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Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2023


Jual-beli online banyak dilakukan oleh masyarakat di beberapa aplikasi e-commerce, karena kemudahannya dalam bertransaksi. Dalam kajian-kajian terdahulu terutama 4 mazhab terbesar di dunia mengatakan bahwa jual beli harus memenuhi rukun jual beli, namun yang terjadi dalam jual beli online banyak rukun jual beli yang tidak terpenuhi, misalnya penjual dan pembeli tidak bertemu secara langsung dalam satu waktu dan tempat, objek barang yang tidak dapat dilihat dan dipilih secara langsung, dan akad yang tidak terucap, sehingga banyak masyarakat mempertanyakan atas permasalahan ini. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, dengan pengumpulan data library research melalui literatur-literatur yang berkaitan dan relevan dengan judul penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam merumuskan hukum jual beli pada Q.S Al-Baqarah : 275 para mufassir seperti Ibnu Katsir, AlQurtubi, Al-Wasith, Al-Jashshash mempunyai pandangan klasik yaitu terpenuhinya rukun jual beli yang dilakukan secara tradisional (bukan online) dan mereka sepakat bahwa jual beli harus terpenuhi rukun-rukunnya. Adapun pada pendapat jual beli online di bukalapak bukan tidak terpenuhi rukun-rukunnya, namun tidak nampak secara fisik. Dalam fatwanya MUI memperbolehkan jual beli online, yang dilihat adalah substansi jual beli tersebut, selama kedua pihak yang bertransaksi saling ridha, tidak dzalim, dan barang yang diperjual belikan tidak mengandung gharar dan bukanlah barang yang terlarang dalam Islam


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2023


Hutang merupakan salah satu suatu aktivitas yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam interaksi kehidupan manusia, ada pihak yang surplus dana dan ada pihak yang kekurangan dana. Data BI, CNBC, Kontan, CNN menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah hutang sejak 2018 - 2020. Parahnya hutang tersebut merupakan hutang ribawi dan dikonsumsi penduduk Indonesia yang mayoritas penduduknya muslim. Masalah lainnya adalah praktikpenyelesaian hutang yang juga menjadi masalah di tengah masyarakat. Penelitian ini ingin membahas konsep hutang secara syariah dilihat dari adab-adab dan keutamaan penyelesaiannya.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan mengambil sumber dari Al-Quran, Al-Hadits, kitab-kitab klasik dan kontemporer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Syariat Islam tidak melarang berhutang apalagi tujuannya memenuhi kebutuhan hidup diri dan keluarganya saat kondisi sulit, bahkan dianjurkan saling membantu saudaranya. Syariat Islam juga mengatur bagaimana seharusnya hutang piutang dipraktikkan, diantaranya mencatat transaksi hutang-piutang, menghadirkan saksi-saksi, menghadirkan barang jaminan/gadai serta menghadirkan penjamin. Adapun adab bagi orang yang berhutang adalah hutang hanya dilakukan dalam situasi dan kondisi yang mendesak, terpaksa, bukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hawa nafsu (lifestyle), orang yg berhutang juga harus memenuhi janjinya untuk melunasi hutangnya tepat waktu, jika belum bisa dibayarkan maka orang yang berhutang memberi kabar, namun jika memang tidak ada kemungkinan membayar maka kedua belah pihak bersama-sama mencari jalan keluar untuk melunasi hutangnya karena hutang merupakan amanah yang harus dibayar baik di dunia maupun di akhirat


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2023

Modeling Financial Realization of Regional Budget Using Maqasad al-Shari’ah Approach: A Case of Central Bangka Regency

This chapter discusses how the financial realization in the monitoring and evaluation data of the regional budget of Central Bangka Regency is in accordance with the maqasad al-shari’ah approach. Also, this research will provide a new model for regional development programs that are in accordance with the 5 maqasad al-shari’ah priorities. This chapter uses a qualitative method using the analytic network process or ANP with case studies in the Central Bangka Regency. This method is a way of obtaining decisions and using calculations to get a ratio scale. Data from this study were obtained from interviews with related sections, direct observations, and related data. From this study, it will be known that the realization of monitoring and evaluation of data of the Bangka Tengah District is not in accordance with the approach of the maqasad al-shari’ah; also, this study will find a new data monitoring and evaluation model based on the five concepts of the maqasad al-shari’ah.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2023

