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Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Jan 2023
The Implementation of Maqashid Shari’ah as the Tool of Data Analysis in Islamic Economic Law Research
Data analysis in research of the study becomes urgent; it is the key for a successful research. Using wrong of data analysis will result on the error conclusion. Therefore, choosing the right analysis to examine a problem in research is an important thing to be considered. Maqashid Shari’ah is the purpose and objective of Shari’ah that was initiated by the earlier Muslim scholars that put fondation of maqashid al-khamsah which is formulated in the protection of; religion, soul, mind, heredity and property. How to make maqashid Shari’ah as a tool in analyzing Islamic economic research especially sharia economic law? The method used in this research is grounded theory which the study of maqashid Shari’ah developed into an analysis in qualitative research. The data used are thoughts sourced from experts who discuss about this theme. It is further developed into a measuring tool in the analysis of the study. The result of data in this research is that maqashid Shari’ah is very suitable to be the analysis tool in sharia economic law research. It can be formulated in its general nature that is maqashid Shari’ah taken generally from some maqashid experts. And also turn out a single thought about maqashid Shari’ah used as an analysis tool.
Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Jan 2023
Developing Value Based Services for Indonesian Microtakaful
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) found that the poor and low income people were reluctant to join as insurance participants. OJK has conducted many socialization activities about microinsurance for low-income people which aimed to increase their literacy of insurance. SMES (Sederhana – Mudah – Ekonomis – Segera) services aim to increase insurance inclusion. The study aims to propose a model of value-based service on microtakaful. The service refers to SMES (Sederhana – Mudah – Ekonomis – Segera) and Maslahah Performa value. SMES value to explain the value expected by takaful participants. Maslahah performa to explain the fulfillment of needs to sharia demands by takaful operator. The SMES variable is developed into various sub variables according to SEOJK. Maslahah performa is elaborated to get worship orientation variables and internal process orientation which then be developed into various sub variables. The subvariable weight is determined according to the importance level of each sub variable. The research finds that a value-based microtakaful service model can be derived from the SMES approach and maslahah performa. There is a linkage between the value-based microtakaful service according to participant expectation and spirituality and sustainability. The reasearch will contribute to increase literacy of microinsurance.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Kinerja Baitul Maal wa at-Tamwil Umat Mandiri-Pesantren Hidayatullah Balikpapan Menggunakan Maslahah Performa
This research generally describes the application of performance measurement in Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) based on orientation to benefit all stakeholders (stakeholders & shareholders), but studies that specifically measure aspects of the methodology for implementing performance measurement are still limited. Therefore, Maslahah Performa is used as an instrument in the application of performance measurement in BMT Umat Mandiri. The study aims to determine the implementation of performance measurement Maslahah Performa issues on BMT Umat Mandiri. Knowing the results of the analysis of the application of process performance measurement and benefit-based performance results in BMT Umat Mandiri. The methodology used in this study is qualitative and quantitative research methods with case study design. The research findings indicate that six benefit orientations exist in BMT Umat Mandiri. These orientations include worship, internal processes, talents, learning, customers, and property. The six orientations found in this research have a foundation of benefit in realizing strategic objectives for the achievement of benefit. BMT Umat Mandiri has a process performance of 0,400 and performance results of 0,656 which means that BMT Umat Mandiri provides less benefit to stakeholders.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Purpose – The study aims to determine the role of trust, image and customer satisfaction in improving customer loyalty to Islamic banks. Research examined new indicators related Islamic banks to conventional banks. Study also analyzed differences in the loyalty of two groups of observation, deposan and financing, loyal customer and dual customer. Design/methodology/ approach – The study consisted of 3 stages: in-depth study of literature, interview and survey. The unit of analysis is seven major Indonesin Islamic Banks: Bank Muamalat, Bank Syariah Mandiri, BNI Syariah, etc. The analysis methods used in testing the hypothesis is Structural Equation Modeling by using Partial Least Square. Findings – Customer trust has positive and significant impact to develope customer loyalty. Both Image and customer satisfaction significantly influence on building customer trust. Image also has a significant effect on increasing customer satisfaction. The new indicator for image, improvement and innovation as well as strategic and sustainability proved to be valid and reliable in measuring the image of Islamic banks. The new indicator for trust, legal compliance proven valid and reliable in measuring customer trust dimension. Research also shows differences loyalty between groups of depositor customer and financing customer.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
