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Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Adab Al Nafs: A Review of Al Mawardy’s Moral Education Philosophy

Moral education has becoming an increasingly popular topic in the fields of psychology and education. It is in line with contemporary one of the greatest problem that has confronted human society is a moral problem. Our society is full of depravity, irresponsibility, and dishonesty. While not all of these social concerns are moral in nature, moreover almost the entire population had no more sense of morality. In other side performance of our educational institution not promising yet even more complicated. Hence, this paper intended to refresh our framework in respect to what exactly philosophical basis to build our morality and suggest Al Mawardy’s model of human morality in his book Adab al Dunya wa al Din, especially in part of Adab al Nafs as part of our desire in back to the right track of moral education.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022


This study attempts to determine the factors of flooding in Kelantan's, especially in areas near the Kelantan River, Galas River and Lebir River. By using the OLS estimator on the primary data in 2014, a total of 400 questionnaires were distributed among heads of household, and owner of business premises in the district of Manek Urai, Dabong, Tanah Merah, Kota Bharu and Pasir Mas. The result shows that income per capita, number of households, distance from the river and willingness to pay can reduce a flood risk. These findings are useful to the policy maker to propose the solution to minimize the flood risk, particularly in area that exposed to disaster.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

The Impact Of Zakat Accounting Standard (Safs Sharia No.109) On The Performance Of Zakat Institutions In Indonesia

This paper aims to examine the influence of accounting standards (SAFS Sharia No.109) for zakat on the financial performance of zakat institutions. This study has employed Difference in Difference (DiD) test and Panel data regression in order to achieve the objective of study. This study found that there is a difference in zakat institution performance between the pre and post adoption of SAFS in the DiD test. However, panel regression results show that there is no significant change in the adoption of SAFS Sharia No.109 to the zakat institution financial performance. A plausible reason for insignificant relation is that SAFS Sharia No.109 has not yet faithfully adhered by zakat institutions in their reporting, particularly with respect to the zakat for productive purpose (Alim, 2015). On the other hand, this study also found that zakat fund collection and zakat institution equity have significant impact on the performance of zakat institutions in Indonesia.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Big Five Personality As Moderating The Effect Of Islamic Financial Planning

Islamic financial planning is a making process of financial planning in prudence to make it compatible with Islamic law in order to achieve the level of Al-Falah, that is the blessing of dunya and the salvation of akhira. Yet, with the importance of Islamic financial planning, the individuals who apply the Islamic financial planning in managing their wealth are still rare. So that this research intends to discover the influence of Islamic financial literacy towards each individual’s Islamic financial planning, and moderation effects given by the big five personality trait. The researcher used the simple regression test to find out the Islamic financial literacy effects towards the Islamic financial planning, and used the analysis of moderated multiple regression (MMR) to take the idea that the big five personality trait can moderate the Islamic financial literacy effects towards the Islamic financial planning. The data is collected by using the survey technique through questionnaire distribution to 115 moslem entrepreneurs in Bandung area. The result of this research shows that the Islamic financial literacy influences the Islamic financial planning significantly, and the big five personality trait partially moderates that influence. Furthermore, the conscientiousness and opennes to experience personality trait moderate the influence of Islamic financial literacy towards Islamic financial planning, while the other three of big five personality trait do not moderate.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

The Perception on the Relation between Religion and Science: A Cross Culture Study in the Malaysian Society

The study reports a research which was conducted on 640 respondents of Malaysian society to know their perception on the relation between science and religion. The study was conducted throughout the country of Malaysia involving male and female respondents from the age of 20 to 50 years from various ethnics and religious backgrounds. The study was conducted by using the questionnaire method in which the respondents were asked to respond to given statements on the relation between science and religion and the importance of religion and science for human being. The booklets of questionnaire were collected to be analysed using the SPSS to obtain the mean response according to the ethnic, religious and academic background. T-test were also conducted if the means responses were significantly different. The findings of the study show that generally the respondents accept that science leads people closer to god. The mean response between the different ethnic group’s means was also significant. Moreover, the finding also shows that the respondent accept the importance of religion and science for the well being of the people


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Investigating Zakat Institution Performance in Indonesia: a DnD analysis on PSAK Shariah No.109

