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Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Kehalalan Materialitas dalam Audit Syari’ah Berdasarkan Dalil Istihsan

Materialitas dalam proses audit baik audit entitas konvensional maupun entitas Syari’ah sangat signifikan pengaruhnya, dimana hal ini dapat memengaruhi efektifitas dan efisiensi dari proses audit tersebut. Di sisi lain, di dalam nash-nash terdapat perintah dan anjuran untuk melakukan kegiatan muamalah secara sempurna dan tidak ada yang dirahasiakan, menjadikan materialitas dalam audit ini dipertanyakan ke-Syari’ah-annya. Sementara itu, dalam ilmu ushul fiqh, jika terdapat kasus yang hukumnya tidak tertulis jelas dalam nashnash, maka dapat diambil kesimpulan hukumnya melalui beberapa pendekatan diantaranya yaitu dengan dalil istihsan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah dalil istihsan terkait aspek materialitas dalam praktek audit Syari’ah? Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah kajian literatur dan juga indepth-interview kepada para pakar di bidang regulator, akuntansi Syari’ah dan hukum Islam (Syari’ah). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, dengan menggunakan dalil istihsan, maka praktik materialitas dalam audit Syari’ah halal/boleh untuk dilaksanakan.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Design of Zakat Accounting Guidelines Based on Comparative Analysis of PSAK 109 and FAS (9) AAOIFI

This research will examine Sharia Accounting specifically which deals with the analysis of Zakat based on comparative analysis of PSAK 109 with FAS (9) AAOIFI and makes a draft of Zakat Accounting Guidelines based on comparison of PSAK 109 with FAS (9) AAOIFI which can be applied in Indonesia. The research used in this research is a descriptive qualitative research that is a method that describes, describes, compares a data and a situation and explains a situation in such a way that a conclusion can be drawn, with in-depth interviews, discussions and literature studies in order to obtain information from primary and secondary sources, using content analysis, literature review and SWOT.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022


This research will analyze the Sharia Accounting as specifically which deals with the Zakat based on comparative analysis of PSAK 109 with FAS (9) AAOIFI. The method that used in this research is qualitative research and comparative descriptive that is a method which describes, compares a data and a situation and explains a situation so that a conclusion can be drawn, with in-depth interviews.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022


One of the problems that occur in the development of cash waqf in Indonesia is the managerial system and financial reporting. Currently, the safety of waqf data is not guaranteed and is not integrated yet between Islamic Financial Institution – Cash Waqf Recipient/LKS-PWU (Lembaga Keuangan Syari’ah – Penerima Wakaf Uang), Nazir, and BWI (Badan Wakaf Indonesia). The blockchain system comes with changing a centralized approach to being decentralized. The use of the blockchain system in managing waqf funds can be a solution to the problem of waqf that occurs. Therefore, this study aims to examine the implementation of blockchain technology in increasing the accountability and transparency of cash waqf in Indonesia. This study adopts an interview technique with seven practitioners and academics in collecting data and using thematic analysis in the analysis. The research finds that the level of accountability in the waqf management by the LKS-PWU of the Islamic bank is quite acceptable, as evidenced by the fulfillment of five accountability indicators by the LKS-PWU. However, it must be improved in several aspects such as data security, data integration, and real-time reporting. Strategies for increasing accountability include the blockchain implementation in the waqf management both in collecting and distributing waqf by LKS-PWU. The opportunity to apply blockchain to waqf management is very potential because the blockchain system has several advantages such as speed, transparency, and a higher level of security than the conventional system


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022


This study is to examine and analyze the effect of financial performance as measured by Return On Assets (ROA), Current Ratio (CR) and Earning Per Share (EPS), macroeconomic indicators using the BI rate, exchange rate and inflation as well as adding systematic risk as an intervention variable to the Islamic stock returns in the manufacturing sector on the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI). The research sample was 51 companies with observations from 2016 to 2020, using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method and IBM AMOS (Analysis of Structural Moment) V.22 software to test the available data. The direct test results show that financial performance and systematic risk have an effect on Islamic stock returns, while macroeconomic indicators have no effect. The test results through the intervention variables show that financial performance has an effect, but macroeconomic indicators still have no effect on Islamic stock returns through systematic risk. The activities of the consumer goods industry and basic industry which have always been the main needs are the reason why issuers in the manufacturing sector at ISSI are not affected by changes in macroeconomic indicators


