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Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022


Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menganalisis model maqasid syariah Abu Zahrah sebagai sistem pengukuran kinerja dan menggunakannya untuk mengevaluasi kinerja bank syariah. Metode yang digunakan adalah kombinasi tinjauan pustaka dan survei terhadap 97 bank Syariah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menemukan tiga dimensi maqasid syariah, yaitu pendidikan, keadilan, dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Meskipun demikian, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa secara umum bank syariah belum mencapai kinerja maqasid syariah secara optimal. Dimensi pendidikan masih memiliki kinerja paling rendah dibandingkan kedua dimensi lainnya


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Optimizing Zakat Collection in the Digital Era: Muzakki's Perception

This study aims to examine the determinants of zakat payers’ (muzakki) interest to pay zakat through Zakat Management Organization (ZMO). The respondents were muzakki (Zakat payers) who paid their zakat on profession/income through ZMOs in Indonesia. The number of respondents is 100 muzakki who were selected randomly. Using the structural equation modelling (SEM) method, this study found that transparency of zakat management, ZMO promotions through public figure involvement, and the supporting regulation which imposes zakat as a tax deduction have a significant impact on muzakki's interest to pay zakat through ZMO.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Organisasi Pengelola Zakat

Penelitian ini menguji faktor-faktor yang memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja efisiensi Organisasi Pengelola Zakat (OPZ). Efisiensi dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada rasio program spending terhadap total spending. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris yang menggunakan data primer dan sekunder dengan metode cross section dari dua puluh tiga sampel OPZ. Dengan menggunakan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS), hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa komposisi Dewan Pembina tidak memiliki pengruh yng signifikan terhdp efisiensi OPZ. Namun rasio jumlah Dewan Pengawas terhadap Direktur Pelaksana memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan secara statistik dengan efisiensi OPZ. Semakin tinggi rasio jumlah Dewan Pengawas terhadap Direktur Pelaksana, semakin efisien suatu OPZ. Demikian juga keberadaan laporan auditor independen akan meningkatkan efisiensi OPZ. Empat variabel independen lainnya yaitu, perubahan kompensasi yang dibayarkan kepada pegawai, penerapan program manajemen dan sistem budaya yang efficiency emphasis, struktur kelembagaan OPZ dan ukuran (size) OPZ tidak terbukti memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap efisiensi. Variabel ekplanatori dalam model penelitian ini mampu menjelaskan 64.4 persen variasi pergerakan efisiensi OPZ.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Analysis of Family Financial Management: Maqâshid Sharîa Approach

This study aims to determine factors that affect family financial management from the maqâshid syarī’ah approach according to Imam al-Ghazali. The predicted factors are family control, family financial education, spiritual quotient, consumption behavior and saving behavior. Data collected using questionnaires distributed through hard copy and online. 110 respondents were collected and analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results indicate that family financial education, consumption behavior and saving behavior have a significant effect on family financial management, while family control and spiritual quotient do not affect family financial management. This research contributes to the development of the maqâshid sharīa perspective in the field of family financial management.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022


One of the problems that occur in the development of cash waqf in Indonesia is the managerial system and financial reporting. Currently, the safety of waqf data is not guaranteed and is not integrated yet between Islamic Financial Institution – Cash Waqf Recipient/LKS-PWU (Lembaga Keuangan Syari’ah – Penerima Wakaf Uang), Nazir, and BWI (Badan Wakaf Indonesia). The blockchain system comes with changing a centralized approach to being decentralized. The use of the blockchain system in managing waqf funds can be a solution to the problem of waqf that occurs. Therefore, this study aims to examine the implementation of blockchain technology in increasing the accountability and transparency of cash waqf in Indonesia. This study adopts an interview technique with seven practitioners and academics in collecting data and using thematic analysis in the analysis. The research finds that the level of accountability in the waqf management by the LKS-PWU of the Islamic bank is quite acceptable, as evidenced by the fulfillment of five accountability indicators by the LKS-PWU. However, it must be improved in several aspects such as data security, data integration, and real-time reporting. Strategies for increasing accountability include the blockchain implementation in the waqf management both in collecting and distributing waqf by LKS-PWU. The opportunity to apply blockchain to waqf management is very potential because the blockchain system has several advantages such as speed, transparency, and a higher level of security than the conventional system.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Pengaruh Dukungan Manajemen Puncak Terhadap Kualitas Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pada Perusahaan Asuransi Syariah