This study aims to seek the impact of zakat accounting standards (PSAK Shariah No.109) adoption on the financial performance of zakat institutions. This study employed the Difference in Difference (DiD) test and Panel data regression using the data from 5 national scale zakat institutions in Indonesia from 2006 to 2019. This study found a difference in zakat institution performance between the pre and post-adoption of PSAK Shariah No.109, both in the DiD test and Panel data regression model.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Governing Baitul Mal towards 2020; Issues and Challenges: Indonesia Experiences

Baitul-Mal is normally known as one of financial institution in Islam. This point is true because presently Baitul-Mal‟s role is more prominent in terms of providing assistance and contributions to reduce the poverty in the Muslim country. The rapid global economic changes towards 2020 clearly impact to the Baitul Mal as a Socio-economics institution, politically and economically. This paper tries to explore and examine some basic issues and challenges in the development of Baitul Mal facing economic transformation 2020 in the Indonesian context.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022


Education is un-separated part of the human society as old as life itself. Human societies time bytime have had vested interests in education. The societies always agree to acknowledge theimportance of education, even a large number of them fail to provide sufficient resources thatcan be used as support to educational institutions and activities. Waqf as an institution andIslamic finance instrument has a direct and un-direct effect to upgrade the capabilities of theneedy and enhance their quality of life by providing access to education facilities. Hence, theWaqf institution surely can accommodate the issue of financing for government’s educationexpenditure in its effective and comprehensive approach. Thus, the main objective of this paperis to propose the model of Waqf financing for reducing government’s education expenditure byusing cost benefit analysis. The methodology of this research is a qualitative research towardsliterature related to Waqf. The general finding of this paper shows that there is should a strongwillingness from government to devote and make Waqf institution as one of financing capitalfor education expenditure.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

The Role of Religious Education in Promoting the Islamic Banking System among the Young Muslim Generation: A Case Study

The paper reports and discusses a study which was conducted on 490 Muslim respondents from the young generation between the ages 18 to 40 years. The study aimed to identify the popularity of the Islamic banking system among the students of the National University of Malaysia, and the role of Islamic education in promoting the Islamic banking system to the respondents. The findings of the study could be used to popularise further the Islamic banking system in the country. The respondents were selected randomly from The National University of Malaysia. Each respondent was given a booklet of questionnaires containing statements with given choices of yes or no answers as well as the open ended questions. The responses were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), to obtain the percentages of the responses. The findings of the study indicated that the Islamic banking system was very popular among the younger generation. About 63% of respondents kept their savings in the Islamic banking system. The findings also shown that the respondents who are most inclined towards the system were those who had been educated in the Islamic education system. 85.0% of the students of the Islamic Studies Faculty saved their money in the Islamic banking system, followed by the respondents from the Faculty of Education (73%) and also the Faculty of Law (72.3%). The controlled groups i.e. the respondents from the other faculties, where the Islamic education was not thought, the percentages of the respondents who saved in the Islamic banking system were much lower.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022


The first Islamic Market which was founded by the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) and his companions after establishing Nabawi Mosque is Anshar Market (Suuq al-Anshar) in Medina, where at the time the construction of mosque by the Caliphs also followed by establishing the market. This model shows us the emergence of market in building of economy among the Moslem Community, the market was established on Islamic value where the people from every country can visit and join in economic transaction without any hindrance, tax, rent, and other expenses so that the Islamic market has more ability to compete fairly than other markets. The Islamic market mechanism was free from any intervene in determining of price, even the government only take the role of supervisor to ensure the enactment of disturbance on the market such as overview, fraud, and other market distortions. The structure of the Islamic market is perfectly competitive market where prices are determined by forces of supply and demand. This system was brought the Moslem community as the advance society with prosperity and peace as we called in recent time by civil society. But, this system was not famous among the economic system in today, and it is will become solution for developing Islamic market in order Islamic community and civil society.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Local Knowledge, Public Policy and Poverty Reduction: A Review on Indonesia Experiences

The community based Local knowledge, basically is an adaptation strategies that arise from within the community itself in fixing socially problem related to the life of society itself. Since local knowledge is the result of interaction between the community and the environment, it is needed to help the community living independently. Hence the local knowledge is the core of efforts to reduce poverty that exists and grows in the community and as the big part of from the process of poverty alleviation programs. The complexity of poverty not only can be overcome by purely economic approach, but it is associated with the dynamics of social, political and cultural that inherent in a community. The multidimensional problems requires synergy between government policy, community and local knowledge itself. This paper attempts to describes the frameworks of Indonesian policy to link the three sectors to empower the poor exit from poverty problem