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Determinan Islamic Social Report Disclosure Industri Barang Konsumsi yang terdaftar di Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI)

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh ukuran perusahaan, muslim di dewan direksi, wanita di dewan direksi, usia perusahaan, kepemilikan asing, efek syariah perusahaan, profitabilitas, likuiditas, leverage, terhadap pengungkapan Islamic Social Report pada industri barang konsumsi yang terdaftar di Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) dalam rentang tahun 2011-2017. Sampel terdiri dari 23 industri barang konsumsi yang terdaftar di Indeks Syariah Indonesia (ISSI) rentang waktu 2011-2017. Laporan tahunan dianalisis dengan content analysis dan Model Analisis Regresi Data Panel digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis. Analisis menunjukkan bahwa ukuran perusahaan, usia perusahaan, profitabilitas, berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap pengungkapan Islamic Social Report (ISR) pada industri barang konsumsi. Sementara itu, muslim di dewan direksi, wanita di dewan direksi, kepemilikan asing, efek syariah perusahaan, likuiditas, leverage tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengungkapan Islamic Social Report pada industri barang konsumsi.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Pengaruh Sharia Compliance Terhadap Kinerja Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

This study aims to determine the effect of Sharia Compliance (SC) on the performance of Islamic banking in Indonesia. This type of research is a descriptive verification study, with the method of collecting secondary data obtained from annual reports or annual reports published by Islamic Commercial Banks (BUS) for the 2014-2018 period. Sampling was using by purposive sampling. The number of samples used was 11 BUS in Indonesia with five study periods, so that 55 observant data were obtained. The statistical analysis used is descriptive analysis and simple linear regression analysis, preceded by a normality test and a linearity test, then a regression test using the F test and t test with a significance level of 5%. The results of the study using simple linear regression showed that SC has a positive effect on Sharia banking performance in Indonesia. This means that the higher the SC level, the BUS performance level will also increase.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

The Effect of Internal Control, Information Technology and Audit on Good Amil Governance Practices: Evidence from BAZNAS Kalimantan, Indonesia

This study aims to investigate the effect of the implementation of internal control, the use of information technology and audit on good amil governance. The respondents are the chairman and amil (employees) of the National Board of Zakat of South Kalimantan. This research employs explanative approach using questionnaires as the data collection technique. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the SmartPLS 3 software is used to analyse the data. This study finds that the variables of internal control, information technology, and audit have significant and positive impact on good amil governance.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Income smoothing behavior and the procyclical effect of loan loss provisions in Islamic banks

Purpose – This study aims to test whether loan loss provisions in Islamic banks is procyclical by explicitly examining the link between non-discretionary provisions and loan growth. In the next stage, this paper tests whether the link between non-discretionary provisions and loan growth is conditional on bank capitalization and lending. This is to identify whether bank-specific factors affect the procyclicality of non-discretionary provisions and whether such procyclicality can be explained by income smoothing in banks with different capitalization and loan profiles. Design/methodology/approach – This study is conducted in four stages. The first stage identifies the determinants of loan loss provisions. The second stage investigates whether income smoothing is affected by capitalization and lending activities. In the third stage, the link between non-discretionary provisions and loan growth is examined. In the fourth stage, this paper tests whether the link between non-discretionary provisions and loan growth is affected by bank capitalization and lending. A two-way panel-fixed effect model is used. Findings – Non-discretionary provisions are procyclical, particularly for banks with lower capitalization and lending activities, because such banks do not conduct income smoothing. Specifically, banks with lower capitalization experience a decline in loan growth when non-discretionary provisions to cover credit risk increase. Research limitations/implications – The dataset used in this study follows Soedarmono et al. (2017) and does not enable to differentiate types of financing products in Islamic banks that may exacerbate or mitigate the procyclicality of non-discretionary provisions. Originality/value – This paper extends prior literature on the procyclicality of loan loss provisions by specifically investigating the influence of non-discretionary provisions on loan growth in Islamic banks and whether such relationship depends on the role of income smoothing undertaken by banks with different levels of capitalization and lending. This paper builds on the work of Soedarmono et al. (2017) in which they do not explicitly examine the relationship between loan loss provisions and loan growth.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022