The purpose of this study is to test the support of top management that can enhance the quality of Accounting Information Systems (SIA) in Islamic insurance companies in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative methods with a positive paradigm. The data used are primary data with the help of questionnaires as research instruments. Data obtained from returning questionnaires filled out by respondents who are leaders, division heads, department heads or heads of accounting departments. The research population is a sharia insurance company consisting of 59 companies registered as members of the Indonesian Sharia Insurance Association (AASI) as of April 2019. From the population obtained 34 respondents who filled out the questionnaire. Data analysis was performed with descriptive static and PLS-SEM. The results showed that top management's support had a significant effect on the quality of accounting information systems and support of top management has not been maximized.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Multiple logics within the international Islamic financial architecture: implications for Islamic financial reporting standards

Purpose – This paper aims to examine the existence of multiple institutional logics among a number of organisations within the international Islamic financial architecture (IIFA) whose main purpose is to promote and support the development of Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) across the globe and how IIFA relates to the role of Islamic financial reporting standards.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022


The application of PSAK has been revised in reference with the IAS in the convergence of IFRS perspective. The objective of the research is to elaborate influence of this application on Trading Volume Activity (TVA) companies that implement it. This research uses quantitative method that focus to a single incident within a certain period of publication an annual financial statements of 56 companies who implemented PSAK 13, 16, and 30 revised in 2007. This study indicates that the publication of financial statements has not give a significant influence on the TVA despite there is an increase in trading activity at the time after publication


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Meta-analysis on Direction of Accounting Standards for Islamic Financial Institutions: Case Studies in United Kingdom and Indonesia

This paper is to analyse determinants that influence implementation of accounting standards for Islamic financial institutions. It’s done by examining the history of accounting standards and two different contexts as applied to Islamic financial institutions in the United Kingdom and Indonesia. The paper adopts meta-analysis method by exploring available texts and literature with the goal to learn ‘what is going on here?’ and to investigate social phenomena without explicit expectations. Employing the Ibn Khaldun perspective, this study analyses two determinants i.e. institutional setting that may be suitable in the context of the United Kingdom, and accounting needs in the case of Indonesia. The research shows the determinants are well fitted with interdisciplinary characters of Ibn Khaldun model of civilization.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Level of Maqasid ul-Shari  ’ah ’s in financial reporting standards for Islamic financial institutions

Purpose – This study aims to measure levels of Sharīʿah-compliance in Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) financial reporting standards with the objective to investigate the application of Maqasid ul-Sharīʿah as a compliance measure reflected in the reporting standards.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Analysis on Determinants in Implementation of Accounting Standards for Islamic Financial Institutions; Narrative Study between United Kingdom and Indonesia

The main objective of this paper is to analyse determinants that influence implementation of accounting standards for Islamic financial institutions by examining the history of accounting standards and two different contexts as applied to Islamic financial institutions in the United Kingdom and Indonesia. The paper explores available texts and literature mainly from international journals and text books. Employing the Ibn Khaldun perspective, this study analyses two determinants i.e. institutional setting that may be suitable in the context of the United Kingdom, and accounting needs in the case of Indonesia. The research shows the determinants are well fitted with interdisciplinary characters of Ibn Khaldun model of civilization i.e. G = f(S, N, W, j and g). This explains a civilized society is led by the political authority (G) which is influenced concurrently by factors such as the direction of Shari’ah (S), the role of people (N), the use of wealth (W), the development of a country (g), and the promotion of justice (j). This paper has practical significance for accounting standard setters in the Islamic finance industry and policy makers, for understanding the environmental determinant perspective of the country and using this perspective for positioning important aspect in accounting standard setting, developing policies; and articulating procedures to maximize development of Islamic finance.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Unveiling IASB standardization projects and its influence on the position of Takaful Industry in Indonesia

Purpose – This paper aims to explore the alignments of the Takaful industry between the Islamic and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) requirement and the subsequent social and political consequences.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

The need for Shariah harmonization in financial reporting standardization The case of Indonesia

Purpose – This study aims to analyze IFIs’ stakeholders’ perception on Shariah harmonization for financial reporting standards in Indonesia as a part of the development effort of linking the emerging global Islamic banking to Indonesian financial and industrial markets


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Des 2022

Convergence of Maqashid Syariah, Hifzul Bi’ah and Islamic Stock Index

This study aims to explore the urgency of converging the principles of environment protection and Sustainable Responsible Investment from the perspective of Maqashid Syariah into the selection process of Islamic Stock Index. In-depth analysis on current literature practices on Maqashid Syariah, hifdzul bi’ah and Islamic stock index. The convergence of Maqashid Syariah, in particular Hifzul Bi’ah and stock index screening process will allow a creation of a new Islamic index or rejuvenating current Islamic stock index in Indonesia. We suggest that Dewan Syariah Nasional to start implementing Maqashid Syariah and Hifzul Bi’ah principle in the process of stock screening for Islamic Stock Indexes. This study is among the first of its kind to offer integration of Maqashid Syariah in particular Hifzul Bi’ah to the Islamic stock index.


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Des 2022

Penyebaran Hoax Politik Pada Media Sosial

Perkembangan era digital membawa warna baru dalam dunia politik. Kehadiran media sosial telah mengubah perilaku dan kultur masyarakat dalam berkomunikasi dan mengkonsumsi berita. Permasalahan dari pengguna media sosial saat ini adalah banyaknya hoax yang menyebar luas, termasuk dalam dunia politik. Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana informasi hoax dimainkan dalam kampanye politik di era media sosial dan bagaimana bentuk informasi hoax politik yang beredar di media sosial selama masa kampanye pemilihan umum 2019. Metode yang digunakan kualitatif dengan penedekatan analisis konten memetika dari Shifman, dengan paradigma konstruktivistik. Penelitian ini menganalisis konten hoax di media sosial pada periode Agustus 2018 sampai dengan Januari 2019. Database hoax diperoleh dari rilis yang dikeluarkan Kemenkominfo yang dikonfimasi sebagai hoax melalui web Gagasan yang dibangun dalam hoax politik pada pemilu 2019 adalah kebencian kepada lawan politik. fitnah-fitnah yang ditujukan kepada lawan politik menjadi konten utama untuk menebar kebencian. Dalam hal bentuk, hoax yang disebarkan dalam gambar yang diedit dan dimanipulasi, foto tidak sesuai konteksnya, bersifat profokatif, judul baru lebih menjatuhkan seseorang, dan komentar buruk dari pengguna. Sementara sudut pandang gambar dan pesan yang diunggah menyarankan untuk tidak memilih salah satu kandidat, ajakan untuk para fans tokoh untuk mendukung salah satu kandidat, menyarankan untuk membenci salah satu kandidat serta tidak memilihnya dalam pemilu 2019.


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Des 2022

Mitigating the impact of Covid-19: Social Safety Net from Islamic perspective


This study aims to propose priority solutions for mitigating the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic through the Social Safety Net (SSN) based on the Islamic objectives.


The analytic network process method is used in this study. Focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with relevant stakeholders were used to collect data and supplemented by a literature review to explore comprehensive information.


The findings indicate different opinions among experts, including regulators, practitioners, associations and academics regarding the most important priority solutions to the impact of Covid-19. However, experts agree that the highest priority solution is the SSN program in the lineage sector, specifically the distribution of the Family Hope Program. A program in the field of protecting the mind is the second priority solution. The program in the field of soul and wealth is the third priority solution.


This study contributes to the development of government policy to deal with the socioeconomic impact of Covid-19 based on the Islamic objectives by mapping the SSN through the five elements of protection, namely, faith, soul, mind, lineage and wealth protection based on priority solution.