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Net Profit Margin Determinants of Islamic Subsidiaries of Conventional Banks in Malaysia

This study investigates the determinants of Net Profit Margin (NPM) in Malaysia’s Islamic banking system for the period of 2011-2015 by using static panel data analysis. In Malaysia, conventional banks through its Islamic subsidiary banks are dominating the Islamic banking system in terms of total assets, total loans and total deposits. Therefore this paper attempts to investigate the impact of these Islamic subsidiaries of conventional banks towards the NPM. In relation to that, the impact of the conventional parent banks’ Net Interest Margin (NIM) towards its Islamic subsidiary banks’ NPM is also investigated. For the first objective, the displayed results shows positive relationship indicating that the Islamic subsidiaries of conventional banks’ NPM is higher than the full-fledge Islamic banks’ NPM. While the empirical results on the banks’ specific variables suggest that size, risk aversion and operating cost are positively related to NPM. However, credit risk tends to reduce NPM. Besides that, this study also finds that market concentrations and GDP growth will influence NPM in negative ways whilst inflation and Islamic stock market developments will increase NPM. Liquidity however is found insignificant to NPM. As for the second objective, the Islamic subsidiaries of conventional banks’ NPM is observed as being independent from its conventional parent banks’ NIM.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

The Role of Religion in Social Cohesion within the Contemporary Muslim Society in Malaysia: Revisited

This study reports the findings of a research involving 400 respondents from all over the country to investigate the effect of industrialisation, modernisation and urbanisation to social cohesion of the Muslim society in Malaysia. The respondents were drawn from all segments of the society, male and female from the age of 16 to 60 years old. Every respondent was given a booklet of questionnaire with statements to be responded. Each statement was provided with five choices of responses ranging from 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Not sure, 4. Disagree, and 5. Strongly disagree. The questions were related to social issues including the issues of social cohesion such as the relations with the neighbours. The relationship with neighbour is an indicator of the social cohesion. The respondent was given 30 minutes to respond to the questionnaire, and the booklets were collected to be analysed using the SPSS. The findings show that social cohesion within the contemporary society changes with urbanisation since the finding show that social cohesion stronger in villages where modernisation and urbanisation effect is not strong compared to those who live in towns and big cities. The finding has also shown that there was a significant difference between the rural social cohesion and the urban social cohesion.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022


Social justice in the Islamic economy is based on spiritual commitment and the concept of universal brotherhood among human beings which requires that all resources be sacred trust God, used to realize Maqashid Shari’ah, it is the fulfillment of human life. This paper describes the theory of social justice that focus on Islamic financial. The foundation of Islamic justice can be seen from al-Qur’an Surah al-Hadid: 25 affirming that justice has been emphasized by the Qur’an as the primary mission of the Prophets sent by God Almighty, including economic justice and the elimination of the income gap. Social justice in Islam is the implication of the fundamental principle underlying all the teachings of Islam, namely monotheism. At the level of practice, Islam prohibits usury, Islam seeks to build a society based on honesty and fairness. Justice in this context has two dimensions, namely the financiers are entitled to a reward, but should be commensurate with the risk and effort required, and the reward is determined by the profit. Implementation of Islamic justice theory in Islamic finance can be seen from mudharabah and Musharaka or commonly known as a profit and loss sharing.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Policy Environment and Small and Medium Enterprises Investment in the Ghanaian Oil and Gas Industry

Policy environment particularly local content legislatures in most emerging economies where oil and gas are produced have become major development agenda of host countries and stakeholders alike. Apparently, efforts are made to enact local content legislature as a means of optimizing oil and gas benefits. Per contra, mixed results had been ascertained with regards to outcome of these policies. This study was conducted to determine how dimensions of policy environment impact on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) investment in the Ghanaian oil and gas sector. This study relied on primary data and structured questionnaire to elicit data from 497 Ghanaian SMEs across different industries. Using explanatory research design and binominal regression model we found that Skills and expertise development policy, local workforce education policy, employment policy and macro-economic environment policy significantly increase the odd of SMEs investment in the Ghanaian oil and gas sector. However, technology transfer, research and development policies exert insignificant influence on SMEs investment decisions. This study has implications on oil and gas policy reforms, investment decisions and future research. Particularly we recommend replication of this study within other emerging economies.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