Organizations underpressure to manage businessrisks are increasingly relying on the role of internal auditor for help in achieving these objectives. Internal auditors are meeting to challenge to add value in various ways. Their strategies include transforming their role to bring the auditing function closer to management needs. This transformation cannot occur unless the auditor and the all level of management start to think differently about the role of internal auditor. Changing current paradigms, adding training and hiring new personnel may be required to achieve these goals.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

The procyclicality of loan loss provisions in Islamic banks

From a sample of Islamic banks around the world from 1997 to 2012, this paper examines whether loan loss provisioning in Islamic banks is procyclical. Our empirical findings highlight that loan loss provisioning in Islamic banks remains procyclical, although the „expected‟ loan loss model (E-LLM) has been implemented for Islamic banks in several countries. A closer investigation further documents that Islamic banks also use loan loss provisions for discretionary managerial actions, especially related to capital management in which loan loss reserves and provisions are inflated when bank capitalization declines. Eventually, this paper highlights that higher capitalization can mitigate the procyclicality of loan loss provisions in Islamic banks. In other words, loan loss provisioning becomes countercyclical for Islamic banks with higher capitalization. This paper therefore casts doubts on the adoption of the E-LLM for Islamic banks to promote countercyclical effects, because the E-LLM may be influenced by managerial discretion, including opportunistic capital management using loan loss provisions that may undermine the importance of maintaining sufficient bank capitalization.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022


This paper attempts to assess the demand and supply of liquidity in Islamic banks. Firstly, it starts by identifying the sources of short-term demand and supply of liquidity. Secondly it assesses the historical performance of the bank to manage liquidity. Thirdly this paper predicts the short-term future performance and investigates the resiliency of the industry against any liquidity pressure. ARIMA models are used for such purposes particularly to produce the estimated numbers. The paper finds that the industry has historically managed the liquidity very well. Nevertheless, the resiliency against liquidity pressures is not strong enough because it does not perform well when the irregular demand of liquidity or liquidity run occurs. As such, this paper suggests to Islamic banks to strengthen their liquid instruments, improve the liquidity management, business operations and further educate the Islamic banking principles to the public.


Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Des 2022

Identify the Issuance Problem of Corporate Green Sukuk in Indonesia

Sustainable financing is one of the international issues that has been widely discussed due to the issue of climate change. Green sukuk is one of the sustainable financing instruments that are sharia-compliant. However, companies in Indonesia have not shown interest in issuing corporate green sukuk. Various problems and challenges faced by the company to be able to issue corporate green sukuk. The purpose of this study is to know the problem of issuing corporate green sukuk in Indonesia and the best solutions that can be used. The research method used is Analytic Network Process (ANP). In this study, respondents came from experts of corporate green sukuk problems. Total respondents of this research were 5 peoples who came from academia, company actors and regulators. The results show that the main problem in issuing corporate green sukuk is the lack of understanding from market participants. Meanwhile, in terms of solutions, the incentive provided by the government is the main solution to encourage the issuance of corporate green sukuk.