Optimizing the Role of Baitul Maal in Eradicating Poverty in the Province Of Aceh: Analysis of Problems and Solutions

The tsunami disaster in 2004 had raised the poverty rate in Aceh. Development activities in Aceh following the tsunami turned out to cause more High Poverty Rates. It is expected that Baitul Ma’al Aceh should try to Reduce the level of Poverty. But its implementation is not yet optimal. From the results of the above discussion, one can identify that several problems occurred at Baitul Ma’al Aceh. The problem is divided into two parts: Internal and External Problems. The internal problems consist of (1) Institutional Issues, (2) Managerial Problems, (3) Lack of Program Variety, and (4) Lack of HR Capacity. The external problems consist of (1) Lack of supporting regulation, (2) Lack of budget provision, (3) Lack of good governance, and (4) Lack of people’s knowledge and understanding. Regarding solutions, both internal and external solutions have the same importance. Solutions for the internal problems are integrating the management, upgrading human resource capacity, product innovation, and increasing partnership. Solutions for the external problems according to priority ranking are special budget provision for Baitul Ma’al, revision in qanun, improving coordination in Baitul Ma’al, and applying know-your-customer principles. The proposed strategies based on priority ranking are setting up a blue print, special budget procurement, and upgrading the coordination and management system.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2023

Optimizing the Role of Baitul Ma’al in Eradicating Poverty in the Province of Aceh: Issues and Solutions

The tsunami disaster in 2004 had raised the poverty rate in Aceh. Development activities in Aceh following the tsunami turned out to cause more High Poverty Rates. It is expected that Baitul Ma’al Aceh should try to Reduce the level of Poverty. But its implementation is not yet optimal. From the results of the above discussion, one can identify that several problems occurred at Baitul Ma’al Aceh. The problem is divided into two parts: Internal and External Problems. The internal problems consist of (1) Institutional Issues, (2) Managerial Problems, (3) Lack of Program Variety, and (4) Lack of HR Capacity. The external problems consist of (1) Lack of supporting regulation, (2) Lack of budget provision, (3) Lack of good governance, and (4) Lack of people’s knowledge and understanding. Regarding solutions, both internal and external solutions have the same importance. Solutions for the internal problems are integrating the management, upgrading human resource capacity, product innovation, and increasing partnership. Solutions for the external problems according to priority ranking are special budget provision for Baitul Ma’al, revision in qanun, improving coordination in Baitul Ma’al, and applying know-your-customer principles. The proposed strategies based on priority ranking are setting up a blue print, special budget procurement, and upgrading the coordination and management system.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2023

Factors Influencing Interest of Indonesian Muslim Millennials in Waqf

This chapter aims to identify factors that may influence the interest of Indonesian Muslim millennials in performing waqf. Five variables, namely waqf literacy, religiosity, trust in waqf institutions, religiosity, income, and social influence, were tested using SEM-PLS method. Data are obtained through online questionnaires with the number of sample is 321 Muslim millennials from the five major islands in Indonesia. The finding shows that four variables, literacy, religiosity, trust in waqf institutions, and social influence, have a significant impact on their interest in waqf donation. As a result, waqf institutions must nurture trust of prospective waqf through massive socialization such as social media which is widely accessed by millennials. This may attract their attention, leave a good impression, and create a supporting environment. In addition, waqf institutions need to instill trust by being more open, honest, and transparent about the programs they created through campaigns by bringing social and religious issues packed with excellent and exciting delivery that can help increase the interest of Muslim millennials in performing waqf. Furthermore, quality of nazhir should be improved, collaboration should be promoted, and the utilization of digital technology are highly recommended


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2023

Islamic Economic Institutions in Indonesia:Are they Successful in Achieving the Maqasad-al-Shari'ah

