamic banking performance as measured by shariah conformity and profitability (SCNP). The sample in this study were 48 Islamic banking financial reports taken from the 2014-2017 period. The data analysis method used in this study is multiple linear regression with panel data. The results of this study indicate that the ethical identity index affect shariah conformity and profitability, but company size does not affect the performance of shariah conformity and profitability. The implication of this research is that Islamic banking is expected to improve the identity of Islamic ethics through disclosures in financial reports.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Membedah Praktik Akuntansi Berdenominasi Mata Uang Asing Perbankan Syariah : Pendekatan Fikih Tematis

The use of rule that origin of muamalah is ibahah (allowed) often causes the practice of sharia banking to be un-creative and not careful about things that are subhat or even haram. Impersonation or modification in addition to the product side also occurs in accounting treatment practices for transactions that occur in Islamic banking. One of them is the treatment of foreign currency denominated transactions that occur in sharia banking. This research uses qualitative method by studying and analyzing fiqih rules on foreign currency denominated transactions that occur in sharia banking. Using the classical fiqh study approach the study concludes that foreign currency-denominated transactions can be grouped into three things: first valuation at the balance sheet date and free of usury, valuation at balance sheet date but prone to usury, and valuation at balance sheet date but not allowed to add assets or corporate earnings. In addition, foreign exchange gains or losses incurred from currency-denominated transactions should take account of the source of the profit / loss first before categorizing it as part of revenues in the sharia bank profit and loss statement


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

The comparative analysis of discretionary accruals viewed from the styles of audit and IFRS adoption

Discretionary accruals in auditing have been the essential factor. Therefore, an analysis of this factor viewed from different styles of audit and IFRS adoption can be more interesting to study. This study discusses financial statement comparability in terms of audit style and IFRS adoption. It took the sample consisting of 43 manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange; all have published their financial statements for the period of 2010-2013


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Pengaruh Manipulasi Laporan Keuangan dan Karakteristik Chief Financial Officer terhadap Ketepatwaktuan Pelaporan Keuangan dengan Kualitas Audit Sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi

This study was conducted with the aim of obtaining empirical evidence of the relationship between financial statement manipulation and CFO’s characteristics to the timeliness of financial reporting by using audit quality as a moderator. The data used in this study is 206 observations derived from the financial statements of companies listed in the Indonesia stock exchange for the period of 2012-2015. This research uses moderation regression method with panel data. The manipulation of financial statements in this study was measured using the Benneish (M-Score) model


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penerapan Whistleblowing System Di Indonesia

Whistleblowing system is part of the internal control that has not been widely discussed in accounting research in Indonesia. This study aims to provide empirical evidence about the factors that effect the effective application of the whistleblwoing system in Indonesia. samples of this research are listed companises in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2013. The analysis method used in this research is data multiple regression. The result of this study indicate that anonymous reporting has a significant influence on the application of the whistleblowing system


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Financial and Social Performance Impact on Corporate Governance Mediated by Earnings Quality: Evidence from Indonesian Islamic Stocks

Good Corporate Governance (CG) ensures the availability of better accounting information with higher transparency and accountability. Implementation of good CG in Islamic stock issuers should have a more positive impact than nonIslamic stock issuers as the former are selected based on a strong financial fundamental. This study aims to empirically examine the impact of CG on earnings quality. It also examines the impact of earnings quality on firm’s value. Thus earnings quality is considered as a mediating variable. This study uses the Structural Equation Model (SEM)-Partial Least Square (PLS)


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022


The Purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of ICSR on sharia governance and maqasid shariah. The model was analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results indicate that ICSR practices have an influence on sharia governance. However, they show a significant impact of ICSR on maqasid sharia-based performance and a significant influence of sharia governance on the extent of maqasid sharia-based performance.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

The Success Factors of Conversion Process Using Adkar Model: A Case Study of Islamic Savings Loan and Financing Cooperative