Tanggal Publikasi: 23 Des 2022

Monetary Policy Literature in the History of Islamic Economic Thinking

One of the Government's strategies is to promote the welfare aspect of the community's economic life. Economic development can be carried out with various strategies. One of them is empowering the wealth of natural resources that have been created by God. The government can open mines of gold, silver, coal, kerosene, gas, tin, etc. that are stored in the bowels of the earth as a form of natural empowerment. From another dimension, to maximize the ability of the economy, the government can make monetary and fiscal policies. In this paper, the author will explain how the government's monetary and fiscal policies in economic empowerment. Broadly speaking, the Islamic version of monetary policy is different from the non-Islamic version of monetary policy. This article focuses on the discussion of monetary policy in the history of Islamic economic thought, which will discuss how monetary policy was carried out in the early days of Islamic rule, starting from the time of the Prophet, his companions, to classical and contemporary economic thinkers. The explanations and descriptions that will be presented in this article can provide benefits both theoretically and practically regarding monetary policy in classical civilization, and its suitability for the present. The method used in writing this article uses a literature review approach, is used to collect relevant information related to monetary policy in the history of Islamic economic thought, secondary data in this article is collected from various research reports in order to obtain an explanation more comprehensive. The impact of monetary policy on the economy at the beginning of the Islamic Government was seen by the increasing demand for Aggregate Demand from the community after moving to Medina by bringing together muhajirin and ansar. With this brotherhood, each ansar is responsible for the muhajirin so that the distribution of income from ansar to muhajirin increases and has an impact on increasing the total demand of the community and resulting in an increase in resources, labor, land and capital.


Tanggal Publikasi: 23 Des 2022


This study aims to analyze the investment decision of banks and measures their investment preferences in IILM sukuk with IILM sukuk preference index. The investment decision is investigated from several factors, such as the structure of IILM sukuk, the currency used in the transaction IILM sukuk, tenors of IILM sukuk, covenants used in the transaction, marketability of IILM sukuk and IILM sukuk rating. This study also attempts to inform the features that can attract banks to invest in IILM sukuk. This study used quantitative method to calculate the index of banking investment decision on IILM sukuk. The result of this research explains that the index of banking investment decisions includes in the high category. The index investment decisions show a high index, but up to now banks have not invested in IILM sukuk. This needs in-depth education and socialization to banks related to IILM sukuk, and providing periodic information is really essential, so banks can get the latest information about IILM sukuk. Another factor that restricts bank investment in sukuk IILM is internal bank policies. Until now, banks still manage their funds by using investment instruments issued by the state or domestic sukuk. The recommendations for sukuk is related to IILM first appointment of primary dealers, and the institutions are expected to appoint IILM primary dealers located in Indonesia in order to facilitate buying and selling transactions of IILM sukuk. Furthermore, the selection of IILM tenor sukuk is expected to have miraculous tenor selection to meet the needs of banks. Further provision of rating is expected to not only IILM sukuk but also the standardized IILM institution to create more reliable institutions that are able to add the investors.


Tanggal Publikasi: 23 Des 2022

Effects of Global Economic Variables to Indonesian Government Securities

This study examines the impact of global economic factors including interest rates, exchange rate, world oil prices, and world gold prices on local currency sovereign conventional bonds and sukuk indices in the Indonesian bond market. The study covers the period August 2009 to December 2018 and uses of the monthly data by applying the dinamic econometric models. The results of this study prove that the movement of the exchange rate, world oil prices, and world gold prices have a significant impact on the movement of the local currency sovereign conventional bonds and sukuk indices in the Indonesian bond market. While global interest rates does not have an effects on the movement of the local currency sovereign conventional bonds and sukuk indices in Indonesian bond market. Based on this study, bond and sukuk holders need to pay attention to exchange rate, world oil prices, and world gold prices movements. When the bond market conditions are good, gold can be used as an instrument for portfolio diversification, but not vice versa. In maintaining the performance of conventional bonds and sukuk, the Government needs to maintain stability of exchange rate volatility, maintain oil prices to control inflation, and strengthen the domestic investor base. In addition, this study can also enrich the literature in the capital market, especially the Government bond market, both SUN and SBSN.