EconPapers: Islamic Economic Institutions in Indonesia:Are they Successful in Achieving the Maqasad-al-Shari'ah EconPapers Economics at your fingertips EconPapers Home About EconPapers Working Papers Journal Articles Books and Chapters Software Components Authors JEL codes New Economics Papers Advanced Search EconPapers FAQ Archive maintainers FAQ Cookies at EconPapers Format for printing The RePEc blog The RePEc plagiarism page Islamic Economic Institutions in Indonesia:Are they Successful in Achieving the Maqasad-al-Shari'ah Edited by Toseef Azid, Muhammad Syafii Antonio, Zafar Kayani and Murniati Mukhlisin in World Scientific Books from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Abstract: waqf, zakat and sadaqat Keywords: Islamic Economics; Institutions; Maqasad al-Shari'ah; Islamic Capital Market; Shari'ah Entrepreneurship; Indonesia; Finance; Economics; International. waqf, zakat and sadaqat


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2023

Accounting Issue in Cryptocurrency Investment: Islamic Perspective

The purpose of this chapter is to evaluate how a company should report cryptocurrency investment on their financial statements. In dealing with it, the research problems address the status of positive law and Islamic law in cryptocurrency and how the current economy responds to cryptocurrency. Qualitative descriptive approach and literature review with content analysis method using NVivo 12 plus software are used. The data for this study were obtained from interviews and a review of documents. The finding shows that investments in cryptocurrency held by the companies can be treated as investments in equity with minor adjustments. The content analysis conducted shows that stakeholders are neutral toward this issue. 


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2023

CHAPTER 12: The Indonesian Islamic Capital Market and Achievement of Maqasad al-Shari’ah: Success or Failure

The Islamic capital market has seen tremendous growth at the global level and especially in Muslim countries. The government of Indonesia and its central bank are trying to develop the Indonesian Islamic capital market. Particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, the government took a number of steps to improve the state of the Islamic capital market. However, the major focus was on achieving maqasad al-shari’ah. A number of incentives and attractions were created for investors. Consequently, both Muslims and non-Muslims are seeking and investing in shari’ah-compliant products that serve their needs. This chapter discusses the following in detail: the Islamic capital market, different types of sukuk, cash waqf, the efforts of the Indonesian government in the development of halal value chain, Islamic finance, micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), and digital economic activities under the umbrella of the Islamic capital market. This chapter also examines the achievement of the government toward the development of maqasad al-shari’ah.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Des 2022

Decoding Islamic Wealth Management from Qur’anic Texts

Recently, Islamic wealth management is one of the new emerging financial service industries that attract many wealthy people to trust their assets managed in accordance with Islamic values and principles. Islamic wealth management is distinct from the conventional conception of wealth management from the philosophical foundation. Therefore, Islamic wealth management’s philosophical foundation is fundamental to understanding wealth management from the Islamic perspective. The paper aims to redefine the contemporary concept of wealth management from an Islamic perspective derived from the Qur’anic perspective. The finding shows that Islamic conception of wealth management from Qur’anic framework is very comprehensive that cover all philosophical foundation; ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The Islamic wealth management process contends three aspects: (1) wealth creation, (2) spending, and (3) saving or investment. Wealth creation has a relationship with the fulfillment of the infaq (spending) objective. The objective is to promote maqashid shari’ah, promoting just and welfare in order to achieve Falah.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Des 2022

Productivity of Zakat Management Organizations (OPZ) in Indonesia Based on Malmquist Productivity Index

This paper discusses the efficiency and productivity of zakat management organizations in Indonesia based on the Malmquist Productivity Index. This type of research is quantitative research. The data used is a time series and cross-section from 2016-2019 using the Malmquist Productivity Index model to see the productivity level of 11 Zakat Management Organizations in Indonesia, using 2 input variables and 2 output variables. The results showed that all observed Zakat Management Organizations experienced an increase in productivity values during the 2016-2019 period, which means that all OPZs increased their achievements in the field of zakat management. Evidenced by the increase in EFFCH above 1 (1.365), PECH (1.243), and SECH (1.098). on the other hand, technology change or TECH decreased below 1 (0.854). This means that the main sources that influence the increase in OPZ productivity during the 2016-2019 period are the high change in efficiency value (EFFCH) and the stagnation of technological innovation change (TECH).