The Impact of Total Quality Management Implementation on Small and Medium Manufacturing Companies
This study aims to analyze the influence of Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation to competitive advantage and company’s performance, especially to small and medium manufacturing company. Using Partial Least Square (PLS) tested the hypothesis of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). There is significant influence between TQM implementation to competitive advantage. Likewise with a competitive advantage to the company’s performance there is significant influence. But there is no significant influence directly between TQM to the company’s performance. The study discusses about the implementation of TQM in small and medium manufacturing companies. In the practice, implementation of TQM in small and medium manufacturing companies are not as smooth as the large manufacturing company
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Analysis Of Ta’awun Fund Model Best Practice From Indonesia
The Muslim population of Indonesia in 2010 reached 207 million, while the number of poor people reached 27,76 million. On the other hand, Indonesia is prone to natural disaster. By 2015 there are 16,830 villages hit by floods, 3,827 villages experiencing earthquakes, and 7,861 villages experiencing landslides. It is important for Indonesian people to pool fundraising to help each other (ta'awun). One of the schemes is through the microtakaful program. The next issue is the inability of the poor Indonesian to pay a pooling fund. The research is conducted with the aim to analyze the appropriate model of microtakaful in Indonesia using infaq/sadaqah and zakah fund as an alternative payment of subsidy of microtakaful contribution. The research is conducted with several methods, namely the study of indepth literature on the utilization of infaq/sadaqah and zakah fund. The proposed models of utilization of infaq/sadaqah and zakah fund to subsidy ta’awun fund, validate the model through interviews to experts, practitioners and fund managers, process the data through Analytic Network Process (ANP), and determine the best model in utilizing infaq/sadaqah and zakah fund to subsidy ta’awun fund. Fund management model to become the object of research are microtakaful model and subsidy fund from the government model. The study shows that: Firstly, Ta'awun's fundraising in Indonesia is in line with the shariah objectives of protecting the soul, protecting religion, protecting intellect, protecting wealth, and protecting progeny. Secondly, the microtakaful model implemented in Indonesia is a microtakaful model by institution independently, a microtakaful model with a subsidy from infaq/sadaqahfund, a microtakaful model with a subsidy from zakah funds, ta’awun fund management model with a subsidy from the government and microtakaful model with a subsidy from other institution. Third, an important component in microtakaful is aqad, participant, underwriting process, investment, donor party and facility needs. The proper aqad in ta’awunfundraising is mudharabahmusytarakah.The simple Underwriting process is required. Parties that act as donors are zakah institution and government. Participants as beneficiaries of the contribution are poor and needy.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Determination of organisational essential needs as the basis for developing a ma sla hah-based performance measurement
Purpose – The purpose of the study is twofold: first, it is to develop each aspect of ma sla hah darūriyah (essential needs), i.e. dīn (faith/religion), nafs (soul), ʿaql (intellect), na sl (descendants) and mal (wealth), into various aspects of organisational essential needs; second, it is to formulate ma sla hah-based performance measurement. Design/methodology/approach – The research is an exploratory study that uses a two-stage design: defining the research question and developing the research design. The research question is how each element of ma sla hah darūriyah can become an element of organisational essential needs. The research design developed is to formulate ma sla hah-based performance measurement. Findings – The study concludes that ma sla hah darūriyah could be developed as a basis for identifying organisational essential needs. The five elements of ma sla hah darūriyah are developed into the following organisational essential needs: worship orientation, internal process orientation, talent orientation, learning orientation, customer orientation and wealth orientation. Ma sla hah-based performance measurement uses five variables: strategic objective, measure, formula, target and strategic initiatives and applies the modified plan – do – check – action cycle: performance planning, performance