Tanggal Publikasi: 23 Des 2022

STUDY OF ISLAMIC MONETARY POLICY LITERATURE: (Effectiveness of Real Sector Performance Strengthening)

The purpose of this article is to analyze how effective the Islamic monetary policy system is in maintaining or improving the performance of the real sector. And how Islamic monetary economic policy is able to maintain stability between the real sector and the monetary sector compared to the implementation of conventional monetary economic policy. The research design uses library research design (library study design). namely a research by studying, researching and reviewing relevant library materials. The data collection method used in this study is documentation, namely the method of data collection by reviewing various books (literature) that are relevant to the subject matter to be studied. With data analysis techniques using content analysis techniques, (Content Analysis) is research that is in-depth discussion of the contents of a written or printed information in the mass media. Which in the analysis it was found that Islamic monetary policy is effective in improving the performance of the real sector.


Tanggal Publikasi: 23 Des 2022

Islamic Monetary Instruments Contribution to Economic Growth: Literature Study

In Islamic economics, the monetary sector and the real sector must be able to go side by side. Even the monetary sector must follow developments for the real sector. The goal of Islamic economics is the creation of economic justice through equitable distribution of income, one of which is seen from the growth of the real sector, which is a representation of the level of productivity and welfare of the community. This is directly related to the business world. Therefore, when the level of community productivity increases, it will aggregately affect economic growth. On the other hand, one of the monetary instruments in Islamic economics is Islamic banking. This means that the increasing performance of Islamic banking must be in line with the increase of the real sector. The purpose of this study is to analyze the contribution of increasing Islamic banking performance to economic growth through a literature study related to a qualitative approach, where the collected literature is analyzed by content analysis and the data is triangulated to make a conclusion. The findings of this study indicate that Islamic monetary instruments in the Islamic banking case contribute to economic growth through an increase from the real sector


Tanggal Publikasi: 23 Des 2022

The Influence Of Financial Performance, Macroeconomic Indicators and Systemic Risk On Manufacturing Sector Sharia Share Return

The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the effect of financial performance as measured using Return On Assets (ROA), Current Ratio (CR) and Earning Per Share (EPS), macroeconomic indicators using the BI rate, exchange rate and inflation as well as adding systematic risk as the intervening variable on sharia stock returns in the manufacturing sector on the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI). The research sample was 51 companies with a range of observations from 2016 to 2020, using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method and IBM AMOS (Analysis of Structural Moment) V.22 software for testing the available data. The findings of the direct test results show that financial performance and systematic risk have an effect on Islamic stock returns, while macroeconomic indicators have no effect. The test results through the intervening variable found that financial performance had an effect, but macroeconomic indicators still had no effect on Islamic stock returns through systematic risk. Activities in the consumer goods industry and basic industry which have always been the main needs are the reason why issuers in the manufacturing sector at ISSI are not affected by changes in macroeconomic indicators.


Tanggal Publikasi: 23 Des 2022

Business Strategy Analysis For Spin-Off and Islamic Banking Growth: Canvas Business Model Approach

(“UUS” – Unit Usaha Syariah) in each conventional bank must begin preparing for spin-offs process following the OJK policy which they must be spin-off before July 2023. However, there are still many “UUS” that need to be spin-off into BUS, where UUS is part of the Islamic Business Unit in every conventional bank (“BUK” – Bank Umum Konvensional).The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of business strategy for supporting the spin-off process “UUS” become “BUS” and business strategy for Islamic banking growth by utilizing the Canvas business model approach. This research was conducted using SWOT analysis methods to confirm the effective business strategies for spin-offs through analysis of existing business strategies at “UUS” with utilizing the nine blocks of Canvas's business model (Customer Segment, Value Proposition, Customer Relations, Channel, Revenue Stream, Main Activity, Main Resources, Major Partners and Cost Structure). The results of this study show that business strategy on "Growth Strategy" and "Rapid Growth Strategy" are aligned with "Leveraging with Dual Banking Leverage Model" that has been implemented in "UUS". The results showed that business strategy with dual banking leverage model (DBLM) is an effective strategy to support spin-off and growth of Islamic Banking.