IFRS Based Zakat Reporting: Adoption Rational Western Method Into Institutional Accountability

This study aims to evaluate the characteristics of zakat institution and proposes the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) since it has developed and provides various product i.e zakat for productive purpose. This is important, considering that one of the measurement of accountability and transparency of an institution is providing brief financial report towards its beneficaries. Thereby, this study found that practically zakat institution is simillar to the SMEs, and there are 11 strandard of IFRS for SMEs that could be applicable to zakat institutionto achieve accountability and transparency. However, this study is preliminary study that proposes a conceptual frameworkwhich limited to the sharia compliance of IFRS that could be applicable to zakat Institution.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Factors Affecting Director Remuneration: A Study of Manufacturing Companies Listed on ASEAN State Stock Exchanges

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of financial distress, rewards and company performance using return on assets (ROA), managerial ownership, ownership concentration, directors’ composition and leverage on directors’ remuneration with company size, leverage and company age as control variables. The study population comprised manufacturing companies in the food and beverage sector listed on the ASEAN state stock exchange. The study used a purposive sampling method. The sample number consisted of 68 manufacturing companies. The data used are secondary data obtained from ASEAN state stock exchanges. Data analysis used multiple linear regression. The results indicate that ROA, managerial ownership, ownership concentration, firm size and leverage have a significant effect on directors’ remuneration, while financial distress, reward, company age and state have no significant effect on directors’ remuneration. The implications of study mean that boards of directors can conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the directors’ remuneration system by establishing a team that has the authority to provide input and formulation of a remuneration system that meets the principle of fairness.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Islamism and Democratization in Indonesia Post-Reformation Era: Socio-Political Analysis

In general, this paper will explore features and patterns of Islamism in Indonesia after the downfall of Suharto’s regime in which people called it as reformation era. In Indonesian context, the Islamism at least have four characteristics; (i) promoting Islam as a sole basis in transforming society, (ii) acknowledging Islam as an ideology, (iii) among at the establishment of Islamic state, (iv) which is characterised by implementing Shari`ah laws in daily lives. These four attributes may be used in capturing the growth of Muslim’s perception on state and democracy in the era of Islamic revival. The above views spread in the various streams or any schools existed in Indonesia, both Islamic movements and other form that is very influential in the process of democracy in Indonesia.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022


This paper aims at calculating and analyzing the Index of Syariah Financial Inclusion (ISFI) during the period of 2015-2018 and its correlation with poverty level in Indonesia. Using the secondary data of 33 provinces in Indonesia from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Bank Indonesia and Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and Index of Financial Inclusion (IFI) method, this paper found that the Index of Syariah Financial Inclusion is generally low and DKI Jakarta is the most financially inclusive province of Indonesia. Furthermore, the results show that the Index of Syariah Financial Inclusion is negatively correlated with the poverty level. This conclusion suggests the promotion of Syariah Financial Inclusion to be a policy priority in Indonesia to achieve the central goals of inclusive growth, welfare and economic development.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Des 2022

Financing profitability optimization: case study on sharia business unit of regional development banks in Indonesia

The study aims to examine the financing profitability optimization as recorded by Sharia Business Unit of Regional Development Banks (RDBs) in Indonesia. The profitability measured by Net Operating Margin (NOM) and predicted variables were tested with the ratio of Operational Cost to Operational Income (BOPO), Non-Performing Financing (NPF) and Profit Sharing Financing (PSF). On the basis of the literature review conducted, the study proposed five path coefficients to impact NOM, of which the constructed direct path to NOM was three and two for indirect paths. Time series data used were obtained from annual reports and publication reports. Using Pearson Correlation and Path Analysis, the study has found that BOPO, PSF, and NPF contributed to impact to NOM directly, and PSF impacted NOM indirectly through BOPO. Interestingly, PSF recorded a negative impact on NOM, suggesting inefficiency matters faced by SBU of RDBs not contributed from PSF. Another interesting finding, NPF was found insignificant to BOPO, indicating loan default is not a major matter for inefficiency issue, but could be a tight financing policy