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Des 2022

Penyebaran Hoax Politik Pada Media Sosial

Perkembangan era digital membawa warna baru dalam dunia politik. Kehadiran media sosial telah mengubah perilaku dan kultur masyarakat dalam berkomunikasi dan mengkonsumsi berita. Permasalahan dari pengguna media sosial saat ini adalah banyaknya hoax yang menyebar luas, termasuk dalam dunia politik. Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana informasi hoax dimainkan dalam kampanye politik di era media sosial dan bagaimana bentuk informasi hoax politik yang beredar di media sosial selama masa kampanye pemilihan umum 2019. Metode yang digunakan kualitatif dengan penedekatan analisis konten memetika dari Shifman, dengan paradigma konstruktivistik. Penelitian ini menganalisis konten hoax di media sosial pada periode Agustus 2018 sampai dengan Januari 2019. Database hoax diperoleh dari rilis yang dikeluarkan Kemenkominfo yang dikonfimasi sebagai hoax melalui web Gagasan yang dibangun dalam hoax politik pada pemilu 2019 adalah kebencian kepada lawan politik. fitnah-fitnah yang ditujukan kepada lawan politik menjadi konten utama untuk menebar kebencian. Dalam hal bentuk, hoax yang disebarkan dalam gambar yang diedit dan dimanipulasi, foto tidak sesuai konteksnya, bersifat profokatif, judul baru lebih menjatuhkan seseorang, dan komentar buruk dari pengguna. Sementara sudut pandang gambar dan pesan yang diunggah menyarankan untuk tidak memilih salah satu kandidat, ajakan untuk para fans tokoh untuk mendukung salah satu kandidat, menyarankan untuk membenci salah satu kandidat serta tidak memilihnya dalam pemilu 2019.


Tanggal Publikasi: 6 Des 2022


This paper aims to determine the Indonesia Supreme Audit Institution (BPK) strategic planning process which is authorized to carry out audits of governance and state financial responsibility. Through input process output approach, this paper also introduces a strategic thinking framework in strategic audit planning design. The input consists of the basic values of the BPK and the relationship model for management, organization and administration. NPG, SWOT and audit standards compliance are the process approaches used. The resulting output is a quality audit or good strategic planning which ultimately results in the achievement of the accountability organization maturity model and the impact on the achievement of the goals of the state.


Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Des 2022

Islamic Economic Institutions in Indonesia: Are they Successful in Achieving the Maqasad-al-Shari'ah

Research on the Implementation of Islamic Economics in Indonesia as a Form of the Pancasila Economic System aims to find the rationale for its application within the framework of the Pancasila economic system. Islamic economic (Shari’ah Economic) values that are universal in nature which have dimensions of noble values in an effort to achieve economic prosperity are also an inseparable part of the Pancasila economic system. This chapter will analyze the implementation of Islamic Economics in Indonesia as a Form of the Pancasila Economic System using the normative legal research method. Economic sources literally come from the provisions of Islamic law, namely, the Qur’an, hadith, and Ijma. Economic activities in Islam form a part of worship, and muamalat has a divine dimension (vertical) as well as relationships with fellow human beings (horizontal relationships). This is different from other economic systems such as the system of Capitalism, Socialism, and the Welfare State whose studies are more the result of human thought and not divine issues. Pancasila has characteristics that were formulated by the founders of the Republic of Indonesia as a crystallization of the noble values that live in Indonesian society. The values contained in the precepts of Pancasila include Divinity, Humanity, Unity, Deliberation, and Social Justice. The first and fifth precepts of Pancasila are closest to the values related to the principles in Islamic economics.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2022

Convergence of Maqashid Syariah, Hifzul Bi’ah and Islamic Stock Index

This study aims to explore the urgency of converging the principles of environment protection and Sustainable Responsible Investment from the perspective of Maqashid Syariah into the selection process of Islamic Stock Index. In-depth analysis on current literature practices on Maqashid Syariah, hifdzul bi’ah and Islamic stock index.  The convergence of Maqashid Syariah, in particular Hifzul Bi’ah and stock index screening process will allow a creation of a new Islamic index or rejuvenating current Islamic stock index in Indonesia. We suggest that Dewan Syariah Nasional to start implementing Maqashid Syariah and Hifzul Bi’ah principle in the process of stock screening for Islamic Stock Indexes. This study is among the first of its kind to offer integration of Maqashid Syariah in particular Hifzul Bi’ah to the Islamic stock index.