This study aims to analyse the conversion-related issues from Savings and Loan Cooperative (SLC) into Islamic Savings Loan and Financing Cooperative (ISLFC) using a case study of Tunas Artha Mandiri (TAM) Cooperative, located in Nganjuk, East Java. Five main research questions include: exploring reasons for conversion, explaining the conversion process, assessing the level of conversion effectiveness, identifying obstacles during the conversion and analysing key success factors of conversion


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Pengaruh Rasio Keuangan dan Good Corporate Governance terhadap Risiko Pembiayaan pada Bank Syariah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh earnings management dan capital intensity terhadap tax avoidance dengan sales growth sebagai variabel pemoderasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel, yaitu perusahaan manufaktur yang listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2017-2019.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Analisis Opini Auditor Sebagai Sinyal Kepailitan Suatu Perusahaan: Tinjauan Terhadap Perlunya Kode Etik Syariah Akuntan Publik

Auditor is a professional who has credibility in auditing financial report and company’s activities. This research’s purpose is to figure out; does the company’s bankruptcy can be predicted from the auditor’s opinion. The data used in this research are taken from 33 companies which have announced to bankruptcy by state justice of Central Jakarta, and the recent three years auditor’s opinions before the companies’ bankruptcy. After the data have been analyzed with T-test and Friedman test, it goes to the result that there is no significant different between the whole auditor’s opinions in last three years before the companies’ bankruptcy.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Peran Auditor Internal dalam Meningkatkan Value Perusahaan dan Tantangannya Di Masa Depan: Suatu Tinjauan Teoritis

Lingkungan bisnis yang semakin dinamis yang berdampak pada perubahan operasional bisnis juga direspon oleh audit internal. Audit internal yang pada awalnya difokuskan sebagai penilai independen, kemudian semakin luas fungsi dan perannya untuk memastikan efektifitas internal control dan selanjutnya aktif terlibat dalam proses risk management yang merupakan bagian dari corporate governance. Dengan metode kajian literatur, tulisan ini akan membahas peran penting auditor internal dalam meningkatkan nilai perusahaan


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Pengaruh Mekanisme Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Praktik Manajemen Laba: Studi Pada Perusahaan Yang Termasuk Dalam CGP

enelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah tiga mekanisme GCG berpengaruh atau tidak terhadap manajemen laba yang diproksikan dengan discretionary accrual (DACC). Mekanisme GCG tersebut adalah Kepemilikan Manajerial (KI), Komite Audit (KA) dan Komisaris Independen (KI). Data yang digunakan adalah data panel sepuluh perusahaan yang termasuk dalam penilaian CGPI selama tiga tahun mulai dari tahun 2006 sampai tahun 2008


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Education strategy misfit, board effectiveness and Indonesian Islamic bank performance

Purpose – This study aims to provide empirical evidence on the contingency factors that affect the implementation of education strategies and the impact of education strategy misfit on the performance and effectiveness of the board’s moderating role on the misfit level and performance of Islamic banks


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022


This research aims to examine the effect of board characteristics on the Maqâshid Shariah Index (MSI) of the performance of Indonesian Islamic banks, using panel data regression. Independent variables, namely the characteristics of the board of commissioners, board of directors, and Shariah supervisory board, are related to board internal ownership, board expertise, board independence, cross-membership of boards, and board tenure, with size and growth as controlling variables, while the dependent variable is maqâshid shariah performance in Islamic banks. The study samples include 12 Islamic banks in Indonesia which regularly published their annual reports and management over the period 2009 to 2017. The results from both models, with and without control variables, show that board ownership (commissioner and director), board cross-membership (commissioner and Shariah supervisor) and Shariah supervisor expertise do not have an impact on the MSI. Moreover, the results from the model without control variables show that commissioner expertise has a positive impact on the MSI, while board tenure (commissioner and director) and commissioner independence have a negative impact on the index. These results provide recommendations for the Islamic banking industry, so that it can be applied optimally to achieve the main objectives of the maqâshid Shari’ah