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Des 2022

Transmission of Sharia Monetary Policy in Improving Sharia Banking Performance (Literature Study)

Indonesia's economic condition is currently experiencing a downturn, even though its current growth has increased by 5 percent from before. This will be the impact of Covid 19 that hit the country. This impact has had an impact on the decline of banking in the country, especially Islamic banking since 2020. When compared to the profits obtained since 2019. This study aims to see the performance of Islamic banking when viewed from the current monetary policy. This study uses a qualitative method. Documentation technique for analyzing documents related to Islamic Banking performance. The data used in the analysis includes Islamic Banking Accounting books, research articles, and so on. Based on the results of research conducted that the performance of Islamic banking in the country can survive and experience a very satisfying increase, it can be seen that the increase is happening every year. In semester I/2021, the profit earned was IDR 1.48 trillion, an increase of 34.29%. In 2022 the profit earned is IDR 3.21 trillion, an increase of 42%. From the results of these observations, the current monetary policy carried out by BSI can improve the financial performance of Islamic banking, even though our economic growth is currently experiencing an economic crisis.


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Des 2022

Payment of Zakat on Income and Services: The Behavior and Characteristics of Millennial Employees in Jakarta and West Java Province

This study aims to analyze the factors of millennial employees in DKI Jakarta and West Java in paying zakat on income and services. This study covers the behavioural variables of millennial employees which include zakat literacy, the influence of social media and religiosity as well as other millennial employee characteristics, namely education level, type of zakat recipient institution selected, frequency of zakat payments, and experience in zakat. The millennial working population is represented by residents aged 20-39 years. The distribution of the questionnaire was carried out via google form to 400 people in DKI Jakarta and West Java as respondents. Data analysis using SEM PLS with the results of decisions to pay zakat income and services by millennial employees in the two provinces is influenced by social media and religiosity factors. Information about zakat on social media is believed by the millennial generation and so is the literacy factor regarding the amount of zakat and the conditions for zakat. Then other influences are the level of education, type of zakat payment preference institution, frequency of zakat payments, routine of attending recitations and experience in giving zakat which is believed to influence the decision to pay zakat income and services.


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Des 2022

Articles Analysis of Islamic Work Ethic on Job Satisfaction with Intrinsic Motivation Mediation Variables in Millennial Generation Employees

This research aims to determine the impact of Islamic work ethic on job satisfaction with intrinsic motivation mediation variables in millennial generation employees. This type of research uses a quantitative description with explanatory research using a sample of 101 respondents. The data analysis method used in this research is descriptive analysis method, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 3 software. The results show that Islamic work ethic has a significant and positive effect on job satisfaction both directly and indirectly. using the mediating variables of intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction.


Tanggal Publikasi: 28 Des 2022


The purpose of this study is to examine whether the manufacturing sector, especially the large and medium scale sectors, is a basic sector or not in the Bogor Regency area in terms of the aspect of expanding employment opportunities. The quantitative methods used in this study are (1) Location Quotient (LQ) analysis, (2) labor surplus analysis, (3) multiplier coefficient, (4) specialization quotient, (5) localization quotient. The result shows that the manufacturing sector is the basic sector based on income indicators. However, this sector is not a basic sector based on labor indicators. This shows that the manufacturing sector plays less of a role in expanding employment than other sectors. However, several manufacturing industry sub-sectors are basic sub-sectors. These sub-sectors are the food, beverage and tobacco sub-sector, the textile, apparel and leather sub-sector, the wood, bamboo, rattan, grass and similar sub-sectors including household furniture, paper, paper goods, printing and publishing sub-sectors of chemicals and goods from chemical, petroleum, coal, rubber and non-metallic minerals sub-sectors.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022