implementation, performance evaluation and performance action. Practical implications – Organisational essential needs can be developed by Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) into performance measurement. IFIs have six essential needs that can be developed into performance variables. Key performance indicators that can be developed for each need are worship orientation (social responsibility, regulatory compliance and Sharīʿah compliance); internal process orientation (innovation process, digital adaptation and employee satisfaction); talent orientation (career development, talent pool, compensation and benefits); learning orientation (training programme, training evaluation and return on training investment); customer orientation (customer engagement, customer satisfaction, customer survey and promotion programme); wealth orientation (profitability, cost-cutting, share prices, dividends, cost efficiency and financial sustainability). Originality/value – This paper contributes to new knowledge. The study attempts to discuss the organisational essential needs based on the ma sla hah darūriyah concept, while previous studies discussed organisational needs based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In developing performance measurement, organisational performance is measured in a balanced manner. According to the concept of ma sla hah, not only financial factors but also worship, internal processes, talents, learning and customers define © Achmad Firdaus. Published in ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Pemilihan Alternatif Investasi Dana Haji Dalam Mendorong Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Pendekatan Analytic Network Process
This study aims to analyze the criteria for investing in Hajj funds and alternative investments that provide benefits to Muslims so that they have an impact on economic growth. By using the Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach, alternative investments offered are Infrastructure, Property, Financial Sector, and Real Sector. Data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of pairwise comparisons between groups and their assessment indicators. A total of 7 (seven) expert speakers (experts) who became respondents successfully collected and processed using the ANP method. The results showed that investment in infrastructure and the real sector provides benefits to Muslims economically, so as to improve the welfare of Muslims which in turn can encourage economic growth.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Kinerja bisnis berbasis syariah yang diukur dengan sistem pengukuran kinerja konvensional cenderung memperoleh hasil bias. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur kinerja bisnis berbasis syariah dengan menggunakan sistem pengukuran kinerja berbasis maqasid al-shariah yaitu maslahah scorecard (MaSC). Pengukuran diterapkan melalui dua kegiatan: pengukuran kinerja proses, yaitu dengan membandingkan kinerja bisnis terhadap standar MaSC, dan pengukuran kinerja hasil, yaitu dengan membandingkan pencapaian target setiap orientasi kemaslahatan terhadap target kemaslahatan yang ditetapkan. Rentang kinerja hasil MaSC adalah dari 0,000 (bisnis tidak memberikan kemaslahatan) sampai 1,000 (bisnis memberikan kemaslahatan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja hasil PT Asuransi Takaful Keluarga (ATK) adalah sebesar 0,691 yang berarti PT ATK cukup memberikan kemaslahatan. Nilai didapat dari orientasi ibadah 0,110, orientasi proses internal 0,166, orientasi tenaga kerja 0,083, orientasi pembelajaran 0,166, orientasi pelanggan 0,083, dan orientasi kekayaan 0,083. Rentang kinerja proses MaSC adalah dari 0,000 (bisnis tidak menerapkan MaSC) sampai 1,000 (bisnis menerapkan MaSC secara penuh). Kinerja proses PT. ATK adalah sebesar 0,666 yang berarti PT ATK telah menerapkan MaSC tetapi belum penuh. Nilai didapat dari proses mengidentifikasi fondasi kemaslahatan 0,111, mendapatkan perilaku kemaslahatan 0,111, menentukan sasaran strategis 0,111, menentukan ukuran maslahah 0,111, menetapkan target 0,000, menentukan inisiatif strategis 0,111, melakukan pengukuran kinerja 0,111, melakukan evaluasi hasil 0,00, dan melakukan perbaikan dan peningkatan 0,000.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
The Framework of Maslahah Performa as Wealth Management System and its Implication for Public Policy Objectives
Muslims are encouraged to plan their lives economically and financially in order to achieve the objectives of Shariah. The intention to conduct Islamic economical and financial planning must be aligned with the application of Maqasid Shariah, which emphasizes on the protection of essential needs of Muslims that include preservation of wealth. Furthermore, goal of wealth management is to achieve falah. Objective of wealth management is to get maslahah. Maslahah based wealth management can be derived from cycle of acquiring and utilizing wealth (Firdaus, 2014). Acquiring wealth can be carried out by fullfilling worship orientation, internal process orientation, talent orientation, learning orientation, customer orientation and wealth orientation. Utilizing wealth can be carried out by allocating asset to wealth orientation, customer orientation, learning orientation, talent orientation, internal process orientation, worship orientation. This study proposes the framework of Maslahah Performa as wealth management system in order to highlight its contribution to more comprehensive, rational and realistic answers to contemporary public policy issues in Islamic economic system and to thereby increase awareness of Maslahah Performa approach in structuring and developing public policy products. For this purpose, the authors examine the position of the Maslahah Performa concept in public policy. They also present the essential elements of Maslahah Performa and explain how this approach may contribute to better solutions for various public policy issues and challenges.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Consumerism in Personal Finance: An Islamic Wealth Management Approach
The aims of this study are to understand the causes and impacts of consumerism on personal finance and find the solution to this problem by using Islamic wealth management. By using thematic analysis this study reviewing consumerism from the perspective of personal finance in Islamic wealth management approach. This study found that the causes of consumerism involve both external and internal factors. The impacts of consumerism on personal finance are the debt trap, no productive and charity allocation. An exact number of maximum consumption cannot be set for every individual or family, but they are all agreed that allocating income should be based on the right priority scale. The second finding is we propose Islamic Wealth Management (IWM) approaches in reducing the problem of Consumerism.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
The Effects Of Assets And Liabilities On Sovereign Sukuk : ARDL Analysis For Islamic Bank
The new government regulation on Islamic finance sector has contributed to the growth of Islamic banking in Indonesia. However, the higher demand of financing in Islamic banking business activities not followed by the good growth of funding. This condition, may cause liquidity problem in the future. Furthermore, Islamic bank need to diversify the allocation of funding sources to liquidity instruments such sovereign Sukuk (SBSN) at the right time in order to reduce liquidity risk. This paper aims to analyze the effects of assets and liabilities on sovereign Sukuk (SBSN) based on model Autoregresif Distributed-Lag (ARDL) for Islamic Bank. The data for Islamic Bank collected from The Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (OJK), and sovereign sukuk data collected from Directorate General of Budget Financing and Risk Management Ministry of Finance (DJPPR). Assets and liabilities determinants factors like, third parties fund / DPK (saving and current account), Musharakah,Murabahah, Cash, deposits account owned by Islamic Bank in Central Bank (giro BI), Islamic Securities owned by Islamic bank, and previous period of sovereign sukuk ownership. In general, results of this study shows that the effects of assets and liabilities on sovereign Sukuk (SBSN) influence significanly positif by third parties fund / DPK (saving and current account), Musharakah Financing, and previous period of sovereign sukuk ownership. Whereas influence significantly negative by Cash, deposits account owned by Islamic Bank in Central Bank (giro BI), Islamic Securities owned by Islamic bank, and Murabahah Financing.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management
Purpose – This paper aims to examine the effect of management accounting–strategy coalignment on the maqasid Shariah-based performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia. The study also examines the role of the corporate life cycle of Islamic banks in influencing the relationship between management accounting– strategy coalignment and performance. Design/methodology/approach – Management accounting practices, management control systems, strategy and maqasid Shariah-based performance are measured using questionnaires which were distributed to 97 directors and heads of Islamic banks. The model of this study is analyzed using structural equation model. Findings – This study finds that the coalignment between low cost-oriented strategy, strategic management accounting practices and mechanistic management control system has positive impact on improving maqasid Shariah-based performance. However, this study is unable to verify that corporate life cycle strengthens the positive relationship between management accounting–strategy coalignment and performance. Research limitations/implications – Limited indicators of management accounting practices in this study illustrate less comprehensive management accounting practices. Further studies may add other relevant management accounting as described by the International Federation of Accounting Committee to provide a more comprehensive management accounting practices. Practical implications – This study provides recommendations to the management of Islamic banks to design management accounting practices and management control systems that fit to their strategic orientation. Originality/value – This paper fulfils limited empirical studies on management accounting practices and strategy in Islamic banking industry.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Apa yang Mempengaruhi Investor Sukuk Negara dalam Menentukan Liquidity Premium?
Sukuk Negara diterbitkan sebagai upaya diversifikasi pembiayaan APBN sekaligus untuk pengembangan pasar keuangan syariah. Sejak 2008, selain Surat Utang Negara (SUN), Pemerintah memiliki alternatif instrumen pembiayaan APBN yang menyasar investor syariah. Namun berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, untuk tenor yang sama, Sukuk Negara memiliki rata-rata expected return (yield) lebih tinggi dibandingkan SUN. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi investor dalam menentukan liquidity premium Sukuk Negara terhadap SUN. Dimensi likuiditas seperti trading cost dan market depth serta terms Sukuk Negara, seperti time to maturity dan kupon, digunakan untuk menganalisis pengaruh tersebut. Hasil penelitian terhadap seri PBS003 dan PBS004 menunjukkan bahwa dimensi trading cost berpengaruh terhadap kedua seri tersebut. Namun untuk PBS003, terlihat bahwa dalam jangka panjang (t-5) investor lebih mengharapkan volatilitas pasar. Faktor likuiditas dalam memperhitungkan risiko menjadi pertimbangan investor dalam jangka pendek (t-3). Adapun dimensi market depth berpengaruh signifikan terhadap liquidity premium PBS004 namun tidak signifikan terhadap PBS003. Dimensi kedalaman pasar 4 bulan sebelumnya (t-4) signifikan memengaruhi liquidity premium PBS004. Tidak adanya market maker diduga menjadi salah satu penyebab lag dari dimensi kedalaman pasar. Terms Sukuk Negara signifikan mempengaruhi keputusan investor dalam menentukan liquidity premium.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Perkembangan bank Syariah tidak terlepas dari pengaruh krisis ekonomi global, dimana ketika guncangan keuangan menyebar ke real ekonomi selama fase krisis, bank syariah menderita kerugian tinggi dengan tingkat ketidakstabilan keuangan. Penting bagi bank syariah untuk menerapkan kebijakan dalam bisnis yang dilakukan untuk menentukan komposisi portofolio keuangannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis profil risiko dan imbal hasil pembiayaan perbankan syariah pada akad mudharabah, murabahah, dan istishna ketika terjadi krisis ekonomi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model mean-variance yang diperkenalkan oleh Markowitz (1952), dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2019. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa 3 instrumen pembiayaan antara lain pembiayaan murabahah, mudharabah, dan istishna pada BUS dan UUS. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yaitu bersumber dari laporan keuangan melalui situs resmi Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dan Bank Indonesia (BI) tahun 2004-2021. Hasil pertama dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat imbal hasil dan risiko periode sebelum krisis menunjukkan bahwa pembiayaan murabahah memiliki nilai rata-rata risiko dan nilai rata-rata imbal hasil aktual terbesar dari kedua pembiayaan yaitu murabahah dan istishna. Sedangkan imbal hasil dan risiko pada ekonomi krisis, pembiayaan mudharabah memiliki nilai rata-rata risiko dan nilai rata-rata imbal hasil aktual terbesar dari pembiayaan murabahah dan istishna. Dan pembiayaan Istishna merupakan pembiayaan yang memiliki nilai rata-rata imbal hasil dan risiko terendah pada kedua kondisi ekonomi tersebut dengan tren cenderung stabil. Hasil kedua menunjukkan bahwa Titik B ke C adalah pilihan alternatif portofolio investasi yang paling optimal atau disebut the most efficient portfolio frontier dari industri perbankan syariah periode 2004 sampai 2021.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Optimal Hajj Funds Management by Islamic Bank
The purpose of this paper is to find the optimal portfolio of Hajj fund management by the Islamic banks in Indonesia. BPKH, as an authority, can place the Hajj fund on Islamic bank deposits. However, Islamic banks limited the expected returns and risks set by BPKH so that the appropriate strategy is required to establish the optimal of portfolio. Islamic banks face a trade-off because of the increased level of risk constrains the intention to get higher returns. This study uses a mean-variance portfolio optimization theory to construct such an optimal portfolio. Finally, this study recommends Murabaha financing and SBIS to Islamic banks as the optimal portfolio selection. The combination of an efficient portfolio that has formed cannot be fully employed because the expectation limits them. However, Islamic banks can still select the optimal portfolio combination according to their risk preferences.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Analisis Dampak Kebijakan Fiskal dan Sasaran Akhir Kebijakan Moneter Terhadap Pertumbuhan Inklusif di Indonesia, Malaysia, Qatar dan Saudi Arabia
In the last decade, a number of Muslim countries experience an unqualified economic growth due to the rising of inequalities. The Fiscal and monetary policy become an important instrument to promote the inclusive growth that provides equal opportunity for people to enjoy growth. This study empirically investigates the impacts of fiscal policy (spending on health and education) as well as the monetary policy target (inflation and domestic credit by banks) to inclusive growth in 4 selected OIC countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia). The results of the study with Error Correction Model shows that health expenditures positively and significantly influences the inclusive growth in Malaysia and Qatar in the short and long term, while the education expenditures positively and significantly influences the inclusive growth in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. Inflation is only significant in the long term, while the domestic credit positively and significantly affect the inclusive growth in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Qatar in the long term. Based on these results, it is required to review the portion of expenditure in both sectors and the efficiency of the allocation to support inclusive growth. In addition, the strengthening of monetary policy, political stability and country security, as well as the expansion of the financial sector (financial deepening) to reach all people in getting access to finance to support the achievement of inclusive growth.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
The research aimed at calculating the Operational Value at Risk (OpVar) in estimating the probability of the frequency of losses at Sharia Bank of XYZ, analyzing and assessing the event types of operational risks which have a great contribution in the operational losses of the bank, and determining the efficiency levels of the operational value at risk of capital charges of the bank. Measurement of operational risk in this study was conducted using the Loss Distribution Approach (LDA) Aggregated Model, as one of the Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA) models, which theoretically produces more efficient capital charges. The results showed that the contribution of the biggest losses came from the events of business disruption and system failure, execution, delivery & process management and internal fraud. The calculation of the operational risk of the bank conducted using the LDA-Aggregate produced lower capital charges than those using the Basic Indicator Approach.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
Despite significant growth and development in recent years, Islamic banking (IB) continues to face widespread criticism due to its apparently weak social outcomes. This study investigates the social performance of Islamic banking in Indonesia, including its justification as an IB objective and the means of improvement. We surveyed 506 current and potential Islamic banking customers across six Indonesian provinces, combined with in-depth interviews with 10 Islamic banking experts consisting of regulators, practitioners, Sharia scholars, and academics. The findings strengthen previous results on the topic in that 42.89% of respondents consider that IB in Indonesia is socially defensive (doing the least that is required in terms of social outcomes), while 6.92% believe that it is reactive (doing less than that required). Of the remaining respondents, 34.78% consider the social performance as accommodative (doing all that is required) and 15.42% see it as proactive (doing more than is required). Most respondents (52.96%) suggest improvement by combining corporate social responsibility and the ZIS (Zakat, Infaq, shadaqah)-Waqf system. Only some (7.11%) suggest the establishment of Islamic social banking, whose main feature would be to design an alternative to collateral so that low- and middle-income customers could more readily access bank financing. We recommend that regulators and practitioners take action to address these challenges through incentives and long-term strategic planning
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jan 2023
One major problem of Islamic banking in Indonesia today is the high Non-Performing Financing (NPF) with its ratio amounted to 5.68% in June 2016. This paper aimed to identify and examine both macroeconomic and bank-specific factors affecting NPF ratio of Islamic banking. Particularly, it used the panel data regression method with a monthly data basis of eleven Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. Furthermore, there were two periods examined i.e. from December 2011 to June 2016 (no specific restrictions on economic performance) and from February 2013 to January 2015 (restriction on economic performance). Technically, the dependent variable was NPF ratio (NPF) and the independent variables were Industrial Production Index (IPI), Real Sales Index (IPR), the difference between the BI Rate and inflation (BIREAL), the exchange rate of Rupiah against the US Dollar (EXR), the annual growth of financing (GFINY ), the ratio of financing to total assets (FINTA), the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return on Assets ratio (ROA), the coverage of loan loss provision (CKPN), and the concentration of financing in the real estate sector (REFIN). The results showed that in the two periods examined, NPF was significantly influenced by the internal factors. In the first period, NPF was significantly influenced by GFINY, CKPN, and REFIN while in the second period, NPF was significantly influenced by CAR, ROA, CPKN, and REFIN. This shows that the quality of risk management implementation, profitability and capital are important factors in reducing the NPF ratio.