We analyze the role of earnings quality in mediating the relationship between corporate governance and market response. We also observe the relative impact of earnings quality of Islamic and non-Islamic stocks on market response, using 138 firm-years of data from listed companies registered in the Indonesian Institute of Corporate Governance Award from 2008 to 2016. To test the mediating role of earnings quality, we use path analysis, and we use moderated regression analysis to examine the impact of earnings quality on the market for both Islamic and non-Islamic stock. The results show that corporate governance does not directly have a significant impact on market response. However, corporate governance indirectly has a significant influence on market response mediated by earnings quality. The evidence also demonstrates that the better the quality of corporate governance, the better the quality of earnings. The lower the quality of earnings as indicated by the high accrual values, the higher the value of Tobins’ Q as a proxy of market response. These findings suggest the existence of an accrual anomaly in the Indonesian capital market. Finally, this study finds evidence of a higher positive market response to the earnings quality of Islamic stocks than of non-Islamic stocks.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Zero Waste Accounting for Islamic Financial Institutions in Indonesia and Its Role in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

This study aims to propose a model of Zero Waste Accounting in Islamic Financial Institutions in Indonesia and how it is relevant to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Due to the nature of the research which is exploration thus the research adopts interpretative approach which is essential to validate the research with “convincingness” approach rather than positivist measures of the reliability, validity of data and the generalization of results. The finding documents that Zero Waste Accounting is in vein with the spirit of Maqashid ul-Shariah that has been embedded as a part of the purpose of Islamic financial institution establishment. Statement of Sources and Uses of Zero Waste Accounting should become one of the additional disclosures. The paper sheds a light the need on Zero Waste Accounting for the accounting standard setters


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Rencana Bisnis Pakaian Muslim Pria Plus Size (Salaka) Dengan Analisis Bisnis Model Kanvas

Indonesian population of overweight bodies continues to grow, it is difficult to find clothing brands that provide plus sizes, especially Muslim clothing. The idea in this study is over size Muslim clothing that has comfortable materials and modern casual designs. This research was conducted by means of in-depth interviews with 30 respondents. After the solution test was carried out, the business model verification was obtained for two blocks, namely the customer segment with the results: Muslims, having a minimum clothing size of XL, college students, employees / workers, minimum income of IDR 3,000,000, Z generations, and online shopping. As for the value proposition, namely: plus size, comfortable materials, plain casual design, and strict quality control. This study applied the 9 Block Canvas Business Model method and focuses on the customer segment and value proposition.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Identifikasi Karakteristik Briket Arang Kelapa Yang Diminati Pasar Arab Saudi Dan Prosedur Ekspornya

This study aims at Identifying the coconut shell charcoal briquette product specifications needed by the Saudi Arabian retail market are in accordance with the characteristics of the briquette products offered in Indonesia, identifying the potential demand for coconut shell charcoal briquettes in the retail market in Saudi Arabia. Also, analyzing the export procedure of Indonesian - Saudi Arabia coconut shell charcoal briquettes. The research method applied in this research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. According to Darmadi (2013), the research method is a scientific way to obtain data for specific uses. The scientific way means that research activities are based on scientific characteristics, namely rational, empirical, and systematic. The author observes the characteristics of briquettes in Saudi Arabia by identifying and interviewing retail and wholesale briquette sellers. The author found several core criteria that standardize briquette products favored by consumers in Saudi Arabia.The author conducts research on the character of briquette products in the Saudi Arabian market and provides advice to Indonesian briquette entrepreneurs to adjust their briquette product standards in order to enter the Saudi Arabian market, and suggests further research should focus on broader research areas in the Middle East.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Islamic Retirement Planning Among Indonesian Bankers

This study aims to analyze differences in demographic factors towards retirement planning behavior according to Islamic perspective. This research wants to analyze the influence of clarity of purpose, retirement attitude and potential conflict towards retirement planning behavior according to among the Muslim who is working in a conventional bank and the Islamic Bank. The sample used in this study as many as 270 respondents of both conventional & Islamic Banker in Indonesia. There are two methods that are used in this research which are ANOVA and Multiple Linear Regression. The results identified several demographic variables that were significant such employment status (either working in the conventional bank or Islamic Bank) and income level. Furthermore, some demographic variables do not significant including age, number of dependents and level of education. This research also shows that non-demographic variables such as clarity of purpose, retirement attitudes and potential conflicts affect significantly to influence the behavior of bankers in retirement planning according to Islamic perspective. In conclusion, the conventional Muslim bankers know that they should manage their retirement according to the Shariah value. However, some of them didn’t believe that the Shariah investment instrument can fulfill their desired